4th period- Shut up, it's art.

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

"Hmmm.... I hope she's okay..." Jin-Ah mumbled sipping on her coffee.  She had went to the office again after walking Na Moon to class and fixed herself a cup. It was her way of staying awake until lunch so she wouldn't fall asleep in her food (last time she almost drowned in her kimichi soup). She thought about Na Moon's face after Principal Kyu ripped the book up.

Rest in pieces, man on man....

It was always akward when Na Moon cried. Her face twisted in the most heartbreaking way. That face always made Jin-Ah worry and she couldn't stop thinking of her poor friend. Jin-Ah stopped walking.

"Cuz I can't stop thinking 'bout you girl~!" she sang loudly. She started dancing and almost spilled her coffee." Na na na naaaa sumthin suuumthiiinn~" She was mid when a voice yelled at her from behind.

"YAH! Du Jin-Ah! Stop that and go to class!"

Jin-Ah turned to see Mr. Zhou scowling at her. She smiled and waved at him. "Hiiiiii Mr. Zhou~."

He rolled his eyes and walked off yelling."Class!"

Teehee...he's so cute... She smiled and strolled to the art room humming and sipping on her coffee.


Jin-Ah walked into the green and lively art room excited for todays class. Art was her favorite subject mainly because she loved doing crafts but also because Mr. Lau, the teacher was so cool. He insisted on everybody talking and sitting in little groups to make new friends. Because of that, the first class was akward but now Jin-Ah had friends other than Na Moon to mess with. Jin-Ah saw a familar figure talking and smirked evily. With a hop, skip, jump, and a dash, she was on the poor er's back in a flash. (;D yeah, i made a rhyme. Cuz i'm coo like that >.>)

"Keeeyyyy~" Jin-Ah cried, rubbing her cheek against his roughly.

"Ahhck get off!" he cried, " Aish, why can't you just hug like normal people," he said pulling her off laughing.She smiled at him then stepped back and frowned.

"Key, darling..... you changed your uniform again?"

He nodded and clapped his hands excitedly. "Isn't it fab?" He did a 360 so she could get a full view. Jin-Ah just shook her head and looked at his new spin on the schools blue and black plaid uniform.


His plaid pants had been transformed into skinnies and had a chain attached to them. The usual plain white collared shirt had been transformed into a stylish sleevless top with a blue and black scarf insted of a tie.

"Seriously Key, last week it was ripped pants and suspenders and now this. How many versions of the uniform do you have?"

Key just shrugged. "As many as I need. I hate wearing the same thing as everybody else. It's so.. not fab." He sat down at a table and started taking pictures with his cell.

Mr. Lau walked into the classroom and patted Jin-Ah on the back. "Hey you! You awake for this period, or do I need to grab you some coffee?" He laughed, his puffy cheeks puffing up even more.

My god..... I just wanna squeeze em! "Yeah haha I'm awake for this period. "

"Good," he said still smiling that adorable smile of his,". It's a free expression day and I want you to make something. Have a seat." He walked her and Key over to a table and sat them down. Mr. Lau began his lesson on emotions and free expression  while Jin-Ah listened intently before being bothered by Key.

"Yah..... Du Jin-Aaahh~," he pouted leaning on her shoulder. She didn't look at him, her eyes were wide and focused on Mr. Lau.

"Duuuu Jiiiiiinn Aaaahh."


He poked her cheeks and she smacked his hands away.

"Play with meee! I'm bored!"

"No. Shut up, I'm trying to learn for once."

Suddenly the door to the classroom slid open and Jonghyun walked in. "Sorry Mr. Lau. I was.... in the bathroom."

Mr. Lau nodded at Jonghyun. "Nah its cool," he said walking over and patting Jong on the back. "Why don't you sit next tooo... hmm... Du Jin-Ah. I don't think I've ever seen you guys talk to each other much and you should make some new friends." He smiled at the boy and walked off to help other students.

Jong looked at Jin-Ah and sighed. Again with this freak....  Oh well, at least Key's here.

"Jooonnggiee~ I missed you babe!" Key chirped smacking him on the playfully.

He winked and sat down next to Key laughing. "So, what are we doing?"

"Being bored," Key moaned putting his head on the table. Jonghyun laughed and starting playing with his hair. Jin-Ah sat quietly staring off into space.

Jonghyun looked over at her."So..... what are we really doing today?" Jin-Ah stood up and walked away.

Damn it was just a question... don't have to be a about it.

"Wait, where you going?" Key called after her. 

Jonghyun watched Jin-Ah go to the back of the classroom and start rummaging through supplies.

"Hey," he whispered to Key,"What's wrong with her? Why are you even hanging out with her?"

Key looked at Jonghyun like he had asked the dumbest thing in the world. "Uh, because she's my friend? Duh." He rolled his eyes.

"But whyyyy are you friends with her?"

Key shrugged his shoulders and propped his legs on the table. "Chick's got swagg," he said simply.

Jonghyun just shook his head. What the hell is he talking about? What swagg?

Jin-Ah returned to the table with a box of crayons and a stack of paper. She smiled at Jonghyun, her face completly different from before. "Free expression," she said cheerfully.

Jonghyun stared at her. "....What?"

"The answer to your question," she handed him and Key a piece of paper then set the box of crayons on the table between them,"Today Mr. Lau said we're doing free expression."

"Oh..." he mumbled scratching his head.

Ka-chik. Key snapped a picture of Jonghyun then and smiled showing it to Jin-Ah.

"Aww, you look cute!" she said laughing.

"Isn't he?" Key laughed with her.

Jonghyun blushed. "Yah! Quit taking pictures of me. I'll break up with you....btich" he said pouting. The hell did she call me..... cute? Psh..  he blushed harder.... I'm y at the least...

Key put his phone down and started coloring. "No you won't, you love me. And like I'd ever let you."

Jin-Ah smiled and began working on her project. She folded her paper in half then took a black marker and drew a rose. Next she drew lines all around the paper to seperate it into litltle sections and began coloring the sections.

Key, who had been doodling on his paper looked at Jin-Ah's. "Wow," he said," That looks cool."

Jonghyun looked up from his drawing and peeked. Woah.... it does look cool.  "Heh. For an idiot you're pretty good at art."

Jin-Ah smiled at him. "I know huh? I wanted to make something to cheer up Na Moon."

Jonghyun twitched at the mention of Na Moon's name. That .... ugh.

"Na Moon?" Key asked. Jonghyun twitched again. "Whats wrong with her? Did something happen?"

Jin-Ah looked from Key to Jonghyun. "Yeah," she said plainly. "Jonghyun got us in trouble and had her man on man ripped to shreds."

Key gasped and turned to Jonghyun. "You didn't!!" he shrieked. "Her man on man is like, her life line. Without it Na Moon's all boring and depressing...That is so not fab Jong. We're breaking up." he scooted his seat over closer to Jin-Ah.

"What? It's not my fault...it's hers" he said pointing at Jin-Ah, "..Get your back over here. It's not over till I say it's over." He dragged Key's chair back over to him.

Jin-Ah just shrugged and kept drawing. "Meh."

What the hell.... she's not gonna start ing at me like Na Moon? Hmm....she is weird...

Jin-ah interrupted his thoughts and grabbed his drawing.

"Hey! Give it back, I'm not done yet!"

"Let me see," Key said.

They both stared at the drawing, their faces blank. Slowly, their expressions changed to one of confusion and utter bewilderment.

"....What... is it?" Jin-Ah asked.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes reaching for his paper. "It's art," he said missing.

Key took his phone out and took a picture of the drawing. He stared at his phone. "It's a fail, that's what it is."

"Shut up," he glared reaching for his paper again.

Jin-Ah tilted her head and stared at the drawing some more then handed it back to Jonghyun. "It's a moose with blue jays on its antlers having a picnic with a pig." Key and Jonghyun stared at her.

"..... What?" Key asked confused.

"How...did you know?" Jonghyun asked his eyes wide in amazement. How the hell did she know?! Nobody understood his drawings without him explaining.... not even Mr. Lau!

Jin-Ah smiled her goofy smile. "I'm an idiot who's good at art, remember?"

Key stared at her, shaking his head with his mouth open. "That makes absolutely no sense, whatsoever." He shook his head again and went back to his drawing.

Jonghyun looked at his drawing and back at Jin-Ah. She's an idiot for sure.....but... she's a cool one. "Yah... Du Jin-Ah."

"Hm?" she looked back at him.

"Paaaabbooo," he said sticking out his tongue. She smiled and stuck her tongue back out at him, making a face. He threw his head back laughing as she smiled.

The three were casually talking and laughing when a tall, pretty girl walked up and sat on the table in front of Jin-Ah. Jonghyun looked up and smiled while Key scrunched up his face and poked Jin-Ah. She looked up and her smile immediately disappeared.

"Annyeong~" The girl said waving a hand and smiling at Jin-Ah slyly. 

Eugh.... IT has appeared. "Hey," she grunted with grimace.


Omo!! :O who is this chick and why does Jin-Ah not like her? Answers in the next chap!! Updaaaatee yayy!! Not really. I didn't like writing this chapter and I'm sure I won't like writing the next one since its basically a continutation. Its not funny, and bad stuff happens. ._. Sorry it took so long, and this was all you got. But hey, at least Henry's there! :D Ain't he precious?  and key finally made his appearance! Yay! Sigh.... i know its y right now. Bare with my for another chap and we'll get over this hurdle of serious/boring-ness together. -_-;  SORRY YOU GUYS. SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BABE! ~ <3

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milkytwilight_ #7