Story Time: Wookie's Surprise pt.2

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

(For the record, Na Moon, Jin-Ah, Wookie, and Onew attended the same middle school. The others weren't there at the time so that's why they aren't in the story. Just thought I'd clear that up since a few people seemed confused -nod nod-)

Na Moon chuckled as she looked at Taemin and his twin sister sniffling and dabbing at their eyes."What the hell are you guys crying for? Buncha ...."


"Its a sad story!" Taemin shot back defensively, "How can we not cry?"


"Un!" Soomin said nodding in agreement, "Umma.... you're such a tender-hearted person~" she wailed, faliling herself onto Jin-Ah. She proceeded to suffocate her in a warm embrace of age and tears until Na Moon was gracious enough to break the two apart and restore Jin-Ah's oxygen supply.

Wookie-seongsangnim just laughed and fumbled with the strings of his blue apron. "I never knew it was so....depressing until I heard it told to me like this.... how embarassing," he said giggling bashfully with his hands on cheeks.


Na Moon just looked at them and shook her head. "I was THERE and the wasn't even as sad as she's makin it. Yah, Du Jin-Ah," she swatted her on the arm,"Why are you turning this into some soppy trauma drama?"


Jin-Ah smiled at her sleepily and shrugged. "I watched It's Okay, Daddy's Girl last night. Now I'm all....sentimental and crap." She scooted closer to Na Moon and clung to her arm while resting her head on the girl's shoulder. "Daddy, tell me it's gonna be alright~ Tell me everything's gonna be okay, I wanna hear you say it."


Na Moon rolled her eyes and pushed Jin-Ah's face away with her hand. "Hurry up and finish the story, . I'm still hungry.


"Right then, " Jin-Ah said sitting up and clearing . Wookie smiled at her and nodded. "Go on, Jin-Ah. Finish the story."


"What happened next?" the twins asked simultaneously, wide eyed and focused.


"Well, the rest of the day I had a reeeaaal somber attitude 'cause of what was goin on with seongsang. I couldn't focus on my school work and ended up getting a detention and staying after school."


"My dumb self tried to help her and got a detention too," Na Moon added.


"What for?" asked Soomin.


"Passing notes during a' Ms. Harper" she said looking down at the floor with a scowl ".... old crusty ."


Wookie wagged his finger and frowned at her,"Now now, Na Moon, Ms. Harper was a wonderful lady.... given the crusty part. Anyway, hush and let Jin-Ah finish."


Jin-Ah smiled at the others and continued,"So, with nothing to do, I thought of what would make seongsangnim feel better..."




"Aish, this pabo... YAH!" Na Moon shouted smacking Jin-Ah in the back of the head. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You haven't fell asleep all day and your face has that same damn look on it. " She stood in front of the girl with her arms crossed and tapped her foot impatiently. "Stop it already. It's annoying."


Jin-Ah said nothing as she continued to gaze forward with twisted in puzzlement and her brows furrowed in thought. What can I do? ..... what can I do....I made a promise......what can I do..... what can I do.... what can I do.... the promise....what can I do... what can


She snapped out of her daze at the touch of Na Moon's fingers pushing out the creases in her forehead. "What?"


"Your face. It's annoying me so I'm changing it."


"Ouch... sorry my face doesn't please you.... Since when did you become my bully?" Jin-Ah pouted pushing her hands away. "I thought you loved me.... lying jerk....."


"Oh shut up, you know I love you," Na Moon said hopping on Jin-Ah's desk. "So what were you thinking about? Still worried about Wookie-seongsangnim?"


Jin-Ah nodded, the creases in her forehead coming back. "I have to do something...but I don't know what... " She sighed and laid her head in Na Moon's lap. "I wanna help him but, I feel so useless.." 


Moon the poor girl's hair pitifully and sighed as well. She looked out the window at yellow-orange rays of sunlight bathing the lush green schoolyard while remembering the scene of her teacher shedding pain filled tears. "Oh.... how this life can be so cruel."


Jin-Ah nodded, still pouting and poked her thigh. "So cruel...."


"Oh," Na Moon continued,"How this life can be so ishly unfair."


Jin-Ah nodded and poked the girl again. "Nn! So unfair...."


"Oh~" exclaimed Na Moon, throwing her head back and covering her forehead dramatically," How life can be so...BITTER!!"

Jin-Ah nodded once more, "Nn.... bitt....." She stopped poking Na Moon and thought. Wait.....bitter?...

"THAT'S IT!" she yelled jumping up and knocking Na Moon off the desk.




Jin-Ah looked at her friend beaming as Na Moon climbed back up to her perch on the desk.

"I've got it. I know what I'm gonna do."

"What?" Na Moon asked still gripping her chest from the near death experience.

"I know how I'm gonna help Wookie-seongsangnim..... I know how WE are gonna help Wookie-seongsangnim."

Na Moon blinked and looked at Jin-Ah incredulously. "WHAT? WEEE? Oh no. I'm not the one who made a promise, nu uh, that, you're on your own."

This time it was Jin-Ah who crossed her arms and tapped her foot. "Yang Na Moon," she said fiercly, staring at her with a disapproving gaze, "How could you say that after all the stuff seongsangnim has done for us?"

Na Moon scoffed and rolled her head to the side, looking away from Jin-Ah. 

Jin-Ah narrowed her eyes at the girl. "Oh  oh oh, did you forget? Did you forget all the stuff he did?" she walked back around into Na Moon's field of vision, "Did you forget the time we both decided to paint the hallways green and red for Christmas and almost got expelled, but seongsangnim stook up for us and said we were just decking the halls and spreading holiday cheer? Or when he saved us from blowing to bits when we dropped those cherry bombs in the free rice and kimchi stew?"

Na Moon turned away from Jin-Ah again. "Whatever..... we still got in trouble. And I told you putting the bombs in the rice was're the one who said it'd be cool..."

Jin-Ah didn't let up and walked back into Na Moon's gaze again with her eyes still squinty,"Shut up, I was young and naive."

"You still are.." Moon mumbled.

"Okay, okay, well how bout the time we went on the school field trip in the woods and got lost? You 'member? It was raining, and cold, and we had no freakin food, and I couldn't even sleep cause you were crying about getting stung by bees and choked by rabbits."

"That hurts!" Na Moon whined,"You ever get stung by a bee before? It hurts I tell ya!"


"ANYWAY," Jin-Ah said putting up her hand before Na Moon started rambling about her hate for insects and how the little bastards had it out to kill her,"  Who was the one that found us and got us back with the group, fed us, gave us dry clothes," she grabbed Moon's face and held it close to her own so they were eye to eye," And read us a bedtime story while rocking us to sleep in front of a fire?! WHO!?"


Na Moon bit her lip and sighed. "Wookie-seongsangnim...." she mumbled, ashamed she even rejected the idea of trying to make him happy.

"Thaaat's right," Jin-Ah said standing up triumphantly. "Wookie-seongsang has been there for us. Always. And now, we're gonna be there for him."

"Alright, alright you win." Na Moon nodded her head in defeat then paused and looked at Jin-Ah. "So? What's the great idea to cheer him up?"

Jin-Ah smiled at her mischeviously but Before she could give Na Moon an answer, the detention teacher walked in and kicked them out to go home.

"I'll show you later. Meet here, 10 o'clock tonight," she said grabbing her things and running off. "OH AND BRING SOME EGGS!!  ALOT OF 'EM!"

Moon stood there with an inquisitive look on her face.  Eggs? What the for?


OHOHOHOOOOO~ Finally another chap. Sorry, I promised you guys a butload but you only got like 4 chapters =.=;; shame. But I find that it's easier for me to update and think up the next chap if things are kept at a minimal pace and just work their way out naturally. ( code for: I couldn't think of crap while I was working on the summer reading thing so you get these short chapters .__. instead of long extra good and juicy ones.)

Anywho, on to the next chap!! SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BAAABBEE~ <3 !!!

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