Lunch Time: Tried to Hide in the Closet~!

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, BAM!!

Na Moon ran and slammed the door to the janitor's closet shut, standing against it breathing heavily. Damn! she thought, I didn't think he'd be so fast! She closed her eyes and sighed. "Finally lost him... I should kill Teacher Heenim for ever making me work with those freaks."


"Freaks? Thats a little harsh don't you think?" a voice asked from the darkness.

Na Moon snapped her eyes open and looked around the tiny closet in fear. The hell is the light switch?! She fumbled her hand along the wall until she found the switch and flicked it on.


"'s just you." Na Moon said, losing all interest and fear in the person who had spoke. 

"Yah, what do you mean "it's just you"? This is THE Choi Minho you're talking about, here." He sat crouching on the ground with his knees spread and hands in between. 

"Oh shut up," Na Moon said rolling her eyes,"You look like a damn frog, sitting like that." Minho stood up turning his glare face on and walking towards her. (Minho's Glare Beam: on)


"You shut up. Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be helping Taemin with the project?"

Na Moon groaned and leaned against the wall, moving away from Minho and his chilling glare. "I tried but he kept whining at me to solve his damn word search so I did and he gave me another one and another one and well , he just didn't stop! I told him I didn't wanna do them anymore and he looked at me like I'd just killed his cat and drank all his milk."


Na Moon closed her eyes and massaged her temples, remembering the endless flow of hidden words and the anxiety she felt trying to find them before Taemin begged her to do another one. It wasn't like she had to, but something about the boy's whining and begging made her feel obligated.

Minho tilted his head and started to pace in the tiny closet. "But you did drink all his milk. I remember you did that before I left." 


It was Na Moon's turn to glare. "So? He'll get over it....but you," she growled vehemently at Minho.

He stopped pacing and turned to her,"Me? What did I do?"

"Your - left me ALONE with him and ran off here."

He shrugged and continued to pace. "I wanted to do some thinking."

"..... So you go to a janitor's closet and sit alone in the dark?"

He stopped pacing again and stared at her as if it was the most obivious thing in the world. "Yeah. Its quiet and there's no Taemin or crazy fangirls like you to bother me."

Moon scoffed,"Please. The only Minho I'd fangirl over is Lee."

Minho turned away pouting, a little hurt by her words. "It's awalys Lee Minho....." he mumbled.

Na Moon sighed and sat down on the ground leaning her head on a shelf of cleaning supplies. "I'm tired... and my brain hurts. I'm gonna nap, don't bother me." Jin-Ah's habits are rubbing off on me...

"Wait, you can't sleep here. Get out."

Na Moon lifted her head shocked. "Bwoh? Why not?!"

"This is my spot, go find your own."

She stood up and crossed her arms. "Oh really? Well I don't see your name on it, so HAH!" Minho gave her a smug smirk and walked over to the shelf of cleaning supplies. He pushed away some bottles of window cleaner to reveal a message scribbled on the wall. "This closet is hereby dubbed as Minho's Thinking Spot by Choi Minho, The Flaming Charisma." He turned to Na Moon. "See it now?"


"Psshhtt," Na Moon said waving her hand at him. " I'll sleep where ever I damn well please, thank you very much." She sat back down with her knees to her chest and closed her eyes. "Run along peasant." 

The handsome boy looked down at her glaring. (Minho's Glare Beam: intensityx2) "Peasant? I'm a Prince, you wench. Know your place." He kicked her foot lightly.

"Che, a Frog Prince," she scoffed.

Minho opend his mouth to say something when he heard a familar voice on the other side of the door and froze in horror.

"Hyu~ng! Where are you?" Taemin called.

Na Moon looked at him and smirked evily, whispering in a creepy voice, "Heeee's heeeereee".

Taemin called from outside again, "Na Moon noona~ why'd you leave me too....I just made you another wordsearch..." Na Moon cringed.

"!" she hissed standing up and dusting off her skirt.

Minho scowled at her and put his finger over his lips. They both were silent, barely breathing in fear of making too much noise and giving away their hiding spot. They heard Taemin whimper and walk away. When his footsteps were no longer audible, the two sighed a breath of relief. (Minho Glare Beam: Off; too relieved to glare. )


Na Moon walked to the wall opposite the door and leaned against it. "I've never been afraid of something so cute."

Minho stood infront of her with his arms crossed. "He's gone now. Leave."

Na Moon looked at him tiredly and closed her eyes. "I'm too tired to fuss with you right now. Go glare at the mop or something." (Minho Glare Beam: back on. intensityx1)

"It's MY spot," he started, his deep voice disturbing Na Moon and pulling her out of dreamland. 

She rolled her eyes and yelled at him. "Will you shut-"

"Shh!" he interrupted her putting, his hand over "Listen... you hear that?". Na Moon growled something under his hand in protest but stopped to listen. They both glanced at the door nervously, hearing footsteps approach again. Na Moon's heart began to race and she peeled of Minho's hand.

"He's back?" she mouthed. Minho looked at her then at the door and bit his lip anxiously. Crap... they thought.


"Hysteric, hysteric. dalla dalla naneun neomu dalla~" Na Moon's phone rang like a siren nearly killing her and Minho from shock.

"Turn it off!!" he half shrieked, half whispered clutching his chest.

Na Moon searched her pockets frantically for her phone as the footsteps grew louder, quickly approaching the door.

Na na, na na, na na, na na- She pressed the answer button shutting off the ringer. "What!?" she barked into the phone.

"...... Well, hello to you too darling."

"Damn it Jin-Ah, I can't talk right now!"

The doorknob to the closet started to jiggle. Na Moon stood behind Minho as they both stared at the door, their hearts beating faster and faster by the second.

"I'm fine thanks for asking," Jin-Ah rambled on, "Where are you? Wait.... is that you in the-"

Just then the door to the closet swung open. Before he could react, Na Moon shoved Minho out the door causing him and who/whatever was in the the way to fall on the ground. She hopped over them and dashed down the hallway, but didn't get far before someone jumped on her back.


"No Taemin! No more!" she cried spinning in circles and flailing her arms around.

"Wait, wait, jagiya! It's me!" the person said laughing.

Na Moon stopped and turned around slowly to see Jin-Ah clinging to her neck, making kissy faces.


Na Moon rolled her eyes and pushed Jin-Ah's face away.

"Aish... this punk. You scared the crap out of me...."

Jin-Ah laughed and punched her arm playfully. "So cold....But hey...whose Taemin? And what'd he do to make you say no?"

"Uuuuuugghhh," Na Moon groaned leaning against the wall massaging her temples, "Some crap I don't wanna do."

"Omo," Jin-Ah gasped covering . She huddled closer to Na Moon and whispered. "Something like.... doing his homework? ion? Cleaning?.....ion?"

"Yah!" Na Moon yelled smacking her head, "Why'd you say ion? Do I look like that kind of girl?"

Jin-Ah gave her a sly smirk. "Well if the hooker heels fit, then-OW! I was joking you hag!" she laughed rubbing her head.

The girls turned as they heard the boys yelling from down the hall. "Oh , almost forgot about them." Na Moon grabbed Jin-Ah's hand and ran back  to the help the boys up.

"Uuughh Minho, GET OFF," Key struggled trying to roll the tall boy off of him.

"Yah, Choi Minho! Why are you so clumsy?," Jonghyun yelled yanking his foot out from under the two.

Jin-ah helped Key and Jonghyun to their feet while Na Moon helped Minho up.

"Sorry bout that," she said dusting him off,"Thought it was Taemin and well.... better you than me." She smiled at him weakily while he glared down at her (Minho Glare Beam: intensityx3).

"You ."

"What? You know you would've done the same damn thing."  Na Moon said defensively.

"No. I wouldn't, I have morals."

"Bull! You left me in there with him and all his stupid wordsearches!"

Minho, who was usually quiet started yelling. "WHO TOLD YOU TO DO THEM!? STUPID"


The two started going back and forth insulting each other while Key and Jonghyun started arguing over who's fault it was that they'd nearly got crushed to death by Minho.

The whole time this was going on, Jin-Ah stood quietly with her hands in her pockets and her head tilted, deep in thought. She turned to Na Moon and spoke suddenly.

"What were you and Minho doing alone in that little closet anyway?"

Everyone stopped and looked at the two suspiciously.

"Now that you mention it... what were you guys doing?" Key asked crossing his arms and winking at Na Moon.

"You weren't making out were you?" Jonghyun asked in disgust," Damn it Minho, we've got a reputation here! I don't think I can hang around you anymore if you're gonna start jumping in closets and face with trolls. We've gotta talk about your standards."

Na Moon looked at Jonghyun and chuckled. " you , I'm beautiful." She flipped her hair at him as he stuck out his tongue.

Minho scratched his head and mumbled, "It's not like that... we were just , ya know..."

Jin-Ah grinned at Na Moon then turned and jumped in front of Minho, yelling while ing wildly, "GIT CHUUU SOOOOOMMMEE!!"

He stepped back staring at her confused and slightly frightened.

"Oh my god..." Na Moon said covering her face with her hands. "This is why I don't take you anywhere in public." She hooked her elbow around Jin-Ah's throat and dragged her down the hall towards the cafeteria, ing and laughing all the while.


The three boys watched them walk off then looked at each other.

"What the was that?" Jonghyun asked Minho.

He shook his head, eyes wide in confusion. "Hyung, I have no idea...but I'm scared."

Key just shrugged. "It's Jin-Ah. It won't make sense no matter how hard you think about it. Let's eat already, I'm starving." He walked off after the two girls, leaving a frightned Minho and confused Jonghyun to follow.


OMG! FINALLY! UPDATED THIS SHIZ!!UGH! -dies- X.x This chapter took so long to write and doesn't even make sense. I got lazy, then i got bored, then i got tired, then i tried to comeback and write and hit the wrong button and had to start over with my typing 3 FRIGGIN TIMES ALREADY GAH! MAD. but glad i finished typing this shiz. This one's more Minho Na Moon centered, felt like they didn't get a big enough appeareance yet. As for Taemin, he's gonna pop out fully next chapter. I'm gonna get to work on that before I crash and you people have to wait another wat 3-4 days for an update. SORRY MY DARLINGS~!! SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BABE! ~<3

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