Chapter 19- Oh it's on

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Jin-Ah clutched her nose writhing in pain on the hard gym floor. "Nnngggff mnfhnn" she moaned with clenched eyes. She did her best to hold back the tears that stinged in her eyes.

Coach Kangin saw what'd happened and immediately blew the whistle. "EVERYBODY STOP!" 

The others students looked around confused but stood still. Na Moon, who'd just caught a ball and got another team member in, smiled and turned around when she saw Coach crouching over Jin-Ah. Her smile faded and she gasped at the large amount of blood that had spilled all over her friends clothes. In angry confusion and worry she searched for an answer.

Just what the hell happened?! Who hit her? Who.... She looked and saw Yuki snickering with a couple of her loyal dogs in a tiny circle not far off from where Jin-Ah was holding her nose up, trying desperately not to cry. 

It didn't take Moon long to put two and two together. She dropped the ball she'd been holding and curled her fists together slowly. Her head bent low and nostrils flared, Na Moon stormed over to where Yuki was. With a quick, swift motion she wrapped her fist in the other girl's hair and yanked her around so they were face to face.

"Ow! What the hell do you think you're-"


Na Moon brought her other fist up and slammed it into Yuki's left eye. Shocked and wounded Yuki stumbled backwards but couldn't fall as Na Moon was still holding her up by her hair. The other students started jeering and shouting "FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT" while Yuki's two lackeys tried to push Moon away.

"Yah! What are you doing?!"

"Stop it! She didn't do anything!"

"Yeah leave her alone!"

Na Moon threw them off and attacked Yuki in a fit of blind rage. 

Coach Kangin yelled at a dazed Eunhyuk and Donghae, "Hey! Break those two up!!"

Shook from their stupor the two boys ran and grabbed Na Moon's shoulders and tried to pry her off. But it was no use. Moon had already made up in her mind not to stop punching until she saw blood. More blood than what was currently pouring out of Jin-Ah's nose. 

... ... !! She punched out every angry insult, attacking Yuki's face and torso.

She roared and kept on punching while the guys struggled against her and Yuki flailed beneath her like a tree being slapped left and right in the wind. In a last attempt to keep Na Moon from going to jail for murder, Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around her waist and Donghae wrapped his arms around her neck, and pulled with all their might till they were finally able to yank the two girls apart. But Moon wasn't finished. She lunged out for Yuki again who scrambled back to safety with her two little goons, crying and sputtering, "Owwwww" between sobs .


Na Moon was furious. No, she was more than that. She was mad as hell. How dare that little wretch do that?! And to HER friend! 

She lunged out at her again screeching like a bloodthirsty beast. Donghae grabbed her shoulders and Eunhyuk blocked the way of her attack. Hae shook her shoulders roughly and forced her to look at him. "Hey, HEY! LISTEN! LISTEN TO ME MOON, LISTEN!"

Moon shifted her enraged teary glare from Yuki to Donghae. Nose flaring and huffing out hot air she stared back into his unwavering eyes.

"Listen," he said in softer tone, "Listen to me Moon. Jin-Ah's hurt." At this Moon huffed again and tried to get up so she could continue her revenge but Hae forced her back down. "Listen!! She's hurt but she needs you okay? She needs you with her, not beating up people." He waited and continued looking at Moon as her gaze continued to shift unsteadily between him and Yuki. 

"Moon... Jin-Ah needs you....she needs you..."

Na Moon looked back at him then at Yuki one more time. As her rage was subdued she took a deep breath and wiped her eyes. The two boys helped her up but kept a hand on each shoulder just in case she got it in her head to launch another attack.

With a cooled head, Na moon looked around the gym for Jin-Ah. "Where is she?" she asked with a quavering yet authorative voice. "Where's Jin-Ah?"

"Coach took her to the Nurse's office..."Eunhyuk answered. 

Before they could stop her, she dashed out of the gym and ran down the hall to the Nurse's office. 

Please be okay, please be okay, please be okay....

Her footsteps echoed down the hall faster and faster as the sound of Jin-Ah groaning in pain resonated in her mind.


The blood.


Jin-Ah trying not to cry.


Moon ran faster and faster until she got to the nurses office. She slid the door aside urgently and ran into the room but stopped dead in her tracks at what she saw.

"Oh... no..." she squeaked,  "Jin-Ah....!"


Bam. update. You thought it'd never happen didn't you? Well guess who's back baby~ ;D APOLOGIES IN ADVANCE FOR :

1- This is a short chapter. I don't know but I just can't bring myself to write the rest unless I splice it in another chap so. short chap! >.<

2- It took a ridiculous amount of time to update. I actually left AFF and boy did it change. Shocker when I came back. Got to see all the new gizmos, who left and who stayed, who updated and who didn't.. who stayed subscribed and who unsubscribed. Wonderful business that it is.

3- It may not be that good of a chap to you. I don't usually write action sooo.... but yeah I think it's pretty good for my first actual try at action-y stuff.

So um yes but.. I updated! And no the story isn't over. If i can help it, I won't leave this un-updated for so long any longer. But yes I do hope you can forgive me for the delay and enjoy this more than you've enjoyed the previous chaps. I know a lot of people were waiting for a fight so voila! HERE YOU ARE!! 

Sorry for any grammar/spelling mistakes. Lemme know and i'll fix em. 


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congratss ^^~
COngratss ^^~
milkytwilight_ #7