Principal's Office

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

The three students entered the school office, Na Moon and Jonghyun still fighting and a sleepy Jin-Ah trailing behind them.

"Quit. ing. Hitting me!!," Jonghyun hissed at Na Moon slapping her arm.

"Make me, midget!" she spat back.

A woman in a navy blue suit and short curly hair peered at them from her desk and narrowed her eyes. "You three," she said sternly, "Come here."

They stood at her desk Jin-Ah between the other two. "That type of language and behaviour is unnacceptable."

They bowed in apology and stared at the floor, "Yes Ma'm.. We're sorry," mumbled Jonghyun. The teacher nodded. "Now, why are you all here?" 

Na Moon cleared ,"Ms. Myungsoo told us to go to the principal's office."

The teacher pursed her lips. "Hmph.. have a seat, I'll tell him you're here," she said motioning at a row of empty seats lined against the wall. The students bowed again as the teacher walked off . 

Jin-Ah was the first to move and laid down on her stomach taking all the seats. She pulled up her hood and laid her head in her arms.  It's way too early for this crap, she thought. Didn't even get to take my second nap!

"Yah, scoot over," Jonghyun nudged her leg with his knee. Jin-Ah didn't budge, she was already asleep.

"Pssht, this guy.." Na Moon pushed passed Jonghyun and plopped down on Jin-Ah's . 

"Urgh! So..heavy.. Can't.. breathe." Jin-Ah gasped screening her head up and waving her hands around.

"Oh shut up, " Na Moon laughed pushing Jin-Ah's head back down.

"Oh oh oooh oh oh ooh oh oh ooh oh oh oh~" Jin-Ah sang her chin resting on the chair and hands waving in the air.

Na Moon sang along, bouncing on top of her, "I got that SUPA LUV Uh- Uh-Uh-Uh-Uv!" Despite being in the office the two were still singing happily.

"Heh," chuckled Jonghyun leaning against the wall," You guys are idiots."

Na Moon turned to him and glared. "Aye yo, J," she said still glaring at him.

Jin-Ah sat up. "What up, N?"

"You smell that?"

"Yup. Smells like a haaaaaterrrrrr~," she said pointing at Jonghyun.  They laughed and high fived. Jonghyun rolled his eyes and wagged his tongue at them. Na Moon flicked him off while Jin-Ah just laughed.

The teacher from before came out and cleared , arms crossed. "Principal Kyu is waiting for you in his office." All three got up and moved quickly to the principal's office, avoiding the teacher's unsatisfied gaze.

The she lookin at... thought Na Moon. As if reading her mind Jin-Ah grabbed her arm and pulled her through the door. Principal Kyu was sitting down with a bunch of papers and folders spread out before him on a large mahogony desk. He looked up at the three through his black-rimmed glasses and motioned for them to sit down on the couch to the right.


They bowed and took a seat on the black leather couch which was big and soft causing all three of them to sink in and smush together. Na Moon tried to scramble up and hold on to the side for a taller,more comfortable position but gave up. She puffed air out her cheeks and glanced around the room at the many bookshelves lining walls on either side of the room. Hmm.. this dude reads a lot... wonder if he has any man on man in here...


Jonghyun was busy picking at a stray string from the couch's leather when he peeked over at Principal Kyu. Is he mad?.. he thought, ... he doesn't look too mad...maybe he'll let me off if i show him a bruise... He began checking his arm for any discoloration left from his previous battles with Na Moon. Finding none he sighed and went back to picking at the stray string.


Jin-Ah was more or less unconcerned with the current situation. Her head was bowed as she slept comfortably between Na Moon and Jonghyun, snuggling deeper into the sides of their arms for warmth.


Finally finished with whatever it was he was writing, Prinicipal Kyu took of his glasses, ready to handle the task at hand. He stood up and walked in front of the three troublemakers leaning on his desk.

"What did you do," he asked sharply.

Well damn, you don't waste any time do you... Na Moon thought. "Uh.. well-" she began.

Jonghyun cut her off,"She hit me!" he whined pointing at Na Moon.

Principal Kyu turned to him, an eyebrow raised then back at Na Moon. "Why?" he asked again, just as blunt as ever.

Na Moon glared at Jonghyun, " He hit me first! He was throwing stuff at me and Jin-Ah while WE," she emphasized pointing at herself and Jin-Ah,"Were being perfect students trying to learn and get an education."

Jonghyun scoffed,"As if. You couldn't even read the board right."

"At least I can see it, you munchkin!" she shot back.

"Enough," Principal Kyu said holding up his hand. He crossed his arms and looked them all in the eye, well everyone who's eyes were open to look at. "Yang Na Moon, you tell me your story first then I'll hear yours," he said motioning towards Jonghyun. He looked at Jin-Ah and stared at her for a moment, then turned back to Na Moon nodding.


"Well, Principal Kyu as you know, I don't bother anybody, except Jin-Ah but its Jin-Ah so meh, like it matters," she said shrugging,"The two of us were just ya know, chillin' learning english and what not, kickin' it like two kangaroos at the zoo, when this deliquent," she paused and pointed at Jonghyun, "starts throwing paper balls at us. I quietly asked him to stop but he insisted upon being a bi-.... bad student and continued. In which case I picked up a book and deflected his attacks.." She nodded placing her hands in her laps satisfied.

Jonghyun rolled his eyes.. She's so full of ..

Na Moon smirked... Your is done for.

Principal Kyu stood up straight his arms still crossed. "Is that all?" he asked. Na Moon nodded. "Alright, Jonghyun," he said turning towards the boy who looked back at him with wide brown eyes, "Your turn."

Jonghyun nodded slowly and in a breathe before letting it out slowly, sliding his hands down his knees. "It's uh... kind of a hard story to tell...." he said his voice catching.

Na Moon stared at him... The is he doing now? Oh no... he's not gonna.... he wouldn't cry, would he?

Jonghyun sniffed and put a hand over his mouth. "I'm... I'm sorry," he sniffed again,"It's just... such a sad story.. ya know" he choked looking up at Principal Kyu. At that moment two tears fell from each of his eyes.

Na Moon's mouth dropped open... This is really crying!!!

Principal Kyu turned around and pulled a few kleenex from a box on his desk and handed them to Jonghyun before leaning back, nodding slightly. "Even if it's....hard, tell us anyway," he said eyeing the sobbing boy carefully.

Jonghyun took the kleenex bowing and dabbed at his eyes. "I'll try... Well," he started swallowing back his tears," We were in english learning a very important lesson on adjectives from our wonderful teacher, Ms. Myungsoo." Na Moon snorted at his description of wonderful.


Jonghyun shot her a glare then continued his story looking deeply in Principal Kyu's dark eyes. " While I was busy trying to learn, I couldn't focus because of the snickers coming from a certain someone reading a very inappropiate book." He held a hand up and mouthed "man on man" to Principal Kyu, pointing at Na Moon behind his hand. Principal Kyu shot a glance at Na Moon who shook her head furiously and glared at Jonghyun. He continued telling his story,"So, being the concerned classmate I am, I threw a small wad of paper to try and get her attention back on the lesson. She got mad and threw a paper ball at me. I looked at the ball and noticed it was her english homework which she would need later on," He gestured towards Na Moon acting very concerned.


Na Moon continued to glare at him. "So I threw the ball back. Then out of no where, she jumped up and attacked me with her... inappropiate book, trying to make me read that nasty shi-.... stuff. But I wouldn't read it and blocked her, never hitting her. Ever. at all. Not even once." He sighed sadly, "But alas, my efforts to do a good deed were misunderstood. and now," he said sniffling, dabbing at his eyes every now and then,"I sit here before you, injustly accused of being a disturbance." He sighed again and gave Principal Kyu his best aegyo face, eyes big and watery, biting his trembling lips. Principal Kyu only stared at him and nodded.


Na Moon threw her hands up and sat back with her arms crossed. He's so full of ....

Jonghyun smirked to himself... I win ...


Principal Kyu stood up and paced in front of the couch for a bit while the others sat in silence, both sure they had won and the other would be recieving punishment. Suddenly he stopped and stared at them each in turn. His gaze rested on a softly snoring Jin-Ah. He turned and pulled another chair up and sat right in front of her, still sleeping with her head down.


Na Moon looked at Jin-Ah then back at Principal Kyu nervously. The hell is he doing? She looked back at Jin-Ah. And why the is she still asleep!? She tried to nudge her awake but Principal Kyu held up his hand for her to stop. He sat on the edge of his seat and leaned in, his hands folded on his knees.


"Du Jin-Ah," Principal Kyu said in a calm soothing voice. She didn't respond.

"Du Jin-Ah," he said again leaning a little closer. Jin-Ah stirred but didn't wake up completly, just nodded her head and grunted.

"Du Jin-Ah," he said once more.

Jin-Ah nodded her head and mumbled,"Neeeh...." .

Jonghyun looked at her then at Principal Kyu. He couldn't figure out what was going on and looked at Na Moon who was just as confused as he was.


"Du Jin-Ah," Principal Kyu started, "I need your help right now. Can you help me?" he asked in his smooth deep voice.

Jin-Ah nodded slowly. "Neeeh..." she said stil asleep.

Na Moon and Jonghyun looked at each other... The ? They turned back and stared at Jin-Ah and Principal Kyu.

"I need your help... Na Moon and Jonghyun are lying to me and I need the truth."

... thought Na Moon.

Crap he knows.... I'm screwed... thought Jonghyun.

They both looked at each other then at Jin-Ah still sleeping, willing her not to answer. Na Moon poked Jin-Ah, hoping she'd wake up but Principal Kyu grabbed her hand and held it down to her thigh. He looked at her with an evil smirk. Na Moon's eyes went wide with fear.

... I'm screwed.....


LOLOLOLOL YEAH YOU ARE!!! XD This chap was getting too long and I don't like typing with small font so I have to chop it up into two chaps. but ooohh how I love to drag crap out.  Should I upload the next chap right now? Naaahhh. You guys don't care whats gonna happen. You don't wanna know which SHINee/Suju member comes out in the next chap, who Na Moon gets into it with or what the hell Evil Principal Kyu is planning :P so i'll wait. COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE FOR ME BABE!!~ <3 BTW the song Jin-Ah and Na Moon are singing is Supa Luv by Teen Top. Go look it up and fall in love.

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