2nd Period- Man on Man

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Yang Na Moon was sitting in her desk reading when two hands grabbed her head and suffocated her in a bunch of white cloth and flesh.

"Jagiyah~" Jin-ah said cutely, hugging Na Moon's head.

Na Moon shoved Jin-Ah off violently "Get those flabby things outta my face!!"

Jin-Ah smiled coyly, shaking her shoulders, "Mmmm you know you like it." She winked.

"Pssh what ever" Na Moon huffed fixing her hair. She went back to reading her book.

"You guys are so lame." The girls turned to see a bored looking Kim Jongyun staring at them twirling a pencil.

"Oh shut up, who asked you..." Na Moon turned back around and picked up her book.

"Paaaboooo"Jonghyun teased. Jin-Ah made a face and stuck her tongue out at him "Mneeeehhh" Jonghyun did the same to her but ending up laughing at her expression. She smiled and laughed at him drowisly. "You're the pabo," she said sitting beside Na Moon.

"Whatcha readin?" Jin-Ah asked yawning and looking over Na Moon's shoulder.

"Man on man." she answered. Jin-Ah rolled her eyes and rested her back on Na Moon's shoulder. She pulled up another chair for her feet and went to sleep. (oh snap you see that rhyme? Im fresh yo. As a new pack of soap! >:D)

"Ewwww, you would read that crap" Jonghyun said with a grimace.

"Hey, they get more action than your ever would," retorted Na Moon.

"Oh you." He threw a paper ball at her.

"You wouldn't know how if I let you." Na moon said ignoring him and flipping a page in her book. Jin-Ah chuckled in her sleep. "Buuurrrrnnn," she mumbled.

The English teacher, Ms. Myungsoon walked in and a symphony of whistles and hoots sounded from the boys. She was young, thin, and pretty so they always tried to flirt with her and ask her out even though most of them looked like they'd taken a rake to the face.

Nontheless, she would dote on them wearing tight clothing, flipping her hair, and speaking English to them in a y voice. The woman was known for driving pubescent teenage boys crazy and annoying the hell out of female students. Today she had on a tight leather skirt with a low cut red shirt and black pumps.

"Quiet bo~ys," she said in English with a wink. "Alright class, let's begin today's lesson."

Na Moon looked up from her book and scoffed. "This .. what the hell is she wearing?"

Jin-Ah cracked an eye and went back to sleep. "She's doing too much," she mumbled.

The two kept to themselves while Ms. Myungsoon began her lesson on adjectives with a flip of her dark brown hair.

In the middle of the lesson Ms. Myungsoon was giving the class her perfect Colgate smile when her eyes found Jin-Ah and Na Moon still sleeping and still reading man-on-man. twitched.

" Ah.. Jin-Ah~" she called in a fake sweet voice. Jin-Ah didn't move.

".... Jin-Ah~" Ms. Myungsoo called once more, a little louder this time. Still no response. Ms. Myungsoo's face twitched again before her smile disappeared completly. "Du Jin-Ah."


Na Moon looked up and nudged Jin-Ah. "Yah.... wake up before she comes back here. I don't want her taking my book again."

She nudged Jin-Ah harder ."Baile, punk!"

Jin-Ah roused and rubbed her eyes sleepily "Neeehh" she answered.

Ms. Myungsoo narrowed her eyes. "Du Jin-Ah, read the board and tell me the subject of this first sentence." Jin-Ah stared at the board through half opened eyes.

".... But... we're talking about adjectives..."

"Now!" Ms. Myungsoo rapped the board.

"Aiiishhh..." Jin-Ah grumbled. She stared a little longer then read aloud in english.

"Gwegory ssat by te lakeuh fee-ding daucks."

Ms. Myungsoo nodded slowly. "And the subject?"

Jin-Ah looked at her then back at the board " Um.... Gwegory?" 

Ms. Myungsoo smirked. "Correct. I'm surprised YOU were able to answer that correctly. Oh well," she said flipping her hair and turning back to write on the board," It IS a low difficulty level sentence. Your pronouciation still needs work though."


Jin-Ah leaned back against Na Moon. "At least I answered it," she mumbled going back to sleep.

This time Ms. Myungsoo called on Na Moon. "Fuuuucck" she sighed.

"Heh. You're screwed," whispered Jonghyun. He sat back with his hands behind his head waiting for the epic fail he knew was coming. 

"Shut it , Dino," she whispered and turned to face Ms. Myungsoo. "Yes, Ms. Myungsoo?"

She smiled back at Na Moon, her Colgate smile plastered on her face. "Read the board and tell me the adjectives."

Na Moon looked at the board. The hell I look like? Freakin Einstein? she thought sighing.

"Uuuuh... Idgar-"

"Edgar" corrected Ms. Myungsoo.

Na Moon looked at her then back at the board. "Edgar.... ahss....ahssi....."


Na Moon was getting irritated. She didn't even know what the hell the sentence meant let alone how to say it.

"Assimilated... a large dorwhy? Door we? Doorwhy?" What the hell was this? What was she trying to say?

Jonghyun chuckled behind her. Ms. Myungsoo frowned. "Enough. It's dowry. Now, the adjectives?"

Na Moon stared at the board. "Door why." she said finally.

 Ms. Myungsoo had her arms crossed and was tapping her heel on the floor. "It's DOW-RY. And no, that's incorrect. You'd have an easier time if you actually paid attention in class Yang Na Moon," she flipped her hair, "Put the book away and pay attention to the lesson." She smiled again and went on teaching.


Damn Hussy... Na Moon closed the book and hid it in her lap. She leaned on her elbow staring out the window. Of all her classes, English was the worst all because of one person...


Thwack! A paper ball hit her in the head from behind....Make that two. Na Moon turned around to see Jonghyun staring out the window then look at her.

"What?," he chuckled. "Geez I know I'm hot but stop staring. Your face is too....ugh turn around."

She glared at him. "Shut up stupid, I know it was you. Knock it off." She turned back around, Ms. Myungsoo glanced back at her but continued the lesson.


Thwack! Thwack! Na Moon closed her eyes and clenched her fist. Dear God... I'll kill him... and when I do, you can't be mad at me for it...  She picked up the paperballs and chunked them over her shoulder hoping her aim was good enough to have one of the balls stab him in the eye.


"Ow! Oh no you didn't" Jonghyun whispered angrily. J

in-Ah rolled on her side and faced Jonghyun with her back to Ms. Myungsoo who was now practically adjectives at a boy in the front row. "Don't do anything stupid," she said still sleeping.

And for a while he didn't. Na Moon thought he was done being a  jackass and turned around only to have a mass of paper balls smack her and Jin-Ah in the face.

"Mmmnegh! Stupid..." Jin-Ah grunted harshly rolling over again.


Na Moon was still for a moment then looked around for Ms. Myungsoo who, being the devoted teacher she was, was now sitting on a male student's desk forcing him to look at her and repeat a long list of adjectives. Oh it's on now, ... she thought. In one quick motion she sprang up from her seat , causing Jin-Ah to fall from hers, and started smacking Jonghyun over the head with her book of man on man.


"Ow! Ow! OW!! STOP IT THAT HURTS YOU !!" Jonghyun cried trying to block her hits with his arms.

" you!!" Na Moon yelled," I told you to knock it off you little prick!!" she yelled hitting him harder.

"AISH!! Can't even sleep around you two!" Jin-Ah said getting to her feet. She started trying pulling Na Moon away. By this time the entire class had turned around to watch the spectacle unfold before them.


Ms. Myungsoo forgot about teaching and attempted to regain order in her classroom.

"Yah!" she said in a clear voice. Na Moon ignored her and kept hitting Jonghyun who kept trying to block and hit back at the same time. Jin-Ah was still trying to pull Na Moon away when Ms. Myungsoo walked over and screeched in their faces, "YAH!! YOU THREE!! SHUT UP!!" Na Moon stopped hitting and stared at her along with Jonghyun  and Jin-Ah, all wide eyed.


Satisfied with their reactions Ms. Myungsoo cleared and ran her hand through her hair, gaining her cool again. "Na Moon, Jonghyun" she started,"I've had enough of your disruptions in my class."

"But Ms. Myungsoo~" Jonghyun whined "She started it~!"

Na Moon turned and glared at him. "You kiss-, I did not. You were the one who started throwing shi-"

Ms.Myungsoo cut her off, "ANYWAY, all three of you out. Now. Principal's office."

The three looked at each other then stared at Ms. Myungsoo in disbelief.

"B-b-but Ms. Myungsoo~" Jonghyun whined, his aegyo on full blast, puppy dog eyes and all.

Ms. Myungsoo frowned at him and shook her head "Nope. You've been a ba~d boy, Jonghyun," she said his face. He blushed at her touch.

Na Moon rolled her eyes, "Oh this," she said brushing pash Ms. Myungsoo and leaving.

"Come on Jin-Ah," she called. Jin-Ah looked at Jonghyun then back at Ms. Myungsoo with eyes still half closed only to be met with a cold gaze. Jin-Ah sighed and walked off following Na Moon.

"I didn't even do anything... Eff my life." Ms. Myungsoo shooed Jonghyun out the door along with the others.

The three made their way to the principal's office fighting and arguing the whole way.


OOOOOHHHH!! SUMBODYS IN TROUUUUUBBLLEE!! >:D Lol  Sorry this is so long but I had so much fun writing this chapter. I personally don't curse but when other people do it can either be funny or uncomfortable. Hopefully this was funny.  but.... PARDON LE FRENCH!! >.<  Finally Jongie  made his appearance  (he's my bias :P) and first thing he does is get in trouble ._. Naughty boy. Did you like Ms. Myungsoo's character? Lol she was fun to make up. Ahh this took too long tho >.< curious as to what's gonna happen next? Who the principal's gonna be? Oh man it gets rich after this.  SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BABE!!~ <3

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