Chapter 20- Oh... it's over?

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Jin-Ah stared at the ceiling, trying to connect the dots on the speckled tiles into animal shapes. Thick, warm blood was still trickling down her face and a burning sensation tingled all over.

"Ok, this is going to hurt a bit but you've got to toughen up and take it.Are you ready?" the nurse asked.

"Mhm," Jin-Ah replied, trying to sound more brave and cheerful than she really way.

"Alright. On three. One..."

SNAP! The bones in Jin-Ah's nose were re-aligned in one painful, swift motion.

"OOOUUGGHHH!" she screamed as the burn flared up to a tear jerking height, "WHO THE HELL TAUGHT YOU HOW TO COUNT!?"

She fell back clutching at her nose only to have her hands swatted away and her chin forced back up.

"There, there, that wasn't so bad now was it?" the nurse cooed with a smile. He quickly went to the task of cleaning Jin-Ah's face while she pouted and whimpered but held back the tears.

"Thanks Teukie-nim... Sorry for yelling earlier," Jin-Ah said after he was finished. The male nurse smiled and finished his work by applying a thick bandage over her nose.

"No problem, and don't worry about it. Now then," he said sitting down in his brown swivel chair while adjusting his glasses, "How about you tell me how this happened?"

Jin-Ah cleared and looked around the room. It was like any other nurse's office with beds, cotton balls, cotton swabs, alchol clothes, shelves, drawers, all clean and white. Everything was so white. It made Jin-Ah feel like a blood clot on a pad. However, white was Teukie-nim's favorite color. She thought it reflected his character pretty well. Pure, blinding, clear,  loud while silent at the same time; all strange characteristics he somehow possessed in one being. 

"Jin-Ah," he said firmly directing her attention back to him. His hands were crossed over his legs which were also crossed. Jin-Ah couldn't help but feel that all of him was crossed at that moment and it was all her fault. She cleared again and tried to think of what to say but sleep crept into her mind. Her eyes slowly closed as she mumbled," Dodgeball... hurts..."


Jin-Ah's eyes shot open and swirled around to see who had yelled her name. It was Na Moon, sweaty and panting hard in the doorway as if she'd just run a marathon. Onew, Soomin, Eunhyuk, and Donghae followed behind all with worried expressions written across their faces. They were relieved when they saw that she'd been takin care of and waited until Na Moon moved to enter the room. She rushed over and grabbed Jin-Ah by the shoulders, slightly shaking. 

"How is it, is it bad? Does it hurt? What am I, of course it hurts, it was a dodgeball to the fa- oh my gosh that's a lot of blood. . Damn Jin-Ah, do I need to cork it with a tampon? How many bones did you bre-"

The question kept pouring from Na Moon's mouth while Jin-Ah muted out the voice of her friend's worrying. Instead, she focused on the teardrop sneakily sliding down her cheek. Without saying a word she reached up and wiped it off, causing Na Moon to stop and stare down at her. 

Jin-Ah smiled back up at Na Moon and opened to say something but instead yawned with a gruttle, bear like noise. 

"Ah... sorry. I was gonna say something romantic but I guess I ruined the mood," she mumbled, stertching.

"Aish..," Na Moon said wiping at the tears that tried to sneak out. She ruffled her friend's hair and hugged her head tightly.

The others chuckled and watched in silence for a moment until Teukie spoke up. 

"So, can anyone tell me how this all happened?"

"Eh... it's a long story," answered Soomin glancing over at Onew and the others.

The nurse wasn't giving up. He prodded further, "I've got time. Why don't we all go to the principal's office and-"

He was cut off by Coach Kangin thundering in past everyone with a "God damn kids, in a lousy God damn school with-  aish! Damn it all!!" He pushed a blabbering, bloody Yuki forwards into Leeteuk's arms.

"Wha- Youngwoon, what is this?" he asked incredously.

"IT'S A BIG, FAT PAIN IN MY , THAT'S WHAT IT IS!" And with that, he was gone.

Jin-Ah crooked her neck of of Na Moon's grasp just enough to see the state Yuki was in before she was taken to another section of the room. She looked at Na Moon questionably,"Yah, what did you do?"

Na Moon simply shrugged and helped Jin-Ah to her feet as the bell rang, "I just taught her a lesson that's all."

"A lesson?" Moon nodded. "What was it called?"

She thought for a second then threw her arm around her friends shoulder, "It's called: es best not be messin with my friends"

"HAH HAH HAA, I like that!"

The two laughed and quickly ran out the room to their last class before Teukie-nim came back with more questions.


Thought I died, didn't you? Nah. just got super busy and had no time for kpop, friends, or anything outside school and work. But I've managed to balance it now so yay I'm back. Enjoy. Wrapping this up in the next chap. Sorrry to the subbers for takin forever and a day. You guys are loyal if I ever knew the word.

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congratss ^^~
COngratss ^^~
milkytwilight_ #7