Story Time: Wookie's Surprise pt.3

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

It was 10:13 pm outside of Na Moon and Jin-Ah's middle school. In the dark of this particularly cold night, Na Moon sat on the back steps of the school hunched over with a bundle of bags. 

Where....the she!?!?

Despite wearing furry pink gloves, a thick wool, white sweater with jeans, AND a leather jacket, she was still freezing. Na Moon got up and  stamped her feet,  rubbing her  numb hands together, trying to bring a little heat to her body.

This .... be here at 10 o'clock~ she says, bring some eggs~ she says, alot of em~ she says. "Psh... I bet she went home and fell asleep." 

Moon pulled out her phone. "No messages..... Didn't even text me... jerk." She sat back down on the steps with her head in her lap and waited.

After a while she checked her phone again. "10:20....UUUGHHHHH." She closed her phone and put her head back down.


At about 10:30, a familar voice yelled, or rather yawned her name really loudly, and got her attention." NAAAAAA MOOOOONNN-AAAHHH GAH HA!

Moon looked at Jin-Ah approaching with her usual sleepy smile and hoodie, only this time it was 4 times bigger than normal, yellow, and paired with blue polka dot leggings tucked into old ,dirty brown boots. A sliver shopping cart filled to the brim with cartons of milk, butter, and other baking ingredients followed behind Jin-Ah as she pulled it with ease.

"What's up, chick-a-dee~ Oh hey, you brought the eggs! Good girl," the colorful little tute patted her on the head. Na Moon only stared at Jin-Ah still confused and too appalled by her outfit to say anything. But this was only momentarily.


"YAH!" she yelled standing up and wrapping her hands around Jin-Ah's neck tightly," You said 10 o clock! ITS 10:30 !! THE WERE YOU AT!?"

Unfortunately, she got no reply from Jin-Ah other than cries of "Can't .... breathe..." and something faintly familar to an elven language.




Jin-Ah gasped for her last breaths of air and tried to mutter out an apology. Na Moon huffed and dropped Jin-Ah on the steps before sitting down next to her and waiting expectantly for some answers.

After refilling her lungs properly, Jin-Ah sat up and frowned back at Na Moon. "First of all, OW. Turn your serial killer mode off, it's me."

"I know it's you. ."

". Second of all, Doojie is NOT a hobo... he's just down on his luck right now. And the guy makes some good conversation, you can't blame me."

"He's dirty, disgusting, and smells like piss. You might as well be talking to a toilet."

Jin-Ah stared at the floor trying to think of something to say, but shrugged and nodded. "Yeah ok. 3rd of all, I have a reason why I was late. "

"Which is?"

"I had to go to two different stores. Target ran out of milk and butter so I had to go to Walmart.... I love Walmart."

"Walmart in rules.... you still didn't answer my question."

"What question?"

"The cart, . Where'd you get it and why? You didn't really take it from Doojoon did you?" Na Moon asked with a suspicious look.

"Nooooo... The two of us went to Walmart and got it together!" Jin-Ah beamed proudly.

Na Moon smacked her palm to her forehead. "Jin-Ah.... that's stealing."

"Well what the hell was I supposed to do? Carry all this crap here by hand? Uh- a no. Not happenin."

Na Moon thought about it. She shrugged and nodded her head in agreement, thinking back to her own difficult trek to the school with the bags of eggs. "Whatever... So, what's the plan? You better have a good plan."

"Course I do!" Jin-Ah stood up and walked over to the cart. "We, are gonna make Wookie-seongsang some awesome sugar cookies. JinMoo style."

Na Moon blinked at Jin-Ah confused. "Sugar cookies? We're making sugar cookies?"

"Not just any sugar cookies. AWESOME sugar cookies," Jin-Ah noted, adding emphasis on the awesome. "Jin-Moo style."


Na Moon nodded slowly. "JinMoo style...okay.....Well, I'm guessing we're gonna bake 'em here, right?" she said standing up and looking at the school. "How are we gonna get in?"

Jin-Ah smirked at Na Moon and held up a set of jingling keys.

"Where did you get those?"

"Remember that time we locked ourselves in Principal Seungri's office and blasted Candy on the loudspeaker?"


"Well after he busted in, he threw the keys on the floor and chased after you while I picked up the keys."

Moon watched Jin-Ah walk up the steps and open the door to the school with a devious smirk. "You crook," she said picking up the eggs , "I love you."

"I know."  Jin-Ah pushed the cart up the handicap ramp and followed Na Moon inside the school. They opened the door to the home-ec room and flipped on the lights. After unloading everything they had brought, Na Moon went into the closet and pulled out the other ingredients from the recipe Jin-Ah had showed her.

"Alright," she said taking off her jacket and gloves, "Let's do this."

"Let's do it!!" Jin-Ah cheered rolling up her sleeves.



After 2 gruesome hours of Na Moon failing at cracking eggs, dropping the butter, and scooping out the shells along with Jin-Ah throwing just about anything she felt was tasty into the dough, the two girls cleaned up and waited for the cookies to bake. While they waited Jin-Ah told Moon the rest of the plan. After the cookies were done, the girls frosted the cookies, stored them in a safe place where they'd be warm and no one would eat them then went home and prepared for tomorrow.


"A-a-ahem," Wookie seongsang cleared his throat and gained the attention of the class. "Today, everyone is going to do a writing assignment on why the feel it's necessary to learn things such as cooking and sewing."

A harmonious groan erupted from the class. "Again?" one boy asked aloud.

"Seongsangnim, that's the fifth writing assignment this week! When are we gonna cook again?" a girl from the front whined.

Wookie sat at his desk and ignored the complaints of his students. "Write." he said sharply. The students groaned again and reluctantly began to write.


Wookie watched them quietly for a while then folded his arms on his desk and laid his head down. He'd been so depressed after his girl had left him. It was already hard enough dealing with the stress from his job, he loved teaching but it got tiring at times and he felt so unappreciated. Then to top it all of one of his best friends, Kyuhyun,  got into a horrible accident. He droned on in his depressing thoughts, scolding himself for being weak and usless.


Suddenly the back door to the classroom swung open. Upon hearing the noise Wookie looked up and sat stunned at what he saw. A cute, life sized yellow bear walked in followed by a big, fluffy pink bunny wheeling in a mountain of cookies on  plates and platters. They stopped in the back of the classroom and stood looking back at him and the other students.

"Hi there!" chirped the bear. He nor the students said anything, too flabbergasted to respond.

"We're the Happy Buddies," the bear said in a goofy, kiddy show voice. Again, no reply. "And we're here to cheer up.... YOU!" It pointed at Wookie.

"......Me?" he asked pointing at himself.

The bunny and bear nodded together.

"Some friends of yours told us you were down in the dumps and asked us if we could help lift you up!" The bear looked at the bunny and it nodded in return.

Wookie stood up and looked at the two animals in bewilderment.  My...friends? .... What's going on here? he thought.

A shabby boy in the back close to the tray of cookies picked one up and ate it then spit it back out. "Ewwww yuck! These cookies are horrible!"

The bunny twitched and the boy, fire gleaming in it's eyes. It stalked over and punched the boy straight in the face with a strong, furry pink fist.

"LOOK HERE, YOU LITTLE !" it yelled gruffly yanking the boy up by its collar," I stayed up all damn night making those ing cookies, and I know for a fact, they taste like wonderful bits of heaven sent down by God himself. Now you," it yanked the boy's collar once more, this time harder," You sit your ugly back in that chair, YOU SHUT THE UP, AND EAT. THAT. COOKIE."


The boy  nodded furiously. Satisfied, the ferocious beast dropped the boy back in his seat and watched him scramble to pick up the cookie he dropped and scarf it down. The boy looked back at the bunny for approval and flinched as it crossed it's arms and nodded.


The bear rubbed its forehead and sighed. "You and your temper... What'd I tell you about that?" We're supposed to be the Happy Friends. Not the Pissed off/ Cranky Friends."

The bear shrugged and looked out the window. " had it comin.... insulting my damn cookies.... oughta break his ing neck."

"OK. Whatever. Come on, let's do this. " the bear said shaking off the previous episode. It turned and pointed to one of the students in class, "Hit it, Onew!"

He grinned widely, finally happy it was starting and he got to do his job. He pushed play on a cd player  and watched the face of the other students go from bewilderment to surprise and amusement as they recognized the song.

"Lets do it!" the bunny said.

"Ji~ na-gabeorin~ " The bunny and bear sang together,"E~orin sijeoren~! Pungseon eul tago~" they sang and danced together, "Naraganeun ye-ppeun- kkumdo kkue~otji!"

At this time the bunny stepped forward and sang,"No-ran pungseoni~ haneureul nal myeon~ nae maeumedo areumdaun gieokdeuri saenggangna~"

Its voice rang out in pleasant tune with the melody as the bear picked up a plate of cookies and danced around, passing them out. Then it was the bear who sang while the bunny danced and passed out cookies to the students.

"Geu jogeuman kkumeul~" The bunny paused as it came back to the boy from before and his friends.It grumbled something inaudible then shoved the entire platter at them and walking away.   "-Ijeobeorigo san geon naega neomu keobeoryeosseul ttae~!!"

"Hajiman goeroul ttaen aicheoreom, ttwieo nolgo shipuh~" Onew sang in a smoothe yet manly voice, smiling at Wookie seongsangnim as the rest of the class hummed along and clapped to the music.

"Psst," the bunny whispered turning a spin "What the 's he doing? Your boy's makin us look bad!"

"Oh well," the bear whispered back waving it's hand and jumping,"You can't stop talent."

Onew continued singing, "Jogeuman naui kkumdeureul pungseone gadeuk sitgo~!"  He ran around the classroom and urged the other students to join him, laughing and smiling like a kid. "Come on everybody, sing along! For seongsangnim!"

The students jumped and hollered, cheering, dancing and singing along with the two woodland creatures and the talented young boy

"Ji~nagabeorin~! Eorin sijeoren pungseon~, eul tago naraganeun~ yeppeun kkumdo kkueotji~!" Wookie looked at all of this going on around him quietly. The lovable students he cherished so deeply were not only bonding together but trying to cheer him up. Him, the teacher who had stopped caring about his job and let his own personal problems hinder him from being a good teacher.

"No~ran pungseon~! I haneureul nal myeon nae maeumedo areumdaun gieokdeuri saenggangna~!"

He watched as the students laughed and danced happily, shoving cookies into each others mouths and wiping frosting on their cheeks. This joy, this happiness was what he longed for. It was the same joy he felt while cooking and sharing it with the students. The same joy he felt, whenever they learned a new recipe or created a dish that they couldn't have made before. This was the joy he had needed and missed so badly.


The bunny and bear made their way through the party to his desk and presented him with a tall platter of heart shaped iced cookies.

"Seongsangnim..." the bunny started,"We want you to eat these. Eat these and be happy with your students."

The bear nodded, picking one up and pushed it to his mouth. "Eat it! It's good, really!" Wookie opened his mouth and bit the cookie tentaively. He chewed it slowly and smiled, an explosion of vanilla, rum, and marshmellows taking over his tastebuds.

"It's delicious."

"Yes!" the bear giggled happily, clapping its hands.

" yeah!" the bunny cheered and did a high kick.

Wookie looked at them and then at the rest of the class and felt something bubbling up from his gut and spring out his throat.

"AHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" he laughed loudly. The students looked at him and cheered.

"Wooh! Seonsangnim is BACK!"


"Alright, Seongsang!"

Wookie laughed even more and the students joined in still dancing and cheering to the music .

"Seongsangnim! We did it! We made you smile!!" The bear ran up and hugged him tightly, followed by the bunny.

Wookie looked down at the two as they looked up at him and smiled a truely sincere smile. A tear found its way down his cheek and dropped on the bunny's nose.

"Seongsangnim..... what's wrong?! What'd we do now!?" the bear cried frantically.

"! Was I off key? I was off key wasn't I?" the bunny said sourly.

"No, no, noooo," Wookie said drawing them closer into the embrace. "You guys have made me cry tears of joy, for the first time in my life....." He looked down at them and gazed into their plastic cartoon eyes," Thank you, Na Moon, Jin-Ah."

The bunny and bear sprang away from him waving their arms energetically. "ANIYO! We're the Happy Friends! The Happy Friends!"

Wookie bent over laughing at them and wiped away his tears. "Un!" he said, his usual jovial and optimistic voice returning, "You're my happy friends."


"And they all lived somewhat happily ever after to now. The end. "

"YAAAAAYYY!!"  the twins yelled clapping.  "That was an awesome story, Noona!" Taemin said high fiving Jin-Ah.

Soomin agreed. "Nn.... hmm... I wonder who those Happy friends were though... I wish I could've seen them."

A long akward silence followed as the others stared at her with dumbfounded faces.

"Seriously, Noona?" Taemin said sighing and ran a hand through his curly red locks.

Na Moon looked at her and shook her head. "What the is wrong with you?" Jin-Ah just rolled around laughing.

Wookie seongsang chuckled lightly,"Actually, I have a picture of them if you'd like to see."

Na Moon and Jin-Ah looked at him in horror, complete opposite to the ecstatic faces of the twins. "YES!"


Wookie bounced up, dodging Na Moon's attempt to tackle him and walked over to his desk. He \opened a drawer and took out a photo.

"Seongsangniiiiiiiiiimmm~ NOOOOOOOOO!!!" Jin-Ah cried clinging to his leg and making him drag her all the way around.

"Look, " he said showing the twins, "Aren't they cute?"

"Aaaaawwwww," they sang together. "They're adorable!"

"Hey, lets go show the other hyungs!" Taemin shouted excitedly.

"Okay!" Soomin chirped and the two dashed out the room with the picture in their hands.

"We'll bring it back, seongsangnim!" Taemin called back.

"NO, DAMN IT!" Na Moon sprang up and dashed after them.

Jin-Ah yawned as Wookie-seongsang laughed. She turned and looked at him, smiling sleepily as usual. "Ah, I almost forgot. Seongsangnim."

"Hm?" he said turning to her smiling brightly as ever.

"Can I have some food?"

He laughed again before going in the back and returning with a big container of buns. "Here," he said handing it to her,"Those are some of the special buns my students made."

"Thanks," she said grinning. They stood there silently looking at each other when Wookie held his arms open and smiled at her. Jin-Ah  smiled back and ran into the hug.

"I miss your class, seongsangnim...."

He smiled sadly and patted her head. "I miss you in my class, Jin-Ah. You and Na Moon..... Why didn't you guys take it?" She pulled away and looked him in the eye. "I wanted to but I failed science last year so I'm taking a special ....." she coughed and stuck her hands in her hoodie pocket, "remedial class..." she mumbled.

"Ah," he said understandingly. "I see. Is Na Moon taking one too?"

"Yeah...," Jin-Ah nodded. "Hers is for math though."

Wookie nodded and smiled at her. "Do your best okay?"

Jin-Ah smiled back at him and nodded. "I will. I'll cya later Wookie- seongsangnim!" she waved goodbye and ran after the others. A feeling of happiness and warmth filled her body.

It was good seeing him... I missed that guy... I might skip gym and go see him later! she thought happily squeezing the buns tightly.


And there we go, last part of Story time with Wookie. How'd you guys like the surprise? How bout them awesome sugar cooies. JinMoo style ;) idk bout you but i like saying that...JInMoo style...  SPOILER ALERT!!!!


Jin-Ah cracked her knuckles threatningly,"JinMoo style."

And can you IMAGINE ONEW SINGING BALLOONS!? omg. it'd be epic. epic and wonderful.  Next chap! , watch out cuz there comin fast! >:D

(btw, sorry for typos, I got tired of lookin at this chap and stopped proofreading half way through, cuz the lyrics wore me out. BTW the song is Balloons by DBSK) SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BAAAAAAAAAAAAAABBBEE ~!! <3



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