Passing Period: Chicken Man and Frog Prince to the Rescue!!

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Jin- ah strolled through the hallway lazily, her hands in the pocket of her hoodie. She was on her way to her next class when she spotted two guys walking her way with a small crowd of bawling girls following them.

She looked closer and recognized the two as none other than "Sweet guy Onew" and "Flaming charisma Minho". At least that's what the girls in school called them. To Jin-Ah they were "Chicken Man" and his silent, glaring sidekick "The Frog Prince".

Yes while other girls gave them romanatic names, Jin-Ah made them superheroes. "Oh! Chicken Man!!" she waved.


Onew looked and smiled "Ah, Sleepy!!" It was his nickname for her. He ran to greet her but a door suddenly opened and smacked him in the head. BAM!!

Daaaaaammnn! That look like it hurt! thought Jin- Ah as she ran to help him up.

"Owchh... Thanks Sleepy." He said dusting himself off. A Hand touched his shoulder "Hyung, you okay?" Minho asked concerned.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine," he smiled. "Hey, Tall-boy!! How's life fighting crime~ hahaaa" She asked pretending to be a cop shooting Onew who had out of no where become the robber.  Minho stared at her blankly and shook his head at their little game.

"What the hell? What is she doing?" The crowd of girls that had been following began to whisper. "Why is she talking to them like that?" They began talking louder. "Isn't she the one who passed out in gym?" "No, she just fell asleep. She woke up like 5 minutes later and ran a mile then went back to sleep... she's so weird"

"Hyung," Minho said "I'm gonna go to class. I'll see you later." He patted him on the head and just glared at Jin-Ah then walked off with half the fangirls, leaving the other half still following Onew.

Jin-Ah frowned. That guy... does he hate me or something? Always glaring like I ate his cookie or killed his dog....

"Oh, okay! See ya later!" Onew called. "So Sleepy! You wanna hear my new joke?" he asked excitedly. This was what she had been waiting for. Chicken Man told the BEST jokes.

"You know it Chicken Man!" Jin- ah smiled. "Let me hear it! " The other girls groaned "Opppaa don't do iiitttt..."


He ignored them. "Okay. What did the pony say when it had a sore throat?" 

Jin-Ah thought for a second. "I don't know, what'd it say?"

"I'm sorry," he giggled,"I'm a little horse!" Everyone was quiet for a few seconds then Onew and Jin-Ah bust out laughing. The girls just sighed and walked away leaving Onew and Jin-ah rolling on the floor.... "Oppa can be too much sometimes.." "This is why he's cuter when he's quiet."

After about 3 minutes of knee slapping and crying, the two clowns picked themselves up and high-fived. "Ah Chicken -Man. You kill me everytime."

"Hahaha yeah I am great aren't I?" He said proudly a cheesy grin stamped across his face.  Jin-Ah nodded. "Gotta go to class now, but I'll see you later, okay Chicken man?"


"You got it Sleepy." They high fived, bumped fist, wrapped pinkies and locked thumbs. An epic parting, for two epic people.

The real G's at highschool! ;D


Ahhh yayyy!! Onew and Minho made their first appearance!! :D don't worry, it shall surely not be the last. Like the pic? Yeah. Teh smex ain't it? You're go wipe the drool off your keyboard. Don't know bout you but that joke? Gold. Those girls have 0 sense of humour.. >.> Onew and his condition make me happy :D SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT BABE~ <3 Love mah loud readers :P gimme feedback and let me know if it or not mkay?

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