Story Time: Wookie's Surprise pt.1

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school


YOU DO YES? :3 ^ self made Changmin


macro FTW.



"Finally, geez." Jin-Ah stretched and sat up, beginning to tell the story once more. "Alright. Once upon a day in middle school, there was...."


"Thats too much chocolate !" Na Moon yelled swatting Jin-Ah's hand after she had dumped an entire bag of chocolate chips into the cookie dough.
"Shut up, it's fine!" Jin-Ah yelled back mixing the dough with much difficulty.
Na Moon sighed and sat on the wooden stool she'd dragged over. She looked around at all the other students in class working diligently in pairs. They were doing sensible things like measuring sugar, sifting flour, seperating eggs. She turned back to her own partner and gaped in horror as Jin-Ah picked up a bottle of vanilla and dunked half the contents into the mixture.
"Yah! Measure it out! It's gonna taste like if you do it that way."
"Nooooo," Jin-Ah said with a smile, grabbing a handful of almonds and chunking them in," It's going to taste absolutely heavenly." She yawned at Na Moon who held her face in her hands and chuckled. "Trust me. I know my way around the kitchen."
"Uuuughh..... Wookie -seongsangnim~" Na Moon groaned. The teacher, who had been strolling around the room peeking over the students shoulders and overseeing their work with extreme glee, bounced over to her side.
"Yeeesss Yang Na Moon~ " he poked her arm playfully, his face glowing his geniuine happiness,"How are things going for you and Jin-Ah?" he asked with a smile.
"Horrible," Na Moon answered flatly.
"Ani~ " Jin-Ah cut in throwing a pinch of ground coffee in the bowl and inhaling the aroma of the dough proudly,"Things are going great, Wookie-seongsang." He looked worriedly at Jin-Ah then at the mixture then back at Jin-Ah.
"Du Jin-Ah..... are any chance... you're not um..... making your own recipe again, are you?"
He rubbed his stomach remembering the last time the ever-drowsy student decided to get creative with her cooking. Mixing 5 different types of cheese in one lasagna was indeed creative and quite delicious, but it had a side effect that made ones bowels move like an avalanche. One hour after eating it, all the bathrooms in the school had been occupied by him and his students.
Jin-Ah looked at him and smiled sleepily. "Seongsangnim. Trust. Me." She winked and continued mixing in more items. Wookie-seongsang could only nod and walk away, hoping for the best.
After everyone finished and the cookies were in the oven, it was break time and the students all left to go roam around the school and hang out with their friends. The pair left their culinary work behind and went out to one of the outdoor staircases in the school. Na Moon leaned against the rail of the balcony and looked out over the school yard while Jin-Ah sat on the stairs and munched on a chicken wing with her friend, Onew.
"Waaahh! This, " he said holding up a drumstick and looking at it with love filled eyes," can this be so delicious?!" He stuffed it in his mouth and pulled it out, every piece of meat removed without a trace.
"I know right? It's magical" Jin-Ah nodded in agreement and munched on a wing.
Na Moon looked back at them and laughed. "You fatasses."
Onew looked up at her dejected,"Heeeyyyy...We're not fat.... We just appreciate the wonderful God-given miracle that is chicken. Totally normal.."
Jin-Ah grabbed another drumstick and shook it at Moon, smiling with a bone hanging out , "Joo wan sum?"
"No. I don't WAN SUM," she said laughing and poking Jin-Ah's head. "I brought my own snack..." She sat down and pulled out her bag, digging around inside. "Ah crap, I left it back in class. " She stood up and grabbed Jin-Ah's arm. "Come with me to go get it."
"Ah why do I have to go?" Jin-Ah grumbled yanking her arm away and pointing at Onew," Take him."
Onew looked at the two of them then back at the box of chicken. "And leave my glorius chicken behind to be feasted upon by some unworthy soul?"
The girls nodded in unison. "Nn."
"HAH, AS IF!" he yelled snatching his chicken up and glaring at them in disgust. "I'd never abandon something so precious." He turned away hugging and whispering sweet nothings to his beloved chicken.
Na Moon rolled her eyes and walked off," it."
Jin-Ah looked at Na Moon then back at Onew laughing and slapped his arm. " Yah oppa, whats gotten into you? Precious? What, are you Smeagol now?"
He bent his head and looked up at her with still petting the box of chicken, a devilish smile playing on his lips. "My precciioouussss~" he growled in a low, raspy voice.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk," Jin-Ah said standing up and shaking her head. "Oppa, you need help. Professional help." She turned away and ran after Na Moon, leaving Onew and his "precious" alone.
"AAARE YOU RE-DAYE?!" Jin-Ah shouted jumping out in the middle of the hallway with her arms out wide.
"WOAH-OH! BINGEUL BINGEUL BINGEUL BI~NGEUL" Na Moon sang, moon-walking onto the scene and dancing around Jin-Ah. (Lol, Na Moon moon walking...ucwidt? No? Carry on then >.>) The two made their way down the hall singing and dancing until they heard something strange.
"Yah," Na Moon said suddenly grabbing Jin-Ah's arm looking around,"Do you hear that?"
"Hm?" Jin-Ah tilted her head and listened. " sounds like.... crying?" She frowned and looked around. "Where's it coming from?"
They looked around but didn't see anyone. Na Moon crept closer to the home -ec room and peered around the corner. Her eyes went wide and she motioned for Jin-Ah to come and look.
Sitting on the floor with a phone to his ear and his hand on his face was Wookie-seongsangnim, crying desperately into the phone, pleading, begging, sobbing harder and harder each passing moment.
"Baby, please..... why.... why are you doing this to me? ..... No, I understand that, I just- ...... No, it's not like that! I care about you, I do! .... No, I understand you, it's just hard for me right-.... yeah, baby I know, I know......Baby please don't do this... don't do this!! Please! Baby wait, baby! Baby- ..hello? hello?"
 He covered his mouth with his hand and struggled to breathe steadily. Closing the phone and placing it on the ground, he pulled his knees to his chest and tried to silently cry out the immense pain surrounding his heart when he felt a hand touch his shoulder lightly. Through tear blocked eyes he looked up at familar sleepy face glossed over in confusion and worry.
"Seongsangnim..... what's wrong?" Jin-Ah asked crouching in front of him tilting her head to see his face.
"Omo...Jin-Ah," he said swallowing his tears and standing up, wiping his face. "Wh-what are you doing here?" His voice was weak and strained.
Jin-Ah stared up at him and bit her lip. "Seongsangnim..... what's wrong?" she asked again quietly.
He looked in her eyes and saw tears b up in the corners. Oh no.... he thought.
"Ani, ani! It's nothing," he said grabbing her hands and standing her up smiling halfheartedly.
"Seongsangnim is a bad liar." Na Moon said coldly walking over her arms crossed. She stared him in the eye, bold and firm faced. "Whats going on?"
Wookie-seongsangnim laughed wiping away a few stray tears that refused to stop falling. "Ani, ani, really. Its nothing. I just... um... got some bad news..... that's all."
He looked at Na Moon's doubtful, unchanged face and Jin-Ah staring back at him gripping the end of her hoodie tightly. For once her eyes were actually opened all the way, only to reveal two chestnut colored bowls of tears.
"Seongsangnim..." she mumbled sniffling on her own tears now. "Did we....did we do something wrong? Is it the cookies? I'm sorry... I- I- I thought.... " she trailed off and looked down at the ground.
"Ani! Ani, Du Jin-Ah. Its not your fault," he said grabbing her hands and attempting to cheer her up with a smile.
"Then... why were you crying?" she  asked looking into his eyes. Her own trembled with grief and worry. Was it their fault? Did she upset him again?
"Is it something that you can't tell us, Seongsangnim?" Na Moon asked her face softening a bit as she looked him over with compassion.
Wookie smiled at her and looked down sheepishly. "'s a bit of a personal matter..."he said more to Jin-Ah's hands than Na Moon's face. "I just... I'm dealing with some things right now and well....I don't won't you students to worry." He felt so guilty. Not only did he make his students worry but he made them cry as well. What a horrible teacher...
Na Moon nodded silently and wrapped her arm around Jin-Ah who kept her gaze fixed on the ground. "We understand, Seongsangnim...." she pulled Jin-Ah away down the hall when the girl stopped abruptly and turned back to look at Wookie-seongsang who was looking right back at her.
"Seongsangnim." she said clearly.
"Neh, Du Jin-Ah?" he answered sweetly with a sad smile on his face.
"Seongsangnim...for seongsangnim.....I will make you smile from the inside out. Truly smile!" she declared wiping her tears and facing him fully. Her brow furrowed in determination while her eyes stared fiercly into his. "Seongsangnim! I will make you laugh, and we will laugh together. I promise!"
He looked at her tiredly and smiled.
He nodded and walked back into the classroom closing the door behind him softly.
Na Moon placed a hand on Jin-Ah's shoulder and squeezed.
I promise.....
WOOOOHH update finally! AND HOMFG ANOTHER SUJU MEMB <3 WOOOOKKIIIEE I LAH JOO! But awww poor Wookie D; looks like something bad happened... No worries tho! The super students: man on man loving Na Moon and sleep loving Jin-Ah are on the job! And lemme tell you, when Du JIn-Ah makes a promise? Home chick keeps it. ;)
For those of you who don't know, smeagol is a character from LORD OF THE RINGS (LOTR) ima total LOTR fan btw. Legolas? Smexy. There's another guy i like ... Fwerhon or something like that idk i haven't watched the movies in a while >.>; Anyway this is him


Yeah. He's cute in an ugly baby kinda way. Nutty as squirrel poo tho. >_> don't eff with his precious. he be proned to bitin fingers off.

Also the song mentioned in todays chap was Bingeul Bingeul (Round and Round- UKISS.

:D sorry to all my subbers for taking so long TT^TT i've been tryna do stuff and then i came up with the plot and crap and just couldn't make it come out my head through my fingers right and..... IM SORRY!! DX Especially sorry to you, my dear Curtle D: I kept promising you an update day after day only to have you wake up to an unupdated story. Biene v_v but i probably won't be updating for a while again. Don't worry tho! I'll try my best and pump out the next chap ASAP.
SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BABE!!!~<3 makes me update faster ;]
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