Chapter 18- OUCH!

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

When Eunhyuk and Donghae came back out from the changing rooms, the class had already chosen two captains to lead the dodgeball teams and were now selecting players. The first captain, Jiyoung stood beside the Coach awkwardly shifting his weight from one foot to the other while fumbling with his glasses. The second, was Yuki standing proud and pompous as ever with a hand on her hip.

"I piiiiicck... Hyunsoo," she said pointing at a well built male in the front row. 

Coach Kangin nodded and looked down at Jiyoung, "Your turn." Jiyoung glanced up at him nervously then at the other students waiting to be chosen: Onew, Soomin, Jin-Ah, Na Moon, and now Eunhyuk and Donghae.

"Um... um.. I.. w-w-well I..." the boy stammered glancing back and forth from the left over students.

Kangin rubbed his forehead wearily. "Oh my God, Jiyoung. JUST. PICK! IT'S DODGEBALL, NOT THE OLYMPICS!"

"Che," Yuki scoffed,"Not like he's got much to choose from." 

Jiyoung hesitated some more before he made eye contact with Na Moon. She gave him a nod and he looked back at the coach fuming with impatience. "Okay. I.. I pick N-n-n-na Moon."

"in finally,"Kangin mumbled. "Yuki, pick."

She looked at the remaining people. "Hmm... I'll take Donghae, Onew, and Eunhyuk. You can have the crap, I mean people that are left...." she said with a flip of her long brown hair.

"Aww... I wanted to be with Jin-Ah..." Eunhyuk pouted standing up and walking to Yuki's side of the court with Donghae. 

"Hey look at it this way," Hae said wrapping an arm around his shoulder,"At least we get to hit Na Moon and won't get in trouble for it."

There was a loud PANG! as a red rubber dodgeball hit him in the back of the head. "Ow" he whined turning around to see Na Moon smirking deviously. 


"Yang Na Moon! Don't throw the damn balls until I say so!" Kangin roared.

"Sorry Coach, it slipped."

"Whatever. Line up on your sides and wait for my signal."

Na Moon stood up and watched Jin-Ah tumble off the bleachers to the floor. She sighed grabbing her limp arms and began to drag her to their side of the court but stopped when she looked at Onew and Soomin. They were holding hands like two star crossed lovers whose fate was to be bitter and tragic.

"Even if we're not on the same side, I'll still protect you" Onew said squeezing Soomin's hand. She sniffed and nodded, "I believe in you, Oppa." 

Oh please Na Moon thought rolling her eyes. Once everyone was on their appropiate sides of the court in their teams Coach Kangin stood in the middle reviewing the rules.

"Alright, no biting, clawing, kicking, anything other than a ball AND I MEAN DODGEBALL YOU PUNKS, hitting someone else is a foul and immediate detention. If you get hit you can get back in if someone catches a ball. Everyone HAS TO PLAY." he said looking at Jin-Ah whose eyes were still closed .

Na Moon gave Coach Kangin a chuckle and nudged her awake roughly. Kangin shook his head and continued," Keep it clean and make it last long or else you'll run the rest of the period, got it?"

"Yes, sir," the class said in unison. 

Kangin blew the whistle and walked to the back of the gym to watch as the students ran towards the line of balls splitting the court in half and throw them at each other relentlessly. He smiled as Na Moon hit one of Yuki's buff teammates in the crotch with a ball.

'Girls got an arm' he though nodding proudly.

Na Moon was like a professiona, ducking and dodging the attacks from the other team with all the grace of a gladiator ballerina. She looked over at Jiyoung who was somehow managing to dodge the thousand of balls being pelted at him. 

"Jiyoung, catch!" she yelled throwing a ball she'd caught over at him.

He fumbled around trying to grip the ball then ran and threw it with all his might at the biggest member of the other team. The ball soared through the air at an incredibly slow speed and ended up hitting a girl on the other side of the court.

Kangin brought his palm to his face and sighed while Na Moon ran over to Jiyoung and gave him a congratulatory pat on the back. 

"Nice work! That throws was.... like a dragon! You threw it like a dragon! Yeah.. hehe, I knew you had a set on you." 

The shy boy gigglesnorted and blushed bright scarlet. "Th-thanks, Na Moon... um.. w-what does that mean, actually? People have been telling me to get a "set" for a while now..."

Na Moon looked at him and laughed, patting his back again. "Eh, don't worry 'bout it. You did good, Dragon. G-Dragon hah. Get it? Good Dragon, G-Dragon ahhahahah~ Ah i'm so punny." 


"Yeah," she said giving him a smile,"It's your new nickname." 

Jiyong looked her in the eye for the first time and smiled, "Oh. I like it. T-th-thanks Na Moon."

She nodded and smacked his back,"Now let's play!"

So Na Moon and Jiyoung worked together catching balls and throwing them back with the others while Soomin and Onew dodged all the attacks thrown at them and raged at anyone who tried to hit the other.  Eunhyuk and Donghae sneaked some hits towards Coach Kangin but not for long, since he picked up on what they were doing and gave them twice as much pain as they tried to give him. All the while Jin-Ah laid on the ground in the back snoozing with a dodgeball cradled in her arms. Unfortunately for her she didn't go unnoticed long.

"YAH, DU JIN-AH!" the coach warned throwing another ball at Eunhyuk.

Soomin looked back at Jin-Ah,"Umma~ wake up. Coach is getting angry... I think his vein is moving again" she said in disgust as the vein in Coach Kangin's temple began to pulsate.

Jin-Ah lifted her head "Nnnnnmmmafdsssssss." She rolled from the back of the court to the border line between the two teams. With the speed of a dead snail she tossed the ball at a pair of long, skinny legs close to her. The owner of the legs laughed sharply and picked up the ball. Before Jin-Ah could roll back to her original positiion, she was smacked in the face by the ball with a loud PANG!!! 

"AAAAHH! MMHNMMMFF" she cried clutching her nose.


Done. I updated! Yayyyyy. I was actually going to delete this story to keep the subbers from waiting in disappointment but I thought i might as well go ahead. Sorry this took so long and wasn't really that exciting, but I'm updating again and that's good right? Meh. SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT,PLEASE. <3

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Congrats on the random feature
congratss ^^~
COngratss ^^~
milkytwilight_ #7