End of Lunchtime: Hot Buns of Fun

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Jin-Ah walked back to the lunch table to find Na Moon and Jonghyun arguing while Key snapped pictures of their angry faces as usual, Minho and Taemin playing red hands, and  Soomin sitting next to Onew laughing hystericallly (he must've told her one of his awesome jokes).

She plopped down next to Jonghyun and Minho. "Look!! Seongsangnim gave us some steamed buns." She held up the container for everyone to see.

"Oh yeah, " Na Moon said taking the bun Jin-Ah handed her,"I forgot we went there for food, not to tell stories.... why the hell is it so lumpy?" she turned it round in her hand and heard a small 'poosh~' as an air pocket exploded in her hand.

"..... Jin-Ah.... what the is this?"

Jin-Ah  picked one up herself and looked at. It was more oval than round and pretty big for a bun." He said they were made by the students... I guess... they let their creativity  loose?" she smiled at Na Moon's doubtful face. "Just try it, Seongsangnim wouldn't give us something inedible. I mean it's not like we wouldn't eat it anyway but still."

Moon shrugged and bit into her bun. "Hmm..." she chewed a little more and nodded in satisfaction. "It's good." 

"What's in it?" Key asked curiously.

" Minced potatoes, onions, some sorta green stuff aaaaanndd beef.No wait, pork.  And I think I taste a hint of wasabi."

"Ooh, that sounds good," Soomin said her lips. "Umma~" she started to whine. Soomin put on her cutest face, puckered her lips and batted her eye lashes. "Umma~ Can I whav-" Jin-Ah cut her off with a bun to the face.

"Sure. Eat up."Jin-Ah laughed as Soomin peeled the bun from her face and bit into it. Taemin watched his sister eat the odd yet scrumptious looking bun and turned to Jin-Ah. She had the container between her legs and had picked up a bun and handed it to Onew.

"Huh? Why me?" he took it anyway and thanked her.

"Cause without you, the story wouldn't have been as fun."

"Hmrph?" he questioned, mouth full of sweet bean paste. "Bwut torie? ( What story?)"

"The surprise from middle school... meh don't worry about it," she laughed and saw Taemin staring at her and then back at Na Moon, Soomin, and Onew eating their buns.

"Um.. Noona?"

Jin-Ah smiled at him through heavy eyelids and handed him a bun. "Here."

His eyes went wide and sparkled, "Oh Noona! Thank you! Thank you so much!" He took the bun and bit into it like a mouse finding a ball of cheese after three years of starvation. "Mmmm," he moaned savouring the sweet taste. "I think I'm in love."

"Hahahaha," Minho laughed and patted his head only to have a bun placed on his hand. "Hm, me? Waeyo?" he asked.

"Cause you fed me." Jin-Ah said matter of factly. His eyes still had their natural glare but were less instense and actually looked a bit serene. He took the bun and chewed it while patting her head.

Two people who had obviously been left out until this point sat waiting with their arms crossed for a bun to fall into their hands.

"A-a-ahem?" Key cleared his throat loudly and tilted his head at Jin-Ah, "Forgetting someone?" he pointed at himself and smirked.

"Yeah, come on Sleepy." Jonghyun said putting his hand out.

"Oh yeah," Jin-Ah said reaching in and pulling out the biggest and lumpiest bun of all. "Can't forget to feed  number 1." She took a  giant bite of the bun and stared down at it.

Na Moon looked at her questionable face. "What's wrong?"

Jin-Ah furrowed her brow and looked at the bun harder. "... are buns supposed to have cheese and pepperoni?"

Everyone looked at her, a wave of 'wtf?' on their faces. "Um.... no... " Minho answered her.

She looked back at him and shrugged. "Dang shame, it's just as delicious," and took another bite.

"YAH! GIMME ONE!" Key said lunging at her bun.

"No! Why should I?!"  Jin-Ah squirmed, trying to guard her warm savoury buns from Key's grabby grab hands.

"Because, I'm The Almighty Mother-in Key. Now gimme one!"

"Heeeeyyyy~ gimme one too!! I want one too!" Jonghyun whined. He leaned over Key and reached for Jin-Ah.

"NO!!" Jin-Ah shrieked clinging to her bun for dear life. She leaned away as far from them as she could, her foot pushing against Jonghyun's chest and her free arm engaged in a petty swat-war with Key. "Tell it to the judge, punks!"

Minho wrapped his arm around Taemin's shoulder and they watched the scene before them as a father and son would while watching a movie together. Onew and Soomin were engaged in their own little conversation about the steam buns, giggling and blushing for no apparent reason, while Na Moon shook her head watching. Suddenly, she had an idea.

Grabbing Taemin's empty milk carton, she banged it on the table and yelled, "Order! Order in the court! Order!"

Jin-Ah, Key, and Jonghyun froze looking at her. "Eh?" they said together. "What," Jonghyun chuckled,"Are you like the Judge now?"

"Yes, short-stack. I am now the judge."

"Pshhh ," he scoffed, "Say's who?"

"Says my foot in your .  Now hush." she cleared . Minho and Taemin munched on their buns watching with bemused interest.

Now it's gonna get good.. Minho thought.

I wonder what Na-Moon Noona is thinking... Taemin wondered

Na Moon pointed at Key. "You there, why do you think you deserve a bun?"

Key rolled his eyes and stood with his hands on his hips. "I said already didn't I? I'm The Almighty Mother-in Key."

Moon pondered then nodded her head. "Hmm... I respect yo gangsta. You make a very valid point."

Key smiled and winked proudly. "Of course!" he chimed.

This time Na Moon turned to Jin-Ah and asked,"Now you. Why shouldn't he get one?"

"Cause he didn't help in the story, didn't come to help get the buns, AND the dirty little punk laughed at me." Jin-Ah turned and glared at Key.

"Um... I didn't laugh AT you... I laughed with you... out of love.." he flashed her a cute angelic smile and made a heart with his hands. "Saranghaaaae~"

Jin-Ah stuck her tongue out at him and looked back at Na Moon. "So? What's your ruling, Judge?"

"Wait a in minute! Don't I get to say something?" Jonghyun said fussed.

"No." Na Moon said blandly. " you. Your dinosaur can go starve and die like the rest of your kind for all I care."


"AAAANYWAY! This is my decision," Na Moon said, ignoring him and continuing with her ruling" Jin-ah.... You shall share with The Almighty Key and forgive him for being... a bit of a douche. "

"Yay!" Key clapped as Jin-Ah grumbled somthing under her breathe and forked over a bun. Minho and Taemin clapped as well.

"Yay! Everybody's happy~!" Taemin squeeled.

"Nuh-uh! I'm not...." Jonghyun mumbled kicking the ground with his foot.

Minho smiled at Na Moon and reached over to pat her head."Nice work... judge...."

She raised an eyebrow and looked at his hand then back at him and grinned. "Heh.... nice pit hair, Frog Prince."

Minho's smile quickly turned into a scowl as he jerked his hand back. "Hmph!Real men have hair ALL OVER their bodies. A peasant like you wouldn't understand."

" you guys!" Jonghyun cried. "I want a bun damn it!" Once agiain he was ignored as everyone went back to eating and having their own little conversations.  He pouted and sat down next to Key. "Yobo~"


"Yeeeess, Jongie-poo?" Key said chewing on his bun. Jin-Ah gagged  on the side of them while Na Moon argued with Minho about how deodorant chunks in pit hair was disgusting and shaving was necessary for men and women alike.

"Aaaaah" Jong said with his mouth open, waiting for Key to feed him. Unfortunately, Key had no plans of sharing.

"Nope." He got up and walked to the other side of Taemin and sat down.

"Well you too then..." Jonghyun grumbled. He looked at Jin-Ah laughing with the container of buns between her legs and thought. A mischevous smiled creeped on his face as he came up with a full-proof plan to get her to give him some.

"Du Jin-Ah," he called in a smoothe, y voice. He crept up behind her and she looked up at him sleepily from her seat.

"Hm?" she munched on her big pepperoni and cheese bun.

He bent down and wrapped his arms around her shoulders in a hug, to Na Moon and everyone else's shock and horror.

"Du Jin-Aaaahhh~" he moaned against her neck in that y voice of his. Jin-Ah stopped midbite of her bun and froze, eyes brown and wider than ever.

"M-moon?" she said meekly,"Help...."

Na Moon was too horrified to move or even answer. Her brain was still  trying to register the fact that a modern day  shrimp of a T-Rex had actually dared to wrap his arms around her friend IN FRONT OF HER and was....wait, wait was she blushing? DID JIN-AH JUST ACTUALLY BLUSH? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?!


"Jin-Ah," Jonghyun leaned on her more and whispered into her ear," Give me one... pleeeaassee~," he begged, a hand slowly sliding down her thigh to the container between her legs.

"Hughuhhuh" Jin-Ah shuddered and pulled away squeenching her eyes shut. She ed the container up at him slid away to safety behind Minho and Taemin with her own bun.

"Heh, thanks," Jonghyun smirked and ate the last of the buns monsterously. It was this time that Na Moon snapped out of her idleness and punched him in the side of his ribs with the force of 230 lb heavyweight league boxer.

"OW!! What the hell was that for?!"

"FOR TOUCHING MY JIN-AH,YOU !" she brushed her bangs out of her face and sat back down regaining her lady like composure,"Sides... she's my , so gtfo."

"It was just a joke, geez!," he cried rubbing his side," Besides.... not like she didn't like it anyway..." He turned and winked at Jin-ah who shuddered and crouched lower behind Minho and Taemin.

..... Did she just shudder at me? Naaahhh. There is no way she'd be scared of my charm. All this iness? Psshh yeah right. Chicks love me.

Na Moon grabbed Jin-Ah's hand and sat her down next to her. "There there, baby... Unnie won't let that scary ert dino scare you anymore." She cradled Jin-Ah's head and rocked her as the girl munched on her bun trembling. No matter what terrors she faced today, she still found the courage to eat.

Jonghyun looked at the two of them and munched his bun angrily "I said it was a joke..geez.... idiots."

"Hey," Minho said suddenly," Where are Onew hyung and Soomin?"

The others looked around and noticed that outside of their own little world, other students were leaving and going back inside the school.

"They must've gone back in already," Key said standing and dusting off his clothes.

"Oh, lunch must be over," Taemin stood and grabbed Minho's arm. "Hyung, let's go to class."  Minho nodded and picked up their trash and threw it away.

"Yeah, come on Key," Jonghyun wrapped his arm around Key's neck and pulled him off but stopped short (no pun intended), turned around and looked at the two girls walking back into the school behind them.

"Hey Jin-Ah," he said, a rogueish smile on his face. Jin-Ah looked at him her eyes half open with slight dark circles. She hadn't slept all lunch and was getting weary.

"Whaaatt?" she groaned. Na Moon looked at her then at Jonghyun and growled at him. She drew a line across her neck with her thumb and pointed at him threatingly.

Hmm.... is it worth it? he hesitated.

Key looked at him and Jin-Ah then laughed. "Oh my gosh, Jonghyun, when will you stop?" he chuckled to himself and started to walk off, but turned back to watch what Jonghyun would do.

In one nimble step, Jonghyun reached out and smacked Jin-Ah's with a hard, heavy hand then ran off laughing with Key.  "NICE BUNS!" he yelled back.


"YAH!! COME BACK HERE!!!" Na Moon called speeding after them with her serial killer mode on full blast.

Jin-Ah, once again frozen,  stood alone clutching her bottom and staring after her friends. "Huuuwaaahhh~!" she howled walking after her friends slowly. She tugged on her hoodie and pulled the strings of it tight. That freakin hurt!... sniff.. why'd that bastard hit me so hard?... sniff sniff... Eff my life...



Ohhhh Joongie~ you little naughty you ;)  oh and i aren't those buns up there cute? Soooo cute ^^ I wanna try some :O .Enjoy this chap? Hope so. And wtf is Soomin and Onew up to? Sneaky lil codgers. LOOK FORWARD TO THE NEXT CHAP!! SUBSCRIBE AND COMMENT FOR ME BAAAAAAAAAAABBBE~ <3!!!!!



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