1st period: Nap Time

Bonomana, Amigo! Let's go to school

Standing in a field of gummy trees and cotton candy was a rose twisted from colorful, mouth watering licorice .



It was so glorious. Its was so beautiful. It was what you spent your whole life searching for: The Licorice Rose of Candy Island.


So tempting....




So delicious looking....




Just one bite....just one taste.... just one freaking ...!!




Du Jin Ah shot up from her desk, eyes wide and scanning the classroom of giggling people, curious as to who the hell stopped her from eating the fabled Licorice Rose of Candy Island. Obviously they had no respect for a good dream.

Jin-ah's eyes rested on a ruler that was now tapping on her desk impatiently. She looked up into the eyes of her science teacher, Mr. Zhou who was glaring back at her through designer frames.


Ah crap.. thought Jin Ah.

"Du Jin-Ah," hissed Mr. Zhou. If it wasn't written all across his face, the guy was pissed like. Wow. Call-mom-and-tell-her-to-bring-me-some-new-underwear-scary pissed ._.


Jin-ah knew it and did her best to smile and look cute," Yeeessssss, Mr. Zhou?"


"Could you please explain to me why you find it appropiate to nap in MY class and SNORE during MY lecutre?"


Crap he wasn't falling for it. Jin Ah knew her aegyo ...how the hell did those other girls do it? When they did it guys grew weak in the knees and gave them whatever they wanted. When she did it they asked her if she needed to be taken to the hospital or had got a cramp.


Lucky cute girls.... " Um .... well... actually Mr. Zhou, it's not just YOUR class. It's all my classes," she beamed smiling her goofy smile. A few snickers and scoffs erupted from the other students. Mr. Zhou shot a warning glance across the classroom and turned back to Jin-Ah, his face darker.


"Du Jin-Ah, this behaviour is unacceptable. Not only is it a disruption but it is a bold sign of disrespe..." he went off on a rant and begin pacing up and down the rows of desk in the classroom.


Jin-Ah watched Mr. Zhou pace around the classroom with his long legs nodding intently on the various parts of speech he empasized on.. " UNLADY LIKE....... COMPLETLY RUDE...SOLAR SYSTEM...RANDOM.....DROOL....SNORING.... DNA...."  Jin Ah's eyelids became heavy and slowly started to close. Her chin rested on her chest as her nodding became deeper and deeper while Mr. Zhou went on about school and its oppurtunities to learn, grow, and make lasting impacts on the world.


Jin-Ah had officially dozed off when Mr. Zhou abruptly stopped pacing and looked at her. He felt the vein in his neck bulge.


"YAH!! DU JIN-AH!!!!"


He stormed back to her and smacked her head with the ruler. "Du Jin-Ah!" Jin-Ah snapped her eyes open and looked at Mr. Zhou pouting while rubbing her newly brusied noggin. The hell was that thing made out of? Steel? She'd remember to get rid of it before next class.


"Aishh... bwoh-yaaa?" Jin-Ah mumbled.


"Did you even hear anything I just said?" huffed Mr. Zhou. He had zapped her into a pile of dust in his mind with his Hyper-Glare.


Jin-Ah smiled her goofy smile at him and giggled," Annnniyooo~" she said poking his side. It was like a baby rabbit had walked into a pack of wolves and asked if they were interested in having dinner.


Mr. Zhou squinted at Jin-ah and smacked her head with that blasted ruler again and walked away.

" DETENTION!!" he roared returning to the front of the class to continue his lesson.


"Ah waaaaeeee," groaned Jin-ah resting her head on her desk. She smiled and closed her eyes. Mr. Zhou can be so cute when he's angry, she thought, plus his looks awesome when he struts.


AAAAAnd we're done!! My goodness I hope you're not asleep like Jin-Ah D: if you are then... sigh i fail XD  eh. Were you able to discover the hidden Suju member? If you guessed Zhou Mi, then you're right!! I have no idea how they call teachers in korea so i just used Zhou cause Mr. Mi sounds..... well i mean think of it. 

Teacher: Who needs to go to the bathroom?

Student: Mr. Mi!!

Teacher: Yes? What is it?

Student: Mr. Mi!!!

Teacher: You have my attention now what is it?

Student: MR. MI!!


eh... it'd be somewhat similar so yeah. And sorry no Shinee this chap but do believe you will get an overload of them next chap ;P but i needed you to under stand Jin-ah a little bit. Her characters kinda hard to explain in few words so she needs a bit of her own chap so you get why she does in future chaps. ANYWAY!! FORGIVE ME, D: and ill give you..... a cookie? meh... Subscribe and comment, for me babe. Don't be a silent reader ;P Just be gentle...its my first time (>////<)oh wth was that??!!? xD ugh *facepalm* im done.

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