


Kim Jongin,... You're making me puke rainbows followed by drunken unicorns in fluffy pink cloud costumes.




I stood there with this little black USB-stick in my hand.


Erm, yea.. What now?


"Earth to Kyungsoo!" Luhan waved a hand in front of my face. "Are you done?" he pointed at the table, I was cleaning "How long were you planing to clean the same table over and over again?" He giggled.


"Ähm..what?" I shook my head in order to come out of my thoughts.


"You've been like cleaning this table for about 15 minutes now, you sure you're okay?" I nodded "Well, see ya tomorrow."


"Bye Hyung and don't forget to watch it.." Sehun reminded me and I nodded "Okay, bye!" He took Luhan's hand and interwined their fingers.


AISH. Couples.




Chanyeol and I were the last persons in the shop as we closed the shop and headed home together.


"Goodnight Kyungsoo-ah, see ya tomorrow!" Chanyeol wrapped his giant hands around me and squeezed me tightly "AISH, you're soo freaking squeezable.." He pinched my cheeks.


"Goodnight Channie.." I smiled and closed the door behind me.


I went up the stairs to my room and I immediately plopped down on my bed exhaustedly. I closed my eyes and I could feel how sleep slowly took over me until..


Don't forget only watch the video!


My eyes shot open and I sat up again. I took my bag and there it was.. the black USB stick. I opened my laptop and pluged it in.  I opened it and there was a folder with the name INSTRUCTION as I clicked on it there was only 1 video to be found.


Video Diaries


I frowned.


What's this? 


I shrugged it off and searched for my earphones. Ah there it is. It was right above my nightstand. I clicked play and a black screen popped out with Intruction :) written on it. 5 seconds passed, until there was a cut in the movie and my eyes widen.


I recognize someone recording a videochat with..




"Are you filming right now?" and the camera nodded "This is so embarrassing.." Jongin said shyly.


"Do you miss Kyungsoo?" a voice, that sounded like Sehun asked and Jongin nodded without hesitation. "How much do you miss him?"


"Enough to die.." he said with sadness in his voice and the little scene stopped, until there was another cut and the black background was to be seen again, but this time there was something else written on it.


He misses you enough to die... <3


My heart started to beat faster as I read on.


Want a prove? Then follow this simple instruction ~


a picture of a smiling Jongin popped out and there was a note underneath it




and I smiled and nodded..


--> Check my FB :)


and the video ended. Fb?




I quickly signed in and went to his profile. I checked his latest status and there was a link with more than 100 likes.  I opened the Link and there was a video on a blog, that looked like his personal blog.


#1. DAY 3 - I miss you, enough to die.


My heartbeats increased and was about to run away when I started to watch the video. Jongin's face popped out.


"Hey.. Hmm.. I hope you're watching this.." He paused "How are you doing? Did you already ate? I hope so or else I have no choice but to fly back and stuff food into your mouth" He joked and I couldn't help but smile like an idiot "3 Days had gone since the last time I've seen you.. *sigh*.. I already missed you the moment I saw you leaving the airport. I just wanted to run back and hug you... I honestly can't wait to have you back in my arms again hehe.."  Me too..


He stood up and carried the camera with him "Well you asked how my room looks like, so here it is. My Room!" He filmed his bedroom, afterwards he sat down on his bed and fixed his hair "Does my hair look messy?" It does, but you're still handsome. He looked into the camera "Do you know, what make's it somehow bearable to be away from you this whole time?" I shook my head as if he could see me.. "This.." he grabbed something and presented it.


Is that..




"Remember taking this at the photobooth on the day I left? Our first picture session hehehe" How could I forget? He was holding a photostripe of us goofying around. He showed the first two pictures of the photostripe and smiled, while I was facepalming myself for doing ugly derp faces. "But this two are my favorites though.." He showed the last 2 pictures  and I almost choked on my saliva.




"Now the world knows that you're MINE." he teased. "They said DISNEYLAND is one of the best place to be, but unfortunately they've never been in your arms.." AKDBKJABDLAJDLKNDKNDL "Cheesy huh? Anyways, you're probably asking yourself why I'm doing this video right?" yes. "Whenever you feel like wanting to see me, miss me or feel sad, just rewatched this..."


Suddenly the door burst open "Jong- oh Gominasai.." a boy made a bow.


"No it's okay. Since you're already here." Jongin grabbed his wrist and pulled him towards the camera.. "This is Takuma, my roommate.."


"H-hey?" Takuma waved awkwardly. "Jongin.. Kiko is looking for you.. something about your presentation.."


"Hmm.. Guess I need to get ready for my next class... Annyeong for now" he held the camera only inches away from his face and kissed the screen "Take care babe!" and the video ended.


I scrolled down and read the comments.


Woaah.. this is soooo cute


You're soooo Handsoooome!


What's his name?


How long have you two been dating?


GAWD. Can you please be MINE instead?



I wonder if Kyungsoo got pregnant after the photobooth visit ..


I rolled my eyes when I saw the owner of the comment..




I started the like-button. this was just AKJBDKJBKJADKJDBKJBALÖDL


TO: Mine.<3
    Did I already told you that you're the cheesiest and best boyfriend in the world? :)




FROM: Mine.<3
So you saw it? :b



TO: Mine.<3
Yeps. But baaaaaabe the pictures ~_~ I look so damn ugly




FROM: Mine.<3
So do I :b let's be ugly together? kekeke




TO: Mine.<3
gawd, so cheesy :b




FROM: Mine.<3
Let's create the perfect crime then, shall we?



TO: Mine.<3



FROM: Mine.<3
I steal your heart and you steal mine ~




TO: Mine.<3
Deal :b



A/N: Can someone please make them stop?
            Gawd why are you so cheesy Jongin? AISH. kekekeke
            What was on the last 2 pictures? Any suggestion? :b Should I tell you? ^-^
            So what will happen next? ^-^Ready for another load of FLUFFYNESS? Yes? Stay tuned ^-^


Check out my ONE SHOT STORIES ^-^

LUHAN x YOU --> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/650807/miracles-in-december-oneshot-romance-you-fluffy-luhan

CHANYEOL x YOU --> http://www.asianfanfics.com/story/view/650824/my-crush-fluff-romance-you-chanyeol

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MsAmazing #1
Chapter 35: I want a bf like jonginnnn. Oh god he was so sweet ??
seranghaexo #2
Chapter 16: I am so mad at kyungsoo. Oh my god I cannot my heart is pounding way too hard
koreanpopfanforever #3
Chapter 15: Ok this story is really pissing me off
koreanpopfanforever #4
Chapter 14: ok seriously I'm going to kill someone
koreanpopfanforever #5
Chapter 13: Damn these dense people are trying to piss me off.
Chapter 35: Wow I just finished this, I spent all day reading it, this was so beautifully written!! I love it! So cheesy, crazy, classy, cool. LOL XD
So awesome! It was so sweet, it kills!
Chapter 18: This chapter pissed me off SOOOOO much, so much that I'm crying and laughing because FH he was so dense and dumb it annoyed me hardcore lmao XD but obviously the real Kyungsoo is very smart LOL
Anyway so far I love the crazy DRAMA! And all!
Chapter 35: Yahhhh so cheesy can't help it. Wow love it
Chapter 35: Thank you for coming back. I hppe it will be for good. Hope you're okay now.

Amd omg. I hope therr will be bonus chaptersss.

KaiSoo <3
Chapter 35: Omfg my hearteu~ (*´∇ `*) so many feels omf- this was sooooooo freaking adorable,I cried..because it was so romantic and cute and all that >w< huhu I loved it ^^