
College With The Boys


--Joyce’s POV--

Hearing Onew’s story was sad and sort of inspiring. I could tell how upset he was about his friends betraying him.

“I’m sorry, noona,” Taemin sniffled into my shirt, “I couldn’t protect you.” he weeped.

“No, no Taeminnie its not your fault..” I whispered to him while his hair, “It’s over now, everything is gonna be okay, like Onew said, they wont be coming back anymore.”

“Yeah, Taeminnie,” Minho patted his back, “Cheer up.”. Taemin picked his head up from my shoulder and rubbed his red, swollen eyes.

“Don’t worry, baby,” Key moved Taemins bangs out of his eyes and smiled tenderly, “I made sure that dreadlock dummy wont be able to walk properly for atleast a month.” Key chuckled and kissed Taemin on his temple.

Key went to fix up Jonghyun’s cuts on his face and arms from the fight, he pouted, “Yeobo, does it hurt?” Jonghyun shook his head and chuckled. Once Key was finished with Jonghyun he came to Taemin again and checked him to see if he was hurt anywhere. Taemin just shook his head and said he was fine. He still looked very upset.

I hugged him, “I’m sorry for putting you in this mess, Taeminnie.” I frowned.

After a while the boys decided to play games to try and cheer up Taemin. They didn’t work so Taemin and I just sat together on Key’s spare bed and watched the others play a game of cards. Taemin rested his head on my shoulder, he held my hand firmly and stuck as close to me as he possibly could, like he was afraid he would get taken again.

“You know,” Onew smiled while dealing cards, “I gotta thank Zico for this cut on my cheek.” he chuckled. Everyone looked at him like he was a fool.

“Wae?” Minho asked, “Have you lost your mind?”

“Nah, I just think that I look really manly with this cut, the ladies will love it,” Onew smirked ertedly, “Right, Joyce?” He looked up at me and pointed to his covered up cheek looking proud, he pursed his lips out and nodded his head in satisfactory. I laughed at him, he looked so pathetic.

“Psh,” I rolled my eyes, “No way, I don’t dig bad boys.” He frowned and we laughed at him.

“I cant believe you actually showed up to fight wearing those ridiculous animal suits,” Minho chuckled at the couple, shaking his head. Key and Jonghyun never did get out of those kigurumis. “That must have been some fight.”

“Why, am I too cute to look like a blackbelt?” he stood up and batted his eyelashes cutely. He waved his racoon tail around and pouted with excessive aegyo. Jonghyun was going crazy, curling his fingers.

“Jagiyah, you’re so cute,” he pulled on his boyfriend to sit in his lap and he kissed his cheek. We all groaned at them.


--A little while later--

“Noona,” Taemin whispered to me, tugging on my shirt, “I wanna go back to our dorm..” he sounded exhausted and he rubbed his sore eyes. I puffed out my cheeks.

“Mmkay,” I nodded, “Hey guys, me and Taemin are gonna go.” Key frowned and put his cards down and went to hug me.

"Do you want us to walk you to the dorms?" Key pouted, not wanting his baby to leave. Taemin shook his head slowly. “Mmkay guys, be safe,” he kissed me on the cheek and hugged Taemin next, kissing him on the forehead, “Make sure you rest up, Taeminnie, umma loves you.” he smiled and patted his cheek.

“Love you too, umma, thanks for saving me and hyung today,” Taemin smiled.

“Goodnight Taeminah, Joyce,” Minho said, waving to us.

“If you need anything, text us,” Key said, waving his phone around. I chuckled and nodded. Onew and Jonghyun waved us goodbye and we went on our way out. After about 5 minutes of walking I noticed Taemin was dragging his feet.

"Taeminah, are you tired?" I asked. I felt like I was just dragging him along. He nodded. I took a big sigh and told him to hop onto my back so I could carry him again. He didn't hesitate.

I walked slowly through the dimmed hallways of the dorms feeling exhausted myself. “I was really scared when you disappeared, Taeminnie,” I frowned.

He rested his head on my shoulder, “Noona.. they were really scary.” I could feel his lips forming a pout on my neck.

“We looked for you in the entire school, Taeminah… Thank god Key and Jonghyun found you in time,” I sighed extremely thankful, “And thank god you weren’t hurt bad..” I felt his head nod against my shoulder.

“I don’t want them to hurt noona..” he said quietly.

“Don’t worry about me, noona will be okay,” I said trying to lighten up his mood.

“Wont noona be mad at me forever if her secret gets out because of me..” he mumbled.

I just giggled softly, “Never, Taeminnie. I’m not like that, I would never blame you if my secret gets out.. Even if it was your fault.”

He remained quiet the rest of the way.

Finally after a long walk to our dorm we arrived. Thank goodness Taemin is really light, our dorm is like 174918297839 miles away from Key‘s ToT. I put Taemin down to get the key out of my pocket to open the door. He held onto my arm, looking around cautiously. I giggled, “Taeminah, don’t be scared.” I opened the door and we walked in.

I handed him pajamas from his closet and he changed quickly while I went to change as well in the bathroom.

“Noona I’m starving,” he whimpered, climbing onto my bed after changing and engulfing himself in my comforter, “Noona…. Ramyeonnn…”

“Why didn’t you tell me when were at Key and Jonghyuns?” I asked, going into our food cabinet quickly and picking up a ramyeon package. I pulled out a mini electric stove and a pot from the same cabinet. I started making him the ramyeon right away. He must've not eaten a thing since lunch!

“I forgot about it..” he said innocently, “And I like noona’s ramyeon better than umma’s.. He puts too much vegetables in it..” I giggled at his statement.

Once I finished making him food I got a couple bowls and chopsticks for us. I felt kind of hungry now, too. The aroma of hot noodles filled my senses. “Taeminah, its finished, come over here,” I waved my hand to get his attention and he came out of my bed and brought my comforter along with him. It was wrapped around him tightly and I laughed at the cacoon looking boy. “Taeminnie, are you cold?” I asked, pointing to my comforter that sat snuggly on his body.

I passed him chopsticks and he shook his head, “No, noona’s smell just comforts me.” he caressed the comforter with his cheek.

I smiled. “Eat up, Taeminnie, but don’t eat too much, your face will get swollen in the morning.”

He nodded and picked up some noodles from the pot and put them in his bowl. He ate happily, “Mmm. Yummy~” I felt more at ease now that Taemin sounded at least a little less upset. After a while of slurping up noodles, he put his bowl and chopsticks down and rubbed his tummy. “Mmm.. Full.. Sleepy..”

“Mmmkay Taeminnie, go to sleep, its 3 in the morning and we have class,” I helped him get up and him to his bed. He dragged my comforter along with him and I laughed, “Taeminah, you cant have both comforters, I’m going to freeze to death.”

He frowned, “Sorry noona… just take mine.” he said lazily. He laid down in his bed and kicked his comforter to the floor, making himself comfortable in his bed with mine. I picked up the messy comforter and threw it on my bed.

“I’m just gonna clean up and then go to sleep, mkay? Goodnight Taeminnie,” I smiled at the precious boy and kissed his forehead, “Saranghae~”

He giggled cutely, “Goodnight noona, saranghae <3” He closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep.

I went to the mess of bowls and pots on the floor and sighed. I put them in our mini kitchen’s sink, I’ll clean this up tomorrow. I put the stove away, went to shut the lights off and climbed into my bed with Taemin’s comforter. I fell asleep instantly.


--The next morning, 9am--

I woke up feeling really drowsy. I shook the sleepiness off and looked around the room. I ran a hand through my hair and saw that Taemin was still fast asleep. I got up and went over to his bed. I feel really bad for waking up from his sleep.. But we have class today..

I frowned and shook his shoulder lightly. “Taeminah..” I whispered, “Taeminah wake up.. We have class today.” he groaned and turned over so now his face was facing mine.

He rubbed his eyes slowly, they were swollen. He shook his head slightly, “Nooo…” he buried his face in his pillow to block the sunlight that shined through the window.

“Taeminah..” I pouted, “We have to..”

“Nuh huh,” he murmured into the pillow, “I don’t feel good..” he released his face from the pillow and looked up at me, his cheeks were rosy. I put the back of my hand against his forehead, feeling the temperature. He felt hot.

I gasped, “Omo, Taeminah, I think you have a fever.” I ran over to my bag in the closet searching for a thermometer. I could hear Taemin groaning in his bed. I finally found my pink thermometer. I went back to Taemin and poked his cheek, “Say aah.”

He opened up his mouth and I popped the thermometer in. I waited a few seconds before it beeped and I pulled it out of his mouth, “99.8.. Omo!”

“Mmm.. Noonaa…” he whispered. Ottoke? What do I do? I have class but Taemin has a fever.. I cant just leave him! Thoughts kept racing inside my head and I felt a hand tug on my pajama pants, “Noona don’t leave me…” I heard Taemin whimper.

I pouted and decided to just skip class for today, “I wont Taeminnie.” I rubbed my thumb across the back of his hand and gave him a sweet smile, “Let’s just go back to sleep, mmkay? You need rest.” he nodded slowly and I covered him back up with the comforter.

I climbed back into my bed, thankful I could get at least a couple more hours of sleep, “Just call noona if you need anything.”

“Mmhm..” I heard him mumble.


--one hour later--

I was awoken by my phone buzzing next to my pillow. It buzzed non-stop and irritated me so I picked it up and saw that I got a text message from Key, Minho, AND Jonghyun simultaneously. Right, I forgot to tell them Taemin and I wont be going to class today, aish! I face palmed myself.

Minho oppa: Yah! joyce where r u? wheres taemin? key is like freaking out over here thinking both u n taemin got kidnapped this time -__-

Key Umma: JOYCE! Where r u?! Y arent u in homeroom?! WHERES TAEMIN? R U SAFE? UMMA IS HAVING A PANICK ATTACK!!!1!!1111!!!!!11!!

Dino Jjong: jagiyah and Minho and I are really worried, where are u and taemin? Did you get kidnapped or did u just skip class?

I made this face -____- at the texts. Good going, Joyce. I replied to them as quickly as I could.

Me(to Key): umma, me and Taemin are fine, please don’t worry. Taemin has a fever and I couldn’t just leave him so I skipped class for the day to take care of him. Please don’t have a panick attack! Umma saranghae! <3<3

Me(to Minho): Taemin has a fever, I skipped class to take care of him, don’t worry, we didn’t get kidnapped, oppa. ^^

Me(to Jjong): sorry for making you guys worried, oppa! ): Taemin and I are at our dorm, he has a fever and im taking care of him. don’t worry about us! Oh, but can you drop by later and bring us some ramyeon, we’re running out, komawo!


SORRY for missing an update yesterday! ); I thought I updated it but I only figured out today that I had the 'save as draft' option still picked T~T

D'awwwh! Taeminah is sick! wah ): poor taeminnie. Joyce has to take care of him! ^^ and hahahaha at key and minho and jjong all freaking out xD

Please look forward to the next chapter, <3 ^^ Comment!

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Hi! New reader!!! Please update soon!! I'm kind of sad that I read up to here and there's a cliffhanger!! :'(<br />
Anyways please update soon!!!
Yay an update! I missed this story! :(<br />
Aww JongKey! <333 hehehe update again soon!
Awww JONGKEY!!! YEAYYY!! I miss this story~ *Sob!<br />
Oh Oh.. Who was that man? :O<br />
<br />
<br />
Update sooooon~ PWEEEESEEEE!
-ily_4ever #4
Yay you updated ! Wahh I love the chapter they're so cute!! I'm glad JongKey got back together!! Who was the guy Joyce saw?? PLEASE update soon!! Cant wait! :]
TofuCharismaShawol #5
YAY:D update ^^ hehe, I love this chap... Joyce is still sleepy... Caught Taeminnie's fever-bug, perhaps? So... Will you update another one anytime soon?
wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii that was cute ^^<br />
and Key, LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz<br />
<br />
update again ;)
Yay! I really liked this story, so it's are relief you're writing again xD This chapter was soo cheesy..but I liked it :D Did Joyce finally realize she liked Min Ho? o.o
Updated at last<br />
can't believe my eyes (O__O)