Making progress


Chapter 19.. "Making progress"


School was as usual with classes, breaks, and Woohyun's jokes. After classes ended, Soorin rushed to the Photography Room again. She can't wait to start taking pictures and see Myungsoo. Wait. SEE MYUNGSOO? "Heol.. Why would I even feel excited to see him." Soorin muttered.


Soorin entered the room quietly so that she wouldn't disturb the others. As she was heading to her seat, Myungsoo playfully whispered "Boo" into her ear, making her jump in shock. As a reaction, she slapped him lightly on his arm as she place her stuffs on the table. Sitting down on her seat, she looked in front as Myungsoo walked towards the white board.


"Everybody listen up, today we are going to make our own scrapbook. The materials are provided. The scrapbook will be used for us to decorate our photos. You guys may start your work now." Myungsoo ordered the photography team with a calm tone.


Soorin started gathering the materials she needed and immediately began cutting strips of paper. Myungsoo pulled a chair and sat down beside her.


Putting all her attention into the scrapbook, Soorin did her work alone as Myungsoo quietly observed her by the side. After awhile, Myungsoo was called by Hyeri since she claim she needed help.


Soorin was so engrossed into sticking the pieces of paper onto her scrapbook that she didn't realise a sharp pair of scissors just below her arm. "Ouch!" Soorin cringed as the sharp edge of the scissors cut her arm. "Ugh..." she tried to hold back the sudden tears that threatened to fall as the pain was unbearable.


Myungsoo noticed Soorin cringing and was about to go to her but he was pulled by Hyeri instead. Wanting to treat the wound as fast as possible, Soorin rushed out the room to head to the washroom.


"This seriously hurts..Why am i always so careless.." Soorin washed her wound carefully and took a few pieces of tissue to wipe it. Feeling better, she decided to walk back to the photography room.


While walking back to the room, Soorin held a piece of tissue onto her wound to stop the blood from flowing. On the way back, she bumped into Myungsoo. "Yah pabo, are you okay? Why weren't you careful? What were you doing back there? You are really a pab-" Myungsoo blurted out. "Myungsoo stop, i am fine. It is just a small cut so chill." Soorin answered, amused by the sudden burst of questions from Myungsoo.


Myungsoo accompanied her back to the room while offering to help her to plaster her wound. Soorin tried to reject him but he just told her about how 'he is the president so he has to take care of s'.


Soorin couldn't help but feel touched about how Myungsoo seems cold at times but he is actually kinda caring.


"Just be more careful next time. You might not be so lucky like now. This is just a small cut, what if you-" Again, Soorin cut Myungsoo off. "Haha yes yes president Kim, I will be careful. Now you can stop worrying." Soorin smiled.


Myungsoo felt relieved after seeing that Soorin is alright and he continued to do his work.


About 1 hour later, everyone was almost done with their scrapbook. Soorin was about to approach Myungsoo with her scrapbook to ask for his comments but Hyeri suddenly cut infront of her.


"Oppa, is my scrapbook nice?" Hyeri asked nicely while leaning towards Myungsoo's direction. Myungsoo glanced up from his work and saw both Soorin and Hyeri in front of him. "Uhm...yeah it is!" Myungsoo answered while looking at Soorin. "Oppa then how about.." Soorin didn't want to interrupt them so she walked away. She couldn't deny the disappointment she felt though.


Myungsoo hanged out with Hyeri for the rest of the photography session because Hyeri kept bombarding him with questions. As the president, he couldn't reject any of s so he had to helped her. Soorin felt a little neglected but she just shrugged it off.


In no time, it was time to end the session already. "You guys did a good job today. Leave your scrapbooks behind and we will continue again in the next session. All of you are dismissed. Lee Soorin, you stay behind." Myungsoo announced to the team.


Myungsoo knew Soorin was disappointed and sad as she felt left out so he decided to talk to her. Actually, Soorin was just a little angry as she felt as though Myungsoo was being biased again. She was not jealous but she thought Myungsoo should also focus on other members of the team.


Soorin wanted to ignore what Myungsoo said and bolt out of the door when Myungsoo grabbed her from the back. "Didn't i told you to stay behind?" Myungsoo grabbed Soorin's arm. However, Soorin winced in pain and immediately pulled away as Myungsoo accidentally touched the portion of her arm that was injured.


Myungsoo was going to apologize but Soorin said, "What do you want to say to me? Hurry up, I am tired already." Myungsoo felt guilty but he still spoke up. "Can we just go to another place today? I am sorry for leaving you out just now. Hyeri kept asking me to-"


Soorin could feel her anger boil up and she did not know why. "It is not Hyeri's fault  but why are you making me follow you to places? I already said I am tired Myungsoo, can we do this another day?" Soorin said with exhaustion clearly expressed in her voice. "Please? I am bringing you to somewhere nice." Myungsoo pleaded.


Soorin couldn't reject him any further so she followed him to the car. Myungsoo decided to bring Soorin to the shopping mall as he thought all girls loved shopping.


The drive to the destination was awfully awkward. Sensing the atmosphere, Myungsoo tried asking, "Soorin, are you angry?" Soorin was looking out of the window and she just shook her head. She was really just tired so she didn't reply Myungsoo properly.


Myungsoo sensed something wrong and was about to ask Soorin again when she said, "Just drive, Myungsoo-ah." Myungsoo then decided to keep quiet for the time being.


As Myungsoo drove, he pouted slightly. He felt upset as he wrecked his brain while trying to think of the reason why Soorin was giving him the cold shoulder. 'I did not even do anything to he-wait, don't tell me she is jealous?' Myungsoo thought as he glanced sideways at Soorin. Soorin was just staring blankly into the air as though she was forming some image with the floating clouds.


A smile crept on Myungsoo's face without himself knowing it. He did not know why but he just felt happy. Perhaps, extremely happy that he could jump around like a bunny. Soon, they arrived at the shopping mall.


Myungsoo got out of the car first, followed by Soorin next. Myungsoo locked the car as they both started to head to the shopping mall entrance. "My dear get-jealous-easily Soorin, where do you wanna go?" Myungsoo said in a teasing tone. "I want to go to the came- What?! Kim Myungsoo! I'm not jealous!" Soorin said. "I didn't say you are jealous. I only said that you get jealous easily. You're the one who admitted that you're jealous." Myungsoo replied while laughing his off and jumping around like some retarded bunny.


Soorin scratched her head shyly as she followed Myungsoo into the mall. She walked ahead of him. She was so embarrassed to face him so she decided to walk faster. That way Myungsoo wouldn't be able to see her face that was already as red as a tomato.


Myungsoo coughed and grabbed Soorin arms,pulling her back to his side. He wrapped his arms around her shoulder. "Yah, who do you think you-" "Shut up pabo. Lets just hurry up and head to the camera shop."


With Myungsoo's lead, they got to the camera shop. Soorin's eyes were sparkling when they got into the shop. Cameras are like the love of her life. Soorin walked around the shop, looking at cameras and lenses around her. She even forgot about Myungsoo who brought her in there. She didn't even notice that he was no longer in the shop.


On the other side, Myungsoo ran as fast as he can towards another shop. It caught his attention while they were on the way to the camera shop.


"Ding.. Dong..." The bell of the shop rang as soon as Myungsoo stepped into the shop. A worker came over to him to assist him.


"Hello sir, is there anything that I can help you with? Are you perhaps looking for a present for your girlfriend?" The worker asked. Hearing the question from the worker, Myungsoo almost choked on his own saliva beacuse of the word 'girlfriend'.


YES. The Famous KIM MYUNGSOO just went into a jewellery shop which has all sorts of accessories that any girl would like.


Myungsoo walked over to a counter that has all sorts of necklace displays. " May I have a look at that necklace?" He asked while pointing at a necklace with an infinity pendant hanging on it. "Hmm... This should look good on Soorin. I wonder if she will like it." Myungsoo thought."Please help me wrap this up, this is a present for my friend." Myungsoo said while handing over his credit card to the worker.


Who would have expect Kim Myungsoo to buy a present for a girl. No, to be more exact, for SOORIN. I hope everyone brought a special umbrella out because the sky will be raining cows tonight.


After Myungsoo bought the necklace, he slipped the small box into his pocket. Rushing back quickly to the camera shop, he hoped Soorin didn't realize that he was not around.


Indeed, Soorin was still looking at the cameras. She was observing every single one of them so closely and intently that she almost screamed when someone tapped on her shoulder. "Did u forget that I am still here?" Myungsoo commented bluntly. "Hehe sorry I just really love cameras..." Soorin words drifted off when she saw a beautiful album placed on a shelf behind Myungsoo. Without second thought, she walked towards the shelf that was decorated with pretty albums.


"I have so many photos at home but I have never gotten myself an album to put them...Maybe i should get one." Soorin said as she chose a pink album with white polka dots. Heading towards the cashier, Soorin was surprised that Myungsoo did not get anything. "You brought me here, are you not getting anything?" Soorin asked Myungsoo, not knowing why he brought her there when he himself got nothing to buy. Myungsoo shook his head before telling Soorin to hurry up. He was hungry and he wanted to have his dinner as fast as possible.


"Didn't know all that running to the shop can make me this hungry." Myungsoo mumbled softly.





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CassInspirit97 #1
chocogirlMT1 #2
Chapter 27: aaahh!! finally he confessed
chocogirlMT1 #3
Chapter 26: awww myungsoo u should watch wat u say
CassInspirit97 #4
Chapter 25: whyyy sooooooo cuteeeeee!!!!!
CassInspirit97 #5
Chapter 23: I actually want for alll!!!!!! LOL~ how can i choose between these cuties!!!!!!
chocogirlMT1 #6
its been so long , that u last update
i really miss your story
chocogirlMT1 #7
Update fast ☺️
it's been a long time since i came here blablabla... ago.
long time no see thor :D
CassInspirit97 #9
Chapter 20: finallyyyyyyyyy Ann update!!!!!! yeahhh author nimmm thanxxx for the updateeeeeeee!!"""!!!I missed you !!!!!!
myunggie s9ooooooooo cuteeeeeeee!!!"!woohyun is nowhere in this chappie!!!!*pouts*!"!!nice update!!"
chocogirlMT1 #10
Chapter 20: Finally you update ... (Y) liked it :)