The fateful meeting









TOP skidded into the police station and ran to his desk pretty much falling into his chair. He swivelled the chair around and pretended to be working on the computer.


“Pst!” Daesung hissed at him, “Why are you so late?!”


TOP shook his head, telling him to shut it.


“Chief is going to kill you today-“


TOP smirked, “He doesn’t even know I was late-“


“Or don’t I?”



TOP scrunched his face and cursed himself before turning to face his chief.


“Late again Choi” Chief Hong tapped his foot on the floor impatiently.


TOP rubbed the back of his head and smiled apologetically, “…chief. I don’t know what you mean. I’ve been here since the morning working-ACK!” he rubbed his head profusely when Chief Hong whacked his head.


“If you’re going to lie do it properly!” Chief shouted before turning on TOP’s computer screen.


“aish” TOP muttered under his breath while Daesung and the other police men tried not to laugh out loud.


“I need you and Daesung to go back to that bar today and gather evidence from last night’s fight!” Chief ordered TOP.


“Neh chief” TOP nodded as Hong walked away.



“pft…” Daesung tried to hold onto his laughter.


TOP turned to face him slowly giving him a death glare.


“…ah…” Daesung stuttered before quickly returning back to his desk.



“Aish!” TOP ruffled his hair in frustration and opened his emails angrily. Suddenly he leaned forward towards the screen when he saw one particular email. He opened it hurriedly and read the contents.


He broke into a smile and quickly dialled the number.



“Hyung who are you calling?” Daesung called out from his desk.


“Ssh!” TOP waved his hand at him irritated and waited for someone to pick up the phone.



“Yoboseyo?!” TOP asked when someone picked up.


“Neh Yoboseyo?”


“This is detective Choi speaking from Seoul, is this Saint’s orphanage?!” TOP asked hurriedly.


“Neh detective Choi. I am Sister Kim, how may I help you?”


“Your orphanage, it moved location about 15 years ago to the current location am I right? From Hyungnam?!”


“Neh Detective-”


“When the orphanage was still in Hyungnam, did a girl named Minsook, Choi Minsook ever come to your orphanage?!”



“Choi Minsook?...No not that I know of.”


TOP raked his hair, “She might not have said her name, she was only 4 then.” TOP sighed, “18 years ago, did anyone bring a little girl to your orphanage?!”


“18 years ago?” Sister Kim asked.


“Yes. She had short black hair, just above her shoulders, she would have been wearing a yellow dress” TOP rubbed his forehead, he still remembered what she was wearing the day she disappeared, “She had a red hairband with a bow on it…um…she had matching yellow shoes-“


“Detective Choi I’m sorry but I know every single child that’s ever been at our orphanage and how they got here and I don’t know any Choi Minsook that matches your description.”


TOP sighed and leaned back on his chair, “Are you sure?”


“Yes, but if it will help you I can check our records and contact you back.” Sister Kim said helpfully.


TOP nodded and closed his eyes, “Yes…thank you.”




“Hyung?” Daesung stood by his side.


TOP opened his eyes and shook his head, “They said there was never a Minsook at that orphanage either.”


Daesung patted his shoulder, “You’ll find her hyung don’t give up.”


TOP nodded slowly and looked at the picture of him and Minsook from when they were kids on his desk, “I won’t give up.”


“Hyung, we need to go to the bar” Daesung said apologetically.


TOP got up and flung his jacket on, “Before that we have somewhere else we need to go.”


Daesung furrowed his brows, “Where?”


“To see CL, heard she’s back in the country” TOP replied.


“Hyung, she doesn’t even remember what happened that night, what’s the point of asking her again” Daesung shook his head.


“She’s been gone for 3 years, she might have remembered” TOP replied, “I’ve got to try.”


















“Cee” Bom walked out of the hospital and smiled brightly when she saw CL standing outside holding two cups of coffee.


“Annyeong” CL smiled brightly as Bom ran up to her and hugged her tightly.


“It’s so good to see you again! I’ve missed you so much!” Bom hugged her.


CL laughed, “I missed you too Bommie.”


Bom held her at an arm’s length, “How have you been? Are you back for good now?! Wait how did you know I was back in Seoul now?!”


CL nodded, “I’m fine. Yes for good. And I phoned up your college and they told me after you graduated you were doing your intern at Seoul Hospital. So here I am.”


“Kyah!” Bom hugged her again, “I can’t believe you’re back. Come on let’s go sit down.”




They walked to a nearby bench and sat down and CL held onto Bom’s hands tightly, “It’s been too long Park Bom.”


“And whose fault is that?” Bom pouted, “I wasn’t the one that ran off to America for 3 years.”


CL’s face fell slightly, “You know I had to…”


Bom looked up at her sadly, “…Do you…”


“Remember?” CL asked, “…no. The treatment in America didn’t work. I still can’t remember anything after we escaped from that warehouse that night…I still have those nightmares and my phobia of being in crowds and in front of the press is worse than ever.”


Bom held onto her hands supportively.


“And now, appa is ill and I’m the new boss of Lee Hotels” CL shook her head, “And I just know this weakness of mine is going to cause trouble Bom-ah.”


“Cee don’t think that way” Bom said softly, “Everything will be alright…”


CL nodded and looked up at Bom now, “Bom?”


“Hm?” Bom smiled warmly.


“…do you really not remember anything from that night either?”


Bom suddenly stiffened and she looked away nervously, “….no…”


CL squinted her eyes and looked at how nervous Bom was, “…never mind then” she quickly changed the subject, “Hey why don’t we get some dinner tonight?”


Bom smiled now and nodded, “Arasso.”


“Great I’ll call you later, I have to go back to the hotel now though mianhe” CL pouted.


















*knock knock*


JIyong scowled and looked up but his face eased up slightly when he saw it was only Taeyang.



“I hear Seungri is back today” Taeyang said as he walked up to JIyong’s desk and sat down on the chair opposite.


JIyong nodded and returned back to his work.


“Think I’ll call TOP and we can all meet up tonight. How does that sound?” Taeyang asked playing with a pen.


Jiyong shook his head, “You guys go ahead.”


Taeyang sighed and leaned forward, “Come on Ji. Seungri’s coming back after so many years and we haven’t met up with TOP in a while too.”


JIyong furrowed his brows but didn’t reply.


Taeyang shook his head, “Jiyong?”


Jiyong finally put his work down and looked at his friend.


“Look at yourself” Taeyang said, “You spend all day in this office, you don’t want to see or talk to people and when you do you end up getting angry and pushing them away. Do you really want to continue living this way?”


JIyong didn’t reply, he just looked towards the window.


“The only way to solve whatever it is that you’re going through is by trying. Try to solve the problem, try to understand why you’re angry” Taeyang said but JIyong didn’t say anything.


Taeyang sighed heavily and stood up ready to leave.



“And if there is no solution?” JIyong asked finally.


Taeyang furrowed his brows and looked back at his friend, but Jiyong didn’t say any further, “…let me know if you want to meet up with the others later” he looked at Jiyong for a moment before leaving the room.



Jiyong’s hands slowly gripped onto the chair arms as he continued to stare out of the large windows in his office. As he closed his eyes, it wasn’t long before the wailing of the woman crying for her Sandy came back to him.




















CL abruptly turned around and saw TOP walking towards her. She looked around nervously knowing what TOP wanted to talk about.


“…oppa” CL bowed and looked up anxiously.


“You’re back” TOP put his hands in his jacket pockets.


“…neh” CL nodded, "Sorry...I should have told you."


“It's ok...when you were in America…did you remember anything from that night?” TOP asked expectantly.



CL bit her lips and shook her head apologetically, “…I’m sorry.”


TOP’s face fell, “Are you sure?”


CL looked at her feet with guilt. She felt like this every time she spoke to TOP. Although no one blamed her for what happened to Minsookie that night, she knew that night Minsook was her responsibility and she lost her. She just didn’t know how. And she couldn’t help but feel she was the reason for Minsook’s disappearance.



“Cl? Are you sure?” TOP asked again.



CL bowed again, “Mianhe oppa…if you’ll excuse me I…I have a meeting I have to go to.”


TOP sighed, “…yes…mianhe, I know it’s hard for you too.”



CL looked up at him sadly as he walked off, if only there was a way she could help him. She badly wanted to remember what really happened that night too. Suddenly she came across a thought, now that Bom was back in Seoul, maybe she would be able to help Top more than she could. Bom had told her she couldn’t remember anything from that night either, but she had a feeling Bom knew more than she was saying. Maybe just maybe she would be willing to help TOP if she knew he was trying to find Minsook.



“Oppa!” CL stopped him.


TOP turned around with furrowed brows.



“Oppa…do you remember Park Bom?” CL ran up to him.


“Park Bom? She was one of the girls that was kidnapped too right?” TOP asked.


CL nodded, “Remember you couldn’t get in touch with her before because she left Seoul. Well she’s been back in Seoul for 2 years now.”


“Are you serious?!” TOP asked in shock, “I need to see her CL!”



“The thing is…she doesn’t like to talk about that night…” CL bit her lips, “But maybe she’ll be able to help you more than me.”


“CL please just let me meet her once” TOP begged.


“Ok…I’m meeting up with her tonight for dinner, maybe you should come along?” CL asked.


“Ok!” TOP smiled brightly, “Thank you CL!”


CL nodded, “I’ll call you later oppa…but I really have to go now.”


“Yes sorry…go!” TOP smiled happily before running back to his car where Daesung was waiting for him.












CL walked into the hotel deep in thought. Was she doing the right thing? She knew how much Bom hated talking about that night, but at the same time she felt like if Bom and TOP oppa worked together there might be a chance of finding Minsook and the other girl.



“Miss Lee!” Secretary Kim walked up to her.


“Neh Mr Kim” CL smiled quickly hiding her worry, “Is our client from Japan here yet?”


“Yes, he’s waiting in your office.”






CL stopped outside her office, and quickly straightened herself. She took a deep breath and put her intimidating glare and smile back on her face before walking in.


“I’m so sorry to keep you waiting” she smiled as she walked towards two men, one seated and another standing by his side, his secretary for sure.


Upon hearing CL, the man in the chair stood up and turned to face her before bowing.


CL bowed and then held her hand out, “It’s a pleasure to meet you Mr Lee.”


Seungri shook her hand and with a knowing smile he replied, “The pleasure is all mine…trust me.”


Cl blinked slightly before smiling again, “Please take a seat.”


Seungri nodded and sat down again while CL walked around the table to sit on the other side.


“Mr Lee, I am delighted to be involved in such a wonderful project with you” CL smiled as Kim handed her the file, “My father has told me so much about your work back in Japan.”


Seungri smiled politely, “How is your father doing?”


CL paused slightly, “…you’ve met my father?”


Seungri casually looked away, “No we haven’t but I heard he’s quite ill.”


“Oh…neh he is. But I’m hoping he’ll get better soon” CL braved a smile again.


“Yes…let’s hope” Seungri said slightly cynically but CL ignored it.



“As you know Kwon Architects will be designing our joint hotel venture” CL informed him, “Please rest assured they’re best in the country if not the whole of Asia.”


“I am aware of that" Seungri smiled knowingly, "Kwon Jiyong is my cousin."


Cl furrowed her brows slightly, "I'm sorry?"


“Kwon JIyong is my cousin” Seungri repeated, this time without a smile.


“Oh…” CL looked confused, “I know Jiyong oppa…and he never told me he had a cousin.”


Seungri smirked, “I guess you could say I’m the black sheep of the family no one likes to talk about.”


Cl looked away uncomfortably, “I’m sorry if I offended you by asking.”


“Not at all” Seungri said standing up, “It was lovely meeting you Miss Lee-“


“Call me Cl” Cl smiled politely.


“Seungri” Seungri replied letting her know it was ok for her to call him that too.


“Well then Seungri shi” Cl stood up to, “I look forward to working with you.”


Seungri shook her hand one last time smiling before he left.



After he was gone CL furrowed her brows, “JIyong oppa has a cousin?”she looked back at the door. There was something quite not right with that guy.








Once Seungri got into the elevator he loosened his tie and his smile faded away into a frown. He finally met her, Lee Chaerin. And now she was going to pay.












“Sajangnim, your sister is on line 5”


JIyong grimaced and looked at the flashing button before pressing it and holding the receiver to his ear.




Jiyong gritted his teeth.


Leehi sighed on the other side of the phone, “Oppa, I got to New York 4 days ago and you’re the only person who hasn’t called me yet.”


“Omma told me you got there safely” Jiyong said, “…Is everything ok over there?”


“Hmm…I just miss you oppa” Leehi said.


Jiyong looked down but didn’t say anything.



“…it’s ok oppa… even if you don’t say anything I know you miss me too” Leehi said sadly.


Jiyong nodded slowly in agreement. He missed her too, and cared for her deeply but he was unable to show his feelings to anyone not even his precious little sister.



“Look after yourself” Jiyong said finally, “And if you need anything there let me know.”


“Neh oppa…I love you oppa…”


“…take care.” Jiyong put the receiver down and shut his eyes close.















“Ya!” Taeyang walked into the bar where TOP and Daesung were questioning the staff there.


TOP turned around and laughed, “Not again. Please tell me you’re not defending the crook that started the fight here last night.”


Taeyang shrugged, “Hey, it’s not my fault all these rich low lives come running to me.”


“Come on hyung defend someone innocent for once” Daesung shook his head in amusement, “You know since that’s the whole point of being a lawyer.”


“Everyone is innocent till proven guilty” Taeyang smiled.


“Oh don’t you worry, I have enough evidence here to lock up your client without anyone’s help” TOP smirked.



“We’ll see TOP” Taeyang laughed, “Anyway that’s not the reason why I’m here. Seugnri’s back.”


“That little rascal” TOP smiled, “I haven’t seen him since the Kwons’ shipped him off to Japan.”


“Well he’s back so let’s meet up tonight” Taeyang informed them.


TOP frowned apologetically, “No can do Tae, I have to meet someone tonight.”


“Come on, you can go on plenty of dates another time, we haven’t hung out in a while.”



TOP sighed, “I’m meeting CL…about the kidnapping.”


“oh…”Taeyang nodded, “Well call her over then, I haven’t seen CL since she’s been back.”


“I don’t know Tae-“


“Oh come on don’t be like Jiyong” Taeyang sighed.


TOP smiled in defeat “Arasso, I’ll call CL.”
















“Agh!” Minzy pushed her suitcase through the door of her little apartment and turned the lights on. She looked around the small and empty place but smiled brightly, finally she was independent.


She caught sight of the balcony and ran to it, flinging open the doors. She ran out and took a deep breath of the night air, “Ahh…even the air in Seoul is different.”


Minzy leaned her elbows on the balcony, looking out at the city lights she started to dream about her new life.

















*knock knock*



“I’m busy” Jiyong scowled not looking up from his work.


“Thought you’d say that” Taeyang peeked his head through the door.


“Whatever you say, the answer is no.” Jiyong said bluntly.


“Ah well…you see”, Taeyang smiled apologetically.


Jiyong’s eyes flickered up, “What have you done now?”


Taeyang shook his hands in front of him, “I swear to you it is not my fault.”


“Spit it out” Jiyong rubbed his head in frustration.



“Well Seungri is at your place right now” Taeyang said quickly.


“WHAT?!” Jiyong abruptly and angrily stood up. More than anything he hated people invading his private space. Even if it was his closest cousin he didn’t care, there was no exception to the matter.


Taeyang stepped back, “…and TOP and Dae-“


“Taeyang!” Jiyong growled angrily before he grabbed his jacket and stormed out of the room.



Taeyang chuckled to himself before running after him, “Ah did I mention CL is coming over with a friend too”


“TAEYANG!” the whole building practically shook.

















“CL” Bom pulled her arm as they entered the gates opened and two security guards bowed down at them.


“Bom I promise we won’t stay long. I haven’t seen the oppas in so long and I felt bad just declining their invitation.”


Bom bit her lips and looked back at the large and very intimidating house. She shivered slightly, “This place is giving me the creeps.”


CL smiled slightly, “It suits the owner very well.”


“Who is it?” Bom asked.


CL looked slightly uncomfortable for a moment.


“What is it?” Bom asked again.


“Ok don’t get mad, I know you don’t like to think about…you know…” CL looked at her hesitantly, “But remember Leehi?”


Bom stiffened slightly, of course she knew Leehi. The girl that was kidnapped with them was mistakenly taken away because the kidnappers thought she was Leehi.


“Well this is Leehi’s brother’s house…Kwon Jiyong” CL explained.


“Kwon Jiyong?! The Kwon Jiyong?!” Bom startled, “You’re taking me to see Kwon Jiyong?!”


“You’ve met him before?” Cl asked.


“CL, hearing about that man is enough to stay the hell away from him” Bom shook her head, “I’m not going in there. I heard he fires at least 10 of his staff a day! Imagine what he’s going to do to me and I don’t even know him!”


CL laughed, “Babo. Relax, the Kwons and my family have a long business history together. I know oppa and nothing will happen to you…but there is someone else I want you to meet.”


Bom furrowed her brows, “Who?”


Cl bit her lips, “Just wait.”

















Jiyong gripped onto the steering wheel and sped back home.


Taeyang eyed his friend nervously.



“How did they get in?” Jiyong finally asked.


Taeyang gulped, “…I don’t know-“



“Lie and I’ll fire you as my lawyer” Jiyong said bluntly.


Taeyang sighed, “Ok ok…so I may have bribed your security guards…”


Jiyong gritted his teeth and stepped on the accelerator, “If I wasn’t driving right now I would have killed you.”















“Oppa” CL smiled at TOP and bowed to Daesung politely.


“Where’s Bom?” TOP asked anxiously.


CL looked at her sides and realised Bom wasn’t there, “Oh…”she turned around and saw Bom walking towards them, “oh! There she is!”


TOP tilted his head to the side to look past CL and saw a girl shyly tracing her hair behind her ear. She then placed her hands in front of her and walked up to them.




Bom took a deep breath and fiddled with her hands, she wasn’t really used to meeting new people. And considering the owner of this building was probably the scariest man she’s heard about she wasn’t really looking forward to it.



“There she is! Bom-ah”


Upon hearing Cl call her she smiled and looked up and that’s when she froze on the spot. As CL stepped away she saw him standing staring right back at him. Her breath got knocked out of her chest like she had just been hit by a hammer. Was that who she thought it was?



TOP furrowed his brows when she stopped there.


“She’s a bit shy oppa” Cl explained.


TOP nodded and smiled as he walked over to Bom.




“Hi, I’m Choi Seunghyun but you can call me TOP” TOP introduced himself, “Are you Park Bom?”


Bom’s eyes fluttered slightly and she took a step back. She exhaled a short breath and suddenly turned around before running out of the room.



“Bom!” CL shouted in shock while TOP stood there in confusion.


“Did I say something wrong?” he asked.


CL didn’t know what was going on either, and she turned to run after Bom.



“Miss Lee?”


Cl suddenly stopped and turned back around to come face to face with Seungri.


“Seungri shi?!” CL exclaimed, “…What are you doing here?!”













Bom ran outside and into the garden. She grabbed hold of the nearest tree and panted heavily before the tears started forming in her eyes.



[Flashback- 7 years ago]




Bom entered the class nervously. She straightened her round glasses with her shaking hand and then nervously touched her braces on her front teeth. She blinked nervously and held tightly onto her large textbooks before making her way to her seat hoping no one would notice her.


“Hey Pom Pom!”


Bom shut her eyes closed knowing what was coming next. She took a deep breath and quicky sat down on her chair.


“YAH ughly face! I’m talking to you” a group of guys towered over her.



Bom straightened glasses again and bit her nails jittering.


One of the guys slammed his hand on her desk making her jump, “Where’s my report?!”


Bom quickly brought her bag out and handed three of the boys the reports she’d written out for them.



The guy flipped through his file and sighed in frustration, he rolled the file and then whacked Bom across her head knocking her glasses on the floor.


Bom fell onto her knees quickly and tried to reach for her glasses but the guy stomped on her glasses.


“Yah!” he shouted, “What the hell is this?! You think the teacher is going to believe I wrote this sh!t!”



Bom kept frantically searching for her broken glasses.





“Maybe she thinks she’s too good to be even here” a girl from the other side of the room smirked as she filed her nails. The girls around her snickered along, “After all pompom did move up two years because the school thinks she’s bloody Einstein or something.”




The guy scoffed arrogantly, “Is that so?”


Bom cowered away nervously, her tears wetting her cheeks now. She’d moved schools a month ago, but because she was so clever the teachers had decided to move her up by 2 classes. So at the age of 15 she was in her final year of school. That didn’t help with the bullies obviously.


“So you think you’re too good do you now?” the guy sneered at her as he grabbed a water bottle. He undid the lid and readied it over her head.



“Yah Sookjun!”


The boys looked up and saw TOP casually leaning on the doorway.



“Oh my god he’s back” the girls squealed like little fangirls.



“Leave the kid alone” TOP said nonchalantly as he walked in with his hands in his pockets.


Sookjun frowned and slammed the water back on the table and stepped back.



TOP flung his arm around his friend, “Yah, I’m gone for a few weeks and you’ve started picking on kids?”


Sookjun shook his head and hung his head low.


“That anger of yours keep it to yourself neh?” TOP said under his breath and patted Sookjun on the back.


Sookjun gritted his teeth and nodded before heading back to his chair.



TOP now looked at the girl searching for another piece of her glasses. He looked down at his feet and saw half of the glass frame there.



Bom wiped her tears and bit her tongue to silence her cries as she hurried her hand on the cold floor looking for her glasses. Just then she saw a guy kneel in front of her, naturally she cowered and fell back slightly.


The guy didn’t say anything but simply held her broken glasses out in front of her.


Bom blinked nervously and she looked up at his face. At first her vision was blurry without the glasses but she squinted her eyes and slowly his smiling face became clear to her. 




[End of flashback]



Bom took a deep breath and shook her head. She thought she’d finally got over that jerk and now here he was in front of her 7 years later. And what hurt the most was he didn’t even recognise her, after what he did to her how could he not know who she was?




Bom turned around to see CL running towards her.


“Bom-ah? Why did you just leave like that? Is something the matter?!” CL asked, “You looked like you saw a ghost in there!"


Bom shook her head, “I’m leaving!”


“What?! Why?!” CL held onto Bom's arm quickly.


“I can’t stand that jerk!” Bom shouted pointing at the house.


“Who? Jiyong oppa? He's not here-” CL asked confused.


“No!” Bom exclaimed, “Choi TOP! That absolute jerk!”


“Wait you know TOP oppa?” CL asked.


“Yes! And I never want to see him again!” Bom cried out angrily.


















“ But I’m your best friend!” Taeyang exclaimed, "Without me-"


“You’re still fired” Jiyong said bluntly as he drove around a bend.


“But I’m your best friend!!” Taeyang exclaimed again, “Go slowly will you! Look there is not a lawyer half as good as in the whole country and you know it!”


“I’ll get a lawyer from another country then” Jiyong smirked as he turned around another bend.



“Jiyong-SH!T JIYONG!” Taeyang shouted when something ran straight in front of the car.


“SH!T!” Jiyong growled as he steered the car around making it skid to a stop on the other side of the road.




“What the hell was that?” Taeyang asked slowly as he lifted his head from the dashboard and peered out, “…did we hit something?”



Jiyong turned off the engine and stepped out of the car when his eyes widened in shock at the sight of a woman laying only a few meters away from him.









[King 2 hearts: Dream of Hang ah]




Dara roughly hit the side of her head on the road and she grimaced in pain but her body laid limp on the cold ground.


She slowly blinked open her heavy eyelids and saw the cold breath from her lips form in front of her eyes. Why was it so hard to live? Even away from those men, why was it still so difficult when she was trying this hard?

She exhaled another breath and just as her eyes were about to shut close, she saw a dark figure running towards her. Was it one of the men again? Was she going to be dragged back?


And that’s when she heard his voice, a voice she’s never heard before.





She closed her eyes, it wasn’t their voice. It was someone else’s. A deep, rough frightening voice, yet for some reason she knew she had nothing to be frightened of. For the first time in 18 years a stranger’s voice made her feel safe.




Jiyong ran to the girl laying on the road and fell onto his knees. He quickly pulled his suit jacket off and covered her thin body with it.


“TAEYANG?!!” he turned around to see Taeyang running towards them.


Jiyong turned back to the girl and he furrowed his brows when he saw the bruising around her lips. He looked down at her exposed legs and saw red and blue patches.






Taeyang and Jiyong turned towards the woods at the sound of men.







“Ji?” Taeyang said slowly.


Jiyong looked back down at the girl and he gritted his teeth before quickly picking her up in his arms. 


Dara felt too weak to move, but more than that his arms felt like the most safe place she'd been in. Her eyes laid upon his face for the first time and immediately she knew he was different.



“Ji!” Taeyang called out as JIyong ran to his car and laid the girl in the backseat.


“Taeyang! Get in the car!” Jiyong ordered and Taeyang got into the back seat with Dara.


Jiyong then shut the door close just as three men stumbled out of the woods onto the road.



They stopped when they saw Jiyong who now had his phone to his ear pretending to be taking a call.











Taeyang looked down and saw the girl struggling to get up, “Ssh” he pressed a finger to his lips indicating for her to keep quiet and then he turned to look outside where Jiyong was.


Dara furrowed her brows and slowly sat up confused, she looked at where Taeyang was looking and suddenly cowered away behind Taeyang when she saw the men.










Jiyong finished his ‘call’ and turned to face the men just as a car screeched stop in front of Jiyong’s car and 2 other men walked out.



One of the men looked around and then walked up to Jiyong, “Have you seen a girl around here?” he asked gruffily.


Jiyong eyed the men with a glare. Whatever these men were up to, it was definitely not good.



“I said have you seen a girl-“


“I heard you the first time!” Jiyong said bluntly.



“Have you then?!” the man asked while the other two men eyed Jiyong’s car.


“No” Jiyong said without an expression.



“You don’t mind us looking at your car then do you?” the other man smirked and started to walk over to his car.








Inside the car Dara gripped Taeyang’s arm and shut her eyes close in fright.








Jiyong suddenly grabbed the man’s arm and pulled him back aggressively.


“YAH!” the man growled.


But Jiyong just stepped forward and glared at the man with so much intensity that the man blinked slightly from fear.


“I said I haven’t seen a girl” he muttered through gritted teeth.


The guy stepped back with his hands in the air, “ok.”



Jiyong continued glaring at the men until the men got back into their car, but they didn’t drive off yet.








In the car Dara looked in shock. He wasn’t scared of them. But everyone was scared of those men. She watched as he stormed back into the car and started his engine.



“Ji? What happened?! Were they looking for her?!” taeyang asked.


Jiyong didn’t answer and instead stepped on the accelerator.



Taeyang leaned forward, “Where are you going?”


“To the hospital! Call TOP and tell him to come to the police station, we’ll go there too!” Jiyong said as he eyed the car following him behind.


“Are you mad?!” Taeyang hissed, “You’re going to the station?! If this gets out you know how bad it’ll look! As your lawyer I advise you not to go to the station-“


“You’re not my lawyer anymore” Jiyong gritted his teeth as he looked at his side mirror again at the men following him.



“Ji that’s not what I meant! Besides think about the girl” Taeyang looked back at Dara who was trembling with fear right now, “If you take her to the hospital or the station those men behind us are going to know we have her, what if they come after her again?! Just go straight home, and they won’t know anything!”


“She’s injured!” Jiyong growled making Dara startle slightly. She looked up only catching sight of his back and she quickly looked away nervously.


“We’ll call the doctor there. And besides TOP is there too, he’ll know what to do” Taeyang persuaded Jiyong.

















“Bom please stay” CL begged Bom.


Bom shook her head and pulled her arm away.





The girls both turned around to see TOP, Dae and Seungri run towards them.



“Is everything ok?” TOP asked stopping in front of the girls and looking at Bom.


Bom turned her head away from him and felt like wanting to disappear into thin air right there and then.


“Bom shi? I wanted to talk to you about something” TOP said again, “…But you seem…”


Bom bit her lips, why couldn’t he just disappear out of her life. Why did he have to show up in front of her again?



“Oppa…”CL shook her head gently at TOP, “…maybe we can meet up next time-“





They turned towards the front gates and furrowed their brows at the sight of Taeyang and Jiyong hurriedly stepping out of the car. Both the guys lingered by the car for a long moment making the rest of the gang run towards them.



“What’s going on?!” TOP asked as he ran up to Jiyong.



“Miss you have to come out” Taeyang sighed, “We’re not going to hurt you.”



“Who is oppa talking to?” CL asked and she peered into the car, “Oh my god!” she exclaimed when she saw a thin girl trembling in the car with fear, "Who is she?!"




“Ji what the hell is going on?” TOP asked again once he saw the girl too.


“She ran in front of my car” Jiyong said gruffily, “Some men are after her-“





“Just get her out of the bloody car!” Jiyong shouted in frustration, “She’s hurt!”



Bom suddenly pushed her way through and looked at the girl.



“Who the hell is she?!” Jiyong asked angrily.


“Oppa she’s my friend and a doctor!” CL held ontp Jiyong’s arm before he exploded.




“Hi…” Bom smiled at Dara, she reached her hand out to her, “…I’m Dr Park Bom.”


Dara looked at the unfamiliar faces nervously not knowing what to do.



Bom smiled again, “You must be cold…do you want to come inside?”


Dara bit her trembling lips and she started crying unable to understand where she was, who these people were.



“For sake!” Jiyong growled, “Why won’t she just get out?!”


“Hyung” Seungri placed his hand on Jiyong’s shoulder, “Relax. She’s obviously scared.”




“…Are you hurting anywhere?” Bom tried again, “…I can help.”


Dara covered her bruises nervously and she looked around for a route to escape.




“It’s not working” CL sighed, “The poor girl looks petrified. Why is she like that?”




Jiyong had enough and he stepped forward making Bom jump back from fright slightly.


Dara turned around to look at him wide eyed as he grabbed onto her arm. She panicked and tried to pull her arm back but Jiyong roughly pulled her closer to him.


“Calm down” Jiyong muttered under his breath, “I can only help you if you get out of the damn car-“



“Jiyong be gentle" Taeyang said, "The girl's scared-"



JIyong sighed and slightly calmer now he looked at Dara again who was holding her breath nervously, “…If you don’t want those men to find you again then come out of the car.”


Dara felt his hands loosen their grip on her arm and she looked up at him. Did he really want to help her? They didn’t want to hurt her? But how could she trust them after everything she went through?



Jiyong and the others waited for Dara to say something. Jiyong let go of her hand but watched as her face relayed all her emotions to him.


Dara scrunched her face at the thought of going back to those men. No, she could never let that happen. She looked back up at Jiyong one more time and remembered how he scared those men away with one look. There was actually someone in this world who wasn’t scared of those men. There was someone in this world that even those men were scared of. If she was safest anywhere, it was with this stranger.



“Damn it!” Jiyong growled and leaned back out of the car, “If she doesn’t want to leave the car then I don’t care anymore-“, he suddenly stopped when he felt something tug his shirt.


He turned around and looked down to see a thin and bruised hand hold onto his shirt. He followed the hand back to its owner and his face fell ever so slightly as he saw the girl nervously look around. She took a deep breath and with pain she tried to take her legs out of the car too. Jiyong gritted his teeth and without a pause he leaned back in making Dara startle.


Jiyong grimaced at her and pulled her closer to him before picking her up in his arms.


“Ah” Dara gasped and tried to push him off.


“Ssh!” Jiyong growled making Dara stop struggling. He lifted her closer to again and stormed into his house.




“Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?!” Seungri finally exclaimed while the others looked at Jiyong shell shocked.
















How is everyone liking the story so far? 

I'm trying to get the pace of the story going with everyone meeting and all but it's harder because unlike my past stories this time they all don't have the same job. Like in Fate vs Hate, the girls were all docors or in undercover love they were in the police so it's harder to try to make them all meet up in this one. But I am trying and I hope it's ok so far.


But how are you all liking the characers so far? Jiyong is abit (alot) rough around the edges but that's only because he's only shown anger for the past 18 years.Obviously I'm all about character development so hopefully you'll see a change in him, well a change in all of them.


Ah...TOP and Bom's past? Well that is a mystery keke. All will be revealed so keep reading.


Ah lol also seungri's past? keke all will be revealed.


Thank you as always for reading, commenting and subscribing you guys. YOU'RE THE BEST!!




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sorry readers I uploaded the same chapter twice so there is no chap 20. sorry


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I'm really inlove with this story!! I hope you're well authornim. Please be safe and update us if you can. Looking forward for your updates, please comeback. I'll wait for your return authornim!😊❤
zigzag06 #2
2022 and i still feel that you are one of the best authors here! Please update if you can!
daragon2004 #3
Chapter 27: Authornim please comeback
OMONA! All of your stories are labelled ⭐️ ... DAEBAK~~
2013 🥺
Karens17 #6
Chapter 27: Hello ms author. I thoroughly enjoy your stories and this one is no exception. You are really gifted with the vision and the capability to translate them into a different world we can escape into. We can only guess on the delay for this story but i do hope you are doing well. If you read the feedback to this story please don’t get too offended if some may come off as negative, we are just having withdrawal symptoms from your story. Or you can also consider us as someone going through the 5 stages of grief.. either ways i wish you all the best and may God always bless you. Its the least we can do for the joy you have provided us with your stories. I do hope you continue and finish the story but i respect your space. At your own pace. Hope you’re having agood day and that this message made you smile in the least. 😊
jelovemico_120888 #7
I can't believe it, I've been rereading this story and still waiting for an update, It's so beautiful and well written. Authornim please come back.
Chapter 24: Here i am still waiting for update for this fic huhu
xe2d2205 #10
Chapter 27: so I don't know what to say. It's a well-written story and someone just leaves their story behind when they have such a writing skill, right?
6 years is a long time, I hope only your priorities have changed. So there is no problem for you in your life.
I hope you to be healthy and happy. I hope someday you'll come back to complete this story.
until then, goodbye. you still have readers here waiting for you. Thank you:)