Without warning








“Noo!” Minzy yanked the neatly done ponytail and cringed her face tightly with frustration.


“Calm down Minzy calm down” she breathed and opened her eyes. She looked at her reflection in the mirror with determination and started to redo her hair.


She was in a state of unnecessary anxiety ever since Young deuk popped the B.I.G question. Ok so he didn’t exactly ask her to be his wife for all of eternity, but to Minzy that’s what ‘Hey Minzy you wanna go on a date with me?’ felt like.


She’d frozen up after realising Young deuk was genuinely being serious. She stood there for at least 5 minutes in pure panic while Young deuk continued shouting at her from below in attempt to snap her back to reality. And when he finally did, she looked like she’d seen a ghost and ran inside leaving the poor guy in a state of confusion.



“Aish! Why did I cut my hair?!” Minzy moaned as she eyed the fashion magazine on her dressing table. She picked it up and sighed at how pretty the model with long luscious hair looked. Minzy then caught sight of the half folded cover of ‘Fate vs Hate’ and bit her lip.


“What if I end up like them?” Minzy mumbled before looking back at her reflection, “Stop getting your hopes high Minzy, you know it’s never going to happen.”


She ruffled her hair and did it like she always did before grabbing her bag and leaving for work.















The sun rays warmed up her skin and Dara sleepily turned to face the windows. She squinted her eyes slightly before opening them and smiled.


As she stretched her arms and sat up, she paused and looked at her surroundings with confusion.


“…how did I get to my room?” she mumbled to herself before suddenly biting her lips, “no…did I fall asleep in the studio?”


She cringed at her stupidity. She was only meant to stay there for a couple of minutes and go back to her room without Jiyong noticing.


“He must have carried me back” Dara sighed nervously, “ottoke…I should go apologise.”


She flung the covers off her and walked out of her room.


But as soon as she stepped out of her room she knew the whole house was empty. It was unexplainable but even though Jiyong kept to himself and never made any noise, she could always sense it when he was home. That sense was something that couldn’t be felt anywhere else in the world. The feeling of comfort.


She sighed disappoint and promised herself to wake up early from now on just so she could see him.


She started walking down the stairs when she heard someone open the front door.


Thinking it was Jiyong she smiled brightly and hurried down the stairs only to stop dead on the spot.



There Dara was standing face to face with Mrs Kwon instead.















“You’re late” Jiyong said as Taeyang entered his office.


Taeyang stopped in his tracks, “Says the guy who ditched the meeting yesterday.”


“You’re still late” Jiyong pointed out.


“Well unlike you I was up all night re-negotiating our deal with Macau” Taeyang replied, “Look Jiyong I know you don’t want to go, but for the company’s sake I think you should go.”



“Did you manage to reschedule the meeting with our Jeju clients?” Jiyong asked ignoring his last comment.


“Forget the Jeju clients. The Macau deal is more important so listen to me-“


“Did you reschedule with the Jeju clients?” Jiyong repeated himself.


“Yes! Ok yes! We’re meeting them in an hour” Taeyang informed him, he then walked up to him, “Jiyong did you hear what I just said about the Macau deal. You need to go there.”


“I’ll think about it” Jiyong mummered.


“What is there to think about?” Taeayng asked, “They want you in Macau, you go to Macau. End of story.”


“I said I’ll think about it.” Jiyong said bluntly.


“Is this because of Dara again?” Taeyang sighed.


“Why do you keep bringing her up?” JIyong looked up at him annoyed.


“Because ever since she’s come into your life, you’ve changed and you don’t even realise it” Taeyang shook his head.


“I haven’t changed. I would know“ JIyong replied before turning back to his work.


“You have. You hesitate to put work before her. And you’re not the type to hesitate to put work before anyone or anything. Look, more than anyone, I’m happy that you’re showing some sort of feelings other than anger for once, but this Macau deal is huge. If we lose this deal, we’re not going to get another opportunity like this again.”


“You’re overthinking it” JIyong sighed while he focused on his work.


“That’s my job Jiyong, to over think everything! Our company is still new, we cannot make mistakes and lose opportunities as big as the Macua deal or the deal we’re meant to be signing today with our Jeju clients.” Taeyang crossed his arms across his chest,


“It’s my company Tae, I know” Jiyong said bluntly not looking up.


“Then you’re not going to flip out and miss our meeting this morning if I tell you something” Taeyang raised a brow.



JIyong stopped working, “Tell me what?”



“I need to remind you, you can’t miss this meeting. The clients fly back today and you have to be here no matter what after you missed the meeting the yesterday.”


“Just spit it out” Jiyong said irritated.


Taeyang sighed, “Your mother rang. She wanted to know if you were at the office.”


“And?” Jiyong raised a brow.


“I told her you were here and she told me not to tell you this…but she’s going by your house now.”  Taeyang told him apologetically.


“!” Jiyong raked his hair in frustration and stood up but Taeyang grabbed his arm.


“Ji, you can’t miss this meeting.” Tae reminded him.















Mrs Kwon glared at Dara before storming past her and sitting down on the sofa.


Dara stood there fixed on the spot with fear.


“Bring me tea!”


Dara startled slightly and looked up at her wide eyed.




Dara nodded nervously and hurried into the kitchen.














TOP stretched his arms as he entered his lounge and knocked something down. He looked down at his feet and by the hole was his jacket neatly folded next to a kid’s size carton of juice.


He picked up the carton and smiled at the little message written on one side:


Thanks for the jacket. You’re right it was cold. But we’re still not friends.



He chuckled to himself before taking the straw off before piercing the carton top and drinking the juice. He got his phone out with one hand and dialled Bom’s number.



“What do you want?” Bom answered as she signed off a patient’s file.


“Just ringing to say thank you for the juice” TOP smiled as he continued to drink from the little straw, “You know this is what friends usually do.”


Bom cleared awkwardly, “Um…they’re past their expiration date and I just needed to get rid of them-”


TOP spat the juice out, “Aish YAH PARK BOM!” and looked for the expiration date on the carton while furiously wiping his mouth.


Bom tried to hide her smile as a few nurses walked past her.


TOP binned the juice and grimaced, “Just reminding you about tonight” TOP smiled as he sat down on the sofa, “Don’t forget to bring the girls otherwise consider me your new friend.”


“I haven’t forgotten arasso!” Bom huffed.


“Alright, just making sure” TOP replied grinning now.


Bom exhaled worriedly, “If that’s all, I need to go now.”


“See you later roomie” TOP before hanging up.



Bom frowned at first as she looked at her phone, but then that familiar smile spread across her face. That same smile she had years ago at school for the very same guy.














Minzy wheeled a patient down the long hospital corridor in a daze.


“Nurse Gong the X-ray department is that way” the patient pointed out as they went past their turn.


But Minzy couldn’t hear anything, her heart was racing just thinking about last night’s event. How was she going to act when she met him? Or should she change hospitals? Wasn’t she being way too over dramatic?



“Nurse Gong?!” the patient finally shouted.


“Huh?!” Minzy startled and looked down at the patient.





Minzy turned around behind her and her eyes widened when she saw Young deuk walking towards her. She swivelled back around and pushed the wheelchair even faster down the corridor in panic.


“Minzy?!” Young deuk called out.



“Nurse where are we gggoooooingggg??” the poor patient screamed as he held onto the arm rest.















Dara shakily placed the cup of tea in front of Mrs Kwon.


Without a word Mrs Kwon took a sip of tea and cringed her face, “Too bland.”



Dara bit her lip and held her head low.



Mrs Kwon took a deep annoyed breath and threw the bag she had been holding at Dara’s feet.


Dara didn’t dare pick it up and just stood as she was.


“Aren’t you going to pick it up?” Mrs Kwon asked


Dara slowly picked up the bag and looked at her for a split second before looking back down again.


“What are you waiting for? Go put it on, hurry up!” Mrs Kwon ordered her.














“Miss Lee, Seungri shi has requested a meeting at his office this morning” Mr Kim informed CL.


CL looked up from her desk, “Tell him I’m busy.”


“All the shareholders are going to be present” Mr Kim explained, “It might be a good idea to be there to keep an eye on him.”


CL sighed and closed the file she was reading, “Is there nothing you can find on him? Nothing we can use against him?”


“We’re still looking into it Miss Lee.” Mr kim apologised, “But until then, it’s best to keep Seugnri shi close.”


Cl closed her eyes in frustration, “Fine. Get the car ready.”















“I’m so sorry Dr Bom” Minzy bowed to Bom while the patient she had previously manically wheeled around the hospital laid down faintly on the bed.



“What happened Minzy?” Bom asked looking back and forth at the two.



“This nurse!!” the patient suddenly pointed at Minzy, “She is crazy!”


Minzy bit her lips and cringed.



“Minzy?” Bom crossed her arms together and waited for an explanation.



“I’m going to sue you! I nearly died!” the patient complained.


“I didn’t go that fast” Minzy mumbled.


“What did you say?!” the patient retorted.



“Ok ok!” Bom stepped in between, she turned to the patient and smiled, “I’m sorry. I’ll deal with her.”


“You better!” the patient grumbled.



Bom led Minzy out of the room and Minzy immediately started to bow again.



“I’m so sorry Dr Bom, I didn’t mean to” Minzy apologised.


“This is really something I should inform the head nurse about Minzy” Bom explained.


“No please” Minzy begged.



“But…I guess I could let you off if you did a favour for me” Bom said slowly.


“Anything! I will do anything!” Minzy clasped her hands together.












“Sir” Seungri’s secretary entered his room, “Miss Lee is on her way.”



Seungri looked up and hesitated for a moment.



“The press have also gathered in the hall. They’re ready whenever you are.”



Seungri remembered what CL had said the night before, and for some reason her apology had been on his mind all night. He hadn’t expected her to be any different from her father. But for her to have apologised and then how she stood her ground, he didn’t see her the way he saw her father anymore.


“Sir?” his secretary called out.


“What?!” Seungri frowned.


“The press, they’re waiting.”














“So you told him that you had more than one friend in order for him not to be your friend, and now he wants you to bring me and…who else sorry?” Minzy asked Bom while they sat in the staff room.


“Dara and Cl” Bom nodded, “I need to go out with you girls tonight to prove to him that I do have friends.”


“…right?” Minzy furrowed her brows.


“I know it’s a lie, but if you help me I’ll let you off the hook this time. Please Minzy” Bom begged her.


“…I guess it’ll be ok“ Minzy replied, “But what I don’t understand is, why don’t you just let Top oppa be your friend? He seems like a nice guy.”


“Exactly!” Bom pointed out, “He seems nice, I emphasise the word seems. He’s nothing like that in real life.”


“You sound like you know him well” Minzy said curiously, “I thought you said you only met him recently.


Bom paused for a moment and then shook her head, “Never mind about that. So you’ll help me?”


Minzy shrugged, “Sure Dr Bom.”


“Omo! Great!!” Bom hugged Minzy tightly, “Oh and it’s Bom unnie from now on.”














Mrs Kwon turned around when Dara stepped out, “It fits.”


Dara looked down at the maid’s outfit she was wearing before nervously looking at Mrs Kwon.


Mrs Kwon now stood up, “My son seems to be going through a mental breakdown of some sort. That’s the only explanation I can think of as to why he would kick all the maids out and keep you here with him.”


Dara stepped back ever so slightly out of fright.


“You see, people talk. Especially when someone as rich and successful as my son is the subject of the talk. And if people find out my son is living with a beggar than those talks will turn nasty and it will ruin his reputation. Do you understand?”


Dara gulped and didn’t dare look up.


“Since I seem to have no power over him, I will allow you to live under this roof as a maid. That way there won’t be any suspicion or talks about the relationship or whatever it is between you two.” Mrs Kwon explained bitterly, “But do not ever think that I am letting you have your way. I have seen hundreds of girls like you trying to sneak their way into people’s lives for money and fame.”


Dara wished at that moment she could tell Mrs Kwon that she wasn’t that type of person. She wished she could be brave enough to say that she would never ever hurt Jiyong.


“After all what do you possibly have that Jiyong would want?” Mrs Kwon scoffed, “What do you have to even offer him?!”


Dara’s heart sank suddenly, knowing that Mrs Kwon was right there. She really had nothing that Jiyong needed, and yet she needed him.


“At least as a maid you’re won't be a complete charity case to him” Mrs Kwon folded her arms, “Do you understand what I’m trying to say?”













“He’ll be here in a moment” Taeyang smiled politely at the clients before checking his watch.



Just then Jiyong’s secretary walked in and whispered into Taeyang’s ear, “Sir, Jiyong sir said he’s sorry but he can’t make the meeting today.”


Taeyang looked at the secretary wide eyed, “When did he leave?”


“About 20 minutes ago” she replied.


Taeyang rubbed his head in frustration before turning back to the clients.













“I said do you understand?” Mrs Kwon repeated.


Dara nodded sadly.



“Now go clean the house” Mrs Kwon waved her hand at Dara.


Dara bowed and walked towards the kitchen fighting back her tears. Dara stopped suddenly when she heard the front door loudly open. She turned around just as Mrs Kwon stepped forward.



“Jiyong what are you doing here?” Mrs Kwon tried to stop him from going past her towards Dara.


Jiyong had to double take at Dara before he realised what she was wearing and almost immediately he understood what his mother was up to.



“Dara go upstairs and change your clothes” Jiyong said to Dara.


“Stay right there!” his mother hissed at her.



Dara stood their frozen in fear, not knowing what to do.



“I said go change NOW!” JIyong shouted angrily making Dara step back slightly with fright.



“Jiyong!” his mum stepped forward.


“Did I not tell you to stay out of this?” Jiyong looked back at his mother now.


“People are going to find out and they’re going to talk-“


“When have I ever cared about what people think of me?!” Jiyong shouted.


“She will be the end of you” Mrs Kwon pointed at Dara, “Don’t think I don’t know things?! You’re my son, I need to help-“


“And this is your bright idea?!” Jiyong pointed at Dara standing there, “You don’t get to order her around!”


“And when people find out you’re living with a beggar-“


“Stop it!” Jiyong stopped her.


“Fine then you tell me what I’m meant to think about all this?! Are you two in a relationship? Is that what this is? She squirmed her gold digging ways into your life-“


“Get out!” Jiyong muttered.



Mrs Kwon looked surprised for a moment before starting to grab her bag, “When she ruins your life you’ll see!!”



Jiyong watched his mother storm past him and out of the house. He turned back to Dara and looked down at her outfit, “Go change Dara! Now!”



But instead Dara continued to look at him in astonishment.



“Did you not hear me?! Go change!” Jiyong growled.



“...you shouldn’t have done that” Dara said finally.


Jiyong tilted his head to the side slightly in surprise that she just talked back at him, “Done what?” he furrowed his brows.



“Tell her to leave, you shouldn’t have done that.” Dara shook her head.


“Should I have let her treat you like sh!t then?” JIyong asked angrily.



Dara realised she’d crossed the line and she immediately lowered her head nervously.



“Don’t you dare do that!” Jiyong walked up to her and pulled her arm in order to get her attention.


Dara grabbed her arm in pain trying to free herself.



“Don't close up again! Go on! Tell me why I shouldn’t have done what I did?!”



Dara looked up scared when he angrily pulled her close to him. He glowered down at her as she held her breath.


“Should I have left her to treat you like nothing?! Is that what you wanted?!” JIyong repeated shaking her slightly.



“She’s your mother…I’m nothing to you” Dara finally stuttered, “…so…why did you tell her to leave…and not me?”


Jiyong didn’t reply, he just stood there still holding onto her.



“I’ve been treated worse…” Dara spoke up to her own surprise. What Mrs Kwon said must have affected her more than she realised.


Jiyong looked down at her intensely.



“She wasn’t doing anything wrong” Dara said slowly, “…in fact I think she was helping.”


“Helping?!” Jiyong growled, his temper rising again.


“Everything she said was true” Dara replied with quivering lips, “There’s a reason I’m here…it's because I’m too scared to be anywhere but where you are.”


Jiyong’s face fell and his grip loosened on her arms.



“But…your mother made me realise something today” Dara continued.


“And that is?” Jiyong clenched his jaws.


Dara shook her head sadly, “You have no reason to let me stay with you.”


Jiyong frowned at the tears forming in her eyes and his hands finally slipped of her arms.



Dara stared at him for a moment before shaking her head slightly, “Jiyong, just let me stay as your maid.


"You don't have to do that" Jiyong replied.



“I’m being serious” Dara bit her lip, “I’m very good at cleaning, and I’ve been cooking for years-“


“Stop it” JIyong sighed.


“I can do the laundry and iron too-“


“I DON’T WANT A BLOODY MAID!!” Jiyong growled angrily making Dara step back slightly, “What the hell did my mother exactly say to you?!”


Dara blinked nervously but didn’t reply.


“Just get out of my sight for now!” Jiyong scrunched his face with his eyes shut.


Dara looked down at her feet sadly and stepped back slowly.













“Bom? You are feeling ok aren’t you?” Cl asked through the phone while on her way to meet the shareholders.


“Just say you’ll come” Bom said instead.


“I’ve been trying to get you out for years and you’ve always said no. Why the sudden change?” CL laughed slightly.


My pride” Bom muttered, “I can’t lose.”


“Lose? What are you on about?” CL asked again.


“So you’re coming tonight right?” Bom begged.


“OK ok, I’ll be there” CL smiled and ended the call.



“Is everything ok Miss Lee?” Mr Kim asked.


“Neh” Cl nodded, “Are we there yet?”


“Nearly Miss.”








[Run by Leona Lewis]





Jiyong stood outside Dara’s room and stayed there for a long moment wondering if he should go in.


He raised his hand to knock on the door but decided against it and turned around to lean on the door and sat on the floor. He muttered something under his breath and hit his head quietly behind on the door.  




“Dara?” he finally exhaled.


There was a long moment of silence before he heard Dara’s voice.



“…yes?” her voice sounded sad and stuffy as if she’d been crying.



JIyong closed his eyes and clenched his jaw“…are you ok?”



Dara wiped her tear from her cheek and nodded inside.



 Jiyong sighed, “I’m…I…” He exhaled loudly. He wasn’t good at these kind of emotional situations no matter how hard he was trying. But he knew he shouldn’t have shouted at her.



Dara shook her head from inside the room and leaned her head on the door too before slipping to the ground just like JIyong on the otherside, "...don't apologise…”


Jiyong raked his hair with his fingers, “I don’t know what to do with you” he finally admitted, “Tell me what I should do?!”



Dara’s bottom lip trembled slightly as she looked down at her maid’s dress, “…I just…I feel…embarrassed.”


Jiyong sighed knowing what his mother made her do must have upset her, “Don’t. It’s her fault not yours-“


“Ani” Dara looked up at the door now with wet eyes, “I’m embarrassed because I’m exactly what your mother says I am.”


Jiyong furrowed his brows not understanding.



“I’m…” she looked down at the maid’s outfit, “I’m…nothing” Dara shook her head, “I have nothing. She didn’t say anything wrong.”


Jiyong looked down at his hands as he listened to her.



“You saved me JIyong” Dara said quietly, “That’s why I’m scared to leave you. But…I never thought about how I’m affecting you…not once. I’m really really sorry.”


JIyong sighed heavily before getting up and turning to face the door now, he placed his hand on the door handle, “Open up.”


Dara bit her lip and hesitated but she didn’t have to do anything because he opened it himself. Naturally she stood up and stepped back slightly when he entered, and  looked down at the floor again.


“Now say what you just said looking at me and then I’ll believe you” Jiyong said roughly.


Dara grabbed onto her hands tightly preparing herself to look up but as she did a tear escaped her eye. She blinked slightly and looked away to wipe her tear but Jiyong grabbed her hand and stopped her.


“You’re right. You are affecting my life” Jiyong said as he held her hand firmly making her look up at him, “I haven’t been thinking straight since the moment you entered my life.”


Dara’s lips trembled apologetically as she looked down.


“And you’re scared, I get it!” JIyong continued, “You’re always bloody scared! You've been scared your whole life.”


Dara let out a little whimper and she closed her eyes tightly wishing no more tears would form in her eyes.


“But I’m here giving you a chance not to be scared anymore. I'm the only one that makes you feel safe” JIyong said in a quieter voice now, “With me you have a chance not to feel scared.”


Dara looked up at him with surprise.


“Don’t you want to know what it feels like to not be scared?” he asked softly.


Her eyes fluttered at his words which had left her speechless.



JIyong finally let go of her hand. He picked her normal clothes from her bed and gave them to her to hold, “Change back. This outfit isn’t for someone like you.”


Dara slowly looked up at him, wondering how there could be someone like him.


Jiyong thought for a long moment before finally speaking, “No matter what people say to you. No matter how many people tell you to leave my side, don’t ever listen to them.”


Dara held her breath as he said those words.


“I don’t know why I’m telling you this, because to be honest I should really be telling you to leave too. But I’m giving you permission to stay by my side until you’re not scared anymore.” JIyong said slowly.


Dara looked into his eyes still unable to comprehend why he was even saying this.














“Are the shareholders inside?” CL asked one of Seungri’s staff.


“Neh Miss Lee” the staff lied.


He held onto the door handle of the hall but stopped before turning to Mr Kim, “I’m sorry but you won’t be allowed to go in.”


CL and Mr Kim looked at each other for a brief moment before Mr Kim nodded and stepped away.


“This way Miss Lee” the staff opened the door to another smaller hallway.


CL followed him to the next door where she could hear mumbling.


“Please go in Miss Lee” the staff bowed and stepped back slightly.


Not thinking anything of it CL walked into the room full of reporters. As soon as she entered a thousand flashes of cameras all directed at her.


CL closed her eyes shut at the blinding light and before she knew it she was being escorted onto the stage.


CL finally opened her eyes and realised what was going on.






[In my veins by Andrew Belle]


Seungri arrived at the other side of the hall and watched CL curiously.



“So it must be true about her panic attacks” one of his staff mummered to another.



Seungri looked at them for a brief moment.



“Apparently it’s because after she was rescued from the kidnapping, the press never left her.”




“The press kept asking her about what the men looked like and what they did to her, so in the end she developed a fear of the press.”



Seugnri now looked back at CL on stage and furrowed his brows.









CL felt her breathing quicken, it became more shallow and clamed up. She could feel the cold sweat forming on her forehead and palms as she stood there unable to move or even utter a single word.


All she could see was a sea full of cameras and blurry figures all asking the same thing.



“Miss Lee!! Miss Lee. This is your first press conference in over 15 years! Have you fully recovered from the kidnapping?!”



CL stepped back from the blinding flashing lights but she couldnt run anywhere.



“Miss Lee over here! What happened to the other two girls?!”


“Miss Lee how did you escape?!”


“Did you ever see the men that kidnapped you?!”



CL looked around in panic, praying someone would rescue her from there.




“We heard you lost your memory from that night?! Is that true?!”


“Did you stay in a mental institution while in America?!”









Even though this whole event was Seungri’s idea, after his meeting with CL the night before he had felt uncomfortable about the whole thing.

He saw the terror in CL’s eyes and he remembered his own pain after his mother passed away.


His hands slowly turned into fists as if he was trying to stop himself from worrying, but his eyes never left CL. 







“Miss Lee over here!”



“Cl, do you think you can handle such a large hotel chain after being mentally unstable as a child?!”


“One question here!”



CL felt a tear drop from her eyes onto her trembling lips. Her legs were shaking, threatening to give way any minute and still she couldn’t escape from there. She just wanted to disappear and never come back. COuldn't anyone see how much this was scaring her? Why would no one help her?




“It’s Lee Seungri!!”



Suddenly all the cameras turned to face Seungri as he entered the room. But instead of waving and smiling at the press he barged his way through them towards CL.


CL was still stricken with fear when Seungri jumped onto the stage.  He stormed up to her, grabbed her hand.


Cl gasped and tried to pull her hand back but Seungri gripped her hand tighter and pulled her to him, “Let’s go.” He then looked back at the crowd before pulling CL off the stage.


The press soon enough formed a crowd around them, pushing and shoving against them.


CL closed her eyes and grabbed hold of Seungri’s hand with her free hand as he tried to push himself through the crowd.



“Mr Lee what’s your relationship with Miss Lee?!!”


“Mr Lee, why did you decide to trust Miss Lee to handle such a big deal when you know of her past trauma?!”


“Mr Lee how long have you been dating Miss Lee?!”


“Mr Lee, did you know about her mental instability as a child?!”


“Mr Lee!”



Finally in midst of all the chaos, some of Seungri’s men finally managed to push through the crowd of press and guide Seungri and CL out of the hall.


Cl's grip tightened even more around Seungri's hands until her knuckles went white.


Seungri slowly looked back at her and without warning he felt his heart pain.















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sorry readers I uploaded the same chapter twice so there is no chap 20. sorry


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I'm really inlove with this story!! I hope you're well authornim. Please be safe and update us if you can. Looking forward for your updates, please comeback. I'll wait for your return authornim!😊❤
zigzag06 #2
2022 and i still feel that you are one of the best authors here! Please update if you can!
daragon2004 #3
Chapter 27: Authornim please comeback
OMONA! All of your stories are labelled ⭐️ ... DAEBAK~~
2013 🥺
Karens17 #6
Chapter 27: Hello ms author. I thoroughly enjoy your stories and this one is no exception. You are really gifted with the vision and the capability to translate them into a different world we can escape into. We can only guess on the delay for this story but i do hope you are doing well. If you read the feedback to this story please don’t get too offended if some may come off as negative, we are just having withdrawal symptoms from your story. Or you can also consider us as someone going through the 5 stages of grief.. either ways i wish you all the best and may God always bless you. Its the least we can do for the joy you have provided us with your stories. I do hope you continue and finish the story but i respect your space. At your own pace. Hope you’re having agood day and that this message made you smile in the least. 😊
jelovemico_120888 #7
I can't believe it, I've been rereading this story and still waiting for an update, It's so beautiful and well written. Authornim please come back.
Chapter 24: Here i am still waiting for update for this fic huhu
xe2d2205 #10
Chapter 27: so I don't know what to say. It's a well-written story and someone just leaves their story behind when they have such a writing skill, right?
6 years is a long time, I hope only your priorities have changed. So there is no problem for you in your life.
I hope you to be healthy and happy. I hope someday you'll come back to complete this story.
until then, goodbye. you still have readers here waiting for you. Thank you:)