A chance

Love that Left

“…Sooyoung.. I love you..”

Sooyoung went speechless. Well, it’s not exactly the words she expected to hear from the woman who once broke her.

They’re staring right into each other’s eyes, no words, nothing in silent while Yoona definitely expects at least something as an answer, but Sooyoung is too lost to answer.

“..say something..” Yoona whispered softly, her arm under Sooyoung’s neck, while the other hand is on Sooyoung’s cheek, caressing the stunned women’s lovingly.

“..i am engaged..” Sooyoung whispered lowly.

“But you never said you love him, didn’t you?” Yoona replied “I asked you, Soo.. and you gave me no answer..”

“But he own me.. we both know that..”

“Not yet..” Yoona stubbornly spoke “I still have a month..”

“A month for what? we’re--..”

“To get us back where we used to be, more than what we used to be..” Yoona cut “I want you Soo, I want you as the only person to live forever with..”

“You should tell me that five years ago..”

“I wanted to..”

“But you didn’t…”

“..and I believe, I’m not that late right now..”

Sooyoung’s met Yoona’s eyes sadly “..or maybe you are..”


“You raised my hope back than, Yoona..” Sooyoung cut “you made me believe that I was not alone when it comes about being in love with you..”

“..you make me believe that you had the same feeling as mine..” Sooyoung spoke weakly “..you make me believe that you do.. loved me..”

“I did..” Yoona replied “and I do.. I am always do..”

“But you rejected me! you turned me down!” Sooyoung raised her voice “and I never prepared myself for your rejection, which is why it broke me so much back than.. you broke me..” Sooyoung whispered painfully “Yoona, along with your rejection, you made me realized that all this time, I was such a fool for thinking that you loved me like I did..”

“I loved you, Soo.. and I really do until this second..”

“And I spent five years cursing myself because I was too stupid to believe that all that kisses, hugs, sleepovers, and love words meant something for you, just like how it meant everything for me..”


“Gosh, Yoona.. you made me blaming myself for ruining our relationship.. because when I want more than bestfriend, when I want you only for myself, I thought you want to take it more, just like how I wished.. I thought it was mutual..”

“But you proofed me wrong right when you said that you didn’t love me..” Sooyoung mumbled, tear falls, and it goes the same on Yoona “..it felt like you slapped me with your rejection because I was too stupid, be-because I was I love with you, be-because I was the only one who was into that..”

“..and after my confession, it got us too awkward that I couldn’t even stay in the same room with you more than minutes.. that I couldn’t even talk to you because I was too ashamed of myself.. that—that I can’t even look you right into your eyes and apologizing for ruining what we had..”

“..and I hate myself even more because I couldn’t bear myself to look at you anymore.. because I knew I would always look at you with love, love and longing for someone more than for my bestfriend..”

“..I was ashamed and I couldn’t even meet you anymore.. not when every time I saw you I want to crushed my body on yours, kissing you like how we used to, and saying love words to you over and over again..”

“Sooyoung.. I’m sorry..” Yoona whispered softly, leaning closer as she grazed her lips on Sooyoung’s, but Sooyoung isn’t pulling back, nor kissing back.

“I am sorry for hurting you, Soo..” Yoona whispered in tears as her lips lingered on Sooyoung’s, letting their noses brushing against each other, reducing the gap in between them as much as she could to where she already crushed their body together, melted into each other’s embrace, with her arm still under Sooyoung’s neck, her fingers running into Sooyoung’s hair. She misses this. She misses this so much.

“..but I love you.. and I can’t keep it all for myself anymore..” Yoona spoke in between her sobs “..i love you and I want you to know.. I want us.. and I just want a chance to fix things between us..”

“I don’t want things left unsaid in between us anymore..” Yoona added.

“..how could you say that to me.. how could you do this to me, Yoona..” Sooyoung whispered painfully.

“..i was trying to talk to you, Soo.. but you avoided me.. and I couldn’t blame you because I know it’s my fault.. that I was the one who ruined our friendship by a lie.. and the last thing I heard from you was that you left for Japan.. you didn’t even tell me.. and you left.. five years, Soo.. I am waiting for you to come back..”

“You shouldn’t tell me this now..”

“I don’t want to have any regret about us anymore.. five years were enough to tell me how stupid I was to let you go.. to show me that I can’t live without you.. I don’t want to, Soo..”

“You have five years, Yoona.. and you choose a month before my wedding?” Sooyoung mumbled wearily.

“I still have a month.. I--..”

“Five years, Yoona.. five years and you have no idea how I hard I tried to get you out from my mind..” Sooyoung cut “five years, and you have no idea what I’ve been going through just to forget about you, five years, and--..”

Sooyoung’s words cut when Yoona pressed her lips on Sooyoung’s, hard. They’re kissing, sweeter when their tongues meet, where it’s not enough without going deeper when they already do more than kissing, when they’re still in bed, no clothes on, and enough to mess their mind all over again.

And it’s not only once.

Not twice.

Because they’re going over and over again.

“I love you, Soo.. I really do..” Yoona said softly while her lips still on Sooyoung’s.

“..i don’t know Yoona..” Sooyoung whispered “I don’t know if I can believe this..”

“You can..”

“..and it won’t change the fact that I will get married in a month..”

“..at least give me a chance to show you I mean what I said..”

“..we shouldn’t start something we know how it will ended up..”

“We don’t know how this ended up..” Yoona stubbornly said.


“Sooyoung, I love you.. I just ask you to give me a change to show you that I really do..”

“..this will hurt us..”

“I just don’t want to regret things anymore..”

“..i don’t know, Yoona..” Sooyoung whispered weakly “I really don’t..”

“Just give me a month, please..” Yoona softly spoke “..if in these one month I can’t get your heart back..” Yoona’s voice cracked, but giving a weak smile she said “..i will let you go..” she mumbled silently “..just a month…”

But Sooyoung said nothing.

Not because the tall brunette doesn’t want to give a chance.

Not because Sooyoung is sure that Yoona can’t win her heart in a month.

Not because Sooyoung doubts what Yoona said.

Not because Sooyoung doesn’t believe every words Yoona just told her.


But it’s just simply because she is afraid, Sooyoung is afraid.

It’s just because she started to believe Yoona all over again..

It’s because she wish that they do have a forever to live with..

It’s because from Yoona’s sincere eyes to her loving words, she does believe, Sooyoung does believe every words that escape Yoona’s lips.

It’s because she wants to stay with Yoona along with her little girl..

And most of it, Sooyoung knows, that Yoona never need a month, not a week, not a day, not even second to win her heart all over again..

No, Yoona never need to get Sooyoung’s heart again, Yoona never need to have Sooyoung’s heart again..

Because even from the past.. to right at this moment, and even more in the future..

Sooyoung’s heart knows whom it belongs to..

Because no matter how much Sooyoung tried to denied it.. no matter how much she was running away from it.. no matter how  she refused to admit.

Sooyoung knows.. she is in love, with the very same woman she used to love back then.. she is in love with her bestfriend.. still..



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Yoonaya05 #1
Chapter 24: Re-reading your completed stories every year, hoping you will comeback and continue the other stories author-nim :)))))
babavivi #2
Chapter 24: Even this fic was done 2 years ago...
Thank you Author.
Thanks for writing this, I enjoy reading it.
babavivi #3
Chapter 21: T_T
I can't... this is so sad...
Tissue please...
Chapter 22: d e s p e r a t e for love. Haist.
Chapter 21: Ouch.
Chapter 17: And that's it. New story tk be featured on my wall. Haist.
Chapter 11: Goshhh