
The Ugly Duckling

" So, your name is Monggu. Don't worry. I'll help you find your owner."

                     I walked home with Monggu sleeping in my arms. It must have had a rough day, being stuck in a drain and all. I arrived at my house a few minutes later. It was pretty quiet in my house in the afternoon since my parents are at work and only come back at night.

" PEEEUUU!( don't know how to spell) Let's get you cleaned up." I said to the dog. I feel a bit silly, talking to an animal. I've never had a dog before but I'll try to take care of this one till I can find its owner.


                                   While getting ready to bathe Monggu, I realized that I forgot about the letter Baekhyun gave me and decided to read after I bathe Monggu. After bathing Monggu, I looked through my bag but it wasn't there. I took out everything from my bag and lokked through the books I had in my bag, but it was nowhere to be found.

* I must have left it under my desk in school! Why must I be so forgetful?!?!?! PABO!* I thought while hitting my head with my fists. Now I have to go back to school, just to get that stupid letter!

" UGHHHHH..." I said.

                     I left Monggu in the house and made my way to the bus stop. But then I just realized that the bus driver won't be stopping by my school since school is over. ( not sure if its true)

" Damn it!!! Looks like I have to take a taxi." I said to myself. ( Jieun doesn't want to walk although its not that far XD)

                      I told the taxi driver my destination. After 10 minutes, I arrived and paid the taxi driver. I walked to my classroom and looked under my desk. I found the letter and walked out of the school. I didn't want to ride another taxi so I decided to walk home instead. On my way home, I saw a man looking around the park.

" Monggu! Monggu!" the man said.

* He must be Monggu's owner! Good thing I decided to walk!* I thought happily while smiling.

I walked to the man and said," Umm... excuse me. By any chance are you looking for your dog?"

He turned around to face me and said," Yes, I am... wait a minute! Aren't you the new girl in school?!?! My best friend's fiance?!?!"

" Yes I am... aren't you the guy that pulled Suho away from Baekhyun?!?!" I asked with D.O sized eyes.       ( HEHEHE...)

" Yeap, that's me! My name is Kim Jongin, but you can call me Kai. And you are..." Kai asked me.

" Lee Jieun. Didn't Baekhyun tell you my name since he told you about the marriage?" I asked Kai.

" I had my earphones on at the time... I only heard the words 'arranged marriage' and 'fiance'. When I saw what happened in the cafeteria I knew that you had to be Baekhyun's fiance." Kai said.

" Ohhh..." 

" Can I come over to your house to pick Monggu up? I mean, if that's okay with you" Kai asked me.

" Sure. Its fine with me." I said. The walk to my house was really awkward. Then, Kai asks me a question to make it less awkward.

" Sooooo... do you have a dog?"

" No since my father's allergic to dogs." I simply said.

" Do you have any other pets?" he asks me.

" Well... I do have an aquarium full of fish in my house. Do you have any other dogs? " I said.

" I live in a condominium, so only Monggu."

" Condominium? Do you live there by yourself?" I asked, curiously.

" Yeah. My parents died in a plane crash 3 years ago.( when he was 14)" he said with a sad tone.

" Oh my gosh... I'm so sorry." I said.

" Its okay... I got over it."

" One more question... is your dog potty trained?" I asked.

" Yeah. Why?" Kai asked.

" Phew. I was worried that it would pee and poop all over the place." I answered.

 A few minutes later, we arrived at my house. Monggu was jumping and wagging his tail when he saw hi owner.  

 " Monggu-ah... appa promises never to lose you again, okay?" Kai said to his dog. I couldn't hold back my laughter and laughed so hard my stomach was in pain.

" What! I'm not the only one who talks like this,okay!" Kai shouted at me.

" But, the way you do it is so cute! Instead of the cool Jongin I see in school, I'm seeing the cute Jongin in my house. HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I replied.

" I told you to call me Kai."

" You said I can call you Jongin or Kai. Besides, I like the name 'Kim Jongin'." I said, laughing a little.

" O-okay... I'm going to take Monggu home now. Thanks for taking good care of him." Kai thanked me.

" I only bathed him and gave him a little food. I don't think I did a very good job." I said.

" What are you talking about? You did a better job than me at bathing him. Anyways, I'll get going now. Oh wait! I forgot to give you my phone number!" he shouted.

" Its okay. I got your phone number from Monggu's collar." I said.

" Yeah, but I don't have yours..." he said with a pout.

" Fine. Here you go." I said, handing him a piece of paper.

" I'm not sure if I should ask you this, but can I have your address?" Kai asks hesitantly.

" Wait... what? Tell me a good reason why I should give you my address." I asked him.

" I want to bring Monggu here again. I can tell he really likes you. He doesn't give a lot of affection towards other people but you. I'll give you my address if you wanna visit Monggu instead." he said.

" Hmmm... fine I'll give you my address. But you have to come with Monggu, or else you can't come in." I said, playfully.

" Deal.Since I'm giving you my address, you have to call me when you want to come over. If I don't pick up. then too bad~~~ " he said, playfully.

" Don't you have to go home? Its already 5.00 p.m." I said.

" Not really. But since you asked me to, I'll go home." he said.

" Bye!!! See you in school tommorrow!" I shouted at Kai from a distance.

" Bye!!! Thanks again!" Kai shouted back.

Kai's P.O.V

" Bye!!! Thanks again!" I shouted back.

* Jieun's so cute when she smiles.* I thought happily.


6th chapter!!! I finally have someone's P.O.V, but its reallyyy short. Hope this chappie makes you happy. I just made a rhyme. Hehehehe. Anyways, aren't you guys happy that I update almost everyday? Even when my chappies are short. And Kai is Monggu's owner!!!! All of you would have known that by now so, here's a little something...

Hope you like the gifs! Not mine...

Forgive me if I make any minor or huge mistakes.BYE!!!COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE!!!

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Melonchopz #1
inten17eu #2
Chapter 33: its first time i read this fanfic... and its so awesome.. one of good fanfic i had read.. i love BaekU couple.. hope you will make any baeku fanfic ^^ hwaiting!
byunbaekhee #3
Chapter 23: hey author-nim. you know, i ship IU and baekhyun too no i CRUISE the hell outta them (oh actually i ship IU with a lot more idol haha probably the same as yours). i like this fic but the thing is it sounds so unrealistic. well no offends, but how can a fat girl (i know its IU here im talkin bout) stole like almost every of the guys' heart in this fic? second, your story kinda escalated quickly u know? like first this happened, and then you go like bammm! but still, im gonna finish this fic till the last chapter. im so sorry author-nim. but hey, i love your other fics (pls update them quickly hehe). this is only my opinions okay, you might as well take this as an advice or whatsoever. thats all, fighting author-nim! xx
Chapter 39: Yehet..
Chapter 38: Yay daehyun!
I'll be looking forward to ur story!!!
Chapter 38: kyaaa~ finally daehyun ><
can't wait for ur next story xD
i'm on my fangirling mode right now ><
Adh_IU #7
Chapter 38: Typoo.. typo everywhere >//<
Adh_IU #8
Chapter 38: Yeaaaaaay Daehyuuunn.. Altough I choose Taemin but its okay. Daehyun is awesome too xD/?
Chapter 38: I was literally screaming when it was Daehyun! But i wanted it to be Taemin...........oh well.
But i still love Daehyun♥♥♥
daetothehyun #10