The Truth

The Ugly Duckling

" You guys are insane." I said to them.

~Jieun's P.O.V~

" So how did it go???" Suzy asked me, impaitently after I got back. All eyes were on me as I sat down.

" It was... nice, I guess." I said while eating a piece of kimbap.

" What do you think of Exo-K? Handsome? Cute? Mean? Nice?" Suho asked me.

" Uhhh... not bad, actually." I said as a smile crept up my face.

" Not bad?!?!" all of them shouted.

" Yeah. They were sooo nice and Kai begged me to stay, but Baekhyun asked me to leave since he knew you guys were waiting for me." I said.

" So, you didn't see them eat your kimbap?!?!?!" Suzy whined.

" Apparently not." I said, dissapointed.

" Oh, c'mon! I can already imagine what their faces look like when took their first bite. Don't be too dissapointed, I'm sure they loved it!" Soohyun said, patting my back.

" Thanks." I said.

" Oh! I heard Kai lost his dog, Monggu, three days ago and found him yesterday." Suzy spoke up.

" Jjinjja?" Tao asked.

" Yeah! There's a rumor saying that a girl from our school, looked for hours until she found Monggu and  took care of him just to get closer with Kai! Can't you believe someone will actually do that just to get closer to the person she likes?!?!?! Suzy said in disbelief.

" Hehe. Guys, I have to tell you something." I said after hearing the news. I had to tell them sooner or later.

" What is it?????" Suho spoke as his head shot up from the table. All their eyes were once again looking at me.

" ... I'm the one who... took care of Kai's dog." I said in a soft voice that can only be heard by my friends.

" BWO?!?!?!" they shouted together.

" Did you really like Kai that much that you would actually look for his missing dog for hours?!?!?!?!?!" Suho shouted at me.

" I don't like Kai!!!!!! The rumors' all wrong!!!" I shouted back at them.

" Then what EXACTLY happened?" Luhan asked , emphasizing the word 'exactly'.

" I found Monggu in a drain on my way home from school. Remember the letter that Baekhyun gave me? Yeah, I left it at school yesterday. I went to school to get it and on the way home, I saw Kai looking for his dog. He followed me home to get his dog and... that was it."

" So, are you guys keeping in touch?" Kris asked.

" Oh yeah! We exchanged phone numbers too." I said.

" Nothing else happened right???" Suho asked, anxiously.

" Uhhh... no... nothing at all." I answered, nervously.

" I feel like your not telling us EVERYTHING." Suzy said, dragging the word 'everything'.

" Wha-what do you mean?" I stuttered.

" C'mon, spill it. We all know your hiding something." Suzy said.

" *sigh* Fine. I told you that Baekhyun's mother asked me to cook for him, remember." I asked before earning a nod from each of them.

" I didn't know what to cook for him,sooo I asked Kai for help. I went to his condo and wrote down what he told me about Baekhyun. After that, he begged me to stay for dinner 'cause he didn't want to eat alone and my parents weren't home at the time so... " I stopped.

" SO WHAT?!?!?!" they shouted again.

" So... I joined him for dinner." I said in a soft voice again.

" You ate dinner with him?!?!?! I told you not to get involved with them! You'll end up being heartbroken at the end of the day! Why can't you just listen to me???" Suho shouted earning a weird stare from the students around us.

" B-but..."

" Save it. I don't want to hear anything coming out from that mouth of yours." Suho said, leaving us.

There was awkward silence at our table since Suho left the cafeteria. None of us spoke a word until...

" Wow. I haven't seen Suho this mad in the five years I've known him." Soohyun said.

" I-It's all my fault..." I said, quietly as I teared up a bit.

" No, its not. He's just... tired?" Suzy said.

" What Suzy's trying to say is that he's just a little overprotective, that's all. He cares about who you get involved with. He's afraid he'll loose you as a friend." Lay said in a comforting voice while patting my back.

" I just hope he's okay" I said with concern.

                        All of us returned to our respective classes after the school bell rang. Suho was concentrating as usual but didn't turn even once to look at me. On the other hand, I couldn't concerntrate at all and I kept thinking about what to do to make it up to him.

~Luhan's P.O.V~

I went back to my seat in the the classroom and thought about the incident in the cafeteria.

* Maybe Suho likes her. No, it can't be. Maybe. It could happen.*" Ughhhhh!!!" I said while ruffling my hair in fustration.

" What's going on?" Xiumin asked me from behind.

" Have you ever seen Suho act like that in front of girls before???" I asked.

" Now that you mention it, it is pretty weird he was acting like that." Lay said as his seat was beside me, on my left.

" Maybe Suho likes Jieun." I blurted out.

" What?! Impossible! Suho once told us that his ideal type is a girl with literary interests and a girl with long straight hair ( LIES!!!)." Xiumin said.

" You know, Luhan has a point. Suho might be in love with Jieun. Don't you remember the conversation we all had in the park after school on Monday?" Lay asked.

" Yeah. Everyone of us were there except Jieun and Suzy, right?" I asked.

" Bingo." Lay said.

~ Flashback~( Whoosh! Going back in time~~~)

" What do you think about the new girl, Lee Jieun?" Suho asks out of nowhere.

" She's nice." Kris said.

" And caring." Chen said.

" Don't forget cute" Tao said.

" I wonder what her ideal type is..." Suho said.

" Why do you wanna know?" I asked.

" I'm just curious to know what type of guy a girl like her likes." Suho answered.

" Simple. Just follow what Baekhyun does." Tao said before earning a punch from Suho.

" I'm serious. Besides, she doesn't know who Baekhyun really is." Suho said in a serious voice.

" Its for the best if she doesn't know. Even if she knows, it won't stop her from liking him." Lay said.

" If she's the type of girl who easily falls in love, why didn't she fall in love with us???" Kris said.

" Maybe we're not handsome enough for her." Soohyun said.

" Stop talking nonsense, Kris! We are all much better looking than that jackass, Baekhyun. Espeacially  Suho." Tao shouted.

" I guess we're not her ideal types then." I said.

~Flashback End~

" We might have to do a little interrogating." Xiumin said with a smirk.

Kai, their classmate heard them talking about Suho and Jieun.

* Is it true? Does Suho like Jieun?* Kai thought, fiddling with his pencil.


10th Chappie is out!!! I really,really,really hope you guys like this chapter. I reached over 50 subscribers!!! This is a great achievement for me as a rookie author. Your comments really make me happy and I appreciate the comments saying they love the gifs eventhough their not mine. So as a gift I will paste more gifs.

Now for EXO! Na Eureureong,eureureong,eureureong dae~


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Melonchopz #1
inten17eu #2
Chapter 33: its first time i read this fanfic... and its so awesome.. one of good fanfic i had read.. i love BaekU couple.. hope you will make any baeku fanfic ^^ hwaiting!
byunbaekhee #3
Chapter 23: hey author-nim. you know, i ship IU and baekhyun too no i CRUISE the hell outta them (oh actually i ship IU with a lot more idol haha probably the same as yours). i like this fic but the thing is it sounds so unrealistic. well no offends, but how can a fat girl (i know its IU here im talkin bout) stole like almost every of the guys' heart in this fic? second, your story kinda escalated quickly u know? like first this happened, and then you go like bammm! but still, im gonna finish this fic till the last chapter. im so sorry author-nim. but hey, i love your other fics (pls update them quickly hehe). this is only my opinions okay, you might as well take this as an advice or whatsoever. thats all, fighting author-nim! xx
Chapter 39: Yehet..
Chapter 38: Yay daehyun!
I'll be looking forward to ur story!!!
Chapter 38: kyaaa~ finally daehyun ><
can't wait for ur next story xD
i'm on my fangirling mode right now ><
Adh_IU #7
Chapter 38: Typoo.. typo everywhere >//<
Adh_IU #8
Chapter 38: Yeaaaaaay Daehyuuunn.. Altough I choose Taemin but its okay. Daehyun is awesome too xD/?
Chapter 38: I was literally screaming when it was Daehyun! But i wanted it to be Taemin...........oh well.
But i still love Daehyun♥♥♥
daetothehyun #10