
Undying Moonlight Love



" Yah Eunheenie, we should have dinner together at your house." Ilhoon asked. " Muh? For what?" " I think it must had been really lonely for you having dinner alone everyday, so yeah since I'm your friend why not we have dinner together" He was somehow nervous. " Sure, that sounds great! Come by my house at 5 or 6pm? We could spent our time together!" I replied and Ilhoon's eyes lit up at my agreement. " Assa! (Nice)" and he did his little happy which makes me burst into laughter.

I tooked out my handphone and find that it was 7pm already. I felt guilty for not remembering the deal we make yesterday after school. He must have been really tired. You should have go back. Why would you wait for me? I walked closer and closer to him. Squating in front of him, staring at his sleepy face. Heh he looks like a baby, kyeopta! I chuckled at my own thoughts. I really hope my friendship with Ilhoon would last forever since I really like him alot. He always makes me smile his dorky and happy go lucky behaviour. Plus, he's the only one wiling to be my true friend. I smiled. It's not something surprising when Ilhoon is very popular in school. He's basically nice to everyone, girls boys teachers even the school staff. Aigo, this is kid is too good to be true. I nudged him slowly on his shoulder. He didn't responsed. I nudged him a little more this time and he finally opens his eyes. Half sleeping and have awake. 

" Muh? W-what? Huh?" He really looks like a baby when he's sleepy. 

" Yah! Sleepy head get inside or people will think you're somekind of beggar sleeping outside my house." 

Ilhoon yawned and dragged his feet into my house. He slumped on the couch by the time we got in. I shooked my head seeing this side of him. Such a kid. I went to my room and to get some pillow and blankets for Ilhoon. I didn't even feel awkward having a guy my age alone with me for the first time. I opened the blanket and cover him with it. I wrote a note and left it on the coffee table. Which says ; sorry for making you wait. I'm really a bad friend T_T I'll make it up to you tomorrow! Once again, bianhe~.


Ilhoon 's pov.


I get up as soon as I see Eunhee's room turns pitch dark. Running my hair through my hair, I took the note Eunhee wrote with the another hand. I can't help but smiled widely. My eyes roam the entire living room. It must be really tiring living alone here. What's the use of a dad if he can't raise his own child? Tsk. I let a sighed out and lay down to the couch. Sleeping my head away.


I woke up due to a loud noice outside the house. It's sounds like someone's throwing tantrum and the rage sound of that person was really scary. I rubbed my eyes and walked slowy closer to the main door when suddenly the door was slammed loudly against the wall. I was shocked to see an adult man with sloppy apperance and the outfit he was wearing was all dirty. He smelled like alchohol and his hair shows him like he haven't had his showers forever. Drunk?!

" YAH! What are you doing here?!" He grabbed a vase nearby and walks closer to me. That moment, I'm sure that this man in front of me is Eunhee's appa. I got an instict that something bad is going to happen. " HAH?! Where's Eunhee? That filthy kid!" and makes his way to Eunhee's room. I blocked his way and only got pushed harshly to the ground. " OFF!" " Hey stop!!" I shouted at him. I ran quickly to her room when I heard a loud shattering voice coming from her room followed by shouting and arguing. " I need money you disgusting child! Where's the money?!!!! You think your mom loves you that much?!  Hah! she never loves you so , give me the money now!" and bam! She hit him with a baseball bat and her appa falls straight to the floor. 

" Eunhee-yah! Kenchana?!!" I grabbed her quickly and her hair. She was crying her eyes out as she burried her face in my chest. Her hand were gripping on my clothes so hard. She lookes scared, terrified, in pain, sad and devastated all in once. I never seen her cry before even if she got mocked and bullied in school. But this? How could her appa do this to her. We both sat on her bed together with a blanket covering both of us. I rubbed her back, trying to calmed her down without saying a word. I knew she needed time and space. I knew asking her questions right now is just not the right timing. Her crying sobs turns softer but the tears kept falling down. I wiped her tears with my thumb and hug her softly. Hushing her down. " Its okay. Just cry as much as you want now. I'll be here for you." 

It was only 3.00am. I looked at Eunhee's face as she falled asleep in my lap with tear tracks on her cheeks. I sighed. Her appa would be concious for a couple of hours. Before anything more serious happens, I need to take her out of the house fast. 


This chap is a bit boring LOL AT ME IN THE FACE.
T_T I want to add some details for Eunhee's life and stuff so yeah
This is like a novel not a fanfic? What's the different tho? >.>
I didn't check the grammars yet so yeah
I added ilhoon's pov in this one. Is it okay????
IS THIS EVEN REAL? I hate you forever ILHOON. I- I CAN'T even *gasp for airrrr*
and you too daehyun T_T
lol I'm sorry guys please don't run away from me hehe
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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon