Fairytales And Pixie Dust

Undying Moonlight Love





I was cleaning up the floral store I work since it was almost closing time. My head turned to the door as the door chimes produce melodious sounds and thats when I saw a familiar figure stepped on the door. I smiled at him as he waves he hands to me. He came earlier than I thought. We both become more closer and friendly ever since our last met. Not to mention, we exchange phone numbers and text each other everyday." Wah Daehyunnie, you come earlier than I expect" I said. " Well of course, I can't make you wait." He smirked. Ahh, not that handsome smirk. I stared at him unknowingly. " Nice view huh?" He added which brings my cheeks red and I kicked his leg playfully. " Yah, I've seen better" " Oh really, who??" He ducked his head down closer to mine. We were so close, I can see his eyes dilates. Gulp. His scent were the usual musky scent he always had whenever we see each other. Oh this guys is the defination of perfection alright. He inched closer until there was barely space between us and I was ready for what would happen next. 


" Eunhee-yah, are you done? We can go home now!" Hollered the ahjumma, owner of the store from a small room in the shop. We both were shocked. He stared at me with wide eyes and I immediately looked away and went straight to the toilet. I froze, as I was standing still like a soldier. " What on earth just happened?" I slapped my face both side slowly. " Did we just-" " No, we don't. We were about to do it but-" " Haish, ahjumma ruins everything." " Wait, ommo ommo! Why am I so eager to the kiss?" I shooked my head several times. " Anni, this won't do. Haish, I'm so embarassed. Now, how am I going to face him?" I looked at myself through the mirror. " Yah Eunhee, what do to?" I cupped my cheeks, god it was burning. 


" Eunhee-yah! What take you so long? I want to lock the shop already." I pressed the flush button continuously and watched as the water pumps to the toilet bowl creating water-splashing sounds. Yup, my mind were as vigorous and cluttered as that. A bad example I know, but it suits my feelings at the moment. " Okay! I'm coming out!" I replied. I took a deep breath and went out of the toilet. I hide myself behind the rack of flowers and peeked over to the cashier area for Daehyun's figure. " Eh, he's not here?" I felt kind of relieved to see he's gone. I packed my stuff, helped the ahjumma a couple of stuff and after bowing thank you to the ahjumma, I walked out of the shop. Strecthing a few muscles out, I was ready to go home. When I heard someone clearing his throat. 


My eyes widened. Daehyun was leaning against a wall beside the floral shop. " You think I'm going to leave you just like that?" He stood still and walks his way to me. Man, only god knows how fast my heart was beating. " Whatever, I'm going home." Daehyun was literally like junk foods, the things you need to get rid off but still eat it anyways because it taste good. Which basically means I like him but he makes my palms sweaty and nervous so I feel like I need to get away from him for some air. Like you know, I can't breath properly when his around. Lord, I sound pathetic. I need a grip on myself.


" No way, you promised to have a walk with me around town. Come on you're no fun." Daehyun nudged my shoulder a couple times. " Haish, I'm not in the mood now. Plus why do ask me to have a walk with you if I'm no fun?" I rolled my eyes at him. " Your not in the mood?" He clears his throat and add " Is this because of earlier?" He looked at me with seducing eyes. Stop it, Dae. " What earlier? I'm hungry lets go grab some food." I knew what he's talking about so I changed the subject. Plus, I was starving.


" Assa! I know the best place that has the most delicious food here!" His eyes lit up. I'm not sure if its because I actually agree to go with him or it is because of food. Because food is his love. He eats a lot lot but still his body were still fit heh. He grabs my hand and took me with him. I smiled. What a jerk..keke..

A chapter full of daehyun ^^

Hi guys, sorry for the late update T_T I have end year exam in the october

which means i have to study //screams but cyeah here's chap 14! 

btw I ordered bap-badman and btob-thriller from kpopmart. They still haven't arrive yet tho



I know its a bit late to order badman but better late than never right?^^

btw i hope  to get ilhoon's photocard *fingers cross* sigh i dont know maaaaaaaaaaan

hehe so yeah keep reading and enjoy!Love you guys:D

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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon