Step Up Relationship

Undying Moonlight Love

Warrior in Jap. Version // bap is ruining my life god ;-;


Daehyun pulls a chair for me to sit and then sit infront of me as we entered the restaurant. Well, that's so gentlemen of him. The delicious aroma of the restaurant were rather mouth watering it makes my stomach growl, I bet the food will taste great too. The waitress came and placed two menu in front of us.  " What could you like to have today?" Asked the waitress, standing as close as possible to Daehyun, smiling like a dork while twisting her ponytail. Haish this girl is definitely trying to flirt Daehyun. I scan her from top to toe with disgusted face. You're not even pretty. Daehyun asked her a few question about the best food they have and the waitress puts a fake cutie face and voice on and chuckles several times. Like what's so funny about ddukbokkie and bibimbap?? But Daehyun seems to get along with her which really annoys me and he gave her a smile after we finished placing our order.God, if only I can kick these two monkeys. At the end, we end up ordering the dishes that they recommend and a cheesecake for dessert. After the waitress walks away, Daehyun's face turns to me and smiled. I just rolled my eyes as a respond//unknowingly.


" Wey hey, someone's jealous." Daehyun said as he suddenly touches my long hair. I was somehow shocked by his action but tried to calm down. Why is he doing this kind of stuff to me??


" I'm not jealous okay, duh" I rolled my eyes at him. 

" I don't even said it was you hahaha" He burst into laughter while rising his eyebrows at me. " So its true that you're jealous." He leaned back to his seat.


"Ani!" I widend my eyes at him, to convienced him that I was not jealous but deep inside I was mentally pulling the waitress's hair in rage for flirting with him. Haish, Eunhee pabo! I hope I was not being obvious. " Whatever you say, I don't believe you Eunhee-ah." Eh?


" Tsk, you're such a flirty jerk. When the first time I start to know you, I thought were some kind of shy kind-hearted and friendly boy. But this totally proves me that I'm wrong." " And please stop touching my hair, Dae." I glared at him. Need to act cool in front of this guy.He smirked and let go strands of my hair. " I'm just being friendly not flirty. Wae? Are you worried that I'll flirt somebody else?" 


I nearly choked at his word." Muh? Me? Worried? Fret not Dae. It's your life, you can do whatever you want okay. Arrachi (understand) ?" He pouted his lips. " By the way, that's not y at all" I added and he burst into laughter again. " Damn you knew I was trying to be y." Of course I know, you handsome jerk. " But nae (yes), I know deep inside you actually care isn't it." He smirked again. For the hundredth times. 

" Sheesh, can you PLEASE stop smirking Daehyun?! You do that soooo many times it burns my eyes okay."


" More like melting your heart away isn't it." I smacked his head with a spoon and sticked my tongue out with victory. " Ya! You're ruining my hair." He huffed and immediately fixing his brown hair. " That's what you get for messing with me." I grinned. Flashing him my white teeth.


We both ate the food and exchange our meals halfway so we both get to taste each dishes. It has been for a long long time since I've ate such delicious food. I would normally have fried eggs,rice and some side dishes for dinner and lunch since I've been living alone. But lord, this is surely devine. I slurped all the food until there was nothing left on the bowl. I patted my tummy happily. " Yeay, I'm full!" I said with both my arms stretched widely in the air. Daehyun just shooked his head and continue finishing his food. Heh, even the food lover hasn't finish his food yet keke..


Daehyun wiped his mouth with a piece of tissue and grabs the plate of cheesecake. Ommo, it looks so good. The strawberry on top makes it look like a gift from the heaven. He sliced down the cake with a dessert spoon and took some of it and pointed it to me. " Huh?" I asked." Said Aahh" He said with 'o' forming on his mouth. " Ya I can feed myself okay." I try to take the spoon from him but failed. " Ha-uh, you won't get the cheesecake if you disobey me." " Alright alright, your order is my command Sir Daehyun" I opened my mouth and he gently feed the cheesecake to me. My heart skips a beat. I pinked. " U-uh, this is really g-good!" A-w-k-w-a-r-d. I showed him a thumbs up, covering my nervousness away. Little did I saw his face expression also change. I don't exactly know why though. " Y-yeah" He said and shoved a piece of the cheesecake to his mouth. " This is really good."  And gobbles up most of the cheesecake. He sure likes cheesecakes a lot. " Heh, I only get two spoons of the cheesecake." I said to him. " He grabbed my drink and slurped it until the contains gone. He used the same straw as mine? We are sharing the same mouth spot? Isn't that like sharing a kiss? O.O  I could totally feel myself red.


" Ommo, your face is so red! Are you sick?" He puts the glass down and asked me with a worried face clearly written on his face.


" Ani Ani" I shooked my head slowly. Looking down on my lap.


He puts his hand on my forehead and another hand on his."Huh? It's the same temp. Why are you so red out of sudden?" 


" Haish, I told you I'm fine. It's just that maybe I ate too much." I pushed his hand away and he looks offended with my doing.


" Oh.. Probably. You must haven't had a nice meal for a long time right Eunhee.." He said with a low voice. Not as cheerful as before. He sounds...sad.

"Yeah, I don't even know when is last time where I had a meal this good. It has- wait, how do you know about this...?" I asked. " Yah Dae,  I'm asking you.."

" I'm just guessing! Did I guessed it right? Ommo, what a coincidence" He chuckles away casually. It feels like he's hiding something from me but I'm not sure what iit is. I'm really curious with the mysterious side of him. I really want to know it all. He even knows my name.. How? When? Molla.. I stared at him with a confusing mind. Guess? How can he guess it right anyway..





I've heard that if you shared the same straw with a opposite gender it somehow means you're sharing a kiss with someone. I think this is just some kind of i don't know mitos/fairytale stuff (????) haha

I'm out of ideas recently but here's chap 15! ENJOY^^

p/s; for some reason i think people reads this only for daehyun not ilhoon lol (this is sad, bcs i love them both) pls give btob some love too!




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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon