Mystery Box

Undying Moonlight Love



Ilhoon seems to be avoiding me at all times and it has been for a week or so since he's acting up like that.He didn't even wait for me by my locker after school and in front of my house every morning to walk to school together like we used to.  Is he mad at me for rejecting him the other day? Probably. I bumped into Ilhoon along the school corridor and had to run and grab his hand so he won't run away again. I huffed at him.

" Wae?" He asked without looking at me. TSK ILHOONIE ;_;


" Ilhooniee, why are you running away from me? I'm sorry if I did something wrong to you." With a begging look on my face. He's sulking like a girl.


" I don't want to talk to you" Ilhoon has this fake serious face on and his arms crossed.


" Sorry for rejecting you the other day. Please ilhoonieeeeee, you're my only friend. What can I do without you?" Pouting my lips. I can sulk too, Ilhoonie hehe.


" Haish why are you sulking when I'm the one who's supposed to be sulking?"


" Because you're guy and guys don't sulk. Such a turn off okay." I smacked his arms playfully.


" Tsk, you're really something Eunhee-ah. Fine, let me walk you home. I can't stand your childish behaviour anymore." Ilhoon surrender and pushed me to the school gate to walk home together.

" Heh look who's talking. Need a mirror for a check?? " 


" I'm already good looking. No mirror is needed." He tickled me on the waist which cause me to laugh loudly. I'm no good in enduring this kind of stuff. The people around us stares at us with weird faces. 


" Good job for creating attention Eunhee ah." Ilhoon playfully rolled his eye at me and runs to the school gate leaving me alone.


" Ilhoon-ah wait for me!!" Heh his the one who's tickling me. Pabo Ilhoonie..



I got home and found a mail parcel on the front door of my house. Eh? What is this? I read the details on the parcel and it is stated that my name as a reciever and the sender was unknown. Unknown sender? I wonder who's its from. It's weird to recieve a parcel since who's going to send me stuff in the first place. I went into my room and throw my bag to the ground. I was curious with the content of the parcel so I ripped open the wrapper as soon as I sat on the floor. It was a pale blue gift box with a ribbon tied neatly around it. Pretty box. I untied the ribbon and opened the lid and found out a couple of photo in it. 


It was an old picture of a cute little girl with a black haired ponytail sitting on playground.The another picture also has the same girl but this time with a little boy next to her. They were playing on the sandbox happily. I smiled at happiness of the photo. Kyeopta!  I could only see half of the little boy's face as he was facing the girl next to him. This girl somehow looks like me. Hmm is it me? If not why would someone send me this right?  I never realised how bad my memories are when it comes to my childhood memories. I can't recall anything as like I have none of them. But everyone has their own childhood memories. Why not me? 


I also realised that I never seen any pictures or albums of me when I was a kid laying around my house. It feels like the world is hiding something from me. With the appreance of this box, it makes me more curious and anxious. 



another short update for today (yeay??) its not a good chap tho, i'm not happy with it but- oh well

btw exo-m finally arrived here in malaysia whoops whoops

but sadly I cant go. *shoots self*

its okay i still have bap and btob with me 

lol what am i talking about

I didnt check the grammars yet ops



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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon