The Runaway

Undying Moonlight Love


I remember - Yongguk ft Daehyun (B.A.P)



He stands up and looked away, running his hand through his hair awkwardly. I'm awkward, his awkward. The whole situation was just pure awkward. He looked at me again and I bet he thinks I'm some kind of weirdo wearing all black from head to toe with my long straight black hair covering my face sitting in a warehouse in the middle of the night. I wanted to leave but believe me the situation was full of unexpectation. Because we suddenly heard heavy footsteps followed by some arguments.

" Damn son, where the hell did he go?"

" Ahh, I'm pretty sure he went this way"

" You fool! You are no use!"


The young guy who was with me in the warehouse starts to panic and hides under the window beside me. What on earth is going on here?, I thought to myself. He then wake up from his postion and starts walking away checking the whole warehouse which I'm pretty sure he's searching for a way out. While he was walking quietly in the dark he accidently bumped into some crates and they fall off to the ground creating loud noices. 

" Wait! I think he's in this warehouse!" said the man who I believe is chasing after him.

" ! Yah! Are you going to just sit there?!" he exlaimed at me and grabs my hand when he sees me looking all blank and unresponsive. The men who was chasing him went into the building and yell at both of us when he sees we're trying to escape. I seriously don't know why I'm getting to another trouble when my own trouble is still not solved. We ducked through a small hole but fits enough for us and managed to get out of the warehouse. But of course, the chaos didn't stop there. They were still running after us with rage on their face. We continue running and running for about 20 minutes. My legs which still sores from my previous run became even more worst. 

" Ouch, my leg" I winced puffing heavy breath. I let myself fall to the ground and massage my ankle.

" Shoot! There's no time for this, we need to at least find another place to hide." he obviously looks annoyed at my wimpy behavior. 

" Come on. I promise we'll find a place real quick" He grabbed my wrist and we continue running. Only god knows how much I've been running today. I think I should be award or something. We then find like a empty shop lot and decides to hide there. We both land ourselves to the cold hard ground panting tiredly. He swiped his sweat off his face with his grey shirt his wearing, flashing some stomach part of his. This guy definitely has some pretty abs on his body. He was not all muscular but well fitted, I can say he has a great body. I smacked my own head at the thought that I was spazzing about the guy I just met less then 2 hours ago.

" Yah are you mute or what?" He asked breaking the silence.

I wanted to speak but it feels like my tongue was tied in a strong knot. I was feeling too shy and yes that's actually something that happends to me all the time but I never felt this shy. It is because of our gender? I don't know.  I sat with my hands hugging my legs at the corner of the room. 

" Haish, it's not that I'm going to eat you or any thing. But why were you in the warehouse?" He asked starting to become some sort of detective or something since he's been asking me question a lot.

" Umm, I-I w-was hid-hiding."  I said stuttering awfully. I mentally slap my face at that moment. Haish I'm so embarassing!

" Oh you can talk. I guess you're having some kind of trouble like me too." He said with not slight of emotion on his face. Of course I can talk its just that I feel shy okay. Responsing to his question mentally.

It was still dark. I assumed it's around 3.00 am and I'm extremely fatigue! I was going to sleep when I heard soft snores from his lips. He's sleeping so soundly, he must have been really tired from all the runnings we and he, himself had. I lay myself down with my arms as a pillow for my head. I lay down facing him but of course the distance between us were long enough to fit for a lorry to cross. My stomach starts making somersaults at the sight of his handsome face. What's wrong with me? Again, I really don't know but maybe this what they called attraction from the opposite gender. Where teenagers boys and girls, these day having a relationship together. But I never really cared about this stuff, untill just now. Untill I met this stranger over there.



second chap.

lol what's going on here? i dont even know wht i just write 

but hope you guys enjoy!

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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon