First Sight

Undying Moonlight Love

B.A.P - Secret Love




 My heart was pounding as fast as my running speed . I was terrified and scared of what might happen in the future. My clothes were drenched with smelly sweats and my legs starts to ache from the intense run. I then hides myself in a dark warehouse-like buliding. It was half midnight and the streetlight were very dim. I could barely see anything. I collasped to the ground with my chest moves in a up and down motion. I don't think they could find me here as it was very dark and quiet. I crawled to the window and slowy watched  the situation. The group of black attire men ran further and further untill I can't see their figures anymore. I sighed in relieve believing that I'm safe now. I sat on the floor and leaned against the wall under the window. I was out of energy and my legs, I couldn't even feel them anymore. I closed my eyes and starts to rest. It's not that there's anyone home waiting for me to worrying about my absent . . Even though, this place might not be safe but it definetely feels safer to be here than home.

I could feel myself sleeping in the building when suddenly I heard a loud shattering noice . I was so shocked and I saw a brick falls to the ground. Someone must have thrown the brick to the window. Thank god the window pieces didn't fall on top of me, that could be painful. But I instantly feel terrified again at the thought that it might me one of the men that were chasing me earlier. At this kind of situtaion, I knew there is just no where out. I can sense a human's movement behind the wall that I'm hiding from. It was breathing loudly like his out of breathe of something. Everything happend in a split second, but what I knew then that the figure jumped over the window and of course now his inside in the same space with me. I couldn't see his face but it must be one of the men earlier.

" Please, let me go. I beg you, please. I know my dad is really a troublemaker but please have some sympathy to us." I kneeled on the ground with my eyes close and my hands in a begging motion.

Silence. That figure didn't reply me.

" Please, I'm just a girl and I really don't have anything with me" Still trying to get out.

I could hear he clears his throat and walks closer to me. The footsteps makes me tremble with fear. He kneels down and now we both are at the same level but I'm just to afraid to open my eyes. Who knows if his pointing a gun at me and shot me by the time I open my eyes. I don't want to leave the world in such a brutal way.

" Yah, what are you doing here?" Instead of the serious scary scratchy voice that I heard often it turns out to be a slow calming voice. I opened my eyes and my heart literally stopped in a minute. It's a young guy probably around my age with dark brown hair and thick upper lips. I was immersed by his beautiful face eventhough he was sweaty and has some black dust smeared on his cheeks. He looks like an angel to me. I knew it wasn't the right time to be feeling like this, but believe me I don't even know why I'm having this kind of feeling. We both stared at each other unknowingly. I suddenly felt like I'm having a trouble to breathe at the moment I realised that the eye contact we had were so- ugh, its gives me butterflies. It was something that I never experienced in my 17 years of living.





Yay first chap is done! Sorry for the grammar/spelling mistakes

Is this chap okay? ^^

I appreciate any comment and critism in the comment below

but pls don't be harsh and bash me :( lol 



note added on 16/9/13

this story might be little bit slow in the starting but I hope you guys will still read this through! as this story has a lot of mystery and twist in the middle, its just that iwant to make this story more longer. Thanks for reading^^



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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon