Two Boys

Undying Moonlight Love




silly ilhoon omg


I walked out from my house gate and see Ilhoon standing outside my house with his feet kicking on some rocks on the street. He looks unaware of my existense and *pop* comes an idea in my mind. I grin evilly as I tip toed slowly to him so that I can scare him off. 1 step.. 2 step... 3 step... 


"BAH!" My voice were loud. Perhaps too loud which causes him to startled and tremble and I laugh at his shock face expression hysterically.


" Yah! You scare the hell out of me! " He widened his eyes but still try to control his face and look all macho. Believe me, it only makes the situation funnier!

" Ommo! Hahahahah you should have seen your face! Hahaha PRICELESS!" I nearly cried due to laughter and my stomach also hurt from laughing too much but my laughter dies when he knocked my forehead with his strong knuckles. I looked up to face him only to see him sticking his tongue out at me.

" Haish, it hurts! " I kicked his leg which causes him to winced in pain. " Take that."

" YAH! I just come back and this is how you treat me? I should have gone longer if you are acting like this. Don't you miss me while I was gone? Hah? Hah? Eyyy, I know you miss meeee. Aigoo, of course you miss me." Pointing his index finger in a circular motion on my face. Silly Ilhoon acting silly. He's still teasing me even after the kick he got from me. Ilhoon.. Ilhoon.. 

" Kiss my . I don't live to miss you ilhoon-ahhh." I walked away from him, smiling like an idiot. It's fun to around. Keke.. I chuckled.

" Ey this girl, wait for me!!!! Or no souvenirs!" He said which causes me turn to around and I gave him the sweetest I can get. " Keke, Ilhoon-ah I was only joking hehe. I want my souvenir!"

" Such hypocrite.... Plus, you don't even have an to kiss at." He ducked closer to my ears to whispers those word. My eyes widened as wide as bottle caps at what he said. WHAT?!


" Fuc- yah! Stop kicking me, I'm not a freaking ball. So much with that innocent face but you have a rough personality tsk." 

" Heh, fine I'm sorry but don't do that again."

" Yah, I'm the one who should have said that. You kick me for like 10 times already for just TODAY not counting the previous day. Do I look like a punching bag to you?" 

" Hahahaha bianhe! I guess I'm just that comfortable with you. You don't really mind, do you?" I blinked my eyes cutely a few times acting innocent in front of his face and got pushed as a responsed. I pouted my lips.

" Haha of course! We're chingus after all!" He hugged me on the shoulder and we walked happily off to school like that. I just really really like him. I smiled.


Daehyun with tanks is just perf ._.


" See you later." I waved goodbye at Ilhoon as we arrived at my class. Yes, he's walking me to class because he said one will bully me if he's on by my side, which is true. The students will always look at me with disgusted face and rolling eyes but these days the number of girls who looked at me with more hatred increases and without doubt I'm sure this is because of how close I am to Ilhoon. The popular good looking Jung Ilhoon. Those girls are jealous heh. I smirked at my own thought, it's fun to see them jealous eventhough me and Ilhoon are just friends. At least I have something in my life that they don't have.


I sat on my usual chair, pulled out my notebook and pencil case and was ready for the next lesson. Mrs. Yin, my class teacher walked into the class instead of Mr.Dongguk who are supposed to teach us Maths. Mrs.Yin slammed the table with her hardcover books to gain the students attention and it worked.


" Okay students, I know Mr.Dongguk is suppose to be teaching you guys now but I have a few things to settle in for this class and-" " Mrs.Yin can you just go to the point already?" Says this one girl with no attitude and her friends behind her nodded in agreement. How rude.


" Fine." She looked hurt but Mrs.Yin is always too kind to the students and the students don't even have a slight respect for her. How pitiful. " Today we will have a new transfer student coming to this class.... " " Is it a girl?!!" Asked one of the male students, with high hopes but to be them Mrs.Yin said it was a boy and all the guys in the class sighed. Frustarated as if they lost a lottery ticket while this time the girls squeals and giggling happily. Talking and wondering how the new guy will look like.  Ergh, what's wrong with these people? I slumped my head on the table with my hands as a pillow thinking I'm better off dozing rather than hearing to all these people being ridiculous.


" Class quiet!" She smacked her books against the table again. " Okay boy, come in!" She said with a happy tone and I can automatically hear the girls squeals in excitedment and giggling louder than before. With my head still on the table, I closed both of my ears since its getting more hectic than ever. " Class! " The teacher raised her voice and the class turns quiet again." Please introduce yourself."


" Erm, Annyeonghaseyo. I'm from Kangdae Science High School. Nice to meet you." Said the owner of the voice. Smooth but loud. And somewhat familiar. " Ommo ommo, what's your name?" Asked Hyeri, the Diva of the class. Yup, I recognise her high pitch voice really well like come on who doesn't? Everyone knows her baby-ish voice, which I actually hate a lot." Oh mianhamida. My name is Jung Daehyun. Just call me Daehyun." With that I instantly look up to see the owner's voice. Our eyes met and he smirked. 

What on earth?? DAEHYUNN??????!!!

I choke on my own saliva which cause everyone to look at me with weird faces. My face were turning red from all the stares and Daehyun, of course! " Mianhamida..." I said slowly and looked down on my lap, covering my face with my long black hair. Haish, why is he here?? I thought he was just playing. Holy, is he this serious? I can't believe this! " Daehyun you can sit on the empty chair next to Eunhee. Right at the back." Said Mrs. Ying. Why??? Ugh no teacher no. Even for the fact, I know that's the only empty seat in the class since no one really wants to seat beside me. Yeap yeap.I can see him coming nearer and the sits on the chair beside me from the edge of my eyes. My heart were beating so fast I feel like I could faint in any second. 

I heard him clearing his throat a few times but I totally ignore him. Then he knocked on my table and I turned my face to him and saw him smiling at me. " Hi, my name is Daehyun. What's your name?" He gave me his signature smirk. He's teasing me! So I left his question hanging. Pabo! You already know my name! What a jerk.


" I don't know the students here are this snobby." He added. 


" Shut up Dae" I said slowly and rolled my eyes at him. He laughs.


" Oh you're so pretty! I bet your name is as pretty as you.." I gulped. He's still trying to catch my attention. For god sake, the teacher is teaching on the front! " I can't focus okay!" I snapped. 


" Yah, why are you so cold?~ Can't you at least look at my handsome face?" He pulled my hair slowly but I quickly slapped his hand. " NO!" My voice suddenly came out loud than I intended. I closed my mouth with both hands at instant. Everyone was again looking at me and whispering among theirself and the teacher too also look at our direction. " What's seems to be the problem Eunhee and Daehyun?"


" Nothing" We both said at the same time.  I lowered my face and closed my eyes. Jinja?! Daehyun I never got call like that. Ugh. I can hear him laugh slowly on his seat and I feel like jabbing his precious face for teasing me. The whole class feels rather uncomfortable with Daehyun sitting beside me. But after that, Daehyun seems to really concentrate in class with his hand playing his hair and another hand writing notes. He seems smart and a good student. Which doesn't suprised me at all, after all his from Kangdae Science High school. One of the well known high school in our neighbourhood. Well known for its smart student. I shook my head and slap my face slowly. Great! Now I'm not even focusing in class. Thanks to Daehyun haish. I sighed heavily and continue on writing my notes.



The school bell rang as an indication for lunch time.


I quickly packed my stuff and took my lunch box. I really want to get away from Daehyun because he always makes me nervous and stuff. I was about to exit the class when a hand block me from getting out. Of course it was Daehyun's. " Are you going to leave the new student alone just like that?" He said. " Well, there's still a lot more student here that you can be friends with." I pushed his figure that's blocking the door. Thank god there was only the two of us in class, I don't want this to be seen. " But oh well, I only want you." " Yah, Dae. Stop doing this." " Wae? Because I make you nervous is it." " NO." " Then why are you acting like this? Haha you're so funny sometimes you know that? " He ducked his face closer to mine and I quickly make my way to the another exit. What's so funny? ._.


" Eh Eunhee, what took you so long?" Ilhoon suddenly came to my class from the front door. " Oh nothing. Really nothing." I said. Preventing Ilhoon from coming inside the classroom because I know both Ilhoon and Daehyun won't be pleased to see each other, for some unknown reason that I need to figure out later. 


" Wae? You look nervous though." Ilhoon looked concern and I can see his eyes roam inside the class. But I don't think he sees Daehyun since he was at the back. 


" Ani! I'm just really hungry. Well you know me, I'm always hungry!" I said with a fake smile on my face. Ilhoon seems to bought it, he grabbed my hands and walked off to the canteen together. I looked back to see Daehyun rolling his eyes on me. Eh? Is he mad at me? Bianhe Daehyun-ah..





ahh guys, not really a good chap. I cant seem get ideas recently help :<

anyway hope you guys enjoy 


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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon