Sharing bed

Undying Moonlight Love

Good song, good people, amazing talents


 I cried my heart away on my bed with my hands hugging my knees. I cried too much, I could feel my face swollen and puffy. My temple is being dizzy again and I swear, it makes me sick. I never want to look up because I'm just too afraid of what I've become right now. I don't want to see myself and never want anyone else to see me this weak. But my heart ache so much. The words keeps on replaying on my mind like a recording tape and it makes me cry even more. No wonder.. I've been clueless for the 17 years of my life and now I finally know the truth. The painful truth. I burried my face on my lap with my hand cupping my face, sobbing for the 100th time. He patted my back slowly and pull me to his chest, my hair down to my waist. I knew this day would come. The day where I'll know everything but hell, I was not ready for this. Appa is too cruel. Just too cruel. I know for the fact that he's not the nicest guy in the world but I do not expect that he will do this to me or to be exact, to omma. 


" Freaking . I hate him." I said, the words came out so soft but I think he's still able to catch it up since he hugged me tighter than before. I could feel his thumb circling on my arms. Yes, it was indeed good but I can't really feel happy because I was busy being sad.


My sobbing starts to slow down as I'm getting tired of crying. My energy was all drained due to that.  He looked at me with sympathy and patted his stomach as a signal for me to lie down and I followed as I'm not able to think straight anymore. What I want at that time is to sleep. I just want to sleep my problems away.  We both shared the same comforter and I can feel his legs between mine. The warmness of his body little did help to warm me up from the cold weather. I smiled. At least I have Daehyun by my side. The Daehyun who's willing to find me for the past years and I'm glad having him in my life. He's nice, kind, handsome eventhough he's a bit of a jerk, I still like him. Not just that, I feel like I need him. My childhood buddy.. I felt guilty running inside my body for not remembering him but I didn't forget him on purpose right? Plus he understands me well and I'm grateful for that. I hugged his torso. Believe me, I don't know why I did that, my brain was not functioning properly but he didn't flinched so I decide to stay that way and god, it was too comfortable to be true.


" Now, sleep." He said. And I nodded as a response.


" Daehyun-ah..." My voice came out weak as ever.




" Thanks for everything.."


" Sure thing .." 


My eyes feels heavier and heavier I could sleep anytime but the flashback of my good old times (childhood memories) appears on my mind. I'm glad that I actually remembered it all.  Eventhough some of them really pains me but the good memories is what matters the most. My family and Daehyun's family were so close. We are basically like one. Except for appa, since he's a troublemaker even from the start. Omma.. Omma.. I miss you.. 


Dear necklace, thanks to you.. It actually helps me to remember it all. 



Daehyun's pov.



" Let's go to the park.." I said to her and walked straight to the counter to pay the bills as I'm sure she'll shoot more questions if I sit there longer. Plus, the noisy restaurant really don't help us to have a serious talk. So I decide to take her to the park because I know this place ease her mind easily. Even for the fact I don't know if she will be any calm after hearing what I'm going to say to her.



She looked grumpy all the time when we were on our way to the park. Haish this girl.. I grabbed her hand as we both hopped into the bus. It's running late, the sky is turning orange again but I have to end this now. I know Eunhee wants to know about this now too. I laced my fingers with her's and she didn't flinched. Good.. I smiled to myself. I don't want to lose her anymore. Yeah, never.. We sat on our usual chair on the park and I saw her staring at me.


" What?" I asked her. She just shook and turned her head straight, enjoying the beautiful scene in front of us. " It's beautiful isn't it?" I said and she nodded. I chuckled at her response. Now she's smiling so dearly at the scenery while just now she was all grumpy. Heh girls. But I know she was acting all that because of me. I shouldn't have be really annoying just now at the restaurant. But it, I couldn't help myself. When she mentioned that freaking Ilhoon's name, I just feel like snatching away that phone from her and throw it against the floor. I won't mind seeing it break into a billion pieces rather than having to see her laugh because of Ilhoon's text. It makes me mad even more. Like what the ? Is he that funny. I shook my head in disbelieve. Damn, I was jealous alright. 



//flashback starts


" What did he say?" I asked coldly. " Ya Daehyunnie, what's wrong with you?.." She shifted in her sit, probably uncomfortable with this kind of situation.  it, I just want to know. " I said, what did he say?" I tooked her wrist. I know I was being rough on her but my ego was just too high. "  Why are you making such small things like this bigger? Why are we arguing about this on the first place? You're so childish! And let go of my hand, Dae!" Freaking stubborn! She tried uncluthing my hand but of course I was much stronger than her, she winced when I gripped on tighter. " Jung Dae Hyun, it hurts, you stupid jerk!" She freaking yell at my face. This girl is not as innocent as she looks. Still stubborn like how she used to be. 



" This is non of your business!" She hissed. She's cute when she's mad. I inched my face closer to her and we both stared at each others eyes for the longest time. It's like we are having a staring contest and the one who looks away first is basically the loser. I gave her a smirk when I saw her getting nervous. Her eyes were very pretty with a brown shade on her iris. " Well it IS my business." I sound almost whispering, I didn't do that on purpose but oh well. I know she's going to look away when I saw her gulping her own saliva, my smirk grew bigger. I was startled when she suddenly pushed my forehead which brings me to land on the backrest. It actually hurt a bit since the chair was wooden hard. "Why do you even care?" She said purely annoyed. My smirk dies to that question. Man I'm acting too much, I thought to myself. But I actually DO care because... "So stubborn" I said. Leaving her question hanging.



" Who are you actually Dae? And why? Why does it feels like you've known me for the longest time? How do you know my name? It seems like you know bits of my story that I never EVER tell anyone. But how do you know? What are you actually?" She asked one by one, almost robotic like. I looked at her and sighed. Why is she asking this now? Is this the right time to tell? Definitely. I also don't want to wait any longer.



" You know you call me Dae." I paused. " And there's only one person in this world that calls me that... and that's you." " You never know how happy I felt when you called me 'Dae', I thought you remembered me but I was sad and frustrated when you actually don't. Remember when you shoot me questions the other day on the park? Like how do I know your name? Have we met before?..." I sighed again. Great, now I'm being all emotional. " And?" I could barely hear her voice. " Hmm, do you really don't recognise me?" She shook. " Even on the warehouse?" Then, nodded. " Do you remember anything else before you were seven?" I could see her face shocked. " See, you even know about my short term memory..." I smiled a bit and pat her head slowly as I lowered my hand to her face and her cheeks. I honestly can't control myself" What are you doing Daehyunnie....We are not-"


" I miss you.." The words came out smoothly without hesistant.  Eunhee seems to froze in her seat. Is she fine with it? Or she's mad? I really don't know. " No, you've heard it right." I said, seeing her face were all puzzled. Heh cute! I chuckled. " This is not funny okay. I'm serious. Freaking tease." She pushed my hands away, I could see herself red as tomato. " Out from hell to the earth, I'm ing serious.."



//flashback ends




" I'm ready.." Her sweet voice hits me back to reality. She then took a deep breath and nod her head."Okay, let's start." I said. After thinking where to start, I look at her and took out a necklace that I've been wearing for almost all of my years breathing in this world. She gasped when she see the necklace that I swayed in front of her. " Wae.." " So you do remember this." I said. She then took out the necklace she's wearing that were tucked inside her shirt. " It's the same. Ommo, why do we have the same necklace Dae? Lord." She asked desperately as her eyes widened as big as a bottle cap.


" I've been tucking this necklace inside my shirt too that's why you never see it before." I continue." We actually have the same necklace because we used to be.... besfriends or childhood friends to be exact." I looked at her to see her response." Wait, what?" She seems to think that I lied or something. " I'm not lying Eunhee" " But then how- I don't even remember you!" " Not just me Eunhee, you don't remember everything that you left in Suncheon 10 years ago! You and your appa went to Seoul after your mom died." 


Eunhee seems to think too much, there's lines formed on her forehead. " You got hurt badly on your head and seems to lost your memory since you were with your omma during that accident. That explains why you don't remember me and your childhood moments, Eunhee. Everything that happened before the accident, you don't remember them right? But you seem not to realised the memory lost you had since you were only seven, just a kid. But I don't know how you recover and stuff because after you left, I never saw you again until..." " Until when we met at the warehouse?" She asked. " Yeah, I was utterly shock. But I know it was you with the three small beauty marks you have on your cheek." 



ommo the longest chappie eveerrrrrr. APPRECIATE ME lol jk

i don't know if that's a good thing or what hehe But i purposely did it long bcs I have important exam coming //screams

exams after exams = school T_T

is this chap is too complicated? hope not but do ask if you dont understand and I add daehyun's pov too! *yeay*

I don't I'll update any soon, maybe during the weekend?? SO yeah that's all for now. Stay tuned and thanks for reading :D




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Ill update the story during the weekends! I have examination coming so yeah :)


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nice story ^^
stephani_bap #2
Chapter 22: update soon ^ 0 ^
Claudine_NG #3
Chapter 21: Daehyun's so evil when he teases her~ still cute!!! <3 Anyway, great chapter. Please update soon!
stephani_bap #4
Chapter 21: is he jealous or what???
daehyun, be honest to yourself
anyway, good chapter!
update soon~★★★
《please make a long chapter. it's ok if u dont want to》
stephani_bap #5
Chapter 20: great...
but why the title is "sharing bed"??
this chappie is almost talk about past i guess
stephani_bap #6
Chapter 19: wow!!! like it!!!!
daehyun is so romantic...

but daehyun, please to the point
i wanna know your past >_<
Claudine_NG #7
Chapter 19: Long lost childhood friends/sweetheart would be my greatest hunch which I expect to be right. Anyway, thank you for updating, I hope you update soon!
stephani_bap #8
Chapter 18: and... who is daehyun actually?
stephani_bap #9
Chapter 18: that's right!! mianhae author-nim, but i always wait for daehyun more than ilhoon. once again, mianhae....
nice chapter author-nim
update soon