Chapter 6

Mixed Feelings- kai

Luhan's P.O.V:

I woke up to find Sehun already awake, getting dressed to go to school. I got up from my bed and while he was fixing his tie, I sneakily went behind him and gave him a bear hug. I was still a little tired but that didn't stop me from greeting my Sehun a good morning.
"Why did you wake up so early? You know you still could've had about 20 more minutes sleep." I pouted.
"Nah, I'd rather wake up now so I won't be late. Also, I kind of like walking with ___- noona to school." He smiled when he said that. I, on the other hand, frowned.
"OK." I didn't like it. Not anymore. I've heard enough. I slipped my hands off him and walked away. I opened the door and went downstairs. This small feeling of annoyance got to me, again. I've been having this for awhile now and I don't know why. Sehun keeps talking about ____ and hanging around her alot lately. I didn't think of it as anything at first because they seemed like good friends and sure, I was ___'s friend too but I wasn't that clingy towards her. It felt as if Sehun avoided me most times and been hanging out with ____ more than he did with me. I don't get why i was annoyed but it was, it was pretty annoying. My thoughts cut off when I reached to the bottom of the steps.

I saw Kai and ____ seated together at the dining table eating breakfast. Kai was talking about his schedule for today and then he asked ____ some things:
"I'm sorry that I don't get to see you often. Are your lessons OK?" ____ nodded.
"Yeah, but today I don't get home until 5 tonight," she sighed. "My geography teacher is making me stay after school. He said I needed help fort he next assessment. I think I could use some more time, I don't really get it in class."
"Well, I will be a bit late tonight so don't wait up for me to have dinner. I'll probably go out with my friends after schedules."
While they were talking, I seemed to notice that they haven't been close like before. I wondered if they were awkward right now.
It was completely silent when Sehun came downstairs. I casually walked over and sat on the other side of the table.
"Hey" I said. "Hey." "Hi." they replied. I started eating and looked over to see Sehun grab a lollipop out from his pocket and unwrapping the cellophane off. He went up and sat beside me. I just kept eating but stopped when _____ looked at Sehun weirdly.
Kai got up and said he had to go. I didn't see what the rush was for him. We both had the same schedules and they didn't start until noon. I guess he just wanted extra practising before the day began. I just never really understood how he could have the energy in the morning. Now though, I've been doubting that he might actually be elsewhere, meeting someone because he was rarely at practise or at the building anymore and he came home late most nights.
Kai kissed ____ on the forehead and left with a wave to me and Sehun.
"Bye~" Sehun said quite happily. When the door was heard locking, Sehun moved closer to ____ and smiled at her.

"Sehun-sshi" _____ began. Her voice was a bit small and uncertain. It got kind of annoying lately too. I still eyed over and was curious to why she called him.
"Yes?" Sehun responded.
"Why are you eating a lollipop in the morning? You know it's not good for you. You should eat it at break time, later in the day. You'll be too hyper if you eat it  now."
Sehun frowned and I was shocked. My mouth was wide open and I could see in Sehun's eyes that he was hurt and a bit surprised.
"What did you say noona? I can't eat lollipops in the morning? But I have to. It's my revival bar for the day." Sehun started whining and powerfully defending his lollipop. I guessed that ____ didn't know. Lollipops were Sehun's everything. He needed it everyday when he got up before anything. It was practiaclly his life.
"What are you talking about Sehun?"
"Well, I've always had a lollipop or sweet every morning since... well I can't remember when but they are the reason I live to wake up to see each day. Lollipops are my life and I can't live without them." He pulled his lollipop which was in his hand and pulled it closer to himself.
"Ohk.... Sehun-ah, listen to me." ____ caught Sehun's shoulders and turned him towards her, so he was facing her properly.
"I'm saying that from now on, you are forbidden to have lollipops." Sehun's jaw dropped to the ground.
"No, not entirely forbidden Sehun, only for the mornings, got it? They are very unhealthy to have if you've only just got up. You need to look after your body, especially since you are a dancer and still growing. Please listen to me and stop this habit. I'm only looking out for you."

____ seemed really serious and I just sat quietly, ocassionally picking up my spoon and eating slowly but watched the two the whole time. ___ stared right at Sehun, waiting for the appropriate answer. Sehun didn't move a muscle for ages.
"Sehun-ah?" ____'s arms kind of slumped but stiull held onto Sehun's shoulders. We both got worried. Sehun was as still as a rock, it looked as though he didn't even blink.
"Yah," I tapped Sehun and he came back to life. I was actually starting to think  he was paralysed.
He looked to me and I prodded my head to ____. Sehun turned back around. "So?" she asked. Sehun opened his mouth to say something but stopped halfway. His body deflated and looked to his lollipop. Hesitantly, I watched as Sehun slowly pulled back his chair and stood up. He stepped closer and bended down a bit so he was as close to ___ as he could get. He stood still and I couldn't stop staring at him. What is he doing? I couldn't figure out what Sehun was thinking and what he was about to do.
The next thing, shocked everyone, especially ____. Her eyes rounded up when Sehun stuck the lollipop in and walked off.
I was stunned as she was. Sehun just gave up his lollipop, and for her. I was a bit confused and annoyed. Firstly, confused as to why Sehun gave it up and annoyed because he didn't even think that he could've have given it to me. Well, sure it could've been a way to get ___ back for forbidding lollipops from Sehun but the reason I was annoyed was because he did just give his lollipop to ___ and not me. I was his boyfriend, it felt like a betrayal; I saw that as an indirect kiss. Didn't he realise how much that meant to me? I realised that he was gone and so I couldn't talk to him about it. I guess I'll just have to deal with it for now. ____ was still sitting there and then she looked to me, her face still lit with confusion. I didn't like her face seeing it with Sehun's lollipop so I got up and put my bowl away into the sink and left too.


Author's note: hey guys. hoped you liked it. This was pretty much at the top of my head and I thought it would be pretty cute base this chapter on a lollipop, idky. Anyway, this chapter was supposed to be a fight scene but I might do that next chapter. Luhan is getting a bit pissed isn't he? What is going on with Sehun and _____? And Kai, what's he up to? well, you better stick around to find out. I'll update soon so for the meantime, have a good day!


Here's Sehun with lollipops! hahaha enjoy :)


And Luhan with lollipops


These are hard to find but lastly, Kai with a lollipop and food >.< ! Gahd, am I getting more jealous of lollipops or what? HAHAHA


PS. @credit to owners of all pics. some are watermarked and the rest are credited by me. :D

Bye now, see you next chapter!

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)