Chapter 4

Mixed Feelings- kai

The next day, you woke up and took a shower. Feeling as though your body was still on shut down, you poured your whole face right under the shower head and let the warmness of the water make your skin shiver alive. You got out and placed your phone by your table. You got dressed into your uniform and went downstairs to eat breakfast. You saw Sehun come down as well just as you turned around at the ktichen table with your breakfast.
"Morning," you said, "did you want to eat something?"
Usually Sehun wouldn't really like anything in the morning but oddly, he walked over and sat beside you.
"What?" you asked. You stopped yourself from digging in, a bit weirded out by his expression. Sehun just stared at your bowl of soup.
"Can I have some?" he asked. You just nodded
"Of course, there's still some left in the pot." you nudged your head to the direction of the stove and carried on sipping at your bowl and reading the newspaper. You weren't very interested but it was just there and you had nothing to do.You stopped from bringing the spoon right into your mouth when you noticed Sehun still sitting there ,eyeing you.
"Is anything the matter?" you asked, concerned. 
"___ -noona, can I eat with you? Will you feed me?" Your eyes rounded in surprise.You looked down to see Sehun holding a spoon in one hand which was hovering over his own bowl of soup.
"Why don't you just eat your own soup?" 
"Because I don't want to, I want ---" he got cut when you saw Luhan come down. 

He wiped his eyes from the sleep and smiled. "Morning ___ -sshi. Hey you" He said as he walked up and from behind, kissed Sehun on the cheek before sitting himself next to him. You just kept eating, eyeing away from the skinship and such. Sehun looked a bit dissapointed that his request was not fulfilled. Instead, he had to feed Luhan. Boy, did Luhan have an appetite. Sehun watched in amazement as Luhan sipped at bowl after bowl of soup. As he finished his last (eighth) bowl, he gave a real good sigh of content then bid farewell. Luhan kissed Sehun goodbye once more and left out the door.

You waited a bit but then realised what time it was. You had already finished your breakfast but it seemed as though Kai wasn't up yet and Sehun was starting to eat only now after his boyfriend was fed half the pot of soup. Lucky there was plenty left. Sehun came back with a full bowl. As he sat down, you had your eyes glued to the paper. They left the black and white words when you noticed something move closer to you. You looked up and saw Sehun pushing the bowl of soup across the table. 

Hmmm, what now? "Can you feed me now?" Sehun pouted and it felt as though he kept pressing you. 
"Fine." you rolled your eyes as he made a big deal, celebrating his victory by jumping up and down in his seat and smiling like an idiot at you. 
You took the spoon form him and slowly fed him spoonfuls at a time. He just kept smiling widely and seemed to be more upbeat.
After, he tugged at his uniform and brushed up. You both got up and got ready to leave for school. 
Sehun was still at school and in the same year. As you got to school, you both went separate ways. Many people were looking at you and when you arrived at your locker, your friends YuRi and DaeHee. 
"Hey girl, how have you been? What'd you do yesterday?" 
"Oh, the usual: work, eat, sleep. Oh and I met the boys for a break. They were at a photoshoot." The girls squealed in your ear which made you squint in horror. "Tell us, tell us!" they forced you. They were all giddy and bouncing about. Some other students walkng past were looking at you weirdly. There was quite a number of people around you. Since you were usually at work, the students were surprised to see you rock up unexpectedly. You saw a group of girls and boys waving at you when they looked your way. You gave a small smile to them and a wave. You could hear them whispering
'Oh my God, I can't believe she is here"
'She's so pretty, she's so lucky to be Kai's girlfriend'
'Wow, she never turns up to school, I wonder what she's doing here?'
'I hope that she'll break up with Kai, she's never around him anymore, she doesn't deserve him'
' I hope she notices me, She's so nice'

"Come on, tell us about it. Did they look hot?" YuRi asked. "And what about my Suho oppa, was he really handsome?" DaeHee asked, worried to death about her "future husband". The girls kept pestering you with questions, as they were really big EXO fans. You answered their questions throughout the whole morning, even in maths class. You weren't really interested anyway. The teacher blabbered on about formulas and was writing equations on the board. By lunch time, everyone knew that you were at school. Some didn't care whereas others were bombarding you when you reached the cafeteria. Most of them just said hi and others went crazy, like you had your own fans who followed you and shouted in an incredibly fast pace, you just looked at them blankly and ignored them. 
You and your friends reached to the back of the school courtyard and sat down at your territorial place. This part of the court yard was only preserved for the middle to upper-class students and those who were celebrities. YuRi was the daughter of the CEO and DaeHee was a trainee at JYP. She was the best singer you've ever heard. You laughed and talked about your weekends and random topics which popped up. As you were talking, you felt a presence coming towards you. A group of guys came closer and the girls gasped, surprised that they would be the type to confront such girls. DaeHee couldn't keep it in and had her best smile as she eyed all the handsome, tall boys who smiled back at her. You could see YuRi turn her head down, the shy type who didn't really like talking to strangers. You just looked around and wondered what was going on. 
"Hey," said one of them. You noticed the tall skinny boy with fair skin and really big eyes. He had soft skin and literally no flaws and not ot mention, pretty cute. He gave a smile and the rest did the same.
"Hi yourself," DaeHee said quite loudly, she was too excited and was smiling like an idiot.
"What are you guys doing here?" you asked. A moment passed and the boys didn't answer you. You just raised an eyebrow. 
DaeHee was flirting with a few guys and YuRi was confronted by one too. He was really nice and you knew him as the quiet one in your biology class. YuRi seemed to be more comfortable and was talking to him quietly at the end of the table. 
Finally, you heard some shuffling and a boy ran right through the crowd and almost toppled over the table.
"Sorry I'm late! Hey, thanks for waiting" the most buoyant kid brushed himself and stood up straight with a goofy smile.
"Hey wassup?" "Yo!" the boys called out. Sehun noticed each of his friends and greeted them. He then turned to you.
"Hey, ____ -noona" You just looked at him with a surprised expression, still shocked at his sudden entrance through the crowd. Some of the guys looked back at you and Sehun a bit suprised. "Noona? She's your noona?" someone standing by Sehun nudged him and the others looked at you with plain surprise, the jaws hitting the ground. You didn't really understand what was going on but Sehun turned around and death-glared all of them to be quiet.Even though you were the same age, it started from a joke that Sehun was still the maknae of the group, you having your birthday in March, when you first met them. Sehun was pretty grumpy about it, thinking that you were going to be younger than him but he made it up and annoyed you by calling you noona. You got used to it now.

"Hey, Sehun-sshi What are you doing here?"
"Oh, we are going to be late. I'm asking you to join us and watch us play a match of basketball. Wanna come?" he asked. The boys nodded and hoped that you would come see them. You looked to the girls who DaeHee straight away nodded furiously and YuRi just shrugging and turned back to the quiet guy. Sehun pouted a bit, "Please noona, it would mean alot to me. Come on, you have to support the maknae, your cheers would be greatly appreciated." He convinced you enough seeing that you had nothing to do.
"OK, fine" The boys cheered and you all went to the gym. The court was huge and having the best facilites the equipment was set up and you all sat down at the comfortable benches and watched the game begin. The sound of squeaking, shuffling and the ball bouncing, then hitting the rim of the hoop, you watched in amazement as the boys ran up and down the court and skilfully passed the ball down to their teammates who then travelled around their opponents before attempting to take a shot. It was almost near the end of the lsat round and the scores were pretty close. You had your eye caught on the quiet guy who had the ball. He was bouncing it while swishing around everyone. He finally got to the end and was about to shoot the ball but the tall Sehun grabbed it off him and travelled down to the other side and shot the ball in with one shot. His team cheered and the siren blared, signalling the end of the game. Everyone looked to the score board which flicked the score of Sehun's last shot and revealed the winner. Sehun's group cheered as they realised they won. Hollering and chanting out random sounds of victory, they jumped around and high-fived one another. The rest who lost and the ones who were sweating as if they were standing in the desert, left to grab their drinks and the others walked out of the gym.

"How was I noona?" Sehun asked. He came up and you handed him a towel to wipe his sweat.
"You were great, amazing. Congratulations" you cheesily commented. He just smiled and breathed in and out quickly, gaining his breath back.
The bell went, lunch was over. You said your goodbyes to the boys which some of them came up and hugged you with their sweaty bodies but you didn't mind. The rest of the people all left, together: you, YuRi, DaeHee, Sehun and his friends were all walking down the hallway together. As you walked by some classes, the boys left one by one to their individual lessons and they all gave you second hugs before they left.
It was starting to get really uncomfortable as lots of girls who witnessed this, were shocked and glared at you. You weren't the Queenka yet you were hanging out with the celebrities and Kingkas of the school and that was a big nono.

You went to class and when you said your goodbyes, it was only you and Sehun standing in the hallway; everyone was already in class. Sehun suddenly gave you a peck on the cheeks and rushed off. You just stood there, shocked. Was he supposed to do that? Why did he just do that? You got really angry but you felt your cheeks warming up. You fanned your face to cool down and during the rest of the class, you couldn't stop thinking about what just happened. 


Author's note: hey guys, thanks for waiting and hope you enjoyed. I promise to update soon and probably get somewhere with the plot. It is very slow at the moment I know but I'll try to think of something. Thank you for reading and please leave a comment below, Subscribe if you'd like.



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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)