Chapter 13

Mixed Feelings- kai

"No, please don't say it. Please" he begged. With his face inches from yours, you couldn't do anything but breathe in his scent and let your tears fall as you stood there in silence, contemplating if you should say it or stop and just forget everything and smile.

"Goodbye" and just like that you walked away.


Your POV:

It was morning and I woke up a bit confused. What am I doing here? One moment I was waiting for something or someone in this small, uncomfortable space yet now, I have my legs spread out and my arms stretched above my head and... I'm in my own bed. Strange, how did I get here? I sat up straight and viewed the room where I have practically lived in for years but right now, it looked as if I was in someone else's house. In the midst of solitude, I heard a ringtone go off next to me. I scrambled my hands around the bed and it caught something box-like and small. This wasn't my phone, it must be Kai's. The screen was lit up with an unread message. Curious, I opened it to find something that pierced my heart. No, this is not what I think it is. I couldn't believe the sight and I was so disgusted that I didn't want to look at it anymore. With all my might, I threw the phone across the bed and it bounced in a random direction. How could he do this? How could he do this to me? To us? This is the last straw, I can't do this anymore.

The phone wasn't the problem, but what was on the phone gave me a shock. I only saw it for a second yet I knew that it told me enough with just one look. The message was from an unsaved number but I knew who it was when I saw the messages and the picture in which they have sent. That . That jerk. Why is this happening to me? 

" - - " = Kai's messages
'- - ' = the girl's messages

' I had a good time last night '
" Yeah me too "
' I hope that you are thinking about me, I miss you already. '
" I miss you too <3 "
' Isn't this cute? I took this last night when you were sleeping '

Then the person sent the picture. It was Kai, his side profile along with his bare stomach was revealed and the background was all dark and blurry but I could make out that they were in bed which left me with some strong inferences. On the side of the shot, a petit girl with luscious hair was posing next to Kai's face with an attempted but sleepy smile. She looked pretty but for what I knew, she was a monster and so was the guy lying next to her.

" Yah! who said you could take it without my consent but still, you look cute there so I like it. "
' Aww, Gomawo (thank you) Oppa! '
" Anything for you babe ;) "
' Ok, how about taking me out for lunch today? '
" Deal "

It took me a while to get out of bed, getting used to the sudden change of environment and the burning sensation in my chest. I walked to the bathroom, finding my way instinctively whilst my head was still in the clouds. Then, because I didn't watch where I was going, I bumped right into the door. BANG! OW! I patted my sore with the palm of my hand to lessen the pain and just at the moment I heard the door to the bathroom open in front of me.


Kai's POV:

I heard something hit the door. Curious, I finished washing up and opened the door. It was _____. "Oh, good morning. Are you OK?" I said with a smile but weirdly, I was received with a cold shoulder.


Your POV:

*Scoff*, how could he just act so normal around me? I can't stand it. I pushed him aside and locked myself in the bathroom. Even seeing his face right now made mine go all red; red in anger that is, not like I was blushing from his cute smile like I used to.
I was heating up too much so I went over to the tap and washed my face with the cool water. With each splash across my face, it felt as if I was slapping myself. It was as though I was telling myself to wake up. WAKE UP! I coughed because I caught some of the water which suddenly went down my throat. I wiped my mouth and looked up to see my reflection in the mirror. I saw a smirk plant itself. I've never felt like this before. I was angry, confused, hurt but somehow, in a way I was happy. I promised myself that the third time was always the last time, for anything and I never break my promises. I can't just let this keep going right? I thought that by now, he would have told me or broken up with me but he hasn't. He's been cheating on me, behind my back all this time yet even though I knew, I gave him a chance, no two and now he's run out. I have to do this, there was no other way. I didn't want to lose him but, why am I with somebody who doesn't love me and in turn, someone who I have fallen out of love with? I should just let him go, I don't deserve someone like that, a jerk. That's right, I am going to break up with him. This relationship is over. 

I opened the door and with my anger, I was more shocked when I found the person I needed waiting right in front of me.
"Hey, are you OK?" he asked with a concerned tone. Bull, as if he actually cares. I rolled my eyes and stomped to our room.
I've had enough. Being the stubborn person I am and because I was so filled with rage, I impulsively made a decision I was going to move out. Like it was a gesture to justify the end of our relationship. I ran over and started to grab the suitcase that was packed on the cupboard and ripped my clothes out of the closet and threw them into the suitcase. Seeing from his view, I probably looked like an insane mutt dog tearing the place apart.
"Hey! What are you doing?" he asked, confused and panicked. He went over to my side with a horrified look and stopped me.
"I - I- I can't do this anymore Kai, I can't," I said.
"Can't do what, hey, what's going on?" He held the sides of my arms and squeezed tightly when I looked up at him. His eyes scared me more than I thought it would. He looked like an abandoned puppy and looking at me with abashed eyes by my sudden actions. I could feel my stomach do a flip from the sight, he never failed to be so unintentionally cute but now wasn't the time to fall for it. I took in a breath and let the words string out into the room.

"Let's break up"


Kai's POV:

My body grew stiff. Did I hear correctly just now? "What? What did you just say?" My eyes fluttered uncontrollably in disbelief. "Let's break up, let's break up" the words echoed in my eardrums until I finally couldn't tell what language it was. I looked down to her face and my heart slowly shattered; she looked like she actually meant it. And because I asked, she replied again and the words stuck to me,
"Let's break up Kai. We're over."
"No no no no no! Why? But - - b- " I didn't know what to say but I knew I didn't want this. Why does she want to break up with me all of a sudden? What's going on with her? 
"Kai, please stop pretending. I know." And just like that, I knew what she was referring to and I knew that I have been caught. It all makes sense now. But I was curious, 
"Since when?" I said in a dazed voice, still trying to take in that she knew.
"That doesn't matter, what does is that you have been cheating on me. I don't want to be part of this relationship if all you are going to do is be with someone else behind my back and play me like this. I don't like being used and out of all people I thought you would understand but I see now you're a completely different person."
I shook my head. This can't be happening. My hands dropped from her arms and I ran my hands through my hair aggressively. This can't be happening, no! What have I done?!!! 
"I- - I - I'm - I - I'm sorry." was all I could say. She stood for a second, taking in my apology but then her eyes turned dirty and she scoffed. She opened , about to say something but I guess she thought better and just turned around and kept packing.
"What are you doing?" I almost said in a whisper watching her chuck things into the suitcase
"Leaving" she simply stated with a harsh tone. "I can't do this anymore. I'm going." I started to feel upset with her erse actions and words.
"Stop!" I yelled. "I've had enough" She looked at me with disbelief.
"You've had enough?! Heck, I should be the one saying that Kai. Don't you know how long I've been holding this in? I've known that you were cheating on me for a while now and yet all you could do was act all kind on me. And do you really like that that much to believe her words? I'm not as pretty and cute or whatever but I'm sure not stupid Kai. I've had enough" She was pretty much wrecking her clothes as she was spitting her words at me. I stood there in silence as she zipped up the suitcase and smashed it onto the ground, holding it upright. She then started to take a step forward. She was going to leave. But this isn't over. I need to do something. I wanted to do something, I wanted to stop her. She can't do this to me, she can't leave.
"Stop!" I said again but this time, I held onto her. She was surprised.
"Please, don't do this. I'm sorry." I tried to find my words, I started to realise that this was reality. This is happening. _____ and I, all our memories flashed right in front of my eyes. I felt my heart fault, what have I done? This is all my fault. I don't want to lose her. I can't lose her. The realisation of how much I actually wanted her to stay with me, no, needed for her to stay with me dawned on me. I know my mistake now, stupid stupid stupid, I was the stupid one. I cursed myself. Why did I do this in the first place? Why did I cheat on her? She was the perfect girlfriend and we loved each other.
Wait, loved, is that right? We loved each other. It came so naturally to me and I knew that this was my reason, my excuse to have done what I did. I fell out of love with her and I guess she has with me too. We've changed and she is moving on, moving on without me.

"What?! What Kai? You're sorry, is that all you can say? Well, that one word is not going to cut it. If this keeps going, it'll never work, it's not the same as before."
I stood there as still as a rock as she explained but my grip on her was still firm.
"We've become indifferent." She took a step forward and with caring, mesmerising eyes, she tilted my head down and cupped my chin.
"You've changed, you don't love me like you used to right?" I blinked and without giving an answer, she smiled at me, a smile that pierced me in every part of my body, her smile was a sign to say she knew the answer.
"Well, to be honest, I used to love you too but I guess you got sick of me right?" she sighed and like she was rambling on, my ears drifted and her words became slurred, "I held onto you. I guess you could say I became too attached, obsessed even, I guess that I didn't want to let you go, not just yet. What a selfish person I am but now I know, I know that I have to let you go."
"NO! Please, don't let me go. I'm sorry OK? I'm sorry that I cheated on you, it was my mistake but please don't do this to me."
There was silence for a moment. I was waiting for her reply while she looked at me with sad eyes.
"Kai, let go." she tugged her arm from me, ready to walk away.  
"I can't have you play with me and use me. You've hurt me Kai. I don't want to be hurt like this again. It's over. Goo-"
but I was quick and stopped her. I grabbed her again and looked down with desperate eyes, hoping that this will convince her to stay.


Author's POV:

"No, please don't say it. Please" Kai begged.

"Goodbye" and just like that _____ walked away.



Author's note: hey guys, hope you all liked the chapter. Please don't get too emotional hahaha. I was bored and decided I had enough time to update both sorry to say that I won't be updating as often as I'd like. Well, anticipate the next chapter and see you soon :)


Kai and Taemin pouty faces :3 d'awwww they look so cute


OWAE don't be sad Kai~

there, all better : >

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)