Chapter 15

Mixed Feelings- kai

One quick glance and you already caught Xiumin and Chen stealing the cookies you've just bought from the shop. "Hey!" you smacked them away and they ran out to the living room to join the others. Xiumin poked his tongue at you and Chen mumbled, "but I'm still hungry." You just rolled your eyes and continued making the glasses of smoothies. Altogether there were 6 cups, for: Chen, Xiumin, Lay, Luhan, Kris, Tao. You put them on a tray and carefully walked over and placed them down on the coffee table in the middle of the room.
"Here guys, enjoy" The boys took their eyes away from the game and swarmed over, grabbing a glass each.
"WOW! This is great, I love your mango smoothies _____"
"Thanks ____" You sat down on the couch and talked to Chen and Tao.

Since they were the ones of closest age to you in EXO-M, you were closer to them than the others.


Even though you lived with Luhan, you felt that he was a bit distant towards you.

However, Luhan called you after you 'moved out' of the dorm and you didn't know why but he has been trying to get you to come back to the dorm and work things out with Kai. He met with you at a cafe and talked to you about it. He told you that things weren't going well for Kai. He's been acting very cold. He looked so tired and he tried to avoid everyone, even s. Suho was getting sick of it and you heard from Luhan that they ended up fighting once.

You also got a call from Sehun, asking where you were and he immediately went to visit you at Suho's dorm where you are staying for awhile. He has been visiting you often and to him, he was 'comforting' you from the breakup. Truthfully, he has distracted you from thinking about Kai and it has helped a bit. 

It had been a week now since you've been staying at Suho's dorm. You were grateful, however, after meeting up with Luhan, you weren't sure if you should now find another place to stay, thinking that it might be a bit troublesome for Suho and the members if you were to stay for longer. You also were tired of Sehun bothering you. As you said, he did help a lot with cheering you up but he has been a bit obsessed with you. You didn't mind this time however, because you felt as though you needed it.

But for now, you were just trying to enjoy life, without Kai that is. Even though you were caught in Suho's room for the first few days after breaking up, everyone was caring and helped you to feel better. All the members in the dorm took you out and played games, talked to you when you still looked sad but through those smiles and laughter, you still couldn't get over him.

The minute you lock yourself in Suho's room and close your eyes, all you could think about is Kai. The moments before you left the dorm flashes past like a speedy midnight train. His voice, his doe eyes sparkling in dread and his lips trembling like fear has bitten onto them. The sensations you get when he held you back by the arm, when he shook you like you were a salt/pepper shaker and calling out to you in desperate plea, 'I don't want you to go.'

You closed your eyes tightly, trying you rid of such memory but then it was replaced with the next. The sight of when you found Kai's phone that morning. The last straw. The flash of memory slowly played out to the last moment, until you walked out of that door, tears streaming down your face. That memory was probably one of the worst you have ever experienced. You didn't want to admit it, even to yourself, that you felt yourself breaking the further you walked away. Kai's face the second you turned around and walked away, it was heartbreaking; you would have never believed that it was you who caused such grief in his eyes. It looked as though he was really sorry but your stubbornness got the better of you.

When you rid of that event from your thoughts, there was one that got to you even more and you couldn't help it but let the tears drag down your cheeks as you lay there, trying to forget such happening. There you were, getting some fresh air at the park near the dorm and as you were making your way back you found yourself following a couple's footsteps. They seemed to be going back to the same set of dorms you lived in. But then you remembered, those familiar clothes and who they belonged to, you could feel that same pain stabbing through your core as it did that day.

Oh, it was too much to even think about but you couldn't help it. Your mind always traveled back to Kai.


It was always Kai.

Kai was the person who brought all of this on you. But with that, you would never be able to forget that Kai was the person who brought you smiles, laughter and some of the most precious moments in your life until this day.



-First meeting-

The bell went for break and everyone in class walked out to find their lockers. The first day of school was always daunting. Making new friends wasn't that easy either, considering that everyone knew each other before school began. It was only you who couldn't really find a companion in which you could relate to and your seating partner wasn't the person to talk either.

You walked around for a while, just exploring the new facilities of the alien school. The tour didn't really help because you have already forgotten most parts of the school. Snacking on a sweet pastry bun, you blinked a few times because of the light sprinkles of pollen that were falling from the yellowing trees. You looked up and saw the beautifully shaped trees all along the sidewalk. The school was very clean and the buildings looked fancily ancient, with its prestigious status and architecture. 

It was pretty quiet around this area, but seeing that you didn't know much about where you were, you didn't realize that you were walking around the art studios. Traveling down, you just gazed at the nature and peeked inside the windows of the studios. However, one caught your ears. There was a loud thumping of beats coming from the dance studio. You were curious and so you peeked in.

The door was left open so you stood just inside and to your amazement, you watched as the shadow of a gorgeous figure glided across the room. The lights were turned off but you could still make out the sweat running down his sideburns and the tiniest of a flick of his fingers. His moves were so precise and full of passion. The earphones were swinging around maniacally as it was attached to his ears while he danced. Even in the darkness, you could feel how his emotions spread through his body; he looked like a dark angel trying to break free.

When he twirled for the last time and put his hands down by his sides as a finale, you couldn't but help slowly gape at the brilliant dancing with small claps. The figure was surprised when he heard your applause echo throughout the room. When he jolted and turned to you, the sight was so unreal, you froze in your spot. Fear trickled down your spine because the person caught your uninvited spectation. You were about to turn and leave however, the person walked over and the light. He kept coming towards you and with glaring eyes, stared straight into your soul until he opened his mouth.

The coldness in his eyes melted and was replaced with a cheery sparkle. His lips curved up into a warm smile. His aura changed with a 180o spin and you felt this attraction to him causing you to become shy and blush. You have never encountered a guy, let alone being face to face with someone so beautiful. And, with the cute expression on his face, your words caught in your throat as he said,

"So, how did you like my dancing?" It was pretty greasy and you could sense that he was teasing you but all you could do was quickly run out the studio after stuffing the bun you were eating in his mouth.


- First confession- 

It had been a while that you have become friends with Kai. After the first encounter at school, you bumped into him again in the same studio. Every single break that Kai had, he would always be found practicing his dance moves by himself. It wasn't like he didn't have friends and was a loner or anything, it was just that he loved dancing so much that he would literally spend his free time perfecting his moves rather than sitting down and chatting with his mates, which he found a waste of time. 

So here you were, just the two of you in the dark room. You were sitting at the front of the room, slouching against the mirror as you watched Kai spinning and jumping around the room with the utmost grace. The emotions pouring out of Kai matched with the dark, slow song that was flowing through the room. As he finished, again you cheered and clapped and he gave a thankful smile with a fancy bow.

He stopped dancing because he was tired and then walked over and sat down next to you.

"So, how has classes been?" he asked.

"Meh, same old same old." you shrugged. There was a moment before you asked out of curiosity, "Where are your friends?"

You've met them before and boy, was he popular. There were about 5 or 6 altogether and you've only met them once. Apparently, he vowed, he had more friends than that in which you just scoffed playfully.

"Oh, they're probably training or having classes. Anyway, the reason I asked you to come here."

"Yeah?" you prompted. You've only been hanging out whenever you 'coincidentally' meet at the studio. To be honest, you came here because it was peaceful but also because this was the place Kai went. Sometimes, you would admit, you would be found just sitting here and waiting and if he came, lucky you and if not, well then it was a day spent of wishful thinking, about Kai that is.

"So, I just wanted to tell you something." somehow, you noticed Kai changed and he seemed a little insecure. Oh no, was it something bad? Did something happen? 
Sweaty palms and doubt that you were going to take this the right way, he mustered up as much courage as he could and looked at you with sincere eyes.
"I know that we've only been friends for only a short time however," he stopped which scared you. Friends... however... Does he think I'm a friend? Does he not want to be my friend?

"I think I have feelings for you that are more than that." Your eyes widened, did I hear that right?

"And... I'm hoping you have the same feelings for me too." You could see that he was very shy about this but you didn't expect this at all.
"_____ , hello?" you couldn't believe it. He waved his hands across your face but you were already up in the clouds; Kai just confessed to you.
"_____ , I like you, I really do. Will you be my girlfriend?" All you could do was turn your head to look at him with pop-out eyes.

He was scared for a second, with your expression, he probably thought that you were freaking out, in this case you were, but in a good way.
"Well, you know if you... if you need some time to think about it then--" but you stopped him. You shook your head furiously, denying that you needed the time to think about this.
You still didn't have to words to say but you knew that you liked him as well. Without any second thought, you moved closer and with a smile, pressed your lips against his soft ones. And when you broke the moment, you gave him a wider smile.
"I like you too" was all you could say.


It seemed like yesterday that all of this has happened and you couldn't help but smile at such wonderful memories. Somewhere in your heart, even though you weren't together anymore because of what Kai did, you knew that you will never stop loving him. You both have been together all these years and to say the least, you practically knew each other inside and out.

What Kai did to you was unforgivable but you knew that the heart never lies because at this moment, you could feel it crumbling and you knew that it was because you missed him, so much.


Author's note: hey guys! an update finally. I have been using a lot of time to finish off the other fanfic that I have somehow gotten sick of it. I do enjoy writing and it seems this would be one of my favourites. I think this story is going really well and so I hoped you enjoy and I'll try my best to make it fair with relatively equal updates. Comment below and please stay tuned. I hope you have and awesome day! <3

Note: Hey! If you haven't really noticed well, I have made my own poster for this story. I hope you like it >.< I am pretty bad with photoshop and it's one of my first artworks. I would like to know what you think of it. I may use this for awhile in various chapters and also the first one by BABYs_EXOtics.

PS. I might add some gifs later >.< 


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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)