Chapter 14

Mixed Feelings- kai

Luhan's POV:

"Please, don't say it. Please" I heard someone beg from the other room. Here I was sitting in my room, reading, bored out of my brain that early morning and suddenly, I was interrupted by some people quarreling. I sat up when I heard the bedroom door open then some really loud footsteps going down the stairs. Another lighter set of footsteps followed and then it stopped. By that time, I was so curious I had gotten out of bed and was walking down the stairs.

When I went around the corner, I was half-surprised, half-asleep but a few seconds later, I was paying full attention with confused wrinkles above my eyebrows. I witnessed Kai and ______ arguing loudly. I had no idea what it was about. ______ was standing next to a suitcase. Is she going somewhere? She was talking angrily back at Kai who kept telling her to stay. What's happening?

"Please, stop this. Don't go. I'm sorry OK?" Kai had a grasp on _____'s hand but _____ seemed annoyed and tired. She tried to pull her arm back but Kai wouldn't let go. I stayed in my spot and just viewed the drama in front of me.
"Sorry?! Is that all you can say? Sorry is not going to solve anything, it's not going to solve this. Kai, just let me go. I can't do this anymore."
"Yes you can" Kai said in a desperate tone, "Please, you know what? I'm going to make things better. I'll break up with that other girl and I'll do anything for you and we'll go on dates and we'll have fun like before. Please, just give me another chance. I don't want you to go." It seemed serious. I didn't know what the fuss was about but the chemistry between the two wasn't pretty. I'm guessing Kai did something wrong. That other girl? Could it be that he is cheating on ______? I moved back and hid behind the wall and allowed myself some comfort to eavesdrop a bit more.
"You don't want me to go?" ______ tried to cross her arms and rolled her eyes.
"If you didn't want me to go then why did you do it? Why?! Kai, I can't trust you anymore. I thought that you loved me. I thought you wanted me to be your special girl, your only girl but I thought wrong. You've never loved me at all, I can't believe you'd do this to me. I can't be with you."
Her eyes filled with tears and soon enough they started streaming down her face. Kai had his head down and his arms slouched by his sides. He was slowly shaking his head in disbelief. ______ blinked many times to let the tears fall down and she wiped them quickly with the sleeve of her shirt.
"I hope you have a good life Kai. Goodbye"

And just like that, she took her things and left out the door. I waited for the door to lock until I could let myself move. Kai was frozen for a second and the next thing he did shocked me, it really did. Kai dropped down on his knees and in the silence, I heard the feint muffles of the cries he was trying to hold. He had his hand in his hair and his back was shaking uncontrollably. I've never seen this side of Kai before, never. Something bad must have really happened but now I knew, Kai cheated on _____ and she left. They broke up.

Seeing Kai on the ground, he looked so small, vulnerable and... weak. My friend, right in front of me is crumbling into a million pieces. Even though I can't understand his feelings right now, I still wanted to comfort him. Slowly and quietly I walked up behind him and trying not to scare him, I placed my hand on his back and rubbed it up and down. Kai didn't seem to notice who I was but his low cries got louder and louder. He looked so tired and broken. Tears were falling like thundering rain onto the ground and onto his shirt. I moved closer to comfort him, I was practically hugging him. The room where we used to share our laughter and games, now is filled with the cries of loss and help. He cried on and on for what seemed like hours and truthfully he had been crying for that long. He cried so much I couldn't say a word. All I could do was be here for him. He only stopped once he fell asleep. I helped him up and lifted his body onto the couch. I got a cushion and blanket and wrapped it warmly around his body. When I finished, I stood back to look at him one more time. Poor Kai. His face looked so pale yet now that I see it, when he was sleeping, his posture seemed to contradict his usual self. He looked so tired and calm in an uncomfortable way. He was not that type of person. Rarely would I see him like this, he was usually all happy with that smile of his and joking around with all the members. This guy, however, this person right in front of me. This wasn't Kai. The last time I saw Kai this down was when he cried out to his fans at a fansign event. He was still crying long after the event and only stopped, like now, when he fell asleep. I couldn't think of anything, only worrying about Kai's well-being but I was still a little curious as to what happened. I knew by now that Kai cheated but _____ and Kai weren't that close recently so why is he so sad to let her go? If he really cared for her, crying into oblivion right when she left, then why, why did he cheat on her in the first place? And why was their relationship falling apart at the seams at this very moment?


Suho's POV:

I was already washing the dishes, being the 'best leader in the world'. I got up early like usual and had my own breakfast. I prepared the other boy's breakfast separately according to their taste. I'm not a very neat cooker so I regretted making breakfast this morning because of the amount of dishes I had to end up doing by myself. Chen already woke up and was already sitting at the couch, watching TV while eating breakfast. "Could you at least give me a hand?" I yelled from the kitchen. All I got was silence and then a load of laughter. I guess he's ignoring me. I sighed and finished off all the dishes that were in the sink. I was pretty glad and was about to take off my gloves and leave to wash up properly but then I saw Chen's hand creepily place the bowl in the sink. I turned to him with a stare and he gave a cheeky smile. "Thanks hyung" and he ran off upstairs. "Yah! Do it yourself" I yelled in frustration. Aish! Why did he have to give it to me when I've just finished all the dishes? Picking up Chen's bowl and cutlery, I washed them up and with another sigh of relief, I took off my gloves. Only Chen had come down for breakfast so no more dishes for me.

As I was walking back upstairs, there was a knock at the door. Curious, "I got it!" I went to open it to see two girls standing there with worried faces.
They stepped inside in unison and didn't even greet me. One girl accidentally, I could say, brushed past me a bit too harshly and it sent me back a bit.
They looked around and stopped at the living room. Something's not right. What are they doing here? The girls seemed agitated with their concerned faces and shifty posture.
"Where is she?" the girl who bumped into me said in a loud voice. The other, calmer girl turned to look at me for the answer. I didn't know what came over me but my sarcasm came out.
"And hi to you too but who are you? Saesang fans?." The first girl's face was not amused but the other seemed so too but she was more concerned than upset at my sarcasm.
"God dammit, where is she Suho?" Woah! I stepped forward in disbelief and shock. The loud girl seemed to be really angry or anxious because the way she yelled at me, I almost jumped out of my skin. She also didn't use any honorifics which made me think something serious was going on.
"Where is who?" I asked confused.
"_______, where is ______?" The smaller girl asked in a more polite manner.
"Uh, I don't know. At her dorm maybe? What are you guys doing here? Maybe you have the wrong dorm."
"No, ______ texted us like 5 minutes ago that she was going to be here. She said it was an emergency." What?! An emergency? But, why here?
"Is something wrong?" I asked a little panicked. "Who are you guys?!"
"I don't know. All she said was it was an emergency. I'm YuRi by the way, ______'s best friend."
The other girl looked to the ground when I turned her way.
"Oh, that's DaeHee, also _____'s best friend." YuRi said non-chalantly. DaeHee seemed to have changed from being concerned to... afraid, I think. I took a step closer to her to see what was wrong but I was surprised that her face was going pink. I watched her look up to find me closer to her, she was even more shy and blushed harder then looked back to the ground. Up close, she really was pretty.
"Well, I'm really worried. What could have happened? Did she give you a text?" YuRi asked me. I just shook my head.
"Hey what's going on down here?! I'm trying to get some-"
"Hey what's going o-?"
The rest of the boys heard the ruckus and came downstairs because their sleep was disturbed. Chen, Xiumin, Lay and Kyungsoo all came down in a crowd with tired and confused looks. Xiumin was scratching his head and Lay, when he saw the girls, was taken aback but then looked down to his bare upper body and ran upstairs in a hurry. YuRi was shocked to see all these men in front of her. All of these beautiful men. The sudden realisation made her eyes widen. She didn't even realise that she just stepped into one of EXO's dorms until now. This was crazy. I watched as YuRi blinked many times before, trying to steady herself.
"OK, all better but what's going on?" Lay came down from finding a decent shirt.
"Yeah, is something the matter? Who are these people?" Xiumin pointed tiredly at the girls.
"They're ______'s best friends, or they claim to be. _____ sent a text to them and told them to meet her, it was an emergency."
"Oh, so where is she now?" Kyungsoo asked. Chen rested against Kyungsoo with a confused expression.
Just at that moment, the doorbell rang.
"I'll get-" I was cut off when YuRi came back to reality and stormed over to the door and thrashed it open. We all turned around and as expected, _____ was standing in the door, but, it wasn't the ____ I have come to known.


still in Suho's POV:

We were all sitting in the living room, silently listening to ______'s small cries that were echoing in our ears and the filling up the whole room with bleakness. _____ explained everything and everyone became solemn and I began to feel my condolences. I've never really lost someone or have been in such a relationship like _____ and Kai's but I couldn't help but feel bad and relieved at the same time. All this time, _____ has been cheated on. I was relieved because ____ didn't have to live through that lie anymore. And what if she did? I think things would have been better the sooner she found out. But Kai, cheating on her? I'd never expect that in a million years. No wonder I've seen him change. I thought he was a good boy, I would never believe that Kai would do such a thing. They seemed like the perfect couple, I even remember Kai go all funny at dance practices when she came to visit and watch us dance and how he would have dropped his cold aura only in front of her. Those times where they would go on countless dates together back in middle school after he asked her to be his official girlfriend. Then, I guess debuting happened and his ego started playing up. At first it was OK but now, I guess with the comeback and all, the ego got to his head a little too much. He must not be in his right mind to do such a thing. They were so in love, but maybe, could it be that they no longer loved each other?

Then, I suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I noticed a difference in the atmosphere. Something happened... or was it, that something didn't happen or isn't happening? Oh, I looked around to see everyone staring at _____. She stopped crying, there were no longer the sounds of her cries in the air and to my dismay, she had fallen asleep in YuRi and DaeHee's lap.
Chen moved forward, tilting outwards to get a better view of _____.
"hey, she's sleeping. What should we do?"
"How about taking her up to sleep in our rooms, it'll be much more comfortable." Xiumin offered. The boys seemed to nod at it, they didn't see a problem in that and neither did I. _____ said that she packed in a rush, not knowing what she was thinking at that time and she didn't know where else to go but she wanted to tell someone about it. She thought and seeing that we were closer to her than her friends' houses, she decided to ask if she could stay here for a while until she figures things out.
"Sure, uhm, we can take her up to my room, it has the biggest bed." I said and was about to stand up and help bring her up but Lay got up instead and like a bullet, lifted her up in his arm bridal style and walked away upstairs to the bedroom. YuRi and the other boys followed right behind him. I was a bit frozen from Lay's fast actions and all I could see was DaeHee still sitting in her spot, looking down with a frown on her face.
"Uh, is everything OK?" I asked concerned. Her head lifted up and those sad eyes intrigued me. She stared at me with them and I swear I could feel butterflies in my tummy. She looked at me with a dazed expression but she snapped out of it and shook her head.
"No, I'm fine. I just feel really bad for _____. You know, I can't believe Kai would do such a thing. They must be going through such a hard time. I don't think _____ will ever get through this."
I just nodded at her. I had most of the words but I was focusing more on her than what she said. Her sullen look added to the near perfect face if it weren't for the running makeup scarring it. She also cried to with ______ a few moments ago but all in all, even after what happened, she still looked pretty to me.
I couldn't get over this feeling that was playing up inside of me. I've only met this girl for about an hour, am I already starting to like her? She stood up after an awkward silence and with a shy bow, she went to go upstairs after everyone else. 


Author's note: hey guys, I hope you like the chapter :) I know, I'm so contradicting sometimes, well, a lot of times but seriously. I know I should be doing my homework and studying for the upcoming exams but I can't help but to procrastinate. >.< I also can't help that the fact is, I'd rather be updating than doing hw. This seriously just came out of boredom but like I said, I think when the time comes closer to my exams, I'll probably be working my off and so I won't be able to update like I said until my exams are over. I can't tell you exactly when I'll update again so please wait for me if I'm taking a while but please understand that I'll be busy some when soon. Stay tuned nonetheless, comment and hope to see you all soon :D



hahaha them cutie pies ~

BYE <3

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)