Chapter 3

Mixed Feelings- kai

After a few hours of being in your small office, you had sorted out most of your tasks and went to a meeting. It was almost time for your break and you could not wait. You decided to go visit Kai and the others at the photoshoot. You had prepared a big lunch box for them and wanted to buy some chicken also as you were on the way to see them. You knew a pretty good shop that sells the most delectable chicken which you would never resist. The boys would love you even more for this for they hardly ever get good or even enough food at that.

A few more minutes and after passing up some papers upstairs, you made your way to grab your bag and the lunch box then left to go to the photoshoot. You caught the bus and a taxi, only 20 minutes from your office. As you arrived, you asked where the boys were shooting but the receptionist wouldn't tell you, thinking that you were a saesang fan or something. You sighed, of course, no one really knew that you were Kai's girlfriend because there wasn't an official announcement yet and you were hardly seen together anymore.

There was this time though, when he took you to an awards ceremony was when there was chaos for at least 3 months. You shivered back at the memory. That was probably the most hardest thing you ever went through. Paparazzi and netizens criticising your every move and checking up (stalking) on you every second. It got to the point where you started to receive some hate mail and all that. You were almost pulled off the edge but it died down after a while. You were lucky though, even SM and the rest of EXO supported you the whole time, and you were really grateful.

You tried to think of a way to see them, you didn't put all that effort into buying all this food to be chucked away as leftovers. DING! an idea. You pulled out your phone and called Suho.
"Hello?" you heard someone answer.
"Hey, Suho it's me ___" you said.
"Oh hey ___, what's up?"
"Uh, nothing really. I'm here at your photoshoot but I can't get through to the receptionist. Can you help me?" you pleaded.
"Oh you're here? Why, did you want to see Kai? Well, he's not--" he got cut off suddenly when a sound then someone else's voice was heard.
"Hey ___ don't worry, I'll go down and get you right now" a few more fumbling sounds and then the line was cut.

Weird, who was that? 

You couldn't figure out what was going on but immediately a shocking noise made you turn your head. BAM!

"Hey, ___ - noona " someone was squishing you between their arms and chest. That scent was familiar and with that familiar smell came from that familiar person.
"Sehun-ah" He let go of you and smiled. You were still quite confused. "That was fast, why did you come down here for?"
"Pabo, I came to take you upstairs. She's with me, can I take her up to our room?" he asked the receptionist.
The receptionist looked up and realising who the handsome boy was, blushed and nodded shyly. "Of course"
You thanked her anyway and Sehun dragged you to the elevator. When you reached the level, you both stepped out and Sehun still had a hold of your wrist and pulled you into the last door on the left.

You almost tripped on your way in and then Sehun stopped. Your feet halted to a stop and you looked around. The boys were in a corner and the staff and camera crew were all over the place. There was a large camera and a big screen setup.
A white curtain sheet was draped down to the floor in front of a large umbrella-like light. Cords were displayed all over the ground and there were couches, seats and tables near the sides. When they noticed someone at the door, eyes turned to you. Some were a bit shocked and some were happy to see you.
"Hey ___, how's it going?" Baekhyun, Luhan, Suho and Lay came over. You let go of Sehun's hand seeing that they were kind of eyeing you two.
"What's going on?" Suho said. " Why did you all of a sudden take my phone thenran down like a maniac to get ___? She called me, I could've walked her up here, not yank her like you did." 
Sehun shot a glare at his hyung, "It's because I want to." was all he said.

"OK," you slurred, easing the tension away. They were both still staring at each other but you pushed in front of them both, blocking them from eye contact. They were always like this these days and you are the only that could stop them.
"You guys need to get a grip, it's fine whoever gets to me first is fine, I don't mind. It's just nice to see you guys again. Don't you dare ruin this moment Sehun-ah!" You snapped because he was still shooting daggers. He jumped from your sudden raised voice and awkwardly looked to the ground. 
"Hi boys," You stepped back and tilted your body to greet the rest of the boys who were still looking at the screen from their shoots. Some looked up and waved non-chalantly and the others just kept looking at the screen ignoring you. You breathed in and just sighed away seeing they were so happy to see you too. "I brought some food" You tried again. Just with that one word, all heads shot up from the screen and the next second, a group of boys were about to run you down. "ARGH! OK! Let me go!" You tried your best to push everyone off.
"____- ah, you seriously didn't have to" "Thank you sooooo much ___." "OH MY GOD! Food. You're the best. Dibs on the chicken wings." "And dibs on the bimbap!" They were all fighting over the food that was snatched quite aggressively off you.

The crewmen just looked at them weirdly and when the PD walked over to the commotion, he just let you guys be, knowing that they wouldn't go back to work when there was food in the room. The boys were munching away at all the cartons and boxes of the home made meals that you made and the delicious chicken. Luhan and Xiumin looked up to you and smiled widely. "Thanks so much ___ -ah!" You just waved them off and sat down on one of the couches. "It's alright." While everyone was eating, you were playing on your phone. There was only one person missing and you didn't know why he wasn't there. Where could he be? 

You felt the sofa next to you shift from a weight and you looked up from the phone's screen.  "Oh Suho. What's up?" You asked. Suho was chewing on a piece of chicken and he swallowed hard before answering. "Nothing much. How are you, I'm sorry that I didn't get you earlier. Sehun was a bit weird today. He knew that you were going to be here and he went all crazy waiting for you. I guess that's why he snatched my phone when he heard your name and ran to get you instead." You were a little confused as to why Suho was explaining this to you. What happened to Sehun? He was never usually like this. "Oh, where's Kai by the way?" you asked.
"Kai? well, he said that he would meet up with us. He had somewhere to go. We had the meeting before so I guess he needed to take a break before the shooting but he's a bit late."
You just nodded. Where was he off to? Where is he now? Kai wasn't usually the tardy person but lately, you didn't know where he was half the time.

Just as you were talking for a few moments with Suho and Tao who decided to join you guys on the couch, the door opened and in stepped Kai. And someone else. A girl. By his side, in his arms. You were a bit curious and partly jealous. They looked really close and comfortable. You've never seen the girl before in your life and that made you cautious of her. Kai was wearing what you gave him this morning and the girl, with her long legs and perfect figure, was wearing a pretty tight tank top and shorter-than-your-undies- shorts. She had long hair and her face was a bit dreaded with makeup but she still looked perfect nonetheless. Kai was laughing so loud that the PD told them to shut up. PD-nim ran up to Kai and when he saw so, his eyes turned into fear. "I'm so sorry PD-nim," Kai bowed right away. PD looked like he was shooting lasers from behind his cool glasses. "And where have you been?! What took you so long? You were supposed to be here 20 minutes ago yet you rock up late with another guest of yours apart from ___-ah but she's accepted as she brought food. You can't do this ever again and make sure to be prompt next time you hear? Hurry and get to work." PD-nim struck the whole room silent. Never have you seen him yell at anyone. Kai on the other hand stood still as a rock. His hands started to tremble but he managed to bow a few more times. "I'm very sorry PD-nim, sorry, sorry sorry." He was probably too scared to say anything else.

You ignored what everyone was doing, after PD-nim had gone off, everyone went back to normal but still a bit shocked at what just happened. It was pretty rare to see him fired up like that. You felt sorry for Kai and walked up to him. "Hey, you OK?" you patted him on the back and he just looked to you with the same expression and nodded slightly. "It's probably nothing, PD-nim will get over it. It's not like you're the common trouble here. I brought you some food, would you like some?"
Kai shook his head and turned back to that girl standing and chatting with some of the boys. "Nah, I already had lunch. So, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see you" you told him. He just nodded. "Oh, so are you on your lunch break?" "Yeap. I hope you don't mind me asking," you started. You stopped yourself and thought about what you were going to say. Kai was crowded by some of the make-up artists who were trying to do their job so you just quietly finished your question, "Who's that girl with you?" As you looked in her direction, you felt caught as she was staring at you too. You turned away quickly back to Kai who had a sickening face but he just answered. "No one. Just a friend from school." You nodded silently. "OK cool. You should go, don't want to get PD shouting at you again, hey?" Kai chuckled, "Nope, don't want that again. I guess I'll see you tonight." You just nodded and headed back to the couch. You watched for about half an hour. The boys were all dressed up and had a cover photoshoot for one of the upcoming issues for Ceci Magazine. There were flashes and the boys coolly posing at their shots. You looked at every single one of them and was mesmerised. They looked so handsome. If you hadn't kept your mouth shut, you guess you would've probably drooled your whole shirt wet. Smirking and eyeing the camera, they seemed to have this whole aura and the room filled up with their charisma and charm. You almost died when you saw Luhan and Sehun in a couple of shots. Sehun noticed that you were watching and just like deja vu from this morning, he gave a wink your way before facing back to the camera. Your eyes widened, shocked. You looked around to see if anyone noticed. It seemed as though everybody was busy. You sighed and just shook it off. Sehun was just playing with you. You looked at the time and realised it was time for you to leave. You looked around one last time then you caught Suho's attention. You mouthed, 'I'm going to leave, BYE' and he smiled and waved to you. Some of them saw you leaving and waved also. You e last time but your eyes was set on the two people in the far corner. Kai and that girl were sitting next to each other and looked like they were in their own world. The girl's hand was sliding up Kai's torso and she was incredibly close, like she was stuck to his side. Kai was blushing like mad and smiling like a goof. You doubted that she was just a friend and you shot a dagger at him, trying to figure out their relationship. You felt mad and to be honest, confused and jealous.
Why are they so comfortable with each other? I've never seen her before, who is she? Why isn't Kai like that when he's around me anymore? Does he like her? You were worried the whole day and couldn't get your mind off it.


Author's note: hey guys :) updated yay! hope you likey. please plop a comment below, I would really like to know what you all think. I think I have something to go with here. There was just a random idea but I think I'll just go with the flow here. I hope that I will keep writing and be fair on you guys. Hate it when I don't have time to finish this but I'll try my best. So, I guess I'll see you next chapter.

Black hair or Blonde hair?
He just looks amazing either way >.<

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)