Chapter 10

Mixed Feelings- kai

"And please for tonight, read chapters 9-12 for tomorrow and we'll be having a quiz by Friday. Also, don't forget to hand up your essays when you come in for the next class. I expect better results than last time. Class dismissed." the teacher said formally and left the classroom.

The students all slumped back in their chairs and started talking or leaving. You laid your head onto your table. Finally, it's lunch time. The day has been so slow and you couldn't bother to listen to anything. Everything became so dull and you couldn't concentrate. You closed your eyes and tried to get some rest. Even though you haven't done much, you were already drained from this morning.

You felt a nudge on your arm and slowly opened your eyes.
"Hey, are you OK? Let's go and eat, it's lunch time." DaeHee noted for you.
" I know. Let's go." Your body lifelessly got up and you trudged behind the girls who were gossiping loudly, walking to the cafeteria.

You went in line and picked out a piece of fruit and some chicken with salad. You grabbed a carton of chocolate milk and paid for your food. YuRi and DaeHee waited for you then you all went to the bench where you usually sat.
"Ah, finally, I get to eat. I've been starving the whole morning." DaeHee exaggerated and dug into her food without another word. YuRi took out her cutlery and wiped them clean with her napkin.She took her time and sorted out her things then opened up her tray of food and quietly ate. You didn't know how you all became friends, especially with your differences but it somehow brought you closer to them and you three became an inseparable bond. You started eating your salad and then DaeHee, with still full, talked about school which then dragged onto other topics.
"He was so tall and I almost got up and was about to knock his head but my boyfriend stopped me. He's so wise. He told me that we should just move and we did, it was so much better than getting kicked out of the theatre." DaeHee was going on about her date last night at the movies with her newly-found boyfriend. He was cute to be honest and kept pestering DaeHee one day and then asked her out on a date. You've seen him a few times but he wasn't in any of your classes so you guessed he was in one of the lower classes. There were three senior classes and you three were in the top class. Sehun was in the middle class but somehow, he managed to pester you like DaeHee's boyfriend. You tried to ignore him and it worked at first but he was so persistent. Every time you had a free or by yourself for studying, Sehun would always come to find you and annoy you until you told him to get lost. Even at lunch or break would he come and sit with you randomly and make you feel uncomfortable. You started to think as to why he was being this way but you knew that you didn't really like it.

You finished off your lunch already and was still sitting there blankly, thinking about how to avoid Sehun if he might come popping up somewhere when you heard YuRi raise her voice.
"_____-ah!" You shot your head her way, surprised. "Yeah? What is it?" You panicked, YuRi rarely spoke a word so when you heard her scream just then, you knew that it was serious. YuRi and DaeHee was crowded over her phone and reading the contents, their eyes wide and jaws hitting the ground. What could it be? You had no idea and was curious to see what it was. You shifted closer and DaeHee sensed that you were wanting to see and pulled the phone over closer to you. You read the news article that was displayed and then looked to the girls.
"What is this?" you eyed them weirdly. They did so back to you. "What do you mean, "what is this?" This means that my life is over! OVER I SAY!" DaeHee shouted. YuRi started sniffling softly, adding to the unnecessary drama.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes at them. Could they seriously scare you any more? "Gosh! I thought it was something serious. Geez, get over it. They boys will have to do what they are told and if they are a traveling a little bit further away from you, it does not mean you are going to die. OK?"

You just wanted to scold them for the sake of it but also for scaring you for no reason. The article was about a few idols who were going to Hong Kong for the Music Festival that was held twice a year. Some EXO members from M and K are going and other groups like, Miss A, MBLAQ, Teen Top, Z:EA, FT island and many more were going to be there as well. You already knew about this apart from who in EXO are going so you weren't really surprised but scaring you like that wasn't worth it so you were a bit angry at them.
"Yah, _____-ah." You didn't want to hear it. It was probably something stupid again so you ignored them.
"What is this?" YuRi asked DaeHee. Then there were a few moments of silence. The atmosphere became very strange and you started having this feeling.
"Uh oh." YuRi said.
"Is this true?"
"Who would write such a thing?"
"This can't be happening."
The girls were whispering comments about something and it seemed grave.
"Should we let her see?"
You could hear them. Let who see? See what?
It was silent again. You didn't like that you didn't what they were going on about so you turned around to ask them. When you saw them, the girls jumped for a second then hid the phone.
"What's going on?" you asked them. The girls looked at each other scared and YuRi went to shake her head 'secretly'.
"Ahhhh, it's nothing. Just some stupid article." DaeHee said.
"Oh, what is it about then? EXO?" you asked. You crossed your arms and glared at them. They looked scared of your expression and you knew they were hiding something. "Tell me."
"It- it's- i- i it's nothing. Don't worry about it." You thought for a second about their answers. They didn't seem to be giving you any. What are they hiding from me? Is it about me? Is it about EXO or not? Is it about Kai? You had a lot of questions about what they were up to but you realised that they weren't going to give you any answers.
"OK. Fine. I'll be going now. See you in class." You didn't want to be around them if they were going to be so secretive so you walked off.
You went into the girls' bathroom and locked yourself into a cubicle. Just because that was over, it doesn't mean that you were over it. You were still curious as to what they girls were keeping from you. You stopped and thought about your actions. I need to know. You took out your phone and tried to remember what DaeHee was going through. You went through the same article about the Music Festival then scrolled around trying to find something that might catch your eye. You clicked through some related posts and pictures and a few moments later, you saw it. Hesitantly, you clicked on it and read the article.
The words after you finished reading, swirled around in your head, not able to take it in. Why? How? The news; it was about you. and Kai. and the secret. How? That was fast. You couldn't believe it. Your eyes zoomed into the many pictures and and key words.
Affair    cheating     Kai     _____    scandal     love     issue     fans     betrayal     secret     fake.....

The pictures were of you and Kai and then some blurry shots of Kai dressed in different clothes at some random places with a girl, another girl in his arms. There were quite a few photos and you knew that these weren't edited or anything. Paparazzi are very serious about their jobs, aren't they? You looked at the page and you just couldn't take it anymore. What to do? Even though you didn't feel it, a tear simply rolled down your cheek. You don't know; don't know what to do. You stood silently in the cubicle, even after the bell went, you were struggling to move. You kept thinking of possible solutions but none of them worked. In the midst of the silence and stillness, you felt your phone vibrate in your hand. Your mind snapped back and you realised that you had to get to class. You took a while to open the cubicle door then walked down the empty hallway to your locker. As you were walking, you read the text and replied.

From YuRi:
To: ______

Hey, where are you? Class has started. Is something wrong?

To YuRi:
From: _____

I'm on my way now. I just had to go to the toilet. Everything's fine.

You grabbed your things and made your way to the classroom. When you stepped into the doorway, everyone noticed and the lesson paused. The teacher felt a presence at the door and stopped writing on the board and turned to you.
"Oh, _____. You're late. Hurry up and sit down and copy this down please. I'll speak to you after."
"I'm sorry," you said formally and bowed. Then you scanned the room when you looked up. It was quiet, for once but you sensed that the students weren't looking at you because you were late. You cautiously walked over when you found YuRi tapping at the empty seat next to her for you and you sat down. You bowed your head and grabbed your stationery out and then looked around once more. The class seemed to be looking at you and you heard some whispers. They probably were talking about the article. You didn't know why but you didn't want people to know that you knew. Maybe it was right for the girls to keep this from you but the thing is, you weren't affected by it. Not yet. It was just an article and you already had a feeling that he was cheating on you, well, you saw it with your own eyes. The only problem was that, so what if you knew? Was that going to change anything? You'd rather pretend to not know than have the possible chaos break out if you mentioned that you did know. For right now, you'd rather let it be peaceful and not make a big deal.
"____-ah." YuRi whispered to you. "Don't worry about them. OK?" She looked to you sincerely.
"OK." you simply answered. You gave a cold face and wrote down the notes, not saying another word.

Time passed by and the bell rang for dismissal. The teacher left and you all bowed then slowly left the classroom. You walked beside YuRi and the three of you walked in silence until you reached the gate. You turned right, thinking that you three were going to the city like you promised the other day but then you realised that you walked ahead by yourself. You stopped and turned to see where the girls were. They were close with each other a few metres back and seemed to be whispering something. They noticed that you were looking at them and they looked down to the ground guiltily. "What?" you asked. The girls still kept quite and shifted in their spots but stayed where they were. You walked up to them and waited for their answer.
"Uhm, well." YuRi mumbled. "Aren't we going to the city today?" you said. "...or, are you busy?" You asked again.
The girls seemed uncomfortable but DaeHee spoke up. "Uh, yeah!" she said with force enthusiasm. "I'm so sorry, we forgot. I need to get back to the company and YuRi is coming with me." DaeHee linked her harm and gave a smile. YuRi looked dumfounded.
"Wait, what? But aren't we going to find EX---" she got cut off,
"hahaha Yuri, you prpmised me that you would watch me dance today, remember?" She gave a threatening look to YuRi. Somehow YuRi got it and nodded along with DaeHee's story.
"Oh yeah, that's right. We're so sorry. How about we arrange to go to the city tomorrow. Is that OK?" YuRi asked. You didn't know what to say. You wanted to believe them but then, you had this feeling. Were they lying to me? Why? You didn't want to accuse them if you didn't really know but you knew they up to something. You let it slide, they might be telling the truth, they're your friends.
"Oh, that's fine. We'll go tomorrow instead. I have to head home. Bye." You waved at them with a smile and they did the same. They turned and hurried off in the other direction in which you were turning.
After a few steps, you hid around the corner and waited. You looked out to see the girls heading somewhere else. That isn't the way to DaeHee's company. You decided to just leave them be. Maybe they had something else going on. You were mindful and thought they will tell you about this when they are ready. You still wanted to know the truth though. What are they up to? You walked out of the hiding corner and went past the school again to get home. You accidentally walked the other way, not really thinking properly before. As you walked past, some students were looking at you, they then started to gossip with their friends. Without even listening to their whispers, you knew they were talking about Kai cheating on you. You felt a bit overwhelmed and embarrassed. More people were starting to notice you and you didn't like it. The whispers got louder around you but you tried to push past them. You kept your head lowered and walked away as fast as you could.
You reached the end of the road and was facing the subway. You made your way down the stairs and looked for the right train. As you were waiting, you decided to check your phone. You could sense some students standing by you still whispering about you. You turned and glared at them and they shut up. You turned back and gave a sigh. If you were in the public, others might recognise you and talk about you. You didn't want to be here anymore. Even though you just stopped the students just now, the whispers came back. You hated hearing about it, it was starting to get annoying. Then, somehow, the whispers became louder. You noticed that it was getting pretty crowded. Alot of young people were standing around you and you knew that they heard about you and noticed you. Aish! You were getting sick of it. You wanted to get away. Then you remembered. You slung your bag around to the front and zipped it open. You rummaged through it with difficulty and found your glasses and a hat. You put them on. The people weren't affected by this but it helped because some people started to take out their phones.
You kept still and waited for the train to come. A few seconds later, it had arrived and the door opened. You thought about it and lots of people went straight to the train and you saw some people getting out.
"Hey, isn't that _____?"
"OMG, did you hear about the love affair?"
"It must be hard on her"
"I can't believe she's right here, at the subway."
"She looks sick"
"Hey, we should follow her and take more pictures"
"Is she getting on this train? We should follow her"

You kept standing there. Were they going to follow me? Gosh, why are they so annoying? Wait, I know. You had an idea. You stepped forward and the whole lot of people moved along with you. They eventually got on the train and you got in about last and waited. When the door was about to close, you made your move. You thought cleverly and because you went in last, you were free, right next to the door and so you swiftly jumped out of the train at the last second. You turned around quickly to see the train doors close. Ah! Success! You did it. You managed to get out of the train while trapping all the unwanted paparazzi figures. "HAHA!" you shouted to yourself. You grinned widely and watched as the people holding their phones in the train move away, along with their surprised faces.

With that you comfortably walked away and sat down at the benches. You now realised that you had to wait for the next train but that didn't matter; it was better if there weren't people following you home. You picked out your phone and again, checked on the article. Wait, where were they? You scrolled through multiple times and refreshed your internet. Something's wrong. You looked through and though but .... the article was missing.

You were so confused. What happened? Did something go wrong with my phone? The article is gone. Just as your mind was blank from possible answers to where the article went, your phone vibrated. You saw it was call and picked up.
"Oh, mum, is anything the matter?"
"Uh yeah, where are you? It's pretty late and you're not home yet, I was getting worried."
You didn't know what to say. Should I say that I'm catching the train? I dont' want to go home just yet, hmm what do I tell mum?
You didn't want your mum to worry and you didn't want to go home so you lied.
"Sorry mum, uhmmmm I'm out getting some dinner and then I'm going to stay at YuRi's house. I forgot to tell you but is it OK? I can't make it home until tonight."
"Oh really? At YuRi's house..... hmmm, that's fine. Are you OK darling?"
"Yes I'm fine. I have to go, YuRi's calling me."
"Oh OK. Have a good night then. I'll see you tonight."
"Bye" you said rashly. Whew! that was close. You hung up and gave a big sigh but then worried again. Eottokke? You just lied that you were going to be at YuRi's house. If you were to go back home now then your mum would be suspicious and you weren't actually going to YuRi's house. What were you going to do? Sigh. Nothing, you'll think about it later. Maybe you would go to YuRi's place after all. There was nothing to do. Oh but, you checked your phone again. It was only 5 30pm. OK, so maybe you should carry out your lie. Yeah, why not. You decided that because you had nothing to do, you would go to dinner then YuRi's house like you said. You walked around and arrived at the city. You looked for your favourite food store. You walked around and spotted a good pot of noodles and bought some meat. It was really cheap so you bought a pack. You walked out and huddled into yourself. A breeze passed by and you felt the cold linger around your body. You wrapped your yourself into your blazer and slowly walked away. You had arrived to the middle of the streets and you stopped. Wait, where am I? You looked around confused. You were so lost in your thoughts and didn't realise that you were walking around aimlessly. You spotted a street sign. That name looks familiar. You tried to remember and you did. Why am I here? How did I get here? You were still lost but you decided to get to the one place you knew around here then ask for help. You walked along the path and then crossed the road. As you got the end, you took a left and a right then a right again and finally, you made it. You stopped and now you were facing a large building in the centre of the busy streets. You looked up and smile. I'm here, finally. The building still looked big to you, the white walls making it stand out from the rest. The shiny blue writing along with the sparkling silver star was what you needed to see. You were at the SM building. You breathed in then stepped inside.

You got to the receptionist. When she looked up from the computer screen, her eyes flashed with recognition and gave you a smile. "Oh, _____-sshi. Hi. How can I help you?" she said kindly. 
"Hi. I'm looking for Kai or anyone from EXO. Can you tell me where they are?"
The receptionist thought about it then reluctantly looked into a book. She flipped it around and then she smiled when she got what she wanted.
"Hmmm, the boys are on schedule right now so they're not here. Sorry."
"Oh, that's OK."
"Is there anything I can help you with? Do you want me to leave a message?"
You looked at her and shook your head. "No that's OK. Do you know when they'll be back?"
"Uhm, it sayd they will be back in about 20 minutes. Hey, why don't you just wait here for them? It won't be too long I guess." She offered. 
You thought about it and then nodded. "Sure, why not." You smiled and turned to take a seat but then you stopped. 
You were supposed to be home by tonight, like you told your mom. You didn't want her to worry. She would keep calling up on you even if you didn't live with her. She's really protective now that you think about it. Well, what she doesn't know won't hurt her. You asked ifyou could wait in one of the practise rooms and the receptionist said there was a room open.
You walked upstairs but as you made your way up, someone bumped into you.
"Oh so sorry." You bowed.
The person also bowed but then stopped.
"Hey, _____ I was going to call for you."
"Neh? Me?" You looked up and saw that it was the vice-president of SM.
"Oh, yes. Of course. Please come with me." he prompted.
You bowed politely and followed him up to his room. He opened the door and gestured for you to sit down.
He walked around the table and sat in his seat.
"So, the reason I called you up here is because of the article. Have you seen it?"
You questioned yourself if you should tell him. You promised to yourself before that you were going to pretend not to know about it but, can you really lie to the vice-president. He seemed nice and he had this authority-like aura.
You were a bit scared to be honest so you nodded and told him, "Yes, I've seen it."
"Oh, I see. Well, you do realise now that the articles are gone, right?"
Again, you nodded.
"That's good. We've trying our best to get rid of the articles but it seems that President wants a statement from you and Kai and the other girl. Is it OK if you give us a few sentences?"
"Why?" you asked after a moment. "I don't want to" you said politely.
"Why?" he repeated, "Because some of the top media companies have saved the article and seem to be uploading it again. We can't just look over this forever and they are still going upload it and people are still going to talk about it even if we do try to help. They won't stop pestering you and bring up rumors if you don't defend yourself with a statement." The vice-president explained. It sounded fair enough.
"Alright, I'll do it. What do you want me to say?"
"I'll just have to record down anything important and then we need you to sign and that's all. Just say anything about the relationship and what you know of it. Is it true about the secret girlfriend?"
You explained away about what you thought of it all truthfully. You spent quite some time getting a clear paragraph. When the vice-president was happy, he let you off. You bowed and thanked him even though you didn't know why and then walked out.

You spotted the free practise room the receptionist told you about and found that it was still empty. You decided that there was still time to wait for them and so you walked inside and sat down in the middle of the large, dark room. You plugged in your earphones and decided to wait until one of them called or something. Listening to your songs, you closed your eyes and nodded to the beat. You placed your things down next to you and just listened. All of a sudden, you felt a presence. You turned around and oddly, there was nothing. You were still sitting down but then got up when you heard a noise. What was that?
Hello?" you called out. Nothing. You took a step forward, towards the door and tried looking around but when you turned around you jumped. "ARGH!" Sehun was standing right there and scared you. "What the hell?" you shouted in fear. Sehun was also scared and stepped back. He then tried to calm you down and held your arms together. You were still jumping, skipping on one leg and swapping over.
"Why did you do that?" Oh my God, you scared me" you stopped freaking out and looked to him in the dark.
"hahaha, sorry ____-noona. I just came back and saw you sitting here by yourself so I wanted to say HI but I got more than that." he chuckled slightly. Seeing that this was a mere joke to him, you felt vulnerable to even the maknae. You pouted and slapped him away.
"Yah! How could you think of doing that to me?! You're so going to get it!" You smacked him a few times playfully and Sehun tried to defend himself.
You both stopped after feeling a little tired then you sat back down. You went back to listening to music. Sehun stood there for a while not knowing what to do. He then sat down next to you.
You turned to face him and asked, "When did you get back? Where is everybody else?"
"They just came back from schedules. It's only EXO-K here." he explained. You nodded and then went back to listening to your music. After some time, you felt the silence and remembered that Sehun was still sitting there. You turned your head and saw him just eyeing the dance room. He was moving his arms about a little but that was all. You felt bad for ignoring him so you thought of something. You took out an earphone and handed it to him. Sehun noticed your gesture and took it with a smile. 


You then did what you did before and rocked your head to the beat. You felt eyes on you and before you could fully comprehend, Sehun's face was right in front of yours. You froze but the music kept going. Sehun was as still as you but he was more calm, as if he knew. He looked right into your eyes and you couldn't look away. What? He then started to mouth his lines of the song. Even though it was dark you could make out his sincerity in it. 

Why are my eyes so blinded?
Why is my heart beating so crazily?
I’m running out of breath

By the time he finished, you could sense some sort of, like another sensation circling around you both. It was still and the music was no more. All that was heard was the light breathing and the warmth between you both surrounded you and filled up the room. It somehow lit you up and you got this bizarre feeling from inside your chest. Oh no, this is not happening. No! ____-ah, he's your dongsaeng! He's with Luhan! Pabo-yah, don't think like that. But the heart never lies and you could feel yourself attaching onto him even more. His eyes never left yours and it drew you in. A second after, you could see that Sehun was moving closer.
"Noona" he whispered. You didn't respond, frozen and not knowing what to say. He kept moving closer, closer and closer. Is he going to...? You knew that he might because there were now so many occasions in which he did, he has kissed you but never has he on the lips and right now it looks like so. You couldn't move or anything but one part of your instinct told you to get away but the other, more powering instinct told you to stay and let him kiss you. You could feel his lips almost grazing against yours but then a sound made you both jump.


Author's note:

hey guys :) update hope you liked, I sure did when I was writing this :) ooohhh what's hapenning? How is Sehun feeling? How are you feeling. I'm actually quite queasy because the last part is so fluffy. >< I really enjoy writing this fanfic so I hope to update soon :)

Sehun waterudoing? Poor Kris, he's your leader for sandwich sakes

haha kris' face

every single one of their faces hahaha


<3 Bye!

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 21: Amazing story authornim!!!

She's one tough cookie ^^

Great job authornim :D :D
go_crazy #2
Chapter 21: Wow! It took me so long to finish reading it, mostly cuz of school, but none the less this story was Jjang! Amazing.
Kitty_Zuni #3
Chapter 21: Omg I loved it seriously! You're a great writer so realistic and I'm glad I even had the opportunity to find this story:) will you be doing a sequel? You should think about it please?:)
Chapter 21: this story was amazing<3
im really.. picky when it comes to fanfics
and its hard for me to like one
but this fic just had me hooked since the first chapter, always wondering how kai and "my" relationship would turn out
i really enjoyed reading this(:
Chapter 20: Wow they got back together. It's sweet :) thank you author!! Omg I love the gifs
Kitty_Zuni #6
Chapter 18: Omg I'm so excited for what's about to happen next:)
Chapter 18: Awww Kai where are you? Just get back together
Chapter 6: I like the story so far!
Kitty_Zuni #9
Chapter 17: Loved it keep going :)