-054; Helpless.

Under The Moonlight

You and Kris headed back, even if Kris was fighting with you to stay with him a bit longer. As the cave came into your sight, Kris clung onto your hand tightly.

"We have to get back.." You looked back at him and saw a warry look on his face. "What?"

"There's something wro--"

A loud bang echoed through the air and a burst of heat brusted up against your back. You looked behind you to see flames coming out from the cave. "What the--" You started to head towards it, but Kris pulled you back, "are you crazy?"

"We can't just stand here." You swung your arm free from Kris, floated up in the air and headed towards the cave. You got inside, but everything was on fire. Fear began to well up inside of you. You called out, but there was no answer. The heat against your skin, the smoke building up, the panic rose up inside of you. "Please answer me!" You called out

Kris followed in behind you, but you disappeared into the flames. "_____!" He called out, but the flames were too much

Suddenly coming out from the flames the others were coming out. "Kris!" Chanyeol took a hold of his arm and started to lead him out

Kris pulled away, "______ is in there!"

"What? We didn't see her." Chen looked back into the flames

Kris headed back inside but all of them were pushed out by an explosion.

You couldn't see through the thick smoke in front of you. Things around you began to crumble. You wondered through and something caught your eye.

"D.O!" You called

You hurried through the debris and D.O laid unconcious.

"D.O!" You shook him, "D.O! Wake up!" The smoke filled your lungs and it was getting hard to breath "Please, wake up!"

You felt something come up behind you, you looked and saw Hyuna. But there was something off about Hyuna.

"What is happening to me?" She asked 

You began to levitate and felt a grip around your neck. If it wasn't hard enough to breath with the smoke around, now it was even harder with her grip around your neck.

"I-it doesn't.. Belong.. To you.." You stuttered


"My.. Powers.."

With a wave of her hand, you were pinned up against the wall. Hyuna hovered towards you, getting to your level. "Fix me!" She demanded

You couldn't breath, and you were beginning to passout.


D.O wondered around in the darkness. "Hello.." He called , but his voice only echoed through the darkness "Hello, is anyone there?"

No sound, voices. Just silence.

"Hello!" He called out again

A beam of light hit his eyes and he turned away. He squinted looking into the light, "hello?"

The light was conforting and for some reason all his troubles seemed to fade away. This light felt familiar. D.O began to walk towards it, when something took a hold of his hand. He looked back to see you.

"D.O." You said lightly

"_____?" He questioned


The others didn't know what to do. Something was blocking them from getting back inside. Something wasn't right, and they had no power to do anything about it.

"!" Kris stomped in frustration

"Kai can't you get in there? You can teleport." Tao said

"Don't you think I've tried? I don't really know how to use this power yet." Kai said angrily

Kris flew up into the air seeing if he could get in from above, but there was no use. He came back to the ground, "a force field is up."

"____? Is she doing this?" Luhan asked

Kris shook his head, but then stopped. He became unsure.

"______ wouldn't do that." Tao said

"What if she is? What if she's doing this to --" Suho was interrupted by Lay

"Where's D.O?"


"Wake up!" You said "D.O wake up!"

D.O stared at you questioningly, "am I asleep?"

"Wake up, I need you!" you began to fade away 

He looked back into the light and the light was just calling out to him. Pulling him in. He looked back at you...


D.O's eyelids felt heavy, his head hurt, the smell of smoke filled his lungs. He looked to see bright lights swirl around him.

"If you won't give me all your powers, I will kill them all one by one." A mumbled voice said

Loud crashes and crackling filled his ears. D.O pushed himself up seeing you across from him beaten. 

"And he will be the first." The voice came close to D.O

D.O looked to see a woman, black hair, black eyes, viens all over her hands and face. She looked strange, infected.

D.O floated into the air but it wasn't his doing. Hyuna was controlling him. D.O snapped out of his state and looked down at you. You were limp, trying to push yourself up but couldn't. The way you looked, fragile, a rage filled D.O.


From outside they could hear the loud crashes. They couldn't help but cringe with the sounds. They didn't know what was happening. Then suddenly the ground began to shake and a explosion came from within the cave, rocks crumbled from around blocking off the enterance.



Author's note:
sorry I haven't been updating in awhile... i just got a new job and
i've been working non-stop, so sorry about that! I'll try to update
as much as I can! 
Thank you for being patient with the chapter updates! (:

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OkSooyeon #1
Chapter 54: I hope hyuna dies and the main character gets back all her powers, update soon
flower99 #2
Chapter 54: d.o use his power!!
Taelin #3
Chapter 54: yaaay , author-nim i love this chapter , D.O got his power , i hope Hyuna will just die in there , gomawoo for the update pls dont let us wait too long , hwaitiing
ude #4
Chapter 53: please update..
bomyesca #5
wow.... new reader here .....
love ur story its owsom.....
cn't wait 4 da next chapter
Taelin #6
Chapter 53: that was daebaak i loved it , and her relation with Kris is just too amazing , this is a really great story gomawoo author-nim , cheer up and hwaitiing
ambi1228 #7
Chapter 53: DAE to the BAK! ^^ <3 this~
Sooyong #8
Chapter 53: Are you kidding me?? This is AWESOME!!
Chapter 53: Wow all of them love her. <3
Chapter 52: EXO(OT12)xOC <3