-053; Difficulties in Relationships.

Under The Moonlight

"What do you think they're talking about?" Tao asked curiously

Chanyeol shrugged, "she'll tell us when it's time."

Tao sighed and lowered his head

"How about we talk about how are we going to kick this chick's who stole ____'s powers." Chanyeol suggested

"We don't even know what she's up too." Suho spoke

"Do you really think that's on our minds right now?" Chen questioned

Chanyeol rested his hands on his waist, "well I hate sitting here in silence.."

D.O couldn't help but catch the glances that Kris was giving off. He was irritated and he wasn't going to sit  there any longer. D.O king of wished that Kris got up and went to go talk to you, so that he could speak to you last.

Baekhyun came back in, "where's ____?" Sehun asked looking around for you

"D.O." Baekhyun called

D.O looked

"She wants to talk to you."

"Me?" D.O asked

Baekhyun nodded.

"What is this? She's calling us one by one?" Kris said annoyed and got up heading toward out

D.O knew that he stop him or say something, but he didn't. Kris went outside, "you're not D.O.." You said from the bottom of the mountain

Kris jumped down, landing safely in front of you. "I'm not going to sit there and wait until you call for me." He said stepping towards you, "I want to know everything.. You can't just leave me in the dark anymore. I've been lied to for way to long now."

You looked up at his brown eyes. "What do you want to know?" You asked

"Things that I don't know.. Things that you haven't told me." 

You took a hold of his hands, "you trust me right?"

He raised a brow, but then nodded. "Of course I do."

A rush of wind ran across Kris' face, his heart began to speed up in his chest. Finally the wind stopped and he couldn't feel the ground beneath his feet. He looked down in a panic, and you let out a laugh.

Kris looked at you and clung onto you. "Are you scared?" You asked

You could feel his arms tighten around you, "no.. W-what are you talking about?" He said in a shaky

"If I drop you--"

Kris stared at you with wide eyes, "drop me?"

You nodded. "You have the power of flight and fire."


You nodded again, "what Hyuna told you.. About The Immortals and The Guardians.. That baby.. Well it's true. I'm The Immortal baby, you were born to protect me. The symbols on the boxes correspond to each one of you. Yours is the dragon."

Kris stared in silence. Processing the information that's been given to him. "But I wasn't given specifications about protecting you."

"But it's in you. It's who you are. Why do you think you protect me all the time? Why all of you do without questions needed? You all protect me because it's in all of you." You sighed, "it's hard to explain all of this. In our past life, my parents, the 12 of you, me - we lived in a kingdom called EXO. We all grew up with each other. I hate having these memories back without any of you knowing." Tears began to well up in your eyes, "There's so much I want to say, but I can't without it sounding weird or strange."

"Why do you remember this and we don't?" Kris asked

"Who knows.. I wasn't exactly given instructions. My parents kept these memories so I know, but what's the point of knowing without any of you remembering?" You and Kris began to descend from the sky slowly

"Hey look at me." Kris tilted your head up "Just because we don't remember them doesn't mean we can't make new memories. Look at us, we found each other right? You saved me from a hunter who wanted to kill me. You carried me all the way to the animal hospital and told me not to die on you. You cried to your mom because you couldn't use your powers to heal me, but your mom could and you begged her to save me. We fought and we laughed." He kissed your forehead, "just because you remember more about our past doesn't mean that changes anything."

"But it does. Like you said it was me and you before but now its all of us. It changes everything because.. It changes how I feel about you.. All of you." Both of your feet touched the ground

Kris stepped back from you, "so all of us.. We are.. In love with you?"

You nodded, "Wolves can only mate to one person. But you aren't ordinary wolves or actually wolves at all. All of you are a different type of species."

Kris rested his hands against the waist and kicked the dirt underneath his feet "It's hard enough to know that D.O's in love with you, but to know the other 10 are too?"

"Does it make you feel better that you've always felt this way?"

Kris shook his head and stepped towards you, "I want you.. All of you for myself only. I don't care if I sound selfish, but it's true. I want to be the one to hold your hand out in public and call you mine in front of others who aren't them. It's not normal for someone to have mulitple partners." He saw the pained expession on your face, "but I guess I'll learn to live with it. I did before."

"It wasn't normal then either. We had to hide it, even from my parents. But I couldn't keep it in, so I told my mom." You let out a small laugh, "she knew. It wasn't a surprise really, she knew everything anyways. When she made all of you, she didn't expect for that to happen."

Kris didn't even care anymore, he just knew that you loved him too and that's all that mattered. "If the others are in love with you too, I want to do this first." He leaned in towards you planting a kiss on your lips. His hands wrapped around your waist. His kiss was passionate. You could tell by the way he kissed you and held you that he's been wanting to do this for a while.

You felt the cool breeze brush against your skin. You pulled back and rested your forehead agianst his and realized that the two of you were floating in mid air. You smiled, "see I told you, you can fly."

He didn't bother to look around, "I love you, _______" He lightly kissed your lips, "and no matter what, you were mine first."

Author's note:
I had the biggest brain fart in the world. I didn't know how to write this chapter..
Sorry if its not good ): .....

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OkSooyeon #1
Chapter 54: I hope hyuna dies and the main character gets back all her powers, update soon
flower99 #2
Chapter 54: d.o use his power!!
Taelin #3
Chapter 54: yaaay , author-nim i love this chapter , D.O got his power , i hope Hyuna will just die in there , gomawoo for the update pls dont let us wait too long , hwaitiing
ude #4
Chapter 53: please update..
bomyesca #5
wow.... new reader here .....
love ur story its owsom.....
cn't wait 4 da next chapter
Taelin #6
Chapter 53: that was daebaak i loved it , and her relation with Kris is just too amazing , this is a really great story gomawoo author-nim , cheer up and hwaitiing
ambi1228 #7
Chapter 53: DAE to the BAK! ^^ <3 this~
Sooyong #8
Chapter 53: Are you kidding me?? This is AWESOME!!
Chapter 53: Wow all of them love her. <3
Chapter 52: EXO(OT12)xOC <3