As The Holidays Approach: OIBJ

Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

If anyone is wondering, I ended the last chapter on December 13, but that was the morning in Seoul which is evening the day before in New York.

New York City, NY December 12, 2013


Ilana arrived home from work, after six P.M.  The first day of Dr. Jihoo's absence was always the worst.  It seemed like everyone suddenly forgot what their responsibilities were when Dr. Jihoo was out.  Well, not everyone, just Dr. Jaejoong.  If Ilana didn't spell it out for him, nothing would get done.  She was so tired and would love to crawl into bed but she needed to work on her project.  She had promised JaeKyung she'd have something for her and WooBin by the end of the following week.  She had worked on a plan during her lunch with Abigaíl; not disclosing who had asked her for the favor.  The only problem she could see was the need of a field rep.  She needed someone to interview potential customers for their needs and wants.  This was not her area of expertise, she would have to contact her company's East Coast rep and hope he wasn't too busy to help.  JaeKyung had given her money for expenses and although she tried to refuse, now realized it would come in handy.  The rest of the evening, she worked on the interview guide and fell asleep at her desk within two hours.

Seoul, Republic of Korea December 13, 2013

The F4 (minus Jihoo) and significant others, called an emergency meeting at the Shinhwa mansion. This, after all these years, was still their preferred meeting place.  The only difference was Madame Kang and Mr. Gu (JunPyo's parents) were always in residence and Madame Kang didn't glare at them anymore.

 - "So, what do you mean, Jihoo likes someone? Gu JunPyo asked, shocked at JaeKyung's announcement.

 - "Yo, man, relax, it's not for sure yet but there is an interest."  WooBin tried to stop his friend from overreacting.

 - "Mmm, they were going to dinner when we showed up," JaeKyung added.

 - "Only Samgyetang, she does have a cold, WooBin tried not to put too much importance on that.

 - "He doesn't really go out of his way for anyone other than his patients," JanDi remembered how he was always there for her when she was sick.  Perhaps there was something to what they were saying.

 - "JanDi-ah, she's not a patient; it was Ilana, his admin."  JaeKyung was bursting with excitement.

 - "Guys, that's the name he called me by last time," JanDi spoke slowly letting it sink in.  Could her fireman be letting her go, finally?  She would miss him but more so, she was happy for him.  He deserved to find someone to love and give him love in return.

 - "So, it's true our 4D friend finally found his soulmate, daeback!“  YiJeong hi-fived WooBin.

 - "Yah!  Jeong-yul Appa (YiJeong), since when do you believe in soul mates? Chu Gaeul husband; she was a firm believer that everyone has someone they are supposed to meet.

 - "Since yeobo came into my life and now you've given me JeongYul;” JeongYul was their two-week-old son.

JanDi beamed fondly at her best friend and ex Casanova husband.

 - "Oetteokhae?  Does this girl reprobate?"  JunPyo said to everyone's amusement.

 - "Reciprocate, Pabo!"  JanDi smacked her husband, earning more laughter.

 - "Mwo!  That's what I said!  Gueron?"

 - "Well, she's a sweet, shy girl who I think might not think of liking someone who is almost like her boss," JaeKyung said.  "But I can tell she thinks well of himShe almost started crying when I told her he trusts her.  I tricked her into a picture,” she boasted, proudly.  “This is her," she passed the picture around and everyone agreed there was something very sweet and pretty about her.

 - "Since she's a commoner," Gu JunPyo said.  "She's dazed that someone like Jihoo would be nice to her."  This got him another smack from his wife, who was a commoner without a penny to her name.  That is, until Gu JunPyo set his eyes on making her his.

 - "Aish!"  JunPyo grabbed his arm.

 - "Whoa, the thing is, she's not just a commoner, she's well educated with a degree in International Marketing and she spoke formally to us, meaning she was also raised well.”

 - "Oetteokhae?" Gaeul asked, ready to begin making a plan.

 - "She's doing the marketing research for WooBin's club.  When she's done, I’ll send her an invite to the wedding," JaeKyung grinned.  "Jihoo will just have to take her."

 - "I can put a bug in Harabeoji's ear," JanDi added.

 - "Gueron, Operation I before J has just begun," Gaeul said.

 - "Nice one Gaeul, OIBJ for short;” JaeKyung and the girls Hi-fived.  This time, Jihoo would not escape, they were positive that Ilana was the one to capture his 4D heart.

New York City, NY

Ilana had woken up coughing and shivering in the early morning hours.  Disoriented at first, she managed to get herself to her room and her warm blankets.  When her alarm went off, she slowly got ready for work and made herself several cups of tea and a cup of oatmeal.  Packing up her laptop, she called a cab, not at all willing to walk in the thirty-degree weather.

 - "Abigaíl, I have to do something for that project during lunch, I'll see you when I get back."

 - "Okay, see you later."

Ilana braved the cold to walk one block to a deli, for a lunch meeting with the East Coast rep.  She arrived coughing from the cold and the effort it took her to walk when she wasn't feeling well.

 - "Thank you, Steven, for agreeing to help me with this," Ilana said after the formal hellos.

 - "I don't understand?  Are you doing independent work, now?"  He'd heard about how the founder’s daughter just quit one day and vanished.

 - "Of course not, I'm not working in the industry at all.  An acquaintance asked for my help and I obliged.  Here is my plan and your interview questions.  I've also drawn up a contract for us."

 - "I see you've thought of everything."  He knew she was the most thorough researcher they had and without her at the company, research took a day longer than it used to.  Not sure what to make of this contract, he took some time to go over it before signing.  "It says it will be a breach of contract if I disclose our meeting or your ties to ILC Group." 

 - "Forgive me," her father built the company on absolute trust.  Here she was saying she didn't trust her partner.  "I have to protect myself."  That and she'd had to learn the hard way, not to trust in strangers.

 - "A little extreme, all you had to do was ask."  Ilana remained quiet, she had already apologized.  He sighed.  "Alright, if I sign this, will you trust me to do a good job for you?"

 - "It's not your ability that has me concerned.  It's my identity I want to protect."

 - "Understood," he signed without further hesitation.  "It will be my pleasure to work with you, Miss Ilana."  He's getting paid to go clubbing to some of the most prestigious clubs in the city.  He'd be an idiot to ruin his career in one of the country's most prestigious and financially sound companies.  Steven and Ilana parted ways and agreed to meet back in one week.

Ilana returned to work in the same way she had arrived at the deli; coughing.

 - "Gwenchana?"  Nurse Hani came around the corner when Ilana walked out of the elevator.

 - "Yes...I just need some water," she drank greedily from the fountain until it stopped the urge to cough.  "Better," she sighed.

 - "Take care of yourself, Dr. Jihoo would be lost if you have to call in sick for a few days."

 - "I don't give myself such airs, Hani."  Ilana tried to laugh but just ended up coughing again.  "Ugh, I better get back to my desk."  She waved at Hani and headed for her desk and the report she had yet to finish.

Ilana was tiring quickly by the end of the day. She'd gone through at least a gallon of water trying to keep her cough quiet.  She wasn't quite done with her work and would need to stay late.

 - "Chica, it's time to go."  Abigaíl knew Dr. Jihoo ran her co-worker home every evening, which was a good thing.  When he took her home she didn't stay late.

 "I'm sorry; I just need about a half hour more.  You'll have to go on without me."

 - "Chica, you need to rest; that's why you can't shake this cold."

 - "I know, I can't do anything but rest this weekend anyway."

 - "I'll finish your work," ShiYoon said.  "Go ahead and go home.”

 - "DokMi is waiting for you.  I just need to finish a few things and I'll leave.  I promise."

 - "I have practice or else I would stay," Uee offered.

 - "Just go, I don't need that much longer and I'll leave too," she smiled at her co-workers.  They were the best, in Ilana's opinion, and was very happy she had come to work here.

 - "Terca (stubborn)!"  Abigaíl stormed off.  Ilana smiled and waved goodbye to her co-workers.   How many times had her Nana and Kike told her she was stubborn over the years?

Abigaíl stepped into the stairwell to go down and ran into Dr. Jaejoong who was coming up.

 - "Annyeong jagiya.  You're not taking your hubae with you?"  If Ilana was still in the building, she could still give Jaejoong work to do.

 - "She says she still has some things to do," Abigaíl sounded frustrated.

 - "What's wrong?  You're not angry at me, for a change."

 - "She won't stop and get rest; she's been coughing all day, even if she tried to hide it."

 - "Ilana?  Jihoo will kill her if she gets worse.  Do you want me to talk to her?"

 - "Will you?"

 - "I'll go right now."

 - "Thank you!"  Abigaíl sighed and smiled in relief.

 - "Anything for you, jagiya, just give me that beautiful smile all the time."  He had to admit, she was a beautiful girl.

 - "Idiot," she rolled her eyes and walked away. By the time she got downstairs, she was chuckling to herself.  "I bet he says that to all the women."

December 14, 2013

Ilana finally woke past one p.m.; her cough had afforded her very little sleep.  In a way, she was glad Dr. Jaejoong had made her go home the evening before.  It would have taken her longer than thirty minutes to finish the files she was working on.  Dr. Jaejoong had reached for her mouse and shut down her computer.  He said he had permission from SungRyung to send her home. 

  • "Go straight home," he told her or he'd tell Dr. Jihoo.

 - "Be a dear and get some rest this weekend," SungRyung told her before she left.  "I'll pray you feel better."

It was snowing out again, she wanted to go outside but she was cold just sitting inside her apartment.  She made herself tea and set to work on her project.  It was the only thing that was keeping her sane; otherwise, she'd break down and cry.

Seoul, Republic of Korea December 14, 2013

 - "Yah, JanDi-ah, why is it when Jihoo's here, you prepare so much more food."  JunPyo, her husband complained about his best friend’s royal treatment.JanDi had prepared a wonderful brunch for the F4 gang.  They got together every other week, despite everyone's busy schedules.  But when Jihoo was there, JanDi pulled out all the stops.  She prepared all his favorites, not forgetting his absolute favorite:  pancakes.

 - "Dude, you know she loves him more than any of us," WooBin teased.

 - "Yah, she's my wife," Gu JunPyo had to make that clear.  Every now and then the old jealousies came out in regards to Jihoo.  The relationship she had with Jihoo was different than anything he, as her husband, could have with her.  It was a special affection and bond that was neither carnal nor lustful.  It just existed, not unlike the bond between twins or that of your first love.

 - "Gu JunPyo, chincha?  Are you really getting jealous of Jihoo again?  No wonder he never visits, if you're going to treat him like this."

 - "Anieyo JanDi-ah, I've known this Pabo longer than you have.  I'm used to him," Jihoo waved away her concern.

 - "Let's eat, begopah," JanDi announced.

Everyone ate, talked and joked around, only pausing at times to tend to InHei or the newest F4 baby JeongYul.

- "Tell us about the venue, JaeKyung," Gaeul said as she returned with JeongYul in her arms.

 - "It's Daeback; the website doesn't really do it justice.  The columns and arches make great photo ops."

 - "Deh, like tying you to one of the columns."

JaeKyung stuck her tongue out at her fiancé.  "I know YiJeong and Gaeul will appreciate it.  They are the sweeping romantics of the group."  YiJeong and Gaeul looked at each other, smiling.  "Oh, by the way, Jihoo-ah, remind me to give you an extra invitation before you go."  Jihoo raised an eyebrow to JaeKyung in inquiry.  "It's for Ilana."

 - "JaeKyung-ah thought since the girl is helping us out, the least we could do is invite her to the wedding.  Besides, my fiancé has gotten attached to her."

 - "Jihoo-ah doesn't mind, maja?" JaeKyung asked innocently

He could see right through his friends.  Thankfully, they won't be able to drag Ilana into their schemes.  "Ani but Ilana's very shy, she might not want to go."

 - "She's not shy with you, you can convince her."

 - "I'll make sure to tell her my well-meaning friends are trying to set us up."

 - "Jihoo-ah," Gaeul smiled sweetly.  "How can we set you up with a girl we don't know?"  Jihoo chuckled.  Behind GaEul’s innocent face, was a calculating mind.  Once Ilana came to the wedding, she'd be fair game for matchmaking.

The friends had departed well past the time the kids were asleep.  Jihoo had played his guitar for them and InHei was asleep in minutes and so was Jeong-yul.

 - "Jihoo-ah will have to record his guitar for me," Gaeul commented as her son slept soundly in his carrier.

 - "I’ll see Sunbae in the afternoon," JanDi said.  He'd be looking at the location for the new clinic before joining Harabeoji and her in the afternoon.

December 15, 2013

 - "Harabeoji," JanDi got the old man's attention while they set up for the day.

 - "Mmm?"

 - "Is Harabeoji spending Christmas with Jihoo?"

 - "Ah, I guess I should decide.  Are you getting rid of me?"

 - "Anieyo, I think Sunbae could benefit from Harabeoji’s company."  JanDi was trying hard not to giggle.

 - "JanDi-ah..."  He gave her a warning tone.  He could see the laughter ready to burst.  "Wae do I need to spend Christmas with my Grandson?"

JanDi couldn't help but giggle.  "Anieyo, it's just that...has Harabeoji noticed a change in Jihoo since last month?"

 - "Oh, and you know the reason for this change in my grandson?"  Not that he hadn't noticed his grandson smiling more.

 - "Gueron, do you know anything about his admin?"

 - "Ay...something tells me it's time to meet this agassi."  The rest of the morning, in between patients, JanDi filled Harabeoji in on how Jihoo had mistakenly called JanDi by Ilana’s name and how WooBin and JaeKyung surprised Jihoo with Ilana.

New York, NY December 18, 2013

Ilana rubbed her face; it had been an incredibly long day.  Running a low-grade fever, for the last few days, she was desperate enough to take a strong over the counter cold medicine.  Although it lowered her fever and eased her coughing, her body protested this foreign element, making her queasy, jittery, and leaving her with even less of an appetite and a massive headache.  She took the elevator down to leave; earlier she had missed the last step and fell.  Thankfully, no one was in the stairwell and it was the bottom last step, not the top.

Arriving home, she turned the on the kettle for tea, changed into pajamas, and opened her laptop.  She just needed a bit more information and her end of the research would be done.  She could do nothing more until she received the information gathered from the field research; she and Steven would be meeting on Friday.  At least tomorrow, she could rest; reports were done and Dr. Jihoo would be back.  Ilana could go back to doing her work and stop hounding others to do theirs.  Plus, she actually missed Dr. Jihoo's quiet presence.  "He'll probably be bugging to take me to lunch."  She smiled, realizing that she really didn't mind.  Cup of hot tea in hand, she got to work and fell asleep on her laptop again, just past eight.

Somewhere over Canada December 19, 2013

Jihoo looked over at his sleeping Grandfather and smiled.  He was happy Harabeoji had decided to come to New York with him for the holidays.  Jaejoong's parents treated him just like their own but there was nothing like having his Grandfather by his side.  Again, he gave a silent thank you to God for letting him have his Grandfather a little longer.

He let his mind wander to the hospital.  He knew, with Ilana there he didn't have to worry about his patient files and even some of his administrative duties.  The problem was he was worried about Ilana, herself.  When he called Jaejoong to let him know he was leaving on schedule, he told him he'd sent Ilana home on Monday.  He couldn't believe she still had a cold.  It had been at least a month, hadn't it?  He'd make sure she got seen by one of the doctor's or he wouldn't let her go back to work.  "I'm picking you up at 7:30," he text Ilana and tried to get more sleep.

New York City, NY

The coughing was making Ilana move slowly again, this morning.  She had fallen asleep on her desk again and woken up in the middle of the night, coughing and shivering.  Instead of going straight to her room, she made a cup of tea and lay back on the couch.  Once she was warm again, she slept until the alarm went off.

It was already seven and she wasn't even near ready.  She took her cold medicine on an empty stomach and set to drying her hair and trying to put on makeup, between coughing fits and before Dr. Jihoo knocked on her door.

Jihoo and his Grandfather arrived back at the apartment long enough for Jihoo to shower and put on fresh clothes.  Harabeoji put together his Grandson's favorite breakfast and put it in two lunch boxes.  One for Jihoo and one for him to share.

 - "Take this for breakfast," Harabeoji said as Jihoo gathered his medical bag and other items that always went with him.

 - "Harabeoji, is this just breakfast?" Jihoo looked at the large sized lunch box with amusement.

 - "You can give some to Jaejoong."  Harabeoji really meant give some to your admin but knew his grandson would see it as a matchmaking scheme.  With any luck, his Grandson would fall into the trap.

 - "Deh, Harabeoji."  He thought his Grandfather would say 'give some to your admin.'  He was sure the girls had probably already told him about Ilana.  "Behave while I'm gone," he said.  Harabeoji laughed at his Grandson and shooed him out the door.

Ilana was still trying to gather all her things.  She hadn't had time for breakfast or to pack lunch.  She felt a little shaky after taking the medicine and had to sit often.  Her doorbell rang and she felt anxious and upset that she wasn't ready yet.  She took several deep breaths to steady her nerves and opened the door.

 - "I'm sorry; I just need to put on my boots and coat."

 - "Gwenchana;" Jihoo thought she looked upset or maybe just very tired.  Also, her face was thinner.  Why was it that she seemed noticeably thinner each time he came back from Seoul?  Her kettle started to boil.  "I'll pour your tea."

Ilana had just put on her gloves and was now buttoning her coat.  "Thank you," she grabbed her purse and reached for her tea.

Jihoo noticed her hand trembled, slightly.  "Ilana-ssi didn't sleep well last night?"

 - "I fell asleep in the living room, my cough woke me up."

 - "Na want you to see one of the doctors or you're welcome to come by and see Dr. Jaejoong or myself."

 - "If I can no longer tolerate it, I will."  He gave her the 'when?' look that brought a smile to her face.  Why was it, he didn't have to say a word and it would make her smile.

They drove to the hospital in silence; however, it wasn't their usual.  Jihoo thought Ilana was distracted or nervous.

 - "I have to get breakfast," Ilana said as they walked through the doors of the hospital.  "I didn't get a chance to make anything."  These days breakfast was her only meal.  Between the cough and the cold medicine, she had no appetite.

 - "You're in luck; I have enough for the two of us.  Kaja to the cafeteria."

 - "You never bring food from home?"

 - "Oh, I have a guest," was all he said and didn't answer her silent inquiry.

The day was tediously long.  The cold medicine wore off too soon and Ilana had to re-dose, making her sick to her stomach.  After taking an early lunch to sleep, Ilana returned to find a food container at her desk.

 - "What's this?"

 - "Ah, your friend dropped it off."  Shi-Yoon was the only one in her section.

 - "Friend?"

 - "Dr. Jihoo."

 - "Oh, he didn't have to do that;" the kind gesture actually made her feel better, despite having been miserable just moments before.

Shi-Yoon noticed the smile but said nothing.  Everyone thought Ilana had a boyfriend, but just maybe she didn't.  Perhaps a Doctor-assistant romance was in the works.

Ilana gladly left at five P.M. on the dot.  Dr. Jihoo said he would meet her downstairs.  Ilana felt very wobbly and convinced Abigaíl to take the elevator; she feared falling again.

 - "You should stay home tomorrow, girl.  Your cough was getting really bad this afternoon."

 - "I know, if I can get a good night's rest I'll be alright."

Abigaíl just shook her head at her stubborn friend.  "There's Dr. Jihoo, see you."  Ilana waived at Abigaíl, walked up to the car and got in; thankful for the warmth.

 - "Thank you, for lunch," Ilana said, once Jihoo entered the car.

 - "Anieyo Kwenchanayo; I told Ilana-ssi if she gets sick, who's going to do your work."  She gave a weak smile and leaned her head back against the headrest.

After parking the car, Jihoo and Ilana walked to the elevator.  Ilana usually ran to the elevator but today she walked slowly.

 - "If Ilana-ssi needs anything, call me."  They were standing outside Ilana's door.  "Make yourself something warm and get some rest.  If you're not feeling better in the morning you aren't going to work."

 - "I can't miss work and go to Unnie's party on Saturday."

 - "Either Ilana-ssi misses work or the party, it's your choice."

She gave him a cold stare, even though she really wanted to break down in tears.  He had a point but she didn't want to hear it at the moment.  She opened her door without saying a word and stepped in.

Jihoo walked into his apartment too pre-occupied to greet his Grandfather.

 - "Jihoo-ah, I made Umma's fish soup for you.  Is something troubling you child?"  Harabeoji noticed a tired look on his Grandsons face.

 - "Kansamnida Harabeoji, it smells great;" the comforting smells were just what he needed to rest his mind. 

 - "You're home much earlier than usual."

 - "Arrayo, I gave someone a ride."

 - "Is my stoic Grandson making friends?"

 - "Deh, behave and I'll introduce you."

 - "Problem with a patient?  You look troubled."

 - "Anieyo, possibly a future patient at this rate."

Harabeoji dished up the stew, rice, and a few other sides.  "If you want to tell me, perhaps I can help."

 - "Anieyo, I'll think of a solution and let Harabeoji know."

 - "Arraso."  They ate and talked about random things, not work-related.  Jihoo felt his earlier tension slip away.  The soup and Harabeoji's chatter worked miracles.

 - "Harabeoji, you can help," Jihoo realized, as he was picking up the dishes.

Ilana had changed clothes and snuggled under a blanket on the couch with a cup of tea.  She thought her temperature had gone up but wasn't going to take any more medicine.  All she wanted was sleep if the cough would let her.  She was dozing off when her doorbell rang.  It was probably Dr. Jihoo; resigned, she got up to answer the door.

 - "Ilana-ssi hasn't eaten dinner," walking right past her, Jihoo didn't even say hello.  He had gotten to know his quiet admin well in the last month or two.

Ilana stood at the door following him with her eyes, "Not hungry."

 - "Someone would like to meet you; we brought fish stew," he was setting it on her table.  Ilana, still dazed, didn't notice the old man standing in her doorway.  "Harabeoji, Je admin, Ilana imnida."

 - "Annyeong hasseyo, I'm happy to meet you."  Harabeoji bowed but not before he saw a look of incredible sadness in Ilana's eyes.  It hit him with such force; it almost brought tears to his eyes.

Ilana shook her head to compose herself.  "A-an-nyeong hasseyo, Harabeoji," she bowed formally as her friends had taught her.

Harabeoji chuckled and took her hands, encased in their fingerless gloves, in his.  "Hangukmal hasil jul aseyo (Do you speak Korean)?"

Ilana was hit with such emotion and longing, it rendered her stunned and mute.  There was such kindness in his eyes; she could see where Dr. Jihoo got it from.

 - "Harabeoji, she has Korean friends.  I'm sure they've taught her a few things," Jihoo jumped in since Ilana wasn't saying anything.

 - "Come eat, child," Harabeoji gave Ilana a gentle push towards the table.

Ilana sat but began to cough.  The cough was much more violent than it had been earlier.  Jihoo was already getting her a glass of water.  "Jwa-jwa-s-angmnida, I-I'm better, now."  Ilana had finally found her voice, albeit shaky.

Harabeoji took one of her hands again, which was cold despite the gloves.  He reached to touch her forehead, surprising Ilana.  "Jihoo-ah, she's warm."  Grandfather and Grandson, exchanged knowing looks.

 - "I've already told her she won't be going to work tomorrow."

 - "I'll be alright...,” she was still out breath.  “’s just a cold."

 - "I'm sure it is, now eat." Harabeoji entertained Ilana with fishing stories and stories of Jihoo, before his parent’s accident.  Ilana ate a little more than half the bowl and couldn't eat another bite.  Jihoo removed her bowl and gave her a cup of tea.

 - "I envy you your Grandfather, Dr. Jihoo.  I think I was very young when..."  She stopped herself before she broke down.  Her Mother's Father had had a heart attack upon learning of the accident.  He was her last surviving Grandparent.

 - "Ilana-ssi can have him, he's a handful," Jihoo wanted to erase the sudden crease in her brow.

 - "I'd have this child as my Granddaughter instead of you."

 - "Ilana-ssi, Harabeoji would trade me in a heartbeat."

Their playful teasing worked and Ilana smiled but had trouble focusing.  She was very tired and a little lightheaded.

 - "The child is exhausted; kaja, let her rest," Harabeoji smiled at her.

 - "I'll check on you tomorrow," Jihoo said.

Ilana nodded in acceptance.  "Kansamnida," she said shyly as they left.  Ilana threw herself on the couch and wept.  Wept, because she missed her parents still fifteen years later.  Wept, because she was frightened of being sick.  Wept, because she wanted to say 'stay, I'm scared' but couldn't.  She sent YoungSaeng a text:  "I need a hug, I feel like I'm falling and can't stop."


 - "What are you thinking?"  Harabeoji asked after they had returned to his apartment.

 - "I don't like the sound of her cough; did Harabeoji hear the wheezing?"

 - "Deh, yet she doesn't want to be seen?

 - "Anieyo,” he sighed in frustration.  “Severe bronchial infection for sure, possibly the start of pneumonia, even tuberculosis."

 - "Mmm.  There might be an underlying condition as well.  Her fingers were cold, despite her gloves and fever.  She was very pale, just slightly yellow."

 - "Oh, she tries to hide it behind makeup but she normally doesn't wear any."

Harabeoji took this into consideration.  His Grandson was observant but so was he and could tell his Grandson had a special interest in this girl.  She was captivating; something about her made you want to take care of her.  He hadn't felt this strongly about someone since JanDi.  He felt Ilana was in Jihoo's life for a reason.

Alrighty my loves, I thought it was best to end there.  Things are moving along.  SungRyung’s get together is important to Ilana.  Her co-workers have become a part of her life and this intimate gathering is something she's really looking forward to.  Will she get to go?  Jihoo promised.  More of Harabeoji next chapter as well.  I love your comments, guys.  Even if you just want to rant at Ilana's stubbornness, go right ahead.


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MISCharacter #1
Chapter 33: Reading this again for at least the 4th time! So good! Great characters and realistic emotions. Its like meeting up with old frinds and reminiscing while going on the journey. So glad it's still available to read!
Chapter 138: Great ending to the story. It took sometime, but I am now getting back to finishing all stories. I am in my final semester of College, so everything took a back burner for a while. I'm happy you completed this.
Chapter 140: Hi unnie! It's been a long time since i commented on your story :D
Chapter 6: Good chapter, sounds like Ilana needs a kind heart. Kyu sounds like he would make a good friend, and if anyone need a friend right now it's Ilana. Like the cruise ship setting. Nothing better than being on the ocean.
Chapter 1: Great start! I like your description and the background you give. You give just enough detail and backstory to make me eager to keep reading! :)
mkerkau #6
Chapter 138: Thank you for a wonderful story. I finally finished it, congratulations for taking us to Ilana and Ji Hoo's, F4 and friend journey. I will truly miss your story, please continue with the next generation story. I can't get enough, i was sad it ended ☹️. Like you i am a KHJ fan and I am glad he is back from MS. Keep fighting!
Chapter 138: At last, I finished your story silently. But since this is the last page of your book I can't be silent unnie. Congratulations! You made it!!!! Proud of you clap! clap! clap! This story made us friends till now. This will forever have a special place in my heart even if it doesn't seem like it. But it's true! I've gone through a lot and you know it and you and you're story we're always with me. I may not be always on your comments section now but I never forget to read. I saw how much this story grew. From just being Ilana and the boys, then you threw in F4. Now they all have their own families and lives, being happy with their children and close friends. Or let's call them extended families. I wish I could be like Ilana and break lose to all the heart ache I am going through. I am happy that everything ended well in your story, now their story is going to be continued by their children. Thanks for the gift of this story, I have lovely friends like you. More than anything thank you for still being a friend and my unnie! Komawoyo, saranghamnida unnie!
keenie73 #8
Chapter 138: Oh man. A great ending (even tho i dont want it to end). I think you closed this very nicely. Our F4 families have grown so much. I can invision the next generation of F4 and their stories that will be told.... I will ask about the 7 yrs. There is something abt their unwavering friendship after all these years... reminds me of how Kyu and Saengie went to ANEMONE to show their support to KHJ. It was great to see them there. Sorry it took me so long to finish reading and responding. Happy mothers day to you, your readers and all of our F4 mommies. Next story please. Heehee.