First Interview

Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

July 2013

Dr. Juan Carlos Contreras sat reviewing a pile of papers before the board meeting. Being the head of the hospital board of directors and maintaining an excellent level of care for his patients was hard work but he knew how to balance his two duties well. He sighed as he heard his phone ring and picked up the phone without looking at the caller ID.

- "Juan Carlos, habla Enrique. "
- "Que ocurre (What’s wrong)?
Algo le pasó a mi prima (Did something happen to my cousin)?"
Juan Carlos asked in alarm; he’d been worried sick these last months. His wife indirectly blamed him for the girl's disappearance.
- "Está bien (She’s fine). Queremos pedirle un favor (We want to ask a favor).”
"En donde esta (Where is she)?! Dile que regrese a casa inmediatamente (Tell her to come home immediately.)!" His worry gave way to anger.
- "Sabes bien que no lo hará, e yo no la hare (You know well that she won’t and I won’t make her). Nos puedes ayudar o nunca sabrás más de ella (You can help us, or you'll never hear from hear from her again)." That was the hook line. Juan Carlos was a jerk but Kike thought for sure he cared about Ilana.

- "Ilana esta delicada de salud, debería estar bajo el cuidado de un médico (Ilana’s health is precarious; she should be under a doctor’s care). Que pretenden (What are you playing at)?"
- "Lo ha estado y está bien.
(She has been and she’s fine.)"
At least technically she had been under Kim KyuJong's care, Kike thought. "Ilana ha recibido un certificado en un curso de oficina médica (Ilana has earned a certificate in medical coding and administration). Ya tiene referencia de un médico a quien ayudo estos meses, le dará el suyo (She already has a reference from a doctor she helped these past months, will you give her yours)”
- "Está loca (She’s crazy)! Todavía es una niña inmadura, que no sabe lo que quiere y tú siempre le das por el lado.
(She is still an immature child that doesn’t know what she wants and you always let her have her own way)."
- "Aunque la queramos ver como niña, es una adulta que ha tomado el tiempo de pensar las cosas bien (Even if we still want to see her as a child, she is an adult that has taken the time to think everything through). Confío en ella y le doy mi apoyo (I have confidence in her and give her my support). Si quiera
nunca le he mentido (At least I've never lied to her.)" Juan Carlos remained silent on the other end. "La puede ayudar y así confiar que nadie tome ventaja de ella u olvidarse que tiene prima (You can help her and be confident no one is taking advantage of her or forget you have a cousin)".
- "Lo pensaré (I’ll think about it)."
That was the only response Kike received before Juan Carlos terminated the call.

Kike hoped he hadn't caused Ilana any trouble. But he thought it was a win-win situation. With Juan Carlos's many contacts, Kike was sure he could find her the perfect position to meet her needs.

Ilana spent a few more weeks applying at various medical offices with the help of leads from KyuJong, Suzy, and her brother. Little did anyone know, Juan Carlos was also doing some networking on her behalf? He had thought it over and even conferred with his wife and concluded that it wasn't such a harebrained idea after all. She wouldn't be able to hide when she was sick if she worked side by side with doctors. If it was someone he knew, he could keep tabs on her as well. This is how he ended up at a medical convention speaking to an old friend. After exchanging pleasantries, Juan Carlos asked:
- "Do you remember my little cousin Ilana? She just received her certificate in coding. She has all the experience with me and more recently with another doctor. You wouldn't know of a position she could work in a more intimate setting?"
- "I remember the little girl you used to bring with you. I'm the director over at New York Presbyterian, I'm sure that there might be something opening up there. If she's still as smart and capable as she was, I'd love to have her on my team."
- "That she is, she finished high school a year early and had her double major done by the time she was twenty."
- "Email me her resume, if it peaks my interest, I'll arrange a meeting with her when I return to my office. Will she be willing to relocate to New York? I'm assuming she's still in California with you?"
- "Actually she is currently in Florida with her Foster Brother. I know she was looking in the neighboring states as well. Let me find out when I get a copy of her resume."
Juan Carlos didn't know how he felt about her moving alone to New York. At least in Florida, she was with her brother. He decided this would be a good test to see if she really made a mature decision or was it just a whim.

Kike had just gotten off the phone with Juan Carlos. He had to ask himself if he really wanted to let her go to New York, alone. What was even more surprising was that Juan Carlos was fine with it. "Ah, menso (dummy)." He told himself. "You already told yourself and her, you'd stand by her like always. With any luck, she might not want to go to New York." He could only hope. After all, she was in New York when she received the news of her parents’ death.

Kike found Ilana sitting in the deck engrossed in her Kim HyunJoong music and staring at the ocean; a million miles away, it seemed. That was another point of irritation for him. She had never listened to popular music, only classical. Now she did and whose fan was she…? A Korean pop star, Kim HyunJoong, she was supposed to be his fan. His little sister was all grown up and he didn't like it one bit. "Deja de rezongar (Quit complaining)." He scolded himself before approaching her. He waved a hand in front of her face, since she wouldn't hear him call her while she wore headphones.

Ilana thought she saw something in front of her face. Startled for a second, she sat up abruptly only to realize it was Kike.
- "Aish, Kike, you scared me." She drew out the 'eh' in Kike, in a cute pout that made him smile; even though she drove him crazy when she threw in her Korean words.
- "And how was I supposed to get your attention when you're a million miles away." He pinched her cheek.
- "Yah! Cut it out! Ilana complained.
- "Okay, I guess you don't want to hear the news I have for you." He turned to leave.
- "Alright already! My darling sweet brother, what news do you have for your adoring little sister?" She afforded him her sweetest smile.
- "That's better." He . "How do you feel about New York?"
- "Cold."
Her smile faded. It had been very cold, the last time she was there, fifteen years ago.
- "In that wouldn't be interested in applying for a job there?"
- "I don't know, Kike."
She sighed. "I'll have to think about it." Did she really want to go back to the place she'd received the news that would change her life forever?
- "The director of New York Presbyterian Hospital is waiting for your resume."
- "What? Why the director?"

- "Here goes,"
Kike thought. "I have to tell her I fraternized with the enemy." He leaned against the deck rail and faced her. "I called Juan Carlos."
- "How could you do that?"
She was beyond angry and felt betrayed.
- "Trust me, he wants to help." Kike put a hand on her shoulder to keep her from getting up. "This is your chance to prove to him and your foster parents you're capable of managing your own life. That you don't need them directing your every step." He knew he'd hit home when she let out her breath and slumped back in her seat."
- "As long as he understands he's not forgiven for his lies; though, I am grateful for his help and I will prove him wrong.”

A week went by and in Ilana's mind, she still hadn't said yes to New York, even though Kike had already sent in her resume and referral to Juan Carlos and Juan Carlos to his friend. It was on a Friday when they received the call from the director. Kike had used his cell number when he sent the resume because Ilana did not want Juan Carlos to have her number.
- "Yes sir, Tuesday morning?" She looked at Kike, who was nodding his head in encouragement. "Tuesday morning will be fine. I look forward to our meeting. Thank you for this opportunity." Ilana's heart was beating fast with excitement and apprehension. She turned to Kike. "Will you drive me to New York?" Without thinking her decision was made.
- "Drive? Do you realize how far New York is from Miami?"
- "There's no way you're getting me on a plane. I'll be too nervous to concentrate and I promise you I
will have a panic attack. I'll let you fly us back, but not up."


During their trip to Italy, they had taken scenic trains to get around the country. That had been a nice scenic part of their vacation. Kike had never taken a train to get to his primary destination. So, he found himself on a train to New York, wondering exactly how he had managed to get talked into this. Oh yes, that gentle snoring coming from the bunk above him. This had been her solution; at least they weren't stuck in a car for twenty-four hours. They would be arriving at Penn Station around noon on Monday. That was plenty of time to rest before Ilana's interview on Tuesday. Once in New York, he hired a car service for the duration of their stay. Ilana didn't drive and he was not about to let her wander around New York City by herself.

Smiling, he recalled his sister’s childlike amazement at the passing scenery.  She loved every minute of it. Not wanting to part from the window, he had let her have the top bunk so she could continue viewing the passing night sky until she finally succumbed to sleep. Something he should consider, but the bunk wasn't the most comfortable. That and he worried about what would happen if this trip was a success. Did he believe the words he'd told Juan Carlos? Did he actually believe she had thought things through? Did he really have confidence in her? The truth was he did, crazy as it may seem.

Morning of Interview:
 - "Kike, I think I'm going to be sick," said a very nervous Ilana, staring down at her breakfast.
 - "You'll be fine." He laughed at the face she was making. "Eat, or you really will be sick." He pointed at her plate, just before Ilana's phone announced a text message.
HyungJun: Princess, fighting!
 - "Suzy must have told the guys last night after I got off the phone with her.” Ilana smiled and Kike just shook his head at her.
 - "I'm surprised you didn't call the rest of your friends."
 - "I talked to KyuJong Oppa for a little bit too. He was still in his office, while Suzy was out with Jung Min. I didn't want to make a big deal in case I chickened out; so I didn't tell anyone else. I didn't tell Suzy we were in New York, either."
 - "You did not just make me take a train for twenty-four hours in order for you to chicken out."
Ilana's phone rang again during Kike's mock scolding. He grabbed it before she could. "Hello? YoungSaeng? My sister cannot come to the phone until she eats some breakfast..."
 - "Kike! You better give me the phone!"
 - "...she has been staring at her food for the last twenty minutes. I will let her have her phone back once she has eaten.”
Ilana glared at her brother."
 - "I won't wish you luck until you eat your breakfast," YoungSaeng called out to Ilana, once Kike had put it on speaker. He wasn't being entirely cruel; at least he let YoungSaeng give her a message before he terminated the call.
 - "Manita, your Father was a self-made billionaire and your Mother a concert pianist and vocalist. One expressed himself with words and the other through music. That talent runs through you as well. If you really want this job, you will get it. You make an impression on people. You are not easy to overlook. So if you want to talk to your Saengie Oppa..." He mocked her while gesturing at her plate. " will eat at least half of what's on your plate."


Ilana ran off to the bedroom to make her call as soon as she had finished her required breakfast.

 - "Yeoboseyo?"
 - "Yeoboseyo, Oppa."
 - "Agassi behaved herself and ate her breakfast?"
 - "Yah! Why were you tag teaming with Kike?"
 - "Because we weren't about to let you take your interview on an empty stomach. Besides, you know you're not supposed to skip meals."
 - "Mmm."
That was as close to an agreement he was going to get.
 - "Cinderella, fighting!"
 - "Gomawoyo, Oppa."
 - "Suzy said the place you’re interviewing at is not in Miami?"
 - "Deh, Oppa."
 - "If you don't want to leave your brother, then don't do the interview. But I know if you really want this job, you'll pass the interview with no problems."
 - "Gomawoyo, Oppa."

Bolstered with the confidence of her Oppa's, Suzy, and Kike; Ilana got in the car that would take her to her interview. She wore her black linen sheath with the sari scarf her friends had given her, wrapped around her arms and her gloves kept her hands warm up until the time of the interview. Because of her anemia, she was always cold and nerves only heightened her condition.

Prior to being shown into the hospital director's office, she quickly removed her gloves and stashed them in her purse. She walked in with a confidence she didn't feel.
- "Why did your cousin say you wanted to work in a smaller setting?" The director asked after they had gone through all the preliminary details of education and work experience. He wanted to get to know the woman behind the impressive resume.
- "To tell you the truth, I'm slightly demo phobic, so I prefer to just be a support, not having to deal with too many people."
- "And you're planning to move to New York?"
The director laughed.
- "Just because there is a crowd, does not mean I have to interact with said crowd," she answered smartly.
- "True, true!" The director laughed heartily. He liked this girl. She was serious but had an intelligent wit about her. Ideally, she should be in management. Clearly, her fear kept her from reaching her potential. Under the right supervisor, this could change. "I too wouldn't want to interact with most of the crowds in New York. I'm quite interested in bringing you on board but I can't make that decision without consulting my managers. There are a few administrative positions that could be available. I have a staff meeting this afternoon; therefore, after I asses who needs help where and I'll give you a call to set up another interview. I promised your cousin I'd help you out if you met the qualifications."
- "Please, director, don't feel compelled to find a position for me because of my cousin. If I'm not qualified, please let me know and I will find another line of work."
- "You are more than qualified; I will speak to the department heads later today."

Ilana was heading towards the hospital entrance when she realized she needed to call the driver to meet her. While walking and rummaging through her purse for her phone, she wasn’t watching where she was going. Overlooking a slight step near the door, she tripped and would have fallen had someone not suddenly grabbed her by the arm to steady her. Her purse went flying a few feet away; the stranger quietly picked it up, along with her phone and gloves that had fallen out. Just as quietly he handed them to her, bowed and continued walking.

Ilana was left stunned and slightly embarrassed. The man in white, the only detail she could recall, had already retreated and was a few yards away.  She wasn’t even able to thank him unless she shouted across the lobby. Watching him, thought he shook his head; perhaps in disbelief at her clumsiness or in laughter? She wasn't sure.

- "How did it go?" Kike asked when Ilana walked into their hotel suite. She had recently found out these particular hotels were part of her company's handy work. The design team had worked on the existing buildings and the architect and construction crew had built all their new hotels. Ilana couldn't help looking up the construction information when she was impressed by a building. It was a habit she'd picked up from her architecture studies.
- "It went well. He said after his staff meeting he'd be calling me to set up an interview with one of the department heads."
- "So what should we do today?"
- "Take a nap?"
Ilana smiled at her brother. She hadn't slept well at all due to nerves.
- "I'm sorry, Manita, I didn't even notice you didn't get enough sleep; you were too nervous?" She nodded and let out an undisguised yawn. "Get comfortable and lie back down for a little while. We'll go have lunch and then I'll take you for a walk in Central Park."

- "I'm going to tweet my Oppa-deul and Suzy really quick or I'll be receiving four calls here soon."

- "Get some rest," Kike called to her as she walked into her room.

- "Annyeong! Interview went well; find out later today if I get a second." Ilana sent her tweet and proceeded to change into jeans and a long sleeve shirt. Ilana lay back down on the bed hoping to take a nap, when her phone buzzed, advising her of new tweets.

HyungJun: Daeback!

JungMin: Drinks are on you when you get the job!

Ilana smiled after reading her tweets. She closed her eyes and was about to fall asleep when her phone rang. Tempted to ignore it, but unable to, she saw it was KyuJong.  "Yeoboseyo?" She answered.

- "Unnie!" It was Suzy. "I'm so excited for you! So what kind of place is it? An office or a hospital?" Suzy would have rambled on, but KyuJong grabbed the phone from her.

- "Yah!" Ilana heard some muffled noise and then KyuJong took over the phone. "Ilana-ssi, mianhae, Suzy was supposed to put the speaker on, but hogged the phone instead."

- "Mianhae, I got excited."

- "Chukahae on passing your first interview; we knew you could do it."

- "Gomawoyo, I couldn't have done it without all your encouragement."

- "Tch, we didn't do anything; Ilana-ssi had it in her the entire time."

- "Anieyo! I had help. I wouldn't even be at this point without you.  And Kike called in a favor with my cousin behind my back. That's how I got the interview."

- "Chincha?"

- "I still don't trust him...Oh, Oppa; someone else is trying to call." Ilana checked the incoming call. "It's Saengie Oppa." She told KyuJong and Suzy.

- "Andwae! Otter can wait," KyuJong playfully demanded.

- "Deh, we called you first," Suzy said.

- "Arraso,” she laughed, “let me tell him I'll call him back." Ilana smiled as she switched to the other line. "Yeoboseyo Oppa. Mianhae, but Suzy and KyuJong Oppa say you need to wait your turn.

- "Yah! I thought I was your favorite?"

- "I'll call you back! I promise!" She laughed. "Happy now, you two?" Ilana returned to her previous conversation. "I hurt Saengie Oppa’s feelings because I wouldn't take his call."

- "He'll live." KyuJong joked.

- "Disrespectful dongsaeng," she mock scolded.

- "Ilana-ssi, hold on, we have another call....Aish, that brat, it's Saengie Hyeong." KyuJong added YoungSaeng via conference and now all four were on the phone, teasing, fighting, pouting, laughing and just being silly. After a while, it seemed Ilana and Suzy had been forgotten. Ilana laughed and terminated her end of the call. She then sent a text to Suzy on her own phone: "I think Oppa-deul forgot about us. Thanks for the call, I'll keep you posted. Tell Oppa-deul I said annyeong.”

Suzy: Pabo-deul haven't realized we left the conversation.

Ilana: Saranghae nae chingu.

Suzy: Na do!

All thoughts of napping had gone out the window. She was still laughing to herself over her goofy friends. "I'm not tired anymore", she told the bear and turtle on the bed. She had brought the two stuffed toys that HyungJun had given her. They were comforting and a constant reminder of the support of her friends. "I think I'll see if Kike is ready for lunch." She kissed both toys on the head, after putting on her shoes and went off in search of Kike.


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MISCharacter #1
Chapter 33: Reading this again for at least the 4th time! So good! Great characters and realistic emotions. Its like meeting up with old frinds and reminiscing while going on the journey. So glad it's still available to read!
Chapter 138: Great ending to the story. It took sometime, but I am now getting back to finishing all stories. I am in my final semester of College, so everything took a back burner for a while. I'm happy you completed this.
Chapter 140: Hi unnie! It's been a long time since i commented on your story :D
Chapter 6: Good chapter, sounds like Ilana needs a kind heart. Kyu sounds like he would make a good friend, and if anyone need a friend right now it's Ilana. Like the cruise ship setting. Nothing better than being on the ocean.
Chapter 1: Great start! I like your description and the background you give. You give just enough detail and backstory to make me eager to keep reading! :)
mkerkau #6
Chapter 138: Thank you for a wonderful story. I finally finished it, congratulations for taking us to Ilana and Ji Hoo's, F4 and friend journey. I will truly miss your story, please continue with the next generation story. I can't get enough, i was sad it ended ☹️. Like you i am a KHJ fan and I am glad he is back from MS. Keep fighting!
Chapter 138: At last, I finished your story silently. But since this is the last page of your book I can't be silent unnie. Congratulations! You made it!!!! Proud of you clap! clap! clap! This story made us friends till now. This will forever have a special place in my heart even if it doesn't seem like it. But it's true! I've gone through a lot and you know it and you and you're story we're always with me. I may not be always on your comments section now but I never forget to read. I saw how much this story grew. From just being Ilana and the boys, then you threw in F4. Now they all have their own families and lives, being happy with their children and close friends. Or let's call them extended families. I wish I could be like Ilana and break lose to all the heart ache I am going through. I am happy that everything ended well in your story, now their story is going to be continued by their children. Thanks for the gift of this story, I have lovely friends like you. More than anything thank you for still being a friend and my unnie! Komawoyo, saranghamnida unnie!
keenie73 #8
Chapter 138: Oh man. A great ending (even tho i dont want it to end). I think you closed this very nicely. Our F4 families have grown so much. I can invision the next generation of F4 and their stories that will be told.... I will ask about the 7 yrs. There is something abt their unwavering friendship after all these years... reminds me of how Kyu and Saengie went to ANEMONE to show their support to KHJ. It was great to see them there. Sorry it took me so long to finish reading and responding. Happy mothers day to you, your readers and all of our F4 mommies. Next story please. Heehee.