Win A Date!

I Hate You, Two?

**AISH! OMO I'M SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING SOONER!!!! I went to Taiwan for a couple weeks in the summer and I didn't update then I started slacking off, and then before I knew it I never updated! I'M SO SORRY! MIANHAE~ But, since I have a 5 day break I will update as much as I can! Promise! Fighting! 


When we arrive at the park, my little kid instincts kick in, and I immeadiatly run to the sand-box, leaving Youngmin and Kwangmin behind. 

"Haha! You two are so slow-- oomf!" Kwangmin tackles me to the ground, laughing.

"Yah! No PDA in public! There's little kids around," Youngmin scolds, peeling Kwangmin off me.

"Let's have a race," I decide. "We run from here to that tree, and whoever loses must by the winners ice cream!"

"Arraso," they agree in unison. 

"But," Youngmin continues, "when Kwangmin loses he must go away and let you and me have a private date."

"ANI!" Kwangmin shouts, glaring at his twin.

"What? Little Kwangminnie afraid that he's going to lose?" Youngmin taunts.

"NO, it's just that, uh, I don't want you to cry when you lose," Kwangmin retorts lamely. I just shake my head at both of them.

"Hey, what if I lose. Huh. Did you think about that? Then both of you would have to go on a date together." I smile at the thought. That would be the best fan-serivice. Ever.

"True..." Kwangmin says slowly, "but, eh, it doesn't matter. Youngmin is so slow, you should have seen him in run! A snail could beat him. He loses his breath to easily."

"Shut up, Kwangmin," Youngmin says, annoyed. "Stop talking badly about yourself."

"Oh, yeah?" Kwangmin begins.

"AISH! I shout at both of them. You guys are so annoying. Every time I'm around you guys you only fight," I say, half-jokingly.

"Mian," they both pout an apology. Aigoo, they're so cute I can be mad at them, even if I wanted to!

"Should we start now?" I ask.

"Wait! I have to stretch first!" Youngmin sits on the grass and starts touching his toes. All the innocent bystanders just stare at him. After about 10 minutes of just Youngmin stretching Kwangmin and I started to get impatient.

"Are you done yet?" I snap.

"Gosh, I didn't know you could be so mean," Youngmin mutters. I'm just about to play fully hit him when he shouts "JUST KIDDING!"

"OK, we should ask someone to judge the race. How about her?" Kwangmin says, nodding to a pretty girl. Her long black hair is pulled up a pony tail, she's wearing black short shorts and a light pink tank top as her jogging out-fit. Also, she has head-phones plugged into her ears.

"Yah, just chose the prettiest girl in the park, why don't you?" I say. I'm amused by how much jealously there is in my voice.

"If I chose the prettiest girl to judge the race, you wouldn't get to be in the race! You'd be too busy judging!" Kwangmin says.

"Nice save," I say sheepishly. "Just go get her." At that, Kwangmin jogs over to her, I strain myself to hear their conversation, making sure he doesn't "accidentally" ask her out instead of asking her to judge the race.

"Excuse me, noona?" Kwangmin taps the girl's shoulder. Her eyes widen and her cheeks start  to turn a dark shade of red. 

"Mmmm?" She says shly.

"Will you please judge my race that I'm having with my brother and my girlfriend," Kwangmin says, pointing at me and Youngmin.

"HEY, BABO! SHE'S NOT YOUR GIRLFRIEND!" Youngmin shouts matter-of-factly. Soon, everyone is looking at me. Embarrassed, I just pretend to examine my shoes.

"Sure," the girl says. She and Kwangmin walk over to us. "Where are you racing to?

"See that tree, unnie?" I point to the tree that's about 20 feet away. "We're stoping there."

"Arraso." She nods to me then turns to Kwangmin. "Fighting!" She makes a fist with her hand and Kwangmin does the same thing. I glare at them and Youngmin catches my glare. 

"______, fighting~" he says to me then also makes a fist.

"Hwaiting!" I say.

"We will win and have our date together," Youngmin says, so sure of himself.

I just nod and smile, because, honestly, I don't know who I want to win. 

We all line up on the starting point while the girl, who's name is JaeSuh, runs quickly to the finish line.

"Everyone ready?" She shouts to us. 

"YES!" I yell back at her. Youngmin and Kwangmin, who are too lazy, so they just nod.

"OK! On your marks, get set. GO!" As soon as those words leave JaeSuh's mouth we're all off. For about a second I'm ahead. Then, it's all a blur. 

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Chapter 22: Hello i'm new reader. I like your story coz thi is featuring maknae lines. I love this story so much because their love hate relationahip.

Update juseyo :D
KpopBias #2
Update it! I love it. please do update!!!! Thanks :)
I thought u waz supposed to update!! :( T.T
honeypeachies #4
i like update~~ hehehe.
yes !!!!<br />
OMO!!! too long without this story please do great updates and dont try to end it too soon!! XD FIGHTING!!
omomommomo TT.TT must no wat happens next wahhh update soon :D x
lov4ever #8
omg soo good, but dont end the story tooo soon!