Guardian Angel

My eyes were blinded by the sunlight as I looked down at the unfamiliar bed. How long was I asleep for? What happened last night?

I remember Daehyun and I sharing a gentle kiss before I blanked out. I also remember dreaming of us or were those dreams actual memories of our past? I couldn’t be sure.

I flipped the green covers off of me and trudged towards Daehyun’s room. His bed looked like someone had been in it but he was nowhere to be found. Where is he?

“Daehyun.” I called out as I searched the entire house.

I received no response from him. Where could he be? A lightbulb flashed in my head as I realized where he might have gone.


My feet took me to the pond and a loving smile crossed my lips as I watched Dae stare down at the water. He seemed to be lost in thought and didn’t hear me walk up behind him.

“You’re awake. That’s good. How do you feel?” Dae asked his eyes scanning the water beneath us.

“I’m fine. How do you feel?” I questioned.

“Fine. Just trying to take it all in, I guess.” He mumbled.

My body tensed up and I spoke softly, “you mean those dreams I had were real?”

“Yeah. They are our memories of our past.”

“Well why didn’t the Archangels ever tell us about it?”

“Maybe they couldn’t Jae. Aren’t we all bound by rules?”

“Yeah, I guess so. Still it would have been nice if they told us something at least.”

Dae and I stood near the edge of the bridge just watching the fish swim merrily in the water. There was an awkward silence in the air before Dae finally spoke.

“So what happens to us now?” He asked.

“I don’t know. Whatever happens I’m not leaving your side.” I stated matter of factly.

“I’m not leaving your side. Ever. We just found each other and I’m not letting you go this time without a fight. This time will be different though. I can feel it.” Dae spoke.


“Nice hair by the way.” Dae teased.

I stared at my reflection in the water and noticed that my hair was now a dark brown color.

“It must be the corruption.” I mumbled under my breath.

“I’m sorry Jae.” Dae frowned.

“For what?”

“For doing this to you. You wouldn’t be corrupted if it wasn’t for me. I did this to you. I’m so sorry Jae.” Dae pleaded.

“Stop. It’s not your fault. It’s mine. I knew what the consequences would be if I came here and yet I still chose to. This is my burden to bear not yours. This is not your fault. I chose to be like this. Please don’t beat yourself up over this. Even after I gained my memories back I have no regrets. Even though the outcome is always the same I would gladly go through all of this again just to spend a few precious moments with you.”

I looked at Dae as his eyes turned a deep shade of red. His eyes started to well up with tears. I wanted to comfort him to hold him in my arms but I stopped my actions when I suddenly noticed something.

Dae’s arm began to glow an orange color before his arm became engulfed in a burning flame. The flame didn’t even look like it hurt him. Could this be Dae’s power?

“Daehyun. Your arm.” I mumbled as I pointed to his flaming arm.

His eyes were still a deep shade of red but he had stopped crying. He followed my gaze and stared at his flaming arm. It didn’t seem to affect him very much. He just gave his arm a few shakes before the flame disappeared leaving only a puff of black smoke behind.

“Is this my power?” Dae hesitantly asked.

“I-I think so.” I mumbled in response.

I quickly grabbed his arm and began to check for any burned flesh. His arm was completely flawless and it looked like the flame hadn’t been there at all.

“Your power must trigger when you get very emotional about something.” I stated as I dropped his arm back to his side.

“So I guess opposites really do attract then.” Dae chuckled.

I rolled my eyes at him, “it looks that way. I’m ice and your fire. I’m an angel and you’re a demon. Can our lives get anymore crazier?”

“Probably. Haven’t you ever heard that phrase be careful what you wish for.” Dae teased.

“Yes. I think that phrase is highly overrated though.”

“I agree. So what do you want to do today?” Dae asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.

“Hmm…I have an idea. Why don’t we have a race to see who is faster? Angels or demons?” I smirked.

“Bring it on Jae. I’ve never lost a race before.” Dae said in a cocky tone.

“Well neither have I.” I replied.

We both walked in silence to the large field. I quickly removed my shirt and Dae just gave me a questioning look. I just smirked at him and watched his eyes widen as I revealed my wings to him.

“Like what you see?” I teased.

“D-definitely. You are seriously so beautiful. Your silver wings are just glorious to put it in safe words.” Dae mumbled.

“Really? Is that the best you can come up with?” I chuckled at his poor attempt of flattery.

“Well I would say things that are highly inappropriate but I decided to play it safe. Demons are known for their seductive ways after all.” Dae winked at me.

“We should probably start now.” I mumbled.

I could feel my face getting hot at the inappropriate thoughts I was having right now. These dirty thoughts didn’t even feel like my own but I was still blushing from them.

“Let’s go to the tree-line at the end of the field and back. First person back here wins. On three. One, two, three!” Dae shouted.

I quickly lifted off the ground and soared through the air. In the blink of an eye I made it back to the finish line.

Dae had shown up right after I crossed the line.

“Looks like I win.” I said triumphantly.

“Yepp. I decided to go easy on you.” Dae teased.

“Oh please. I won fair and square.” I remarked.

“Sure Jae. Whatever you say. You know demons can teleport though.” Dae winked at me.

I just rolled my eyes at him. Of course demons can teleport. I wondered how often he actually did it though.

A sudden burst of courage shot through me and I found myself jumping onto Dae and wrapping my legs around his waist. Our faces were so close that we could feel each other’s breath.

“I love you Jae.” Dae murmured.

“I love you too, Dae.” I murmured back.

We closed the distance between us with a kiss. This kiss was slow and gentle. Dae’s soft lips felt good against my own. Dae wrapped his arms around my waist being careful of my wings.

Both of us pulled away with smiles on our faces. I could see a spark in Dae’s deep red eyes as we pressed our foreheads together.

“I love you.”

A/N: So Daehyun's power is now revealed. He has more than one power, but that will be revealed later on. Here's more fluff to satisfy those fluffy cravings. Haha! Comments and subscribers are welcome here. Spam my comment box!! Thanks to those of you that have commented, subscribed, and voted up this story. I appreciate the support!! Thank you!! ^_^

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iamabaplover #1
Chapter 24: Weird but. . . . there powers.
iamabaplover #2
Chapter 19: Aww. I don't know but their 'game' funny and cute.
Chapter 26: OMG <3 THIS IS SUCH A GOOD STORY~ You have such creative ideas <3 <3!!!

I can't believe I just found this now -3-

moving on to the sequel no!!! <3
gizagame #4
Chapter 18: lindo... lindo... lindo...
Chapter 26: Oh my~ this fic is sooo good!! All the fluffs are so cuteee xD Moving to sequel~
smiles1471 #6
Chapter 26: Wow! Great story....what next???
smiles1471 #7
Chapter 14: I truly love this story and enjoying what's happening....it was a little confusing when you 1st started the flashbacks, but now i understand you a filling in the gaps - reaveling slowly. Just can't wait for the next chapter!
smiles1471 #8
Chapter 9: Wow, what an interesting & original concept. I officially in love with ur story, can't wait to find out what happens next xx
Chapter 26: Very intersting story!!! ^_^ ...I really like it...can't wait to start reading the sequel!! <3