
Here's My Secret, I Think I'm In Love With You

Your POV
Voice 1: She's got such beautiful eyes like your son.
Voice 2: She really does, doesn't she?
Voice 1: You don't wanna do this. I know how much you love her.
Voice 2: I have no choice. The orphanage is closed right now, and I-
Voice 1: What will your son say? I know how much that boy loves her.
Voice 2: He must never know. I want this child to grow as strong as he is. Surely there is a family around here who is willing to take her in.
Voice 1: You can't just leave her though!
Voice 2: Please, Eun Joo. You're my closest friend. I'll find a place for her. I promise.
Voice 1: You're making a terrible mistake. This will hurt your son a lot.

~Few minutes later~
*Baby crying*
Voice 2: Honey, please stop crying. Umma has to go.

Woman puts baby in a basket on someone's porch.

Umma: I love you, my angel. You will grow up to be a beautiful woman. I'm sorry I'm doing this. This is for your own good.

~End dream~

"UMMA!" I screamed. My face was soaking wet. I looked around the room and I was in bed. That was the scariest dream ever. The sun was shining in on my bed. I brought my knees to my chest and rested my head on them.
I heard footsteps coming down the hall, "_____? Are you all right?" I heard Soyun ask from the hallway.
"I'm fine, Unnie!" I called back.

As I was taking a shower, I let the warm water run over me. Especially my face. I don't think I've ever had a dream like that before.

When I was all dressed, I came in the living room and sat down next to Mihyun. She smiled at me, "We're shadowing again today."
My eyes widen, "Really?"
"Yep." yelled Soyun from the kitchen. She walked in and handed us our plates of food.
I noticed Minah wasn't here. "Where's Minah at?"
"She had an early vocal lesson with her class. I sent her the message though. She said she will meet us in the SM lobby when she's done." said Soyun.

Hmm, I wonder who I'll be shadowing today.

Baekhyun's POV
"Baekhyun, get up!" yelled Joonmyun pulling the blanket off my body.
I groaned, "What..."
"We have a trainee coming to shadow us today. Hurry, get up! You and Chanyeol are the last ones to wake up!"
I rubbed my eyes and yawned, "Who is it?"
"Lu Han went to go pick her up now. Now, you and Chanyeol need to get up and get ready!"
"Ugh, Hyung," I groaned, "We don't even have a schedule today do we? What's the point of getting up?"

No answer.

Guess I better get up and get ready. -_-

Your POV
~In SM lobby~
"Good morning, ladies," said Mr. Kim walking in the door, "I have who you all are going to be with. It will be just like last time. Soyun, you will be shadowing with f(x), Minah, you will be with SHINee, _____, you will be with EXO, and Mihyun, you will be with BoA. Your vehicles are out waiting for you out front. Mihyun, BoA said she will be running a little late. She has photo-shoot going on right now, but she will be on her way real soon."

So I'm with EXO today? Did they know I was gonna be shadowing them? Baekhyun and Chanyeol never said anything about it last night.

As I got in the vehicle, I was relieved when I saw who it was.

"Hello, _____!" he said with a smile.
"Hi, Lu Han Sunbae." I waved.

As we were driving I couldn't stop thinking about the dream last night, Lu Han noticed how quiet I was and began talking to me. We started talking about our interests and hobbies. I decided to communicate with him in Mandarin since I'm pretty fluent. He was amazed by my Mandarin speaking skills. The more I talked to him, the more I got to know about him. He was a pretty cool Sunbae! ^_^

"So you don't like dancing at all?" he asked me with a curious face.
"It's not that I don't like it. I just prefer singing. I'm not so great of a dancer. My instructor told me to play those Just Dance games to improve."
"The thing with dancing, is trying to freestyle. That's one of the most important things you're supposed to learn as a trainee. When I was a trainee, I spent years learning how to master freestyle."
"What's your singing background?" I asked.
"My singing background?" he tilted his head, "You mean how did I learn how to sing?"
I nodded.
"I inherited it from my parents back in China. I took a lot of singing lessons back in high school."
"That's pretty cool."
"Thanks. By the way, for a Korean, your Mandarin is very good." he gave me a small smile.
"Thanks. My Appa taught it to me when I was in early primary school. I've noticed that your Korean is pretty good too."
He gave me a shy smile, "Thanks. A lot of our Korean members have taught me a lot. The more I'm around them, the more Korean I learn."

"So," I changed the topic, "What will you guys be doing today?"
"We don't really have anything on our schedule until this afternoon. We have a variety show recording. We're just all gonna hang out at the dorm."

I was a little nervous now. It could be for the fact that Baekhyun is gonna be there, and if he gets close to me, everyone will be assuming stuff. I really don't wanna be paranoid about this.

When I lowered my head, Lu Han assumed I looked uncomfortable about it. "Hey," he smiled, "Don't worry. We'll make sure you won't get bored. In fact, our dorm is so huge, we can all play Ultimate Hide-and-Seek."
That made me feel a little better. I could get to know all of the members. Besides, this was gonna be the only time when I could actually have fun. And, now that I think of it, this is the first time I've heard EXO not have anything scheduled in the morning. I should be happy about this.

The vehicle stopped in front of the dorm and Lu Han and I stepped out. Lu Han cleared his throat and leaned down to my ear, "Besides, Baekhyun will be there." he smirked at me.
I felt my face heating up. "Yah! What is that supposed to mean?"
He ruffled my hair, "Don't worry. Your little secret is safe with me." he winked.
I have a feeling my face was all red right now. I ran over to Lu Han and playfully started hitting his arm. I started chasing him along the sidewalk, "YAH! JUST WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO SAY, LU HAN SUN-YAH!" I tripped over my feet and fell on the hard concrete, scraping my knee up.
"Yah! _____! Are you okay?" he asked as he quickly sprinted over to me and held his hand out.
"SSSSSS...ahhhh! It burns!" I winced in pain as I stood up.
"We've got bandages inside. Here, I'll help you." he stood up.
"I just-Yah!" I was suddenly lifted off the ground. Yes, Lu Han was carrying me in his arms.
I looked down in embarrassment, "Lu Han Sunbae, you don't have to carry me."
As he walked inside, he carried me up the stairs. He looked down at my knee and scoffed, "Uh, not with a bloody knee like that. It's fine. You're injured."

He stopped in front of a door and started to talk in Chinese, "Yah! Open up!"
After a few seconds, Tao came to the door. "Hey, Gege and-What happened?" his eyes widen as he saw me in Lu Han's arm with a scraped up knee.
He held the door opened for us and Lu Han walked right in with me in his arms. All of the members' eyes were on us.
"Yah! What did you do to _____, Hyung!?" yelled Sehun who came running over to us from the living room.

"I didn't do anything!" Lu Han yelled in defense.

Suddenly, I saw Baekhyun walking down the hallway, talking to Chen and Xiumin. Baekhyun's eyes widen when he saw me in Lu Han's arms. I looked down and bit the inside of my mouth. "Hyung, what happened?" Baekhyun asked as he came up to us.
Lu Han gently brought me over to the sofa and sat me down. He nervously rubbed the back of his neck, "Well, she tripped and fell outside."
"Yah! You were teasing me!" I yelled at him in Mandarin and pointed my finger at him.
Some of the members' eyes widen. They didn't know I was fluent in Mandarin. "Wait, what did she say?" asked Kai.
I spoke in Korean, "I said he was teasing me!"

I decided to speak in Mandarin to Lu Han, Tao, Lay, and Kris so it would be easier on them.

Kris came in with a giant bandage, a bottle of alcohol, and a cotton ball. He got down on his knees in front of me and dabbed the cotton ball in alcohol and placed it on my knee. "(Insert your own swear words)" I yelled out in Mandarin. It stung so much!
Kris, Tao, Lay, and Lu Han tried holding in their laughter. "Hey, watch your language, little girl." Lay started laughing next to me.
"What did she say?" I heard Baekhyun and Kai whisper to Lu Han.
Lu Han whispered to them what I said. Kai started laughing. "Hey, I probably would've said the same thing."
All of the members started laughing. "Tsk, what would your Unnie or Oppa say about you talking like that?" teased Tao.
"Oh, I don't have any siblings." I answered.
"Well, if you had one." Tao corrected himself.

Baekhyun's POV
*Sigh* Here we go with the whole talking about sibling thing again. But when I saw Lu Han come in, my eyes widen when I saw who was in his arms. _____ was the trainee who was shadowing us today? I seriously didn't see that coming at all. I never knew she was fluent in Mandarin. I couldn't help but feel a "little" jealous when she was in Lu Han's arms. -_-

She started talking in Chinese to Kris. I take it that she was thanking him?

"Don't worry. I'm fine now." she said as she got up. All of the members were looking at her. It was like they all thought she was a movie star or something.

Lu Han clapped his hands together, "Anyways, I was telling _____ that since we don't have a schedule till this afternoon, we could all play Ultimate Hide-and-Seek."
"I'm up for it!" yelled Chanyeol and a few others.
"So, are we gonna pair up, or just all hide separately?" asked Yixing.
"We can just do whatever." said Joonmyun.
_____ quickly spoke up, "I'm not counting first." she said grinning.
"Yah! Maknae!" yelled Chanyeol, "You're counting."
Sehun groaned, "Ugh, fine."

I thought of the perfect hiding spot. I could tell _____ where it is. Before I could get to her, Lu Han got to her first. -_-

Your POV
"Wah! Where to hide!? I don't know this place!" I panicked.
"_____!" Lu Han called me, "Here, follow me." he grabbed my hand and started pulling me towards the back of the dorm. Baekhyun, and Suho followed us too. As Lu Han pulled me by some of the bedrooms, I glanced in each bedroom. Everything is so neat in this house. Not as clean as our dorm, but it was neat.

Lu Han quickly threw a quick glance into one bedroom, "Here, we'll hide in the guest room. No one ever goes in here." He then pointed towards this small wardrobe. "Don't worry, there's nothing in here." he got in and helped me. As he quietly shut the doors, I saw Baekhyun hide behind the window curtains and Suho hid underneath the bed.

Lu Han and I kept peaking though the crack of the wardrobe. I never realized how close he was until his head hit mine. I took a small glance next to me, and he was close. I mean, REALLY close. I suddenly heard laughing coming from down the hall. It sounded like Chen, Chanyeol, Tao, and Xiumin's voice. I guess Sehun found them?

"Do you think he'll find us?" I whispered.
I suddenly felt Lu Han's warm breath against my ear, "I doubt it. No one ever goes in here."
Thank goodness it dark. My face is feels so warm right now.

As I was about to say something, Sehun opened guest room door and stood right in front of the wardrobe. Something covered my mouth. When I looked down, I saw Lu Han's hand over my mouth. My heart was beating rapidly right now. I hope he doesn't find us!

*Phone rings*
"Time out!" I heard Kris yelling down the hall. Sehun ran out of the room, leaving the door open. A few seconds later, the wardrobe doors opened. Lu Han and I were frozen as Baekhyun was standing right in front of us. Lu Han realized his hand was still over my mouth and quickly removed it.

Before he could say anything, we all heard D.O.'s voice, "Resume playing, everyone!" he yelled.
"Baekhyun, get in!" I whispered and pulled him in by his shirt collar.

*Sigh* All right, now I was really crammed! It was so dark in here, I couldn't tell where anyone was. I don't know who it was, but someone scooted away from me and went more towards the back and stood up. The other person grabbed my wrist and pulled me more towards the back. I was standing in between Lu Han and Baekhyun. I have a feeling my face is super red. I could see light through the crack. I carefully made my way towards the wardrobe doors, and looked out through it.

"We still haven't found Joonmyun, _____, Baekhyun, and Lu Han!" Sehun yelled from the hallway.
"Where could they be hiding?" asked another voice I couldn't recognize. It kind of sounded like either Kai or Kris.

"We're the only ones left." whispered one of the guys behind to me.
"_____," a hand grabbed my wrist, "Come away from the doors." Ugh, I really couldn't tell who was talking to me. Baekhyun and Lu Han's voices ALWAYS sound the same when they whisper. -_-
"He's coming!" one of them whispered.
Suddenly, I was pulled back into someone's arms. My heart was beating so fast right now. I've seriously never been this close to any guy before. I tried to move, but the person's arms were tightly wrapped around me. My face was buried into their chest. I turned my head to the side so I could breathe.
(Did Baekhyun make another move!? ^o^ )

I saw someone walk by the wardrobe. I have a feeling Sehun is gonna find us before Suho. But the room is pretty huge. There was a giant closet with boxes everywhere, there was a desk, a miniature flat-screen TV, two beds, a small futon, and a wardrobe. This room is pretty big to be a guest room.


Baekhyun's POV
"HA! FOUND YOU GUYS!" yelled Sehun as he was jumping up and down. He tilted hiis head, "Wow, you guys all fit in here?"
I looked next to me and saw Lu Han with his arms wrapped around _____.
(Thought Baekhyun was holding onto you, didn't you? Kekeke ^_^)

Now I was jealous-no, EXTREMELY jealous. -_-

"All right, SUHO HYUNG, YOU WIN!" yelled Sehun.
We all saw Joonmyun crawling out from under the bed.

Sehun grinned, "All right, Chen! Come in here! You gotta count right here, Hyung!" Sehun yelled down the hall to Jongdae.
Jongdae came in and began counting. _____, Lu Han, Joonmyun, and I ran out of the room.

Lu Han went to go hide with Kris and Kyungsoo, and Joonmyun went to go hide with Tao and Minseok. "Baekhyun Sunbae, where do we go?" _____ started panicking.
"I've got it. Follow me." I got in front of her and headed towards mine and Chanyeol's room.
"Wow, you have so much space in this room." she said.
I led her over to the sofa against the window. As I lifted the cushions up, there was a small opening. "Hide here and I'll hide behind my bed. Don't worry, no one will ever think to look in here." I assured her.
"All right."
"Hope it's not too crammed in there." I said before helping her in. She carefully shut the top. I placed the cushions on top of the opening and went to go hide behind my bed.

Your POV
It was so hard to move in here! I couldn't crouch down all the way either. There were papers and notebooks everywhere in here. I carefully pulled out my phone from my pocket and used the light to see how I could move all of these papers and notebooks without messing them up. I was gonna take a few notebooks and used them as a pillow for my head. As I grabbed a notebook, a photo fell out of it. I picked it up and held my phone to it. Before I stuck it back in the notebook, I looked closer at the picture. It was a picture of Baekhyun when he was little. His Umma and Appa were standing behind him. Baekhyun has a great smile, but why isn't he smiling in the photo? His Umma is so beautiful, and his Appa looks just like him!

~Ten minutes later~
I decided to go through some of the things in the notebook. There were a lot of photos of him playing on a playground, singing on stage, and him eating with some friends. I came across a photo of him when he was very small. He had a baby in his arms. It was captioned:

Baby Seunghyun

I looked behind him and there was a woman. It looks exactly like Mrs. Lee. I guess she knows Baekhyun's family. Baekhyun and Mrs. Lee were smiling down at the baby. That baby is so adorable! And Baekhyun looks so happy. I'm assuming it's Mrs. Lee's child. Baekhyun has never said anything about having any siblings. He's an only child like me. ^_^

I looked at the time on my phone. I've been in here for ten minutes! Baekhyun was right, no one would ever think to look for me here. I heard footsteps outside. Maybe the game is finally over and Baekhyun is coming to let me out? I quickly put all of the photos back in the notebook and placed the notebook behind my head.

"I already looked in here, Minseok. She's not in here." I heard Chen in Baekhyun's room. So I guess I'm the last one that needs to be found. That must mean they already found Baekhyun.

*Phone vibrates*
I jumped as my phone started to vibrate.
1 New Message

"I'll distract them, come out of there and hide behind my bed or under my bed. - Baekhyun"

Well speak of the devil!

"Yah! That's cheating! - _____"
"Pleeeeaaaaasssee. - Baekhyun"

I could imagine him begging like that. ^_^

"All right. I'm getting out now. Give me a minute. - _____"

I quickly climbed out and hid underneath Baekhyun's bed. Phew, I can actually breathe air now.

The door was wide open. I saw feet walking by. "_____, we all give up. Can you please come out now?"
That's my que. I pulled myself out from under the bed.
"There she is!" I turned around and saw Tao pointing at me.
"Oh, she was under Baekhyun's bed!" said D.O. who came up behind Tao.
"I thought I already looked there!" said Chen coming in and helping me up. "Baekhyun was hiding with you? How could I not see you!?" It really looked like Chen was about to pull his own hair out. It was quite funny. ^_^

Baekhyun came in and stood next to Chen crossing his arms, "Let me elaborate. I was BEHIND the bed. _____ was UNDER the bed."
"All right. Baekhyun Hyung, you count now." said Kai.

I wonder how big the terrace outside is. As Baekhyun started counting, I went into the living room and snuck out onto the terrace. There was a sharp corner. As I turned the corner, I saw Chanyeol and Kris standing against the wall. "Can I hide here with you guys?" I asked.
The both nodded and let me get in the very back. There were two tall giants next to me. -_-
I stood next to Chanyeol, "So, do you guys always play this?"
"Occasionally." said Kris. "We usually play this if we don't have a big schedule. Speaking of which," Kris pulled out his phone, "This is gonna be the last round. We should probably head down to the variety show recording after this. We all have to get microphones and scripts ready."
"How do you guys keep up with all of your schedules? It must get very tiring."

I looked at Chanyeol who kept nodding at everything Kris and I were saying. We spoke in Chinese the whole time, so Chanyeol looked pretty confused. ^_^

"It's what we enjoy doing. Yeah, we get tired a lot, but we also want to give our fans a good impression. You know that saying 'What's the point of your job if you don't like what you're doing'? It's kind of like that. This has always been our dream. We like doing this for our fans. Keep that in mind if you and your friends debut."
I nodded, "All right, thanks, Kris Sunbae-"
Kris shot his head the other way and flinched, "_____, move down a little bit!" whispered Kris.
I moved down as far as I could go. Chanyeol and Kris both moved too. Chanyeol leaned down to my ear, "Baekhyun is on the other side."

Crap! I gotta sneeze!
"Chanyeol, I g-got to-" Chanyeol's eyes widen as he knew what was about to happen.
"ACH-" before I could sneeze, Chanyeol pulled me towards his chest with his arms around me. I released my sneeze into his chest. It wasn't loud at all. ^_^
"Phew." he relaxed his shoulders.
I looked up from his chest, "Thank you." I mouthed.

"Found you guys!" yelled Baekhyun who came around the corner. Crap, maybe he did hear my sneeze. -_-

Baekhyun's POV
First Chanyeol, then Lu Han, and now Chanyeol again! -_-

Is she trying to push me away or something? Why is it them? I can't even call her my girlfriend because she isn't even mine! But why is jealousy suddenly taking over me?

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missnoon #1
Oh noooooooo
zellygiirrll #2
Chapter 6: His hamds are prettier than mine
Frida-lm96 #3
Chapter 8: hahaha the sneeze part! hahaha I loved it!

im dying! hahaha
Yeolda #4
Chapter 21: Ignore my recent comment. Spoke too soon XD
Keeitty #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!!! !!!!!!
Chapter 24: This was a really heart-warming story~
I liked it...A LOT
Now, I'll be reading the sequel!
Chapter 22: Wait! So she is going to end up with Yeollie?
But I wanted her with Baek, even though they are siblings.
Chapter 16: Oppa knows the truth~
Well the fact that _____ is Seunghyun and that they are half siblings
Chapter 13: Baek,Baby,don't cry okay~