
Here's My Secret, I Think I'm In Love With You

Your POV
"Hang in there. I'm always with you..." said a familiar voice.

I slowly opened my eyes. I tried closing them again, but the sun kept hitting my face. Guess it's time to get up. -_-
I'm a little sore from dancing yesterday, but I'll get used to it. I got dressed and headed into the kitchen where Soyun was. "How'd you sleep?" she asked.
I yawned again, "Pretty good. How about you?"
"Same. Had a good dream last night." she said as she went to go get some meat out of the fridge.
I tilted my head, "Really? What about?"
She smiled, "The four of us were going to debut as a band and we were always going to be together."
"Really!? That's so cool! I wish I had a dream like that." my smile slowly started to disappear.
She rested a hand on my back, "Aw, what dream did you have?"
"I-I honestly don't really know. I just hear voices." I walked over and started cutting some fruit.
She chuckled, "Hearing voices? Well that doesn't sound scary at all."
"It's a bit scary, but I've heard this voice before."
She laid a hand on my shoulder, "Try not to let it get to you. It's only a dream. Minah, Mihyun, and I are here for you if you need someone to talk to."
"Thanks, Unnie." I smiled. My eyes widen, "Oh! If you had a dream that we were all gonna debut together, then that means you'd be the leader of the group! And I'd be the Maknae!"
Her eyes widen as well. She chuckled, "That's true!" Then she smirked and pointed the cooking utensil at me, "Better not cause any trouble, or Leader Soyun will give you a hard time!"
"All right, Unnie." I smiled.

"What's this about Leader Soyun?" asked a sleepy Minah walking in.
"Just a dream, Unnie had." I said pointing at Soyun
Minah's eyes widen, "If we all debut together, Soyun would be the leader! And you'd be the Maknae!" she pointed at me.
"Yep!" I smiled.

*Phone rings*
"I've got it!" yelled Mihyun running into the living room. Wow, that's a loud phone we have. I could see why Mihyun got up so fast.

After Mihyun got off the phone, she came to us in the kitchen. "That was Mr. Kim. He wants us to meet him in front of the SM building in thirty minutes."
"But what about our schedules?" asked Minah.
Mihyun shook her head, "He didn't say anything about it. But I take it that he contacted our instructors ahead of time? "
"I wonder what's going on." I said setting the plates of food out on the table.

We all sat down at the table and ate. Out of nowhere, Minah asked the most random question, "_____, you and Baekhyun Sunbae seemed pretty close the other day. What was going on?" she smirked. The others looked at me with smirks on their faces too.
I looked down at my food and felt my face heating up, "He-He just complimented me on my performance and was curious about how I learned to sing."
"Oh, so that's it." they all nodded.
Mihyun kept smirking. She sighed, "If you say so, _____."
I tried changing the topic, but Minah thought otherwise, "Who's your favorite in EXO?" Soyun began laughing next to her.
"I don't really show favoritism towards anyone." I answered with confidence.
Minah's eyes widen, "Really?" she chuckled and nudged me, "Aw, come on. There's gotta be ONE of our Sunbaes that you favor."
I blushed, "Not really." I nervously rubbed my arm.

Soyun and I got up and started to clean up around the kitchen while everyone else got ready.

~At SM building~
Mr. Kim welcomed us, "Hey, ladies. Thanks for coming down this early."
"What's the occasion?" asked Minah.
"Well, I've talked to each and every one of your instructors and they say that you are far ahead of everyone in the class."
All of our eyes widen. I know we're good, but not THAT good. ^_^

"So for today, you four will each divide up and will be shadowing one of the other bands."
"Do we get to pick?" asked Mihyun.
"No. I've already chosen your groups." Mr. Kim said as he got out his phone.
"Soyun will be shadowing TVXQ, Mihyun will be shadowing SNSD, Minah will be shadowing EXO, and _____ will be shadowing Super Junior."
We all nodded in agreement. Mr. Kim led us to a few parked cars. "There is one member from each band who will you to where other members are. You are to shadow the band for the day. Pick up some good and helpful hints/tips/advice from your Sunbaes. At the end of the day, you will be driven back to your dorm."

We all said goodbye to each other and Mr. Kim led us to our vehicle. As I stepped into mine, the member who greeted me was no other than, Ryeowook!

"Hello." he greeted me.
I smiled, "Hello, Ryeowook Sunbae, _____ imnida."
"Nice to meet you! Mr. Kim told our band that you were going to be our shadower?"
I nodded, "That's right."

As we started to drive off, Ryeowook wanted me to tell about myself (That came out wrong, but you know what I mean).
"So you're the newest trainee, right?"
I nodded, "That's right."
"Congratulations on your auditions. Welcome to the family." he chuckled. "So, you sing?"
I nodded, "Yes. I really love singing. I don't mean to be a -up or anything, but I love your singing, Ryeowook Sunbae."
He chuckled, "You're not a -up. And thank you. Do you know any Super Junior songs?"
"Andante. I really love that song. Henry Sunbae and Leeteuk Sunbae did a great job on writing the song."
"Really? That's a great song. You wanna sing it?" he asked.
I gave him a shy smile, "I don't know if it will sound good in the car."
He gave me an assuring smile, "Don't worry. I just wanna hear you sing."
I bit my lower lip, "All right. I'll just do the chorus."

Andante (Super Junior)

As I got to the second part of the chorus, Ryeowook joined in with me. Our voices really sound great together! ^_^ We both ended the chorus with a smooth ending.

"Wow! You really are good! I'm really impressed! Where did you learn to sing like that?" he handed me a water bottle from the cooler in the car.
"I was just gifted with singing. I never took any lessons because I couldn't find the time for them. I basically just taught myself. I taught myself the guitar and piano, and so I use those instruments to help guide me with singing."
Ryeowook was speechless right now. "That's really amazing, _____. I'm serious, you are one gifted individual."
"Thank you, Ryeowook Sunbae." I smiled.

Baekhyun's POV
As we were all eating breakfast, someone slapped their hand down on my shoulder, causing me to look up, "Uh, need something, Hyung?"
Kris smirked, "A trainee is going to be shadowing us for the day."
My eyes widen. A trainee? "Do you know who it is?"
"Why so anxious, Baek?" teased Yixing smirking as he walked by me with Minseok following behind him.
I looked back at Kris, "Anyways, what were you saying?"
"Shin Minah. She will be the one who is shadowing us today. Kyungsoo went to go pick her up now."
"What about the others?" I asked suddenly. Jongin, Joonmyun, and Tao turned around and began smirking at me. I've got such a big mouth. -_-
"They're shadowing a few of our other Sunbaes." said Joonmyun.

After we all got ready, we headed on to our first schedule. We had two fan-signing events to attend. As we drove down the street our even would be held at, fans were all lined up and down the sidewalk holding EXO signs. I love all of our fans! ^_^

Our manager handed us our signing pens and a water bottle. We all went and sat down at our table.  We were all lined up. I was in between Lu Han and Jongdae. Kyungsoo came with Minah and she greeted everyone. "Hello, everyone." she bowed.
"Hello, Minah." we all bowed back.

Kris went over to talk to her, "So, today we have a giant schedule. We have this fan-signing event, then another one, an interview, and a late rehearsal.  But I think Kyungsoo is going to take you back to your dorm after our interview."
She smiled, "All right. So, do I just sit next to you guys?"
Kyungsoo spoke up, "She's very fluent in a lot of languages. Maybe she could help translate to some of our fans."
"What languages are you good at?" asked Jongdae.
"I know Korean. I'm trying to improve on my Chinese speaking. And I'm fluent in English, Japanese, and Thai."
"Wow! So many!" yelled Tao.
"You can sit down at the end of the table, and as fans come up to us, just causally walk around behind us and see if anyone needs help with translating." said Kris.

~Hours later~
That was a loud fan signing event. One of the fans started interrogating Minah. They kept asking her if she was one of our girlfriends or anything. Jongin told the fans that she was his Dongsaeng. I'm pretty sure that the fans know that Jongin really has two Noonas. But they believed him anyways. ^_^

Since there were so much of us, we all decided to take two vans. Minah rode with, Jongin, Lu Han, me, Yixing, Sehun, and Chanyeol. She was laughing in the back with Jongin, "I can't believe the fans actually thought I'm your Dongsaeng!"
"Well, anyone would believe this y Dancing Machine." he smirked. Oh, Jongin and his flirting. -_-

"You spoke very good Thai, Minah." Yixing complimented her. "What did the fans say? I think Kris, Sehun, and D.O. had a few Thai fans."
"Sa-wad-dee-ka," she began, "Means, hello. Then, they said 'Khun-sa-bai-dee-mai-ka?' which means, How are you doing?"
She looked over at Sehun, "Sehun Sunbae, the Thai fan that came to you asked, 'Wan-gurd-khun-muea-rai-ka?' They wanted to know when your birthday is. Overall, I liked Kris Sunbae's fan." she chuckled.
He had a puzzled look on his face, "Why's that?" we all asked.
"His fan said, 'Kor-tod-ka. Glong-taai-roob-kong-chan-haai-ka." She apologizes and said that she lost her camera."
We all laughed. I bet Kris' face was priceless when she said that. ^_^

"So, do you guys have any advice, or tips for if my friends and I debut? I noticed at the fan-signing events, eye-contact is a very important thing."
Jongin spoke up first, "Well, an important thing to remember, is you guys should never answer any personal questions the fans ask you. Just play off the question and try changing the subject. The fans will understand."
"Oh, and don't forget," added Yixing, "If you have a stage name, only respond to the stage name. Like, people keep calling me by my real name. For the fans, I only respond to Lay. You want the fans to know you by your stage name only."
Minah smiled, "All right, thanks for the tips."

When we arrived to the place where our interview was going to be held, Minah went and stood over by our manager. She was focused on all of us. When doing interviews, you don't wanna be super professional, but you also don't want to be nervous either. I think the only thing anyone should be nervous about, is the questions the interviewer asks. I always get nervous over that. The interviewer will just randomly call on a member and just ask them a question.

As our interview began, we all introduced ourselves and just focused on the interviewer. You want to make sure you make eye-contact with the camera every once in a while.

"So, congratulations, EXO, for winning the awards. How did you guys feel?" the interviewer handed the microphone to Minseok and then to Chanyeol.

"Baekhyun-shi," the interviewer suddenly called on me. I looked up and kind of tensed up in my seat. Out of all of the interviews we've had, this is the fourteenth time I've been randomly called on. And yes, I keep count. -_-

"If there a girl you liked, how would you approach her? What would your confession be like?"
Tao and Sehun were on both sides of me, trying to hold back their laughter.
Minseok handed me the microphone and I just looked down at the floor. I felt my face heating up. Before I could say anything, Sehun nudged me. I started to laugh in embarrassment, "If there WAS someone I liked, I would slowly approach her and just have small conversations with her. When it's time to confess to her, I would slowly bring up the topic and tell her the feelings I have for her."
"So awesome! You sound very experienced." said the interviewer. "Do you currently have someone in mind?"
Lu Han and Kris turned around and smirked at me.
I felt my face really heating up. "My fans." I held my hands out in front of me, looked at the camera, and smiled.
The interviewer just chuckled, "Baekhyun-shi is so kind! He really cares about the fans."

The interview took over fifteen minutes. I was ready to get something to eat before rehearsal this evening. One of the vans decided to head to the restaurant, and our van went to drop Minah back at her dorm. "Thank you, EXO Sunbaes." Minah bowed to all of us before getting out.
"Bye, my Dongsaeng!" Kai winked and waved at her.
"Bye, Kai Sunbae!" she waved back.

As we were driving to the restaurant, Lu Han nudged my arm, "Baek, you've been so quiet today."
"Really?" I asked.
"Hyung is right." said Sehun. "Aside from the interview, you haven't said much. You were especially real quiet at the fan-signing events too."
I rubbed my eyes, "I'm just tired." I rested my head against the window.

*Phone vibrates*
1 New Message

"Hey, it's _____. I'm free tomorrow if you would like to do a lesson. - _____"

I couldn't help but smile, "Hello ^^. I'll check what EXO has going on tomorrow. Morning or afternoon better for you? - Baekhyun"
"Mornings are probably better for me. I tend to doze off in the afternoon. ^_^ kekeke. - _____"

Before I could respond, Sehun looked over my shoulder and looked at my screen, "Who are you texting that makes you smile like that?" Aish! Such a nosy Maknae! -_-
"Yah! Maknae!" I held my phone to my chest, "I don't think you understand the concept of personal space."
"Yah! I was just wondering." he rolled his eyes and just looked away.

I heard Chanyeol whisper something to him, "Probably _____." Sehun and him started to laugh.
"Didn't know we could give our contact information out." Jongin pointed out.
I sighed, "I'm giving her private vocal lessons though." I said.
Everyone in the van looked at me. "But doesn't need vocal lessons." said Jongin.
"I think she can improve just a little bit." I said.
Lu Han sighed, "Whatever you say, Baekhyun."

Hey, Readers! For those of you who know Thai, I hope I spoke Thai correctly. When you study more than one language, it's very difficult. It took me YEARS just to learn and become fluent in Korean and Mandarin. ^_^

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missnoon #1
Oh noooooooo
zellygiirrll #2
Chapter 6: His hamds are prettier than mine
Frida-lm96 #3
Chapter 8: hahaha the sneeze part! hahaha I loved it!

im dying! hahaha
Yeolda #4
Chapter 21: Ignore my recent comment. Spoke too soon XD
Keeitty #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!!! !!!!!!
Chapter 24: This was a really heart-warming story~
I liked it...A LOT
Now, I'll be reading the sequel!
Chapter 22: Wait! So she is going to end up with Yeollie?
But I wanted her with Baek, even though they are siblings.
Chapter 16: Oppa knows the truth~
Well the fact that _____ is Seunghyun and that they are half siblings
Chapter 13: Baek,Baby,don't cry okay~