
Here's My Secret, I Think I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
"Is there anything else you need help with, Mrs. Lee?" _____ asked as she stood up.
"Well, there are some boxes in the back of the market that need labeling." she said.
I stood up, "I know how to do those."
Mrs. Lee looked at me, "Are you sure, Baekhyun? It's getting kind of late. Are you and your band doing anything tomorrow?"
I shook my head, "I talked to Minseok about it. He said all we have is a late rehearsal tomorrow evening."
She looked at _____, "What about you? Don't you need to get back to your dorm?"
She shook her head, "A few of my friends are still out shadowing our Sunbaes. Soyun will call me when she needs me. I don't mind staying to hell you, Mrs. Lee."
"All right, you two can go work in the back."

As we headed to the back, I kept thinking about _____ and I singing together. She really does have a great voice.

I was really jealous of my members being close to her today. Especially Chanyeol and Lu Han. -_-
I really want to tell her how I feel before she gets taken by one of my members!

As we started organizing some boxes in the back, she started singing 3.6.5. I started singing with her. We both sang a lot of songs together.

Peter Pan (EXO)
Sorry, Sorry (Answer) [Studio Version] (Super Junior)
Only U (Super Junior)
No Other (Super Junior)

I noticed that she's a big fan of Super Junior songs. ^_^

As we sat down at a table with box labels, I think now was the time to tell her

"_____?" I looked at her.
"So, now that we both know each others' secrets, I wanted to ask you something."
"What is it, Baekhyun Sunbae?"
"I-" I started to stutter when she looked at me. Her eyes are so beautiful. "If you could, wouldyougoonadateifchanyeolorluhaniftheyaskedyouout?"
She squinted her eyes and tilted her head, "I'm sorry. I didn't catch that."
I sighed, "If your could, would you go on a date with Chanyeol or Lu Han if they asked you?" I loomed away.
She looked down and chuckled, "Why would you ask something like that?"
I blushed, "You were really close to them today. Especially Lu Han." I rubbed the back of my neck.
"You're not jealous are you?" she smirked.
I felt my face heating up, "I-I'm just wondering."
She looked down at the label she was putting on a box, "Baekhyun Sunbae-"
I laughed, "You know, you don't have to talk formal to me all the time. Just call me, Baekhyun. I don't mind."
"Baekhyun," she hesitated, "I really wouldn't know what to do on a date if someone asked me."
I suddenly spoke up, "What if I asked you?"

Her eyes widen and she looked at me.
I moved my seat closer to hers, "I like you, _____. You're a great person. You're so kind-hearted to everyone. I can tell you anything. You're a very understandable person to talk to."
She was surprised by my confession. "Baekhyun," she lowered her head, "You're my Sunbae. I'm just a trainee. I don't think your fans would be ok with you being with a trainee."
"_____, true fans would accept it. If my fans really cared about me, they would respect the decisions I make."
"What about the company? What about everyone else? I thought dating was forbidden. Especially between an idol and a trainee."
I looked into her eyes, "How do you feel towards me, _____."

I saw her face flushing red. She looked down and smiled, "I likeyou too, Baekhyun." our eyes met and we just smiled at each other. "I really do love you. It took me days to figure out my feelings for you. You're a great Sunbae, Baekhyun. You're an easy person to talk to. I can tell you anything. You understand me in all ways. I really love that about you, Baekhyun."

As our eyes met, I slowly brought my hands up and rested them on top of hers. Aside from Seunghyun, I have never loved someone this much before. I promise to always love you, _____.

Your POV
My heart was beating so fast right now. I was so nervous, I was positive that I was gonna end up saying something completely ridiculous.  After Baekhyun's confessions to me, I couldn't help, but to tell him how I feel about him. I've been so confused about how I've felt about him, but his confession told me everything. He made me realize that as long as you love someone, nothing else matters.

When he placed his hands on mine, I couldn't help, but feel really safe. Baekhyun really makes me smile. ^_^
It took him a lot of courage to tell me how he feels about me. I also found out that he was jealous of me being close to s. Especially Chanyeol and Lu Han. The thing is, I don't see them more than a friend. Baekhyun is different. I see him as a guy who will always be there for me.

I suddenly came up with an idea.

"Baekhyun?" I broke the silence between us.
"Hmm?" he looked up at me.
I blushed, "You-You wanted to ask me out, right?"
He looked away in embarrassment, "I  do."
"How about I ask you out first." I gave him a small smile.
"What do you mean?"
"Since you don't have a busy schedule tomorrow, would you like to go on a date with me?"
A smile formed on his face, "Where would you like to go?"
"The orphanage. The one Seunghyun is at. Maybe we could find her."
After he heard that, his smile slowly faded away, "I don't know, _____-"
"Please, Baekhyun? I understand how much Seunghyun means to you. Wouldn't you like to know where she is?"

Baekhyun's POV
She wants to find Seunghyun with me? It's been so many years since I've seen her. Surely a family would've adopted her by now. There's no way she would still be there. If _____ and I go to the orphanage, we could find out where she is and who adopted her.

I gave her a weak smile, "We don't have to go to the orphanage for a date, _____-"
"No, Baekhyun, please. I want to do this with you." she reached for my hand.

_____ is the best person I've ever met. She cares so much for Seunghyun. I'm surprised _____ is an only child. She would be such a great sister.

After a few more hours of working in the back, we both called it a day and headed back to our dorms. When we were heading up front to say goodbye to Mrs. Lee, someone else was up there instead.

I noticed _____ was looking for her too. I looked at _____ and gave her an assuring smile, "Don't worry. She probably sent in one of her workers and went home already. Come on," I put my arm around her shoulder, "I'll walk you to your dorm."
_____ shyly looked down and smiled. "All right."

It was pretty dark when we got outside. I took back my arm and decided to hold hands with _____ instead. As we were walking she spoke up, "Are you sure you're members will be okay with you and I together?"
I smiled, "Absolutely, _____. They all know how much I like you."
She leaned her head on my shoulder as we walked, "You're a great guy, Baekhyun."
I couldn't help, but blush after she said that. She makes me feel so special. ^_^

As we walked by my dorm, I looked up and saw the TV on. Maybe the guys were watching the movie Tao found this morning. I'll hear all about it tomorrow.

As we approached her dorm, I was really looking forward to our date tomorrow. I was a little nervous about how I was going to go out into  public tomorrow without fans recognizing me. I don't want our relationship to be a secret. I want to show everyone the beautiful girl I have by my side.

"Well," _____ said as she lifted her head off my shoulder, "This is my stop. Are you sure you can make it back okay by yourself?"
I nodded, "Of course. I just wanted to make sure you made it home okay."
"Thanks, Baekhyun." she smiled. As she turned around, she looked at me, "Well, I'll see you tomorrow." 

"_____!? Baekhyun Sunbae!?" Minah yelled from the front door.
_____ and I quickly pulled away from each other. "Unnie!" _____ yelled in embarrassment.
Minah smirked at her, "I knew you guys were on good terms now." she winked at me. I take it that Minah knows about us?
"Unnie," _____ pouted. "You're embarrassing me."
I chuckled, "I'll see you tomorrow, _____." I said as I pulled her in for a hug and gave her a quick peck on the cheek. As I started walking back to my dorm, Minah called out to me, "I love my Dongsaeng. If you DARE break her heart, Baekhyun Sunbae, I won't let you off so easy!" she threatened. _____ has got some great friends. I would never hurt her.

Your POV
As I walked inside with Minah, she only smirked at me, "I want details, _____."
"Well," I shyly looked down in embarrassment, "I took your advice, Unnie. Baekhyun and I confessed to each other today."
She squealed, "I'm so happy for you guys!" she pulled me in for a hug.
"You guys are FINALLY together?" asked Soyun in the kitchen with Mihyun standing next to her. "Is it true, _____!?"
I shyly nodded and looked down.
All of them squeaked. "Awwww! Our Maknae is in love!" teased Mihyun.
"And, have you all noticed that _____ doesn't call him 'Baekhyun Sunbae' anymore? She only calls him by his name. So cute!" teased Soyun.

I finished helping Soyun with dinner and sat down to eat with everyone. They all wanted me to tell them what was going on. 
I looked over at Minah, "You know Minah, I had a great day with EXO. Kai Sunbae is a really cool guy. Now that Baekhyun and I are together, I could probably have him help you with Kai Sunbae if you'd like."
Minah covered her face in embarrassment, "I get so nervous around him though. I don't know if he'd feel the same way about me."
"You should try to talk to him more." Mihyun said to her.
"You could always have him help you with your dancing. I'm sure he wouldn't mind." I said.
Minah took a sip of her drink and started covering her face, "I was shadowing SHINee Sunbaes today. I kept calling Taemin Sunbae, Kai Sunbae. They both look so much alike! I got so embarrassed. Taemin Sunbae kept laughing at me too. I think he knows that I like Kai Sunbae."
"There's nothing wrong with that. That could be a good thing. Maybe he'll give Kai Sunbae the message." Soyun shrugged her shoulders.

"Unnie, who do YOU like?" I looked over at Soyun.
"Lay Sunbae." she lowered her head and laughed in embarrassment.
"Lay Sunbae!?" we all yelled in unison.
She nodded, "He's a pretty sweet guy. During the photo-shoot, we got to talking a lot. We communicate in Mandarin with each other."
"Awwww!" we all made hearts with our hands.

"Mihyun, how about you? Who's your crush?" Soyun looked over at Mihyun.
"That's classified." she out a finger to her lips.
"Oh, come on, Unnie! We all told each other who we had a crush on! Come on, who is it!?" asked Minah who looked like she was about to jump out of her seat.
"*Mumbling*" Mihyun said as she was taking a sip of her drink.
"What?" Minah, Soyun, and I both asked in unison.
"I'm not saying anymore." said Mihyun looking down.
"Please, Unnie?" we all pouted.
"Oh, fine." she sighed. "I like, Kris Sunbae." she covered her face.
"AWWWWW! That's so sweet, Unnie!" I said.
"Have you talked to him yet?" asked Minah.
"A little bit. When they came to us during our photo-shoot, Kris and I talked a little bit. We actually have a lot in common. I asked him for some advice on rapping. He said that he and all of the other rappers of EXO could give me some good tips."

After dinner, we all cleaned up the kitchen and then headed to our gathering area in the guest bedroom. We all continued to talk about our love lives. ^_^
I was really looking forward to my date with Baekhyun tomorrow.

OHHHHEMMMGEE!! BAEKHYUN FINALLY CONFESSED!! *Happy dance* t(^o^)t But what will happen when he finds out the truth...

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missnoon #1
Oh noooooooo
zellygiirrll #2
Chapter 6: His hamds are prettier than mine
Frida-lm96 #3
Chapter 8: hahaha the sneeze part! hahaha I loved it!

im dying! hahaha
Yeolda #4
Chapter 21: Ignore my recent comment. Spoke too soon XD
Keeitty #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!!! !!!!!!
Chapter 24: This was a really heart-warming story~
I liked it...A LOT
Now, I'll be reading the sequel!
Chapter 22: Wait! So she is going to end up with Yeollie?
But I wanted her with Baek, even though they are siblings.
Chapter 16: Oppa knows the truth~
Well the fact that _____ is Seunghyun and that they are half siblings
Chapter 13: Baek,Baby,don't cry okay~