Meeting My Sunbaes

Here's My Secret, I Think I'm In Love With You

Your POV
"Good morning, _____." Soyun sang as I walked in the kitchen for a drink. She was making something in the skillet on the stove.
"Good morning. Need any help?" I offered.
"No thanks." she smiled, "I just want you to enjoy."
"Good morning, you guys." said Minah walking in and sitting down next to me.
"Good morning." Soyun and I said back.
"Mihyun still asleep?" asked Soyun.
"Yeah. When I walked by her room, she was still snoring." I said.
We all laughed.
"I know how to get her up." Soyun said smirking. "I'm making my famous fruit flapjacks! Looks like Minah, _____, and I will have it all for ourselves!" she called down the hall.
I heard a few footsteps coming down the hall. When Mihyun came in she was walking like a zombie! Her eyes weren't even opened yet! She took a seat next to me and rested her head on the table.
"Good morning, Mihyun." I sang to her.
She groaned.

Soyun set out our meal for us. She took a seat next to Minah and we all began eating. "So, _____? What is your family like?"
I wiped my mouth with my napkin, "Well, I'm adopted. I don't know anything about my birth parents. My parents found me at their door and decided to raise me as their own since they're too old to have any children of their own. My parents mean the world to me. They've always been there for me and have always supported me."
Minah smiled at me in amazement, "Wow. That's really cool."
"You're really blessed, _____." said Mihyun.
"That's really interesting, _____. You really are blessed. You wouldn't be here if it weren't for them." said Soyun.
"Yeah." I smiled, "If I ever happen to debut in a band, the money I make, I would like to give most of it to my parents. I love them a lot."
"Do you have any siblings?" asked Minah.
I shook my head, "I don't. Maybe my birth parents have other children that are my brothers/sisters, but at the moment, I don't know of any. How about you guys? What are your families like?"

"Well," Mihyun began, "I have two Oppas. One of them is married and the other one works in my Aunt's bakery."
"That's cool." I said.
"We should all have our families over at the dorm sometime. _____ and I could prepare a huge meal for them." said Soyun.
"That'd be really nice." Minah smiled.

Minah took a sip of her tea and began talking about her family, "I have one Unnie who is studying in college right now. She would like to study overseas in America. She can be pretty bossy at times, but I still love her."
"How is she with English?" I asked.
"She's taking an English class right now. She said it can get really frustrating at times."

"I'm a single child just like _____." said Soyun collecting our plates and bringing them to the sink.
"You lucky, duck." said Mihyun. "I bet your house is pretty quiet."
"It can get noisy at times. When Umma and Appa invite friends over, the house gets pretty loud." she chuckled.

After breakfast, we all got ready to head to our first thing on our schedules. We all said our goodbyes to each other before heading out. We weren't gonna see each other until before lunch. We all were invite to watch one of our Sunbaes' rehearsals.

~Hours later~
I'm already exhausted and I'm only halfway through the day. Dance lessons were pretty hard! So many rules whenever you dance! My instructor said that if I played the "Let's Dance" games, I'd get the hang of it.

*Phone vibrates*
"Hey! Do you guys wanna meet in front of the building? We can all go in together. - Mihyun"
"Sounds good. - _____"

I left the building where I attended my classes, and headed to the SM building.

"Hello." a guy came up to me. I looked closer and realized that it was Jonghyun, from SHINee.

"H-Hi there." I smiled and waved. I guess he knows that I'm a trainee.
"Congratulations on your auditions, Miss?"
"_____ imnida. And thanks." I bowed to him.

*Phone rings*
"Well, gotta head off to a recording. Nice meeting you, _____." Jonghyun waved at me walking away. "Oh, and welcome to the SM Family. If you ever need anything, you can always count on your SHINee Sunbaes." he said smiling at me.
"Thanks, Jonghyun Sunbae!"

I saw Soyun and Minah at the front of the building. "Hey, how were your classes this morning?" asked Minah.
"Pretty good. Dancing can get really tiring. Looks like that will be my workout every day." I chuckled. "How  were your guys' classes?"
"Mine went pretty well. There were a lot of trainees in my class." said Soyun.
"Me and a few other trainees saw BoA and Sunny in our modeling class. They just wanted to see how everyone was doing." said Minah.
"Hmm, there must be a lot of bands that are free today. I just ran into Jonghyun Sunbae on my way here."
"SHINee?" asked Minah.
"Yep. I guess everyone knows about us. He congratulated me on my auditions and said that if we ever needed anything, we could always count on our SHINee Sunbaes."

Mihyun came walking up the sidewalk. "Sorry I didn't reply sooner. Our vocal teacher is strict on phones. We only got two breaks!"

We all walked in the building together. Mr. Kim was there to greet us. "Good morning, ladies. How is _____ adjusting?"
"She's been doing pretty well." said Soyun. "She fits in perfectly with us."
"I really hope the four of us can debut together." added Minah.
"It's a possibly. You never know." said Mr. Kim. "Anyways, let's head on in. Rehearsal is in five minutes."

We took an elevator all the way to the sixth floor. When Mr. Kim opened up the door, there was a giant stage with a lot of seats surrounding it. "Someday, you guys will be on that stage." Mr. Kim said smiling. He held out his hand and signaled us to have a seat in the first row of seats right in front of the stage!

As we all got seated, the lights suddenly shut off. Everything was pitch black around us.

After a few seconds of sitting in total darkness, there was a dimmed light shining in the middle of the stage. As the light got a little brighter, music started playing. There were twelve guys standing in the middle of the stage in the form of a tree.

Wolf (EXO)

Seeing each of everyone's dance moves, I was amazed by it. I've got a lot of dancing to learn to be as good as that. As each of the members came forward to sing their part, their faces could be seen clearly. Woah, they even wear make-up during rehearsals? What made this rehearsal even more impressive was that everyone was actually singing. There was no lip-synching at all.

I looked over at Mihyun and I could tell that Mihyun was focused on Tao, Sehun, Kai, Xiumin, Kris, and Chanyeol's rapping segments. I glanced over at Minah and of course she's only paying attention to Kai. I look over at Soyun and she's mainly paying attention to the members' feet. She's watching how all of them dance. I couldn't help but think about how hard singing AND dancing at the same time. It looked really difficult. EXO just made it look easy.

I was very amazed by all of the powerful voices in EXO. I love Chanyeol, Kris and Kai's deep voice, Chen and Suho's angelic voices, D.O.'s amazing powerful voice, and-Baekhyun's voice. Out of all of EXO, Baekhyun has the best voice I've ever heard. Throughout this whole song, all I could hear was his voice. Was it just me? Or was he just singing loud? He's so gifted in singing! I wish my voice was as good as his.

Suddenly, it was Lu Han and Baekhyun's turn to sing and when Baekhyun started singing, he stepped forward. He looked at where we were sitting in the front row, so he came closer to  us and sang. He made eye-contact with all of us. When Baekhyun and I made eye-contact with each other, I felt my face getting really warm. Am I blushing? Phew! Thank goodness it's dark in here.

When the boys got back to the middle of the stage, I couldn't help but watch how their feet move. They were all so into the song. I really liked the choreography to this song. I hope to one day learn it. Like the music video, the song ended with Lu Han and Sehun coming out in front of everyone.

We all began clapping and cheering for them. They all did such an amazing job. They ran to the back of the stage and grabbed their water bottles and headed back to where we were.

"Hello everyone. We are ONE, we are EXO!" all of the boys shouted and bowed to us.
"Hello, Mr. Kim." said Suho bowing to Mr. Kim. "Are these the new trainees?"
Mr. Kim got up and walked towards EXO. The rest of us just followed behind like his shadow. "That's right. These girls are very talented. Out of all of our trainees, they are very experienced." he looked at the four of us, "Let's see, we've got some really amazing dancers, and some really talented singers."
"Would they mind performing something for is?" asked Tao.
Mr. Kim looked at us, "I'm sure the girls wouldn't mind. What do you guys think?" he looked at us.
"Not at all/We don't mind/Of course." we all nervously answered.

I could tell that Minah was about to have an anxiety attack, Soyun looked a little surprised, and Minah looked as nervous as I did. Kris stepped toward us and smiled, "Hey, it's all right if you guys are nervous. But we're your Sunbaes. We wanna do our best to help you guys. You all are really lucky to be this experienced as trainees." Kris' was so tall! I actually had to tilt my head up! I was so speechless by his height. Seeing him in the flesh, is mind-blowing!

Mr. Kim clapped his hand, "Well, why don't you boys take a seat," he looked at us, "And you four, I want you each to go up to the stage, introduce yourself, and perform something. Performance time is no longer than a minute."

As we all headed up to the stage, Soyun looked at us, "Want me to go first?" she nervously asked.
"If you want." I said. "Good luck!"

Soyun took the mic and stepped out on stage, "Hello, everyone, Kim Soyun imnida. I am going to dance the opening of SHINee's song, Lucifer." she set the mic down and went to the center of the stage. I take it that the person controlling the music knew exactly what to do.

Lucifer (SHINee)

Soyun is such a good dancer! She should teach me how to dance that song! She ended it perfectly too! Right before the song cut into the first verse, she broke it off very well. Everyone clapped for her. She bowed and went to go stand with the others on stage towards the back.

"I'll go next." said Minah. "I just wanna get this over with." she said taking deep breathes. Minah went out on stage and picked up the mic, "Hello, everyone, Shin Minah imnida. I am going to be doing Super Junior's y, Free, & Single." she set down the mic down and went to stand in the middle of the stage.

y, Free, & Single (Super Junior)

The song began playing to where the first verse was almost ending. Wow! I was amazed when I saw her dance to the chorus. I never knew she could dance that good! Her performance didn't last long, but she was sure working up a sweat! She ended the chorus pretty smoothly. Everyone clapped for her and she bowed, making her way to where the rest of us were.

I was still deciding what I should do. I could decided what I wanted to sing. Mihyun noticed that I looked a little uneasy. She put a hand on my shoulder and chuckled, "Want me to go?"
I gave her a small smile, "If you don't mind."
"I don't mind. Wish me luck! Fighting!"

Mihyun went out to the middle of the stage and picked up the mic, "Hello, everyone, Park Mihyun imnida. I will dance to the beginning of TVXQ's Catch Me." she ran back towards us and handed me the microphone and then headed back out to the stage.

Catch Me (TVXQ)

I think one of the hardest choreography is the dance steps in this song. Watching Yunho and Max dance to it in the music video, they make it look so easy! I tried dancing to this once, and, let's just say it didn't end well. The song was way too fast for me. She ended the beginning with a smooth pose. Everyone clapped for her. I quickly came up with something to sing.

"And last, but not least, Ms. _____." said Mr. Kim.
I complimented Mihyun on her dancing before I went out. I nervously began to walk out on the stage.

"Hello, everyone, _____ _____ imnida. I am going to be singing to you, the first verse to EXO's Don't Go." With shaky hands, I made my way to the middle of the stage. Umma always told me that to overcome your fear of stage-fright, just look at the wall behind the audience.

Don't Go (EXO)

As I finished, I really didn't know how to make a smooth ending, so I just hummed until the person controlling the music got the idea of stopping the song. Everyone clapped for me and I headed towards the back of the stage. The four of us sat down in the row in front of Mr. Kim and the EXO members.

"So, EXO, what do you guys think? Any tips or advice you guys might have?" Mr. Kim looked at all the EXO members.
"I have some advice." said Kai. "I noticed that a few of you guys who danced, looked a little nervous. That's all right, but remember, you want to stay focused on your audience. If you guys do a video shoot, you wanna make sure that you're giving the camera/audience your dancing attention. But other than that, you all were great. You guys really are experienced trainees."
"Thank you." we all bowed and thanked Kai.
"Anyone else?" asked Mr. Kim.
"Well," said Sehun, "It's like Kai said. You wanna give the audience your attention, but the most important thing is to enjoy doing what you're doing. Dancers, as Usher would say, you gotta dance like it's the last night of your life."

"Thank you so much for coming to EXO's rehearsal." Mr. Kim said to us.
"If you guys need any help, or wanna talk to us about anything, your Sunbaes will always be here for you." said Chanyeol.
"Thank you everyone." we bowed to them and gathered up our stuff and headed to our next class.

Baekhyun's POV
After watching and hearing these girls perform, I was really impressed. These girls are new trainees, and they're already dancing to our Sunbaes' songs? They've all got so much talent in them. Especially _____. After I heard her sing, it sounded like I was listening to an angel sing to me. Her voice is so powerful. On the way to one of our variety show recordings I decided to listen to one of our albums.

"Don't Go" started to play. Every time I hear this song, I see and hear _____ singing it. There's jus something about her. And when we made eye contact during my part in Wolf, I felt something in my stomach. Wait-there's no way I could develop a crush on a trainee! Snap out of it, Byun Baekhyun!

"Hey, what did you guys think of the new trainees?" asked Jongdae.
"I thought they were pretty good." said Minseok.
"Yeah, for beginner trainees, they've sure got a lot of talent." added Kyungsoo.
"I was really impressed by their dancing." said Joonmyun.
"Yeah, their dancing was pretty experienced! Heck, I don't even know the dance moves to a TVXQ song." said Yixing.
"What'd you think of that one girl who sang?" asked Lu Han.
"Who, _____?" asked Kris.
As I heard her name, I took out one of my headphones and listened in on the conversation.

"Yeah, her." said Lu Han. "For a moment, I thought it was Baekhyun singing. She's got some serious singing talent."
"Well some people are gifted the ability to sing. This girl obviously was." said Sehun. "What do you think, Baek?" Sehun said looking up at me.
"What?" I pulled out my other headphone and starred at everyone.
Sehun repeated himself, "I said what do you think about the girl who sang? _____."

What do I think? There's a lot I have to say. She was beyond amazing.

"I say she's got some serious talent in her. I wonder what other songs she knows. We should invite those trainees to more of our rehearsals. They all seemed to enjoy it."
"They have their own schedule though." said Joonmyun. "I'm pretty sure _____ is enrolled in a lot of experienced vocals class to sing THAT good. We can ask Mr. Kim about their singing and dancing abilities later."
"If I'm not mistaken, I think I heard Mr. Kim saying something about their last activity for the day was a photo shoot. We should stop by to see them." said Jongin.
"We don't wanna stalk them or anything, Jongin." said Kris.
"Yah! It's not stalking! We just want to know more about them!" he snapped back.
I bit my lower lip, "Jongin has a point. You won't find trainees that are this good. We should get to know them more. We could help them improve. Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they were to debut tomorrow!"
"All right. We'll stop by to see them after this recording." said Chanyeol. "So there's Mihyun, uh-"
"Soyun." added Tao.
"Minah." added Jongdae.
"And _____." I added.

I was kind of anxious to get to know them more. I really wanted to know how they all have such talent.

Hello, Readers! (t^_^t) I'm really liking this story so far. What do you guys think of it? I can't decide if I should have Mihyun, Soyun, and Minah end up with an EXO member.

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missnoon #1
Oh noooooooo
zellygiirrll #2
Chapter 6: His hamds are prettier than mine
Frida-lm96 #3
Chapter 8: hahaha the sneeze part! hahaha I loved it!

im dying! hahaha
Yeolda #4
Chapter 21: Ignore my recent comment. Spoke too soon XD
Keeitty #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!!! !!!!!!
Chapter 24: This was a really heart-warming story~
I liked it...A LOT
Now, I'll be reading the sequel!
Chapter 22: Wait! So she is going to end up with Yeollie?
But I wanted her with Baek, even though they are siblings.
Chapter 16: Oppa knows the truth~
Well the fact that _____ is Seunghyun and that they are half siblings
Chapter 13: Baek,Baby,don't cry okay~