The Note

Here's My Secret, I Think I'm In Love With You

Baekhyun's POV
_____'s parents are so nice. She's really lucky to be brought into such a wonderful family.

The four of us all sat in the living room and just got to know each other more. _____ and I sat on the sofa next to each other and Mr. and Mrs. _____ sat on the sofa across from us. _____'s parents really trusted her with a guy. I remember when I dated in my high school days, the girl's parents would always be so defensive over their daughters dating. But that was in high school. ^_^

"Baekhyun, _____ has told us about your band winning three awards in a row." Mr. _____ looked up at me.
I nodded, "Yes, Sir. EXO and I have been working very hard lately. Our first full album was released not long ago."
Mrs. _____ looked over at her husband, "Remember before _____ became a trainee? She would always be on the piano playing songs from EXO's album. Baby, Don't Cry I think was the name of it."
_____ nodded, "It is. Baekhyun is currently giving me private vocal lessons."
I smiled at her and then looked up at her parents, "She's got an amazing voice. Pretty soon, I think her and her friends are to debut real soon. They're all so far ahead in training."

Mr. _____ smiled at me, "_____ has always had the gift for music. My wife and I really wish we knew who her birth parents were. She must've picked it up from one of them. We're just so shocked that her parents gave her up. They're really missing out on a lot."
I placed my hands over hers, "She's been put into such a wonderful family. She tells me a lot about you guys. She's very thankful to have you two in her life."

I decided to tell them about Seunghyun. I looked up at them and gulped, "My little sister, Seunghyun, was out up for adoption when I was very small. Our parents didn't have the money to take care of another child. Umma decided to give her to an orphanage. I know that a family will claim her. She will be very loved and cared for by them."
"You're a very strong man, Baekhyun." said Mr. _____. "You'd be the perfect Oppa for her. I bet a really good family has your sister right now."
"Thank you." I said to him.

After a few more minutes of small-talking, we all went to the table for dinner. _____'s parents cook very good food. The meal was so good. While we were eating, Mrs. _____ wanted _____ to play us some music on the piano.

_____ got up and went over to the piano in the living room. She began to play.

River Flows In You (Yiruma)

As soon as she began playing, I recognized that song. Appa used to play it to Seunghyun when he would try to get her to sleep. I would always rock her to sleep as Appa would play that song. It was a very beautiful piece. It looks really complicated to learn.

We all clapped as she finished. She came back to the table to finish her food. "That was very good, Honey." said Mr. _____.
"Where did you learn to play that?" I asked.
She took a sip of her drink, "When I was little, I always heard this tune in my sleep. Even now, I still hear the tune. When I started playing the tune on the piano one day, Appa came to me and told me the name of the song. I decided to learn the whole thing. I really liked the song. It's very beautiful, but it took me months to learn."

That is so strange. I guess it was a popular song parents would always play to their kids.

As _____ and Mrs. _____ were cleaning up the kitchen, Mr. _____ decided to show me around the house for a while.

As we walked around the house, Mr. _____ was very happy about _____ and I being together. He patted my back, "You're a great guy, Baekhyun. I'm so thankful that _____ has a guy like you in her life. This is probably the first guy she has ever had feelings for. She had a crush in high school, but she never had the courage to talk to him." He chuckled, "Don't tell her I told you about this."
I chuckled, "Not at all." I said nervously rubbing the back of my neck.

When I looked up, I saw all of these picture frames of _____ when she was a little kid. She's so little and cute! ^_^

OH! These baby pictures of her are so adorable! They almost look like-

I looked closer and those were photos of Seunghyun! Seunghyun has those exact same eyes when she was a baby.

That means, _____ IS Seunghyun! _____ is-she's my-my sister!

"Baekhyun? Are you all right?" Mr. _____ laid a hand on my shoulder cutting me from my thoughts.
"Who is that?" I asked pointing at the pictures.
He chuckled and looked at the photo,  "That's _____ when she was a baby."

I kept looking at all of the photos. I can't believe that Seunghyun has been by my side the whole time! This explains _____'s voice, her music talent, and the piano song she just played at dinner.

She's my sister!

It all makes sense! Umma never took her to an orphanage! She just left her at someone's door! SHE DID ALL OF THIS! SHE'S THE REASON FOR MY BROKEN HEART AFTER ALL OF THESE YEARS!

"Baekhyun? Are you all right?" _____ and her Umma asked as they came over to Mr. _____ and I.
I hesitated, "I-I'm fine."
Mrs. _____ smiled and saw me looking at the photos. "Yep, this is her as a baby. I took these a few days after she was at our door. There was a note on her blanket when my husband and I came home."

A note?

"Wait," _____ spoke up, "A note?"

She never knew about it?

Mr. _____ lowered his head, "A few days after we found you at our door, Umma was working around the house outside. She found a note underneath the doormat."

I spoke up, "If you don't mind, could I see the note?"
Mrs. _____ smiled, "Of course. I'll be right back." she said as she headed up the stairs.

I'm still mind-blown by all of this. My sister, has been by my side this whole time and I never knew it!? I really don't know how I'm going to tell _-I mean, Seunghyun about this. We are siblings and we're in a relationship. This isn't right at all. I really love her and everything, but-


"Here it is." Mrs. _____ handed me a small piece of paper.

"My dearest Angel,
As much as this hurts me to say, but we can no longer be together. Jaewon has been drinking too much. I have decided to call it all off. He has taken everything from me and your father. He's tying to take full custody of you. I cannot let that happen. I want you to be safe, but not with Jaewon. I know you will grow up to be a beautiful, strong woman. Umma loves you a lot, my previous angel. Someday, we will see each other again."

Seunghyun was by my side reading the entire letter. From the corner of my eye, I saw a tear run down her face. I can't believe her parents never showed this to her. I'm as shocked as she is.

And, Jaewon? Why does that name sound so familiar?

Me: Umma, do you have to go?
Umma: Yes, Honey. I am going to be late. Don't worry, your Appa will be home soon and fix you some dinner.
Me: Why do you have to go though?

*Phone rings*
Umma: Hello? Oh, Jaewon! Yes, I'll be there real soon. Don't worry. They won't know a thing. No. No, he doesn't. *Chuckling* Choi Jaewon, don't say things like that. All right, I'll see you soon. Yes. Yes, I promise, he won't know. All right. I'll be over soon. We have to actually work this time. No more messing around. All right, bye.

It's that mean man who's friends with Umma.

Me: Umma, who was that?
Umma: It's none of your business, Baekhyun.
Me: You like him, don't you?
Umma: Byun Baekhyun, you go up to your room this instant before your Appa gets home.
Me: *Sigh* Yes, Umma.
Umma: Also, I don't you to say a word to anyone about this. I love your Appa.
Me: Understood, Umma.

~End flashback~

This was before Seunghyun was born. Choi Jaewon. How could I forget about this name. I've met him once. All that bastard does is drink. He claims he's filthy rich too. Umma saw him behind Appa's back. He got mad whenever he found out that I was her son. He must've gotten her pregnant. Umma never told my Appa the truth. She must've told him that the child was his.

Knowing how much Jaewon drinks, he must've gotten way too drunk one night and tried taking full custody of Seunghyun. Umma officially ended it with him. She wanted to give Seunghyun away so she'd be safe from him.

It all makes sense to me now.

Seunghyun is my half-sister.

I'm really hurt by the fact that after all these years, Umma has kept this all a secret from Appa and I.

After thinking about all of this, I was trying my best to hold back my tears. I wonder what Seunghyun is thinking right now. Would she know the truth? If she doesn't, what will she say when I tell her the truth? I can't say anything right now, her parents are here with us. I'll just have to tell her later, but it'll have to be real soon.

Since Mrs. Lee is Umma's closest friend, I wonder if she would know anything about this. I really need to talk to her.

"Baekhyyn?" Seunghyun whispered to me, "Are you all right?"
I nodded.
"Umma?" Seunghyun looked up at her parents. "Baekhyun and I are going to go for a walk and then he's gonna take me home. Thanks for the dinner. It was great."
I walked over to her parents and bowed, "Thank you so much, Mr. and Mrs. _____. Everything was delicious. It was very nice to meet you."
Mr. _____ smiled, "You two take care, all right? Baekhyun, you and EXO continue to work hard, and _____, you continue to be a beautiful strong and hard-working woman. Umma and I love you a lot."
She ran over and gave them a hug, "Thank you, Umma, Appa."

As we walked out of her house, I didn't know how to feel right now. I'm so lost and confused.

As we were walking towards he dorm, I looked over at Seunghyun who was looking down at her feet. I spoke up, "_____, are you all right?"
She gave me a weak smile, "I'm just a little upset that my parents never told me that note. Now I know that my birth Umma was only trying to protect me from this Jaewon person." She looked up at me, "How do you feel, Baekhyun? You looked a little tense back there."

I was speechless. How do I feel?

Soooooooo, Baekhyun finally knows the truth!! _____ still has no idea of the situation. Will Baekhyun be honest enough to tell her?

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missnoon #1
Oh noooooooo
zellygiirrll #2
Chapter 6: His hamds are prettier than mine
Frida-lm96 #3
Chapter 8: hahaha the sneeze part! hahaha I loved it!

im dying! hahaha
Yeolda #4
Chapter 21: Ignore my recent comment. Spoke too soon XD
Keeitty #5
Chapter 10: Ahhhhhhh!!! !!!!!!
Chapter 24: This was a really heart-warming story~
I liked it...A LOT
Now, I'll be reading the sequel!
Chapter 22: Wait! So she is going to end up with Yeollie?
But I wanted her with Baek, even though they are siblings.
Chapter 16: Oppa knows the truth~
Well the fact that _____ is Seunghyun and that they are half siblings
Chapter 13: Baek,Baby,don't cry okay~