
Lunafly Scenarios

You’re sitting by the window watching the rain fall while waiting for Sam to finish changing. The two of you were enjoying the clear, sunny sky on your date, but out of nowhere it began to pour, so you went back to to his apartment to dry off and wait the rain out.


The living area was small, but every inch was covered with furniture, books, magazines, sheet music, dirty dishes. The typical musician's bachelor pad. Looking around you see what looks to be a stack of photo books sitting beside the tv. You glance over at the bedroom door and deem it safe snoop around for a bit.


There are about 10 brightly colored photo books stacked up in no particular order. You grab the one on top and open it, revealing photos from Lunafly’s first concert. The entire 100 page book is filled with professional and fan photos from various angles and of all three members.


You smile, outlining Sam in one of the group photos before closing it and placing it back on the stack. As soon as you set it on top, the whole stack tips and falls, scattering the books all over the floor. You scramble to pick them back up, worried that Sam may have heard you and you don’t want him to know you were looking through his things.


One by one, you stack them back up where they were and as you reach for another book to put on top, you notice that it’s different from the others. This one it plain black and is about half as wide as all the rest. There’s no lettering or decorations on it to tell you what lies inside.


You carefully slip your finger under the cover and are about to open it up when a hand flies in front of you and scratches the book from your hands. Startled, you whirl around to see Sam standing there wearing a new set of clothes and a very scary expression.


“Who said you could look through these?” He yelled, placing the book down and grabbing you by the shoulders to pull you forcefully to your feet.


“I’m s-sorry,” You stutter, not sure what to say. “I just saw th-them sitting there and I h-had nothing better to do, so I just picked one up-”


“You don’t answer my question!” He was gripping your shoulders so hard that his nails were piercing through your top. “WHO SAID YOU COULD LOOK THROUGH THESE?!”


You’re completely shocked. Sam has never yelled at you like this before. You knew him as a fun, loving and caring man who wasn’t afraid to speak his mind, but the person in front of you was most definitely not that same guy you agreed to go out over two months ago.


Tears form behind your eyes and fall down your cheeks, but you’re too hurt to try to stop them. All you can do is simply answer his question. “N-no one.”


“Then why were you looking at them without my permission?” Sam roughly pulls you closer to him so his face is inches away from yours. “WHY?”


A sob escapes and you fall to your knees, the tears falling harder now. “I didn’t mean to d-do anything to upset you! I, I just wanted to look,” You voice is soon covered by your sobs and you can’t control them enough to get out another word.


Sam just stands there watching you as different emotions flash across his face. Anger, frustration, confusion, worry, then it finally settles on guilt. He seems to collapse down to your level and just watches you for a while.


Finally, after a few minutes you are able to control the sobs and the tears and wipe them away, sitting down on the floor. Sam looks into your eyes, his expression on blank. You make a move to get up and leave, not seeing the reason to stay any longer, but as you start to the door, Sam gently grabs you around the waist, turning and taking you into his arms.


You just stand there, letting him hug you for a few minutes before you slowly raise your arms and wrap them around his neck. He squeezes you tight and lets out a heavy sigh. “I’m sorry ______-ah. It’s just...there are things you don’t know about me, but I want to wait until I know you’ll be able to handle it well before I tell you.”


“It’s okay, I understand,” You mutter, taking a deep breath and kissing the base of his neck. “I won’t pry. Everyone has their secrets”

A tear falls onto your shoulder. Sam sniffles, then laughs quietly for a moment. “Thank you _______-ah.”

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Alex27948 #1
Hiii :) can i request?
Chapter 2: OMGOMG I LOVE THIS ONE. <333
SimplyFalling211 #3
Chapter 8: You wrote this better than I probably could have myself! I actually posted something similar to it, but it only took me twenty minutes to jot down because I needed this prompt out of my head. I adore this, you guys completely just made my day! Thank you guys so much! Maybe I'll request something else later, under a different fandom ^^
SimplyFalling211 #4
Chapter 7: Kyahh! You're writing my prompt! - dies-
prose-from-a-potato #5
Chapter 1: Aw...this chapter is just so cute!
*dies from cuteness*
SimplyFalling211 #6
Chapter 6: I'm fangirling over how cute this entire thing is! May I make a request? I would love, love, LOVE one featuring Sam. This is a but of a complex plot that iI would have done myself but I currently have 4 ongoing multichapter stories. The plot is that Sam has feelings for his best friend who is sick in the hospital. She knows she's dying but doesn't want to tell him in case he gets hurt. During a week that he couldn't visit her, she asks the doctors to allow her to be discharged to make Sam one last gift ; an acoustic guitar. She makes it, but dies upon its completion and that's how Sam finds her in her workshop, slumped over the guitar she spent so much time making.

You don't have to write it if you think it's too hard, but it would be greatly appreciated! (:
HeartLuver11 #7
I really enjoyed your Sam story! It was really good. Can I request a daddy Sam one. Please and thank you authornim! :)