The Witch
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“Yoyo!!! Hurry up!! I don’t know what Yamaa will do to Horikita san!!!” Erika shouted while ran in front of him faster than ever.


“Shut up, baka!!! Do you see I’m crawling here? I’m running!!!” Ryo complained as his feet moved faster.


“So slow!!!” Erika added more, making Ryo gritted his teeth tightly than ever. Then, his mind flew back toward the memories that happened just a few minutes ago.


                Toda Erika came to his desk, while panted heavily. Her soft small mouth opened and closed, but nothing came out from it. Not even a word.


“WHAT!!!” Became irritated, Ryo shouted to the woman.


“ Horikita….Horikita san…..Yamaa san…” Ryo chan just nodded and listened what the woman wanted to say to him. Toda Erika swallowed hard and breathed heavily.


“What’s with Horikita san and Yamaa san….” Unable to wait, Ryo asked again.






“They are locked inside the room. Yamaa …..he…he locked the door.” Ryo widened his eyes horror.


“What??!!” Toda Erika nodded fast and grabbed his hands.


“Help me, Yoyo!!! I’m so afraid….and I don’t know what will happen to her. What the man will do!! Please….” The woman’s plead echoed inside his head.


                Ryo looked at Erika’s back and the woman was still running faster than him. Usually, she was kinda slow in running, compare to him. However, just because too worry on her boss’s safety, she ran with all her might. It seemed Erika really concerned Horikita Maki after all. Finally, they reached her office. Moving toward the door, Erika grabbed the tomb and twisted it. Still, it locked. Instantly, she turned around and faced Ryo who stood behind her.


“Yoyo….what should we do?” Erika’s panic voice rang in his ear. He eyed back the tomb and thought for a while. Something flashed inside his mind.


“Do you have the spare key for her room?”Ryo asked instantly. Erika stunned and her lip was partially open.


“Ahhhhhhhh!!! The spare key!!! Yes!!” She shouted and ran toward her desk. Squatting down, she opened her drawer and started to rummage for the key. After a few minutes, she managed to find it.


“Found it!!!” Excitedly Erika said while showing the key to Ryo. Ignoring her untidy drawer, she walked to her best friend, and gave the key.


“How come you can forget this one?” Ryo dangled the keys in front of her. The woman in front of him just pouted and mumbled.


“I am panic, baka!!!” Erika said to him, but Ryo just shook his head.



Inside Maki’s office, Horikita Maki and Yamapi looked on the same thing. Maki closed her eyes, and turned her gaze. She did not need to see it, because all these times, she knew about it. See it….witnessed it….. Her action was opposite with Yamapi, who never shifted his gaze from the view. Guilty swarmed over her when she found out that the man was still looking at them. She knew how it felt, when someone that close to you, betrayed you especially when the person did it with your best friends. She knew it…..


Never in his life, Yamapi was betrayed like this. Not like this. Especially, he was betrayed by someone he loves most….trusts most!!! His lover and his best friend. Inside him, he was denying what he saw at that moment.



Maybe….maybe… was someone else.

Yes…it must be someone else.

They will not do it…..





However, the more he denied, the clearer the view he saw. This time he was sure that the woman was his girlfriend, his lovely girlfriend  and it was because of the clothes. Yamapi knew the clothes too well, because he was the one who gave it to her, on her birthday. Somehow, all the questions he thought earlier answered.


Why Masami did not defend him….

Why Kengo too did not defend him….

Why she kept missing sometime during works……

Why Kengo looked shock when he said he wanted to get married with her….



Yamapi bit his lips, stopping all the questions at once. The thought made his heart broke. Even, anger began to form inside him. None of his reasons that  he thought earlier could diminish it.  His hands turned into strong grips. Both of his eyes turned to dark ones as it began to gleam with tears. Yamapi tried his best to control himself, to convince himself that the two of persons kissing between each other was nothing. Strangely, his mind did not accept it….could not accept it.


Noticing the changes on the owner of bunny eyes made Maki’s hands reached Yamapi’s eyes immediately, closing them with both of her soft ones. At that moment, she could feel hot tears trickling from his eyes down to his cheeks.  Some of them were even on her palm. She knew immediately, the tears were not only representing his hurtful hearts, but also hatred and betrayal within it. Somehow, she did not want the man to feel those feelings…..despite what had happened.He could not feel those…..those dark feelings. No….


“Don’t look….”she whispered the words. That was the only thing she could say at the moment. However, Yamapi’s hand reached her hands trying to remove from his eyes. Still, the woman did not budge and covered both of his eyes with her hands.


“Don’t look, Yamaa san.” she said once again, as she stared at the man. Somehow, seeing what Yamapi faced at the moment, made her past came back to her at once. All the painful memories. All the betrayals…..


“Move your hands, witch!!” He snapped at her. He circled her small wrists trying to take it from his eyes, but she holds it strongly than ever.


 Maki just shook her head. Roughly, Yamapi moved it despite of soft words she persuaded to him. Before his eyes could see it again, the woman pulled him into her embrace as she turned their bodies around, hugging him tightly than ever. At that time, she thought that was the only way to prevent the stubborn man from seeing it, learning about the painful reality.


“What are you doing!!!! Let me go!!! Let me…”


“Don’t look at it Yamaa san….Don’t…..” she whispered the words once again.


Gritting his teeth, Yamapi tried to push the witch from being plastered to his body. Feeling she was being pushed again, Maki clutched on Yamapi’s shirt to hold on it before lifted her head and looked at the man in front of her. Seeing this made Yamapi became stunned at once. The softness that the witch had on her face was something he did not expect to see; something that he never saw before. Unknowingly, his jaw tightened at the sudden sight. Horikita Maki inhaled deeper while tugging the man closer to her. Both of her brown eyes looked deeply into his dark ones as she spoke softly.


“ If you look at them for a long time….you are going to lose yourself, Yamaa san…..losing the real of you. Hatred and painful were only thing will be in your heart….and you could not get out of those despair….forever….Yamaa san.”


Her sadness tone in those

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Hello everyone, the update will be late since I'm quite busy. I'll try to post it as soon as possible. The earliest might be next week. Sorry about that.


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b2stpanda #1
Hello there. I know this going to annoy you but please can you please continue to write the story please.
Hello hello!!! Please, keep writing, I really love the fanfic!
Hello! My Yamaki heart is praying for the update ;) please, dear author, keep writing. Hope you're back soon.
Chapter 55: My dear author, please update soon :D I really want to read more <3
Chapter 54: Hello, I return to this fic again after years!!! And return to asianfanfics as well.
I'm really surprised that this fic still continues, after being in hiatus and...maki's marriage (thus breaking my yamaki heart)

Edit: Asfafadfafsgaf, I wrote a lenghty comment but why did Aff cut it? Grrr......
Anyway, I hope they didn't cut this one. I'm so thankful that you keep this story alive, after years. I have re-read all the way to the beginning and I got all giddy in yamaki scenes. I know I will love them forever....
Please continue updating this fic, please please....
I really like that Yamapi saw the real Maki in the video. I hope that he choose the best option. Ohh no, Masami what are you planning? Thanks for the update!!!!!! Great chapter!!!! :D
fickyz #7
Chapter 55: Wow...this chapter is intense for Yamapi's part. But hopefully he makes the right decision what ever it is. Please don't let go of Maki for what ever deal Mukai has offered. Great chapter as usual author~
Chapter 55: i teared when Pi saw Maki's smiles.... the sweet side of her he didn't get to see. :(
Whatever deal they made, i hope Pi says know and fight for her!!!
it's ok for the late update... we don't want to stress you out. :) Life is life. :)
Will definitely wait for the next chapter when you are available. :)
Please update soon <3 <3 <3
Chapter 54: First of all, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR KEEPING THIS STORY ALIVE! Thank you so much :D
Honestly, I thought you'd never continue this story again, so when this morning I checked up this site and saw this story has been updated, I was so happy :D THANK YOU :D!
I hope you can keep writing because I really love your stories (The Secret and this one :D)
I'll be waiting for your update :D