
Friendzone 101
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chapter nine

wondergirls - it's not love (play song)

Kyungmi shoved her phone into her pocket after sending her text to Baekhyun, only to realize that she left her backpack at school. She didn't care though, and going back to school was the last thing she wanted to do right now. She couldn't believe that Daehyun would do such a thing to her. After everything they did together those past two weeks. She grew to like him more and more each day, but all along he was just acting?

It broke her heart to know that he played with her. That there whole relationship, or whatever that was going between, them was all part of his little game, and she was the victim. Everything was joke to him, while she fell for it all.

Kyungmi was heavily dragging her feet, walking on the sidewalk, not knowing where the heck she was going.

*How can I be so stupid?*She  thought and kicked a rock on the floor as her tears fell. Wiping them away was no use, as more tears would just fall anyways. *I can't believe I fell for his stupid joke. I'm so stupid.*

She kept her head down as she walked, and her vision was blurry due to the tears in her eyes. She finally came to a stop and slowly looked up to where she was. She ended up walking all the way to her house. Her room is the place where she wanted to be the most, and so without hesitation, she ran inside her house.

"Oh, Kyungmi, you're home?" Her mom greeted her. "It's barely lunch time, what are you doing here?"

Kyungmi just ignored her and ran upstairs straight to her room. After closing her door shut with a loud bang, she collasped onto her bed and let out a loud sob.

"Honey!" Her mom called out. "Kyungmi, are you okay?" She followed her up the stairs and knocked on her door. "Honey, what happened? Do you want to talk about it?"

Kyungmi just ignored her and just cried into her pillow.


"What's taking Kyungie so long?" Sehun pouted and glanced over to her stuff she left behind.

Xiumin nodded, "Yeah, if she doesn't come back in 5 minutes, i'm going to eat her sandwich." He said and looked at her untouched sandwich that was just sitting there.

Kris gave him a look. 'Not now.' He mouthed.

The oldest just pouted and stayed quiet.

"Do you really think she's mad at us?" Chanyeol asked worriedly.

Baekhyun shurgged in reply. "I don't know."

"We were just kidding!" Kai said, biting his lip in guilt.

Suho patted his back. "We know you were. Don't worry, Kyungmi is a forgiving person. She'll understand."

Baekhyun felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He took out his phone and check who is was from.*Oh, it's from Kyungmi.* He thought.

After reading the message,I frowned. 'You guys were right. Congratulations..'?

D.O. saw the look on his face and nudged him worriedly. "You okay?'

"Guys... I just got a text from Kyungmi." Baekhyun spoke.

All heads turned to him. "What does is say?" Luhan asked.

"It says, 'You guys were right. Congratulations'." He read, confused.

"What...what's that supposed to mean?" Chen asked him, and he shurgged in reply.

"I'm not sure." He mumbled in deep thought.

"Wait. The only thing we were talking about before she left was about Daehyun..." Lay pointed out.

They all looked at each other, and they all seemed to be reading each others minds.

"You don't think..." Kai spoke.

Chanyeol widened his eyes. "Did he?!"

Immidiately Baekhyun rose from his seat. "I'll go look for her." He said as he gathered his, as well as her, stuff.

"A-are you sure?" Suho asked him. "So you want us to go with you?"

He shook his head. "It's alright. Just meet us after school. Hopfully she'll be okay by then."

Suho just nodded. "Go get her Baek."

Baekhyun gave him a small smile before leaving the canteen.

*Now's your chance Byun Baekhyun.* Kris thought.


Baekhyun ran to every corner of the school and couldn't find her anywhere. *Kyungmi-ah, where are you?* He thought as he searched through the hallways. As he was looking, he spotted something. He walked closer to see a better view, and couldn't believe his eyes.

*So this is what happened.* He thought. *That son of a is gonna get it from me.*

He walked towards the two figures still making out and broke them apart.

"You little bastard!" Baekhyun cursed as he threw a punch at Daehyun who stumbled backwards.

Daehyun just smirked at him as he rubbed the spot he punched. Baekhyun grabbed the collars of his shirt and shoved him against the lockers. "Why would you do this to her?" He asked coldly.

Daehyun smirked once more. "Shouldn't you be happy lover boy? You can have her now."

Baekhyun let go off him and shot a glare at him. "She liked you Daehyun. A lot.

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bjonas84 #1
Chapter 18: This is really amazing story... please upadte...
Have been long time since you updated ...please don't forget that story it's so wonderful continue it please
Chapter 18: They're such good friends! I wish I had friends like them but hearing Baekhyun like, I understand Kyungmi's situation. Best friends falling in love and being too scare to confess to each other then someone comes into your life and makes your best friend fall inlove with them....they just hurts. I really, really want to know what happens next!!!! Update soon if it's not a brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
asianFrustration #3
Chapter 18: Those are quality friends right there for sure! Please update soon! I'm dying to know what happens next!
Letter09 #4
Please update soon! :)
KimMaeMyun1322 #5
awwwww... heartaches though. <///////33

update soon authornim!
Chapter 18: Fuuuuuuuudddggeeee
Chapter 18: This story always make my heart ached. Update soon